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Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4

Department of Business Administration

Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Organisation & Management Fundamentals

Subject Code UBAAM01
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Business: Characteristics – Distinction between Business, Profession and Employment –
Scope – Classification of Industries – Meaning & Importance of Commerce – Trade & Aids
to trade.
Setting up a business: Establishing a business – Motives – Problems – Requisites for
success in business – Reasons for business failures.
Business Organisation: Meaning – Objectives – Forms.

Unit II
Sole Proprietorship: Features – Legal Position – Merits – Demerits – Suitability.
Partnership: Features – Sole Proprietorship Vs Partnership – Partnership Vs Co-ownership
– Merits & Limitations – Kinds of Partners and Partnership.
Limited Liability Partnership: Features – LLP Vs Partnership – LLP Vs Company.

Unit III
Joint Stock Company: Features – Classification of Companies – Public Vs Private
companies – Classification of Shares – Share Capital & Share – Share Certificate –
Debentures – Shares Vs Debentures – Merits and Limitations of company form of

Unit IV
Trade Association: Objectives – Functions - Advantages – Disadvantages – Trade
Associations in India.
Chamber of Commerce: Need – Kinds – Functions – Advantages & Disadvantages –
Chambers of Commerce in India – Trade Association Vs Chamber of Commerce.

Unit V
Management: Nature & Significance – Management process – Management &
Administration – Levels of management – Management as Art, Science and Profession –
Managerial Skills.

Unit VI
Pioneers of Management Thought: Taylor’s Scientific Management – Fayol’s Administrative

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30

Text & Reference Books:

1. Elements of Organisation & Commerce, Yogendra Prasad Verma , S.Chand

2. Business Organisation & Management, C.B.Gupta, Sultan Chand
3. Business Organisation & Management, Dinkar Pagare, Sultan Chand
4. Business Organisation & Management, P.C.Tulsian & Vishal Pandey, Pearson
5. Business Organisation & Management, Y K Bhushan, Sultan Chand
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Managerial Economics

Subject Code UBAAM02
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Managerial Economics: Wealth, Welfare, Scarcity and Growth definitions of Economics –
Relationship between Micro and Macro Economics - Nature & Scope of Managerial
Economics – Application of economics principles to managerial decision making – Role &
Responsibilities of Managerial Economist.

Unit II
Utility Analysis: Concept of Utility – Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility – Law of Equi-
Marginal Utility – Consumer Surplus.
Indifference Curve Analysis: Indifference Schedule – Indifference Curves & Map
(Illustrations) – Characteristics of Indifference Curves - Marginal Rate of Substitution –
Budget Line – Changes in Budget Line - Consumer Equilibrium.

Unit III
Demand Analysis: Demand Schedule and Demand Curve – Determinants of Demand – Law
of Demand - Changes in Demand – Elasticity of Demand
Demand Forecasting: Need – Types – Steps in Demand Forecasting – Elements – Various
methods of Demand forecasting.

Unit IV
Production & Supply Analysis: Factors of Production – Production Function – Law of
Variable proportion – Returns to Scale and Economies of Scale - Law of Supply – Elasticity
of Supply
Cost Analysis: Classification of Costs – Cost-output relationships in short run and long run
– Breakeven analysis – Revenue curves of firms

Unit V
Market Classification: Perfect Competition – Monopoly – Monopolistic Competition –
Oligopoly – Price-output determination under various market forms.

Unit VI
National Income: Definition and components of National Income-Component of National
Income- Computation of National Income- Difficulties in Computation of National Income

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30
Text & Reference Books:

1. Business Economics, Lekhi , Kalyani Publishers.

2. Managerial Economics, S Sankaran, Margham Publications.
3. Managerial Economics, Varshney & Maheswari, Sultan Chand
4. Managerial Ecoomics,P L Mehta, Sultan Chand
5. Managerial Economics, G.S.Gupta, TATA MCGRAW HILL
7. Managerial Economics, D.N.Dwivedi, Vikas Publishing House
8. Managerial Economics, R.Cauvery, S.Chand & Co
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Quantitative & Management Techniques – I

Subject Code UBAAL01
Major/Allied/Elective Allied Paper – I
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Arithmetic: Ratio and proportion, Indices, Logarithms-Simple problems
Permutation and Combination: Basic concept of permutation and combination-Simple

Unit II
Sequence and series: Arithmetic Progression, sum up to n terms, Properties of AP,
Geometric Progression, Sum up to n terms Properties of GP- Simple Problems.

