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Good day everyone especially to our Learning Tutor, Maam Susana Teresa


Having been in this great opportunity and for being chosen as one of the
recipients in this course is really a big privilege and honor. This course would be a great
help for me in updating and enhancing my teaching capabilities and potentials in the
changing world of teaching. My journey with this course would also uplift my individual
persistence to address the emerging development in the field of education that would
shape me on how to be a 21st century teacher.

Online course just like this is not new to me. I have been exposed to online
courses before and I am quite more adept on this kind of learning scenario. Since I am
also the ICT Coordinator in our school, I am into the world of internet and I believed I
can be a good and proactive participant to this online course.

This course is ensuing a Time-On-Task (TOT) in every session and I think that I
could be more participative and productive if I am going to be proactively ready, be on
time and on focus on the schedule of chats and forum so that I will not missed any
discussion and perhaps I can respond in my personal insights and ideas towards a
particular topic being discussed. On the other hand, I can also listen to others relating to
a particular situation where I can also learn from them in addressing a particular

Aside from the poor internet signal that I am experiencing right now, I am also
struggling on the performance of my computer. I feared that maybe during the chat
session and forum, I will be struggling on my internet connectivity and my computer unit
will also keep on troubling. I really hope it will not happen when that time comes. Also, I
feared that I cannot submit all the requirements on time to this online course.
A lot of things that may block my successful participation in this course: my
precious time, external factors, internet connection and maybe there are whims or
things that are not expected to happen during the online course that would hinder in my
participation to this online course.

I consider this as one of my challenges that I need to cope up in my teaching

career. I need to adapt and find ways to overcome my fears and challenges so that I
can graduate to this course. I might be struggling at the very beginning but I believe
what awaits me at the end is the fruit of my efforts and labor, and that is my success to
this online course.

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