Unit III
Correlation and Regression: Definition and Simple problems - Fitting a straight line
trend by the method of Least squares.

Unit IV
Probability: Definition, Mutually exclusive events, Independent events, Addition theorem,
Conditional probability, Multiplication theorem, Baye’s theorem-Simple problems.

Unit V
Theoretical Distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distribution Simple problems.

Unit VI
Operations research: Definition - Scope of OR - Limitations of OR - Linear Programming
problem (LPP), Mathematical formulation, Graphical method, Simplex method
(Maximization problem only)

End Theory Problems Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 6 6 12 10 2 20
Section B 1 6 7 5 5 25
Section C 0 4 4 2 15 30

Text & Reference Books:

1. Business Statistics & Operation Research, P R Vittal, Margham Publications

2. Business Statistics, Padmalochan Hazarika, S.Chand & Co
3. Business Statistics & Operation Research, Aggarwal Gupta, Kalyani Publishers
4. Business Statistics & Operation Research, S.P.Gupta & P.K.Gupta, Sultan Chand
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Management Process

Subject Code UBAAM03
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Planning: Nature, Importance & Limitations – Steps in Planning – Planning Premises
Objectives – Policies – Procedures – Rules - Strategies – Single use plans Vs Standing
Plans – Programmes and Budgets.

Unit II
Decision-making: Types of Managerial Decisions – Process - Limitations - techniques used
in decision-making.
Management by Objectives: Concept - Process – Limitations

Unit III
Organisation: Organising Process - Importance –Types of Different Organisation structures
- Authority & Responsibility – Delegation of Authority – Departmentation – Centralisation
Vs Decentralisation – Formal Vs Informal Organisation.

Unit IV
Directing: Nature and importance - Elements of Directing function - Supervision – Span of
supervision – Factors determining span of supervision.
Motivation: Importance – types of motivators – Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory –
Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Theory – Douglas Mcgregor’s Theory X & Theory Y –Motivational
Techniques - Morale & Productivity.

Unit V
Leadership: Importance - Formal & informal leaders – Leadership styles – Traits of a good
Communication: Importance of communication – The process – Communication network –
Grapevine – Oral and written communication – Barriers to communication.

Unit VI
Control: Need for Control – Controlling Process – Controlling Tools and techniques.
Coordination: Need and importance – Principles and techniques of coordination.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30
Text & Reference Books:

1. Business Management, C B Gupta, Sultan Chand

2. Business Management, Dinkar Pagare, Sultan Chand
3. Principles & Practice of Management, L.M.Prasad, Sultan Chand
4. Principles of Management, P.C.Tripathi & P.N.Reddy, Tata Mcgraw Hill
5. Fundamentals of Management, N.W.Samarth & Prathibha Shriya, S.Chand
6. Management, Robbins & Coulter, Nutech Photolithographers
7. Management – A Global Perspective, Weiherich & Koontz, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Marketing Management

Subject Code UBAAM04
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Introduction: Markets – Classification of Markets – Definition of Marketing – Marketing Vs
Selling – Marketing Functions (Clark & Clark) - Relationship of marketing with other
functional areas – Concept of Marketing Mix

Unit II
Buyer/Consumer Behaviour: Buying motives –Factors influencing buyer Behaviour –
Buying Process of Consumer Goods –Market Segmentation – Targeting – Positioning

Unit III
Product: Product Planning - Product Mix (Width & Depth) – New product development
process – Product life cycle –Branding – Packaging - Labeling

Unit IV
Pricing: Objectives – Determinants of Pricing Decisions – Price Determination Process –
Pricing Policies – Pricing Strategies –Pricing Methods & techniques – Discounts &
Allowances – Resale Price Maintenance

Unit V
Marketing Channels: Alternative Channels – Distribution Strategies – Functions of Channel
Members – Dealer Selection, Training & Motivation - Factors influencing choice of channel
- Wholesalers (Functions & Types) - Retailers (Functions and types)

Unit VI
Promotion Mix: Determinants of Promotion Mix - Advertising – Publicity – Public Relation –
Personal selling – Direct selling – Sales promotion

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30

Text & Reference Books:

1. Marketing Management, C B Gupta & Rajan Nair, Sultan Chand

2. Modern Marketing, Pillai & Bagavathy, S Chand,
3. Marketing Management, R.L.Varshney, Sultan Chand
4. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Thomas Press India Limited
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Quantitative & Management Techniques – II

Subject Code UBAAL02
Major/Allied/Elective Allied Paper – II
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Differential calculus: Differentiation –Simple differentiation (without Trigonometric
functions), Differentiation of Implicit functions,(Up to second order)-Simple problems.
Maxima and minima of functions of one variable, Marginal cost, Average cost, Marginal
revenue Total Revenue-Simple problems.

Unit II
Large Sampling: Definition, Types of Sampling, Standard error, Test of single mean and
Test of difference between two sample means, -Simple problems

Unit III
Small Samples: T-test-single mean, difference of two population mean, F-test,
Chi-square test, Test of Significance of the difference between observed and expected
frequencies and test of independence of attributes -Simple problems.

Unit IV
Transportation Problem: Definition, Basic feasible solution of a transportation problem,
modified distribution method (non-degenerate only).
Assignment Problem: Introduction, Assignment problem structure and solution,
unbalanced assignment problem, Maximization and minimization in an Assignment

Unit V
Game Theory: Meaning and its applications,Two persons zero sum game, Pure and mixed
strategies, Minimax and maximin principle different methods of solving game theory (No

Unit VI
Network Analysis: Introduction, objectives and applications of network analysis, Network
diagram CPM analysis PERT analysis (Without crashing).

End Theory Problems Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 6 6 12 10 2 20
Section B 1 6 7 5 5 25
Section C 0 4 4 2 15 30

Text & Reference Books:

1. Business Statistics & Operation Research, P R Vittal, Margham Publications

2. Business Statistics, Padmalochan Hazarika, S.Chand & Co
3. Business Statistics & Operation Research, Aggarwal Gupta, Kalyani Publishers
4. Business Statistics & Operation Research, S.P.Gupta & P.K.Gupta, Sultan Chand
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Accounting for Management – I

Subject Code UBAAM05
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Accounting: Meaning and scope – Persons interested in Accounting – Branches of
Accounting – Objectives of Accounting – Accounting Transactions – Accounting concepts
and conventions – Double Entry book-keeping – Journal – Ledger – Trial Balance.

Unit II
Bank Reconciliation Statement: Need – Reconciling Cash Book and Pass Book
Depreciation: Concept – Causes – Straight Line Method – Written Down Value Method –
Provision for Depreciation Account.

Unit III
Preparation of Financial Statements: Sole trading concern (with adjustments) – Company
(in Schedule VI format).

Unit IV
Valuation of Goodwill: Average Profits – Super Profits – Annuity Method - Capitalisation
Valuation of Shares: Net Asset method - Yield method - Fair value methods.

Unit V
Ratio Analysis: Profitability ratios – Turnover ratios – Solvency ratios – Liquidity Ratios –
Preparation of Financial statements from ratio (Inverse Problems).

Unit VI
Analysis of Financial Statements: Funds Flow Analysis – Cash Flow Analysis (as per AS-3

End Theory Problems* Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Q. P.
Section A 6 6 12 10 2 20
Section B 3 4 7 5 5 25
Section C 1 3 4 2 15 30

*Simple Problems only.


1. Financial and Management Accounting, T. S. Reddy & Hari Prasad Reddy, Margham
2. Financial and Management Accounting, Vashisht & Saxena, S.Chand
3. Principles of Management Accounting, S.N.Maheswari, Sultan Chand
4. Corporate Accounting, R.L.Gupta and M.Radhaswamy, Sultan Chand
5. Financial Accounting, Reddy & Murthy, Margham Publications
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Legal Aspects of Business - I

Subject Code UBAAM06
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Law: Meaning – Sources & Branches – Meaning of contract – Formation of contract –
Classification of contract – Essentials of a valid contract.

Unit II
Elements of Contract: Offer and Acceptance – Consideration – Consent – Capacity of
Parties – Legality of Object – Contingent Contracts – Quasi Contracts.

Unit III
Performance and discharge of contract – Breach of contract & Remedies for Breach.

Unit IV
Special contracts: Indemnity – Guarantee.

Unit V
Special contracts: Bailment and pledge – Contract of agency

Unit VI
Law of Sale of Goods: Agreement to sell - Conditions and Warranty – Sale by non-owners
– Rights of an unpaid seller – Auction sale

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Elements of Mercantile Law, N.D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand.

2. Elements of Mercantile Law, P.P.S.Gogna, S.Chand
3. Indian Contract Act, Avtar Singh, Eastern Book Company
4. Legal and Regulatory Framework of Business, N.D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand.
5. Commercial & Industrial Laws, M.R.Shrinivasan, Margham Publications
6. Relevant Bare Acts
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Advertising & Brand Management

Subject Code UBAAM07
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Advertising: Importance & Objectives – Benefits & Criticism – Classification of
Advertisements – Impact on Society and economy – Advertising as a marketing tool –
Advertising & Consumer Behaviour.

Unit II
Advertising Media: Planning & Scheduling – Indoor & Outdoor Media – Media Selection
Message Design & Development: Advertisement Copy – Copy design, layout & production
– Advertising themes & appeals.

Unit III
Advertising Agencies: Types – Organisational Structure – Selecting an agency – Agency
compensation – Client Account Management.
Advertising Budget: Preparation & Execution – Methods of determining budget
appropriation – Determinants of appropriation

Unit IV
Introduction to Branding: Essentials for the success of a brand – Brand Perspectives -
Anatomy of a brand – Types of Brand Names – Family Brands Vs Individual Brands

Unit V
Brand Dimensions: Brand Associations – Brand Equity – Brand Identity – Brand Positioning
– Brand Image.

Unit VI
Protecting a Brand: Trademarks – Copyrights – Patents – Obligations of a patent holder –
Registration of Brands – Bio-piracy

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Advertising & Sales Promotion, Saravanavel & Sumathi, Margham Publications

2. Advertising & Sales Management, C.N.Sontakki, Kalyani Publishers
3. Brand Management, Dr. L. Natarajan, Margham Publications
4. Compendium of Brand Management, Himalaya Publishing House
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Production & Materials Management

Subject Code UBAAM08
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Production Management: Scope & Significance of Production Management - Factors
influencing location of a plant – Urban Vs rural site selection – Importance of plant location
- Importance of plant layout – Principles of a good layout – Methods of Production

Unit II
Production Planning and Control (PPC): Concepts – Objectives of PPC - Functions of PPC –
Value Analysis – Six Sigma

Unit III
Plant maintenance: Cause and costs associated with breakdown – Types of maintenance -
Objectives of a good maintenance system
Quality control: Need – Statistical Quality Control – Control Charts & Acceptance Sampling
– Quality Circles – TQM

Unit IV
Material Management: Meaning – Significance – Functions – Concept of Integrated
Materials Management.

Inventory Control: Functions – Importance – Replenishment of Stock – Material Demand

Forecasting – Material Requirement Planning – Just-In-Time model – ABC Analysis – VED
Analysis – FSN Analysis – Inventory Control of spares & slow moving items – EOQ – EBQ.

Unit V
Store Keeping: Objectives & Functions – Stores Responsibilities – Location of Storehouse –
Centralised Store Room - - Equipment – Security Measures – Protection & Prevention of
stores – Fire & Other hazards – Bin Card – Stock Records – Identification & Disposal of
obsolete, surplus & scrap materials.

Unit VI
Purchase Management: Purchasing – Procedure – Principles – Import Substitution –
International Purchase – Import purchase procedure - Sources of Supply – Price
Determination & Negotiation – Vendor Rating – Selection & Development.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30
Text & Reference Books:

1. Production & Materials Management, Saravanavel & Sumathi, Margham

2. Production & Operations Management, Sharma Gagan Deep & Others, Kalyani
3. Production & Operations Management, Nair, Mcgraw Hill
4. Production & Operations Management, Chary, Mcgraw Hill
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Money, Banking & Capital Markets

Subject Code UBAAL03
Major/Allied/Elective Allied Paper – III
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Nature and Functions of Money: Barter System – Primary, Secondary and Contingent
Functions of Money – Metallic Money – Paper Money – Credit Money – Role of Money in
Capitalistic and Socialistic Economic Systems - Defeats or Evils of Money – Composition of
Money Supply In India

Unit – II
Business Cycles: Definition – Characteristics – Phases of Trade Cycle – Types of Business
Inflation and Deflation: Definition – Characteristics – Types – Causes – Consequences of
Inflation and Deflation – Measures to control Inflation & Deflation.

Unit III
Indian banking System: Kinds of Banks – Functions of Commercial Banks - Rationale &
Arguments for nationalization – Co-operative Banking – Non-Banking Finance Companies
and their functions.

Unit IV:
Banking Sector reforms in the last 2 decades – Impact of Technology on banking system
(Core Banking, Internet Banking, etc.) – Plastic Money (Credit, Debit & Smart Cards) -
Role of RBI as a apex body of the banking system

Unit V
Money Market: Characteristics – Constituents – Importance – Instruments – Features of
money market in India.

Unit VI
Capital Markets: Primary Vs Secondary markets – Functions of Stock exchange in India –
Listing of Securities – Role of SEBI in regulating Capital Markets.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30

Text & Reference Books:

1. Money, Banking & International Trade, S. Sankaran, Margham Publications

2. Banking & Financial System, B. Santhanam, Margham Publications
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Accounting for Management - II

Subject Code UBAAM09
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Cost & Management Accounting: Nature - Scope – Limitations - Cost Classification –
Elements of Cost – Cost Sheet - Tenders & Quotations.
Material Cost: Inventory Levels – Economic Order Quantity – Valuation of Material Issues
under FIFO, LIFO and Weighted Average Cost Methods.

Unit II
Labour Cost: Computation of Labour Cost under Time Rate and Piece Rate Methods –
Treatment of Idle Time – Premium & Bonus Plans (Halsey & Rowan Plans) - Computation
of Labour Turnover.

Unit III
Overheads: Classification of Overheads – Allocation & Apportionment of Overheads –
Reapportionment of Service Department Costs to Production Departments – Absorption of
Overheads – Under & Over Absorption of Overheads.

Unit IV
Marginal Costing: Absorption Costing Vs Marginal Costing – CVP Analysis – Breakeven
analysis – Breakeven Charts – Profit Planning – Margin of Safety - Relevant Vs Irrelevant
Costs – Key Factor & Limiting Factor – Product Mix decisions – Make or Buy decision–
Export Offer decision– Shut down or Continue decision.

Unit V
Budgetary Control: Advantages & Limitations - Preparation of budgets with respect to
Sales, Production, Materials, Labour, Overheads, and Cash Budget – Flexible Budget –
Zero based budgeting.

Unit VI
Standard Costing & Variance Analysis: Material Cost Variance – Labour Cost Variance –
Sales Variance.

End Theory Problems* Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Q. P.
Section A 6 6 12 10 2 20
Section B 3 4 7 5 5 25
Section C 1 3 4 2 15 30

*Simple Problems only


1. Financial and Management Accounting, T. S. Reddy & Hari Prasad Reddy, Margham
2. Cost and Management Accounting, S.N.Maheswari
3. Financial and Management Accounting, Vashisht & Saxena, S.Chand
4. Principles of Management Accounting, S.N.Maheswari, Sultan Chand
5. Corporate Accounting, R.L.Gupta and M.Radhaswamy, Sultan Chand
6. Financial Accounting, Reddy & Murthy, Margham Publications
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Legal Aspects of Business - II

Subject Code UBAAM10
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Law of Partnership: Features – Classification of Partners and Partnership – Partnership
deed – Registration of Firms – Rights, duties & liabilities of partners – Relationship of
partners with third parties – Minor as a partner – Admission, Death & Retirement of
partners – Dissolution of Firm.

Unit II
Company Law: Corporate Personality & Lifting of Corporate Veil – Promotion –
Incorporation – Memorandum of Association – Articles of Association – Doctrine of Ultra
Vires, Constructive Notice and Indoor Management – Provisions with respect to Prospectus
including Misstatement in prospectus.

Unit III
Company Management (Directors): Appointment – Disqualification – Vacation of Office –
Removal – Rights, duties and Liabilities – Directors Meetings – Directors Report – Directors

Unit IV
Law of Negotiable Instruments: Features of Negotiable Instruments – Transferability Vs
Negotiability – Types of Instruments & their features (Cheque, Bill of Exchange,
Promissory Note) – Crossing – Endorsements.

Unit V
Law of Consumer Protection: Objectives – Consumer Rights – Role of Consumer forums,
District, State and National Councils.

Unit VI
Cyber Law: Definitions – Digital Signature – Electronic Governance – Attribution,
acknowledgement and dispatch of electronic records – Regulation of Certifying Authorities
– Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal – Offence, Penalties & Adjudication.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Elements of Mercantile Law, N.D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand.

2. Elements of Mercantile Law, P.P.S.Gogna, S.Chand
3. Company Law, P.P.S.Gogna, S.Chand
4. Indian Contract Act, Avtar Singh, Eastern Book Company
5. Legal and Regulatory Framework of Business, N.D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand.
6. Commercial & Industrial Laws, M.R.Shrinivasan, Margham Publications
7. Relevant Bare Acts
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Retail Management

Subject Code UBAAM11
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Introduction: Functions of Retailing in a Distribution Channel – Importance of Retailing in
the economy – Types of Retailers based on merchandise & pricing – Types of retailers
based on operational structure – Non-store retailing.

Unit II
Store Location & Design: Types of Retail Locations – Factors for choosing a location –
Issues in choosing the right retail site – Store’s Image – Key considerations in Store
Layout – Exterior Design Vs Interior Design – Steps for designing store layout

Unit III
Merchandising & Supply Chain: Determining the right assortment – Assortment planning –
Merchandise Budget plan or buying plan – Sources of merchandise.
Controlling the Merchandise: Merchandise Turnover – Inventory Management – Periodic
Inventory & Perpetual Inventory – Minimizing Shrinkage

Unit IV
Store Management: Responsibility of a store manager – Major functions of a store – House
keeping – Merchandise Handling – Safety in stores

Unit V
Promotional Strategies: Advertising – Sales Promotion – Publicity – Store Atmosphere –
Personal Selling.

Unit VI
Application of Information Technology in Retailing: Impact areas – Essentials of an
information system – Enterprise Resource Planning – I.T. Applications in Retailing

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Retail Management, Arif Sheikh & Kaneez Fatima, Himalaya Publishing House
2. Retailing Management, Micheal Levy, Barton A.Weitz & Ajay Pandit, Tata Mcgraw
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Subject Code UBAAM12
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Overview of Logistics: Evolution of the logistics concepts – Growing importance of logistics
in India – Logistical competitive advantage – Components & Functions of Logistics
Management – Concept of Customer Service – Customer Service Costs

Unit II
Supply Chain Management: Nature & Concept – Value Chain – Framework for supply chain
solution – Outsourcing & 3PLs – Fourth Party Logistics – Supply chain relationships

Unit III
Transportation: Modes – Elements of Transportation Cost – Containerization –
Transportation Design (Pricing & Rate) – Transportation Network (Routing & Scheduling)

Unit IV
Warehousing & Distribution Centers: Concepts of Warehousing – Types of Warehouse –
Functions of Warehousing – Warehousing Strategy – Warehouse Design – Operational
Mechanism of a warehouse.

Unit V
Protective Packaging – Order Processing – Materials Handling – Marine Transit Insurance

Unit VI
Logistical Information System – Operational Logistical Information System – Information
Technology solutions for Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Emerging Technologies
– Demand Forecasting techniques

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Logistics & Supply Chain Management, D.K.Agrawal, Macmillan

2. Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Martin Christopher, Pearson Education
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject International Trade

Subject Code UBAAL04
Major/Allied/Elective Allied Paper IV
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Foreign Trade: Internal Trade Vs International Trade – Problems of Foreign Trade – Need
for foreign Trade – Theories of Foreign Trade (Absolute, Comparative, and Equal Cost
Differences) – Balance of Trade Vs Balance of Payments – Causes of BoP Disequilibrium –
Measures to correct Disequilibrium.

Unit II
Procedures & Documents: Export Procedure – Import Procedure – Bill of Lading –
Transport Documents – Certificates & Documents – Letter of Credit.

Unit III
Foreign Exchange: Meaning – Functions of Foreign Exchange - Exchange Transactions –
Fixed Vs Flexible rates – Spot and Forward Rates - Determinants of Forex rates –
Purchasing Power Parity theory.

Unit IV
Exchange Control in India: Functions of RBI – Exchange control – Convertibility of
Currency – Foreign Exchange Regulations – FERA & FEMA.

Unit V
Financing: Financing of Imports – Financing of Exports – Payment of Import Bills – Packing
Credit – Collection of Export Bills – Export incentives – Functions of ECGC – EXIM policy

Unit VI
International Economic Organisations: IMF – World Bank Group – SAARC.
WTO & International Environment: Evolution of GATT – GATT to WTO – Functions of WTO
– Ministerial Conference – Recent Developments.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. International Economics, S.Sankaran, Margham Publications

2. International Economics, Francis Cherunilam, McGraw Hill
3. International Economics, Victor Louis Anthuvan & Others, S.Chand
4. International Business, P.Subba Rao, Himalaya Publishing House
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Strategic Management

Subject Code UBAAM13
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Introduction: Concept of Strategy – Strategic Business Unit – Levels of Strategy –
Strategic Management Process – Vision & Mission Statements – Goals & Objectives –
Mckinsey’s 7-S Model

Unit II
Environmental Appraisal: Internal Environment – External Environment – Environmental
Scanning – SWOT Analysis - ETOP

Unit III
Corporate/Grand Strategies: Stability Strategies – Expansion Strategies – Retrenchment
Strategies – Turnaround strategies – Divestment Strategies
Business level of strategies: Focus – Differentiation – Cost Leadership

Unit IV
Strategy Analysis: Industry & Competitive Analysis – TOWS Matrix – BCG Matrix – GAP
Analysis – ADL Matrix – GE Nine-cell matrix – Experience Curve or learning curve –
Product life cycle

Unit V
Strategy Implementation: Structural Implementation – Behavioural Implementation –
Functional & Operational implementation

Unit VI
Strategy Evaluation & Control: Barriers in Evaluation & Control – Types of Strategic
Controls – Evaluation techniques of strategic control

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Strategic Management, S Sankaran, Margham Publications.

2. Business Policy & Strategic Management, Text & Cases by Francis Cherunilam
3. Strategic Planning & Management by P.K.Ghosh
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Human Resource Management

Subject Code UBAAM14
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Human Resource Management: Nature and Scope –Functions of HRM – Human Resource
Planning – Job Specification – Job Description.

Unit II
Procurement Function: Recruitment Process – Sources of Recruitment – Selection Process
– Uses of various tests – Interviews – Types of Interviews – Interview Process – Guidelines
for effective interviewing – Placement.

Unit III
Training, Development & Appraisal: Induction – Need and Importance of Training -
Identifying training needs – Methods and Techniques of Training – Promotions & Transfers
- Career Planning & Development – Performance Appraisal – Need and Significance -
Methods of Appraisal.

Unit IV
Compensation & Rewards system: Job Evaluation – Concept and Need for Job Evaluation -
Components of Worker Remuneration – Incentive Schemes – Benefits – Welfare and Social
Security Measures.

Unit V
Absenteeism: Meaning – Causes – Consequences of higher rate of absenteeism – Measures
to control absenteeism.
Labour Turnover: Causes – Consequences – Cost of labour turnover – Measures to control
labour turnover.

Unit VI
Contemporary trends in H.R.: Emotional Quotient – Mentoring – Executive Stock Option
Plans – Workforce Diversity – Ethical Issues

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Human Resource Management, C.B.Gupta, Sultan Chand

2. Human Resource Management, Jayasankaran, Margham Publications
3. Human Resource Management, L.M.Prasad, Sultan Chand
4. Human Resource Management, Aswathappa, McGraw Hill
5. Human Resource Management, P.C.Tripathi, Sultan Chand
6. Human Resource Management, Garry Dessler, Saurabh Printers
7. Human Resource Management, C.B.Memoria, Himalaya Publishers
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Marketing Research

Subject Code UBAAM15
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Marketing Research: Nature & Scope – Marketing Research Process – Types of Research –
Scientific Approach to marketing research – Exploratory & Conclusive Research designs.

Unit II
Data Sources & Collection: Primary & Secondary Data – Observation Method – Survey
(Telephone, Mail & Personal Interview) – Questionnaire Design process.

Unit III
Data Collection, Preparation & Analysis: Sampling Vs Census Methods – Sampling
Techniques – Data Preparation Process - Data Tabulation- Measures of Central Tendency,
Dispersion & Shape – Presentation of findings in the form of Report

Unit IV
Product Research: New Product Research – Product Life Cycle Research – Branding
Research - Packaging Research

Unit V
Market & Sales Analysis Research: Market Potential – Sales Forecasting – Sales Analysis –
Market Share Analysis – Determining market characteristics

Unit VI
Advertising Research: Product Appeal – Copy Testing – Media Selection Research

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Marketing Research, Dr.D.D.Sharma, Sultan Chand

2. Marketing Research, Beri, McGraw Hill
3. Marketing Research, Malhotra, Pearson Education
4. Marketing Research – Concepts & Applications, Dogra Balram, Kalyani Publishers
5. Marketing Research, Ravilochanan, Margham Publications
6. Marketing Research, Nargundkar, McGraw Hill
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Industrial & Labour Laws

Subject Code UBAAE01
Major/Allied/Elective Elective #1
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
The Factories Act, 1948: Meaning – Objectives – Applicability – Health, Safety & Welfare
Measures – Working Hours, Holidays & Annual Leave – Special provisions regarding
employment of women, young persons and dangerous operations.

Unit II
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: Concept of Industry – Procedure regarding Adjudication and
Arbitration – Forum under the Act – Lay off, Retrenchment & Closure – Strike & Lock Out -
Unfair Labour Practice – Collective Bargaining – Workers Participation in Management.

Unit III
Trade Union, its functions & The Trade Union Act, 1926.

Unit IV
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923: Applicability – Disablement under the Act – Accidents
out of Employment and Course of Employment.

Unit V
Social Security Laws: Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 and Provident Fund Act:
Structure - Schemes (basic Concepts)

Unit VI
Payment of Wages Act: Objectives – Responsibility for payment of wages – Time of
payment of wages – Deductions from wages.
Payment of Gratuity Act: Determination of Gratuity – Payment – Nomination – Deductions
– Rights and obligations of employers and employees.

Note: Fundamental understanding of the provisions concerned is required, but

not an in-depth or a critical analysis. Due weightage may be given to applied

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Elements of Mercantile Law, N.D.Kapoor, Sultan Chand

2. Personnel Management & Industrial Laws, N.D.Kapoor, Sultan Chand
3. Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, S.C.Srivastava, Vikas Publishing House
4. Industrial & Labour Law, Dr. M R Shreenivasan, Margham Publications
5. Relevant Bare Acts
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

Subject Code UBAAE02
Major/Allied/Elective Elective Paper #2
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Entrepreneurship: Definition – Features of an entrepreneur – Distinction between
Entrepreneur and Manager – Intrapreneur – Classification of Entrepreneurs – Functions of
entrepreneur – Factors influencing entrepreneurship – Role of entrepreneurship in the
development of economy.

Unit II
Setting up a business: Search for business idea – sources and selection – project
classification and identification – constraints - features of ancillary units – consumer
products – feasibility – prospects – project objectives – design and appraisal – format for

Unit III
Financial analysis: Capital cost – operating cost – cost estimation and budgeting under
uncertainty – risk and inflation – proforma profit and loss, balance sheet – cash flow
statement – social costs – cost benefit analysis

Unit IV
Project Finance: Sources of project finance – credit facilities – types – evaluation by
financial institutions – role of consultancy organisations – uses of leasing arrangements –
institution providing technical, financial and marketing assistance.

Unit V
Problems of entrepreneurs: Various problems faced by entrepreneurs in general and
women in particular – Rural Entrepreneur – Small scale entrepreneurs – Sickness in small
scale industries and suggestions for their improvement.

Unit VI
Starting a small industry: Steps – Selection of type of organisation – Incentives &
subsidies – Central Government & State Schemes – Incentives to SSI – Exploring export
possibilities – Incentives for exports – Import of capital goods and raw materials.

Entrepreneurial development programmes in India and its prospects.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, C B Gupta & S.S.Khanka, Sultan

2. Entrepreneurial Development, S.S.Khanka, S.Chand
3. Entrepreneurial Development, C.B.Gupta & N.P.Srinivasan, Sultan Chand
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Business Taxation

Subject Code UBAAM16
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Tax System in India: Union List, State List & Concurrent List – Distribution of Revenue –
Features & Objectives of Taxes - Canons of taxation – Types of Taxes – Direct & Indirect
Taxes (Features. merits & demerits)

Unit II
Income Tax Law framework in India: Person – Assessee – Previous Year – Assessment
Year – Gross Total Income – Total Income – Rates of Tax for the current Assessment year
– Five heads of Income - Charge of Income Tax – Scope of Total Income – Residential

Unit III
Income Tax Law: Computation of Business Income (Simple Problems & Does not
include Depreciation computation u/s 32) – Return of Income – Permanent Account
number – Types of Assessments – Recovery of Tax (Advance Tax & T.D.S.) – Offences &
Penalties under the Income Tax Law.

Unit IV
Central Excise Law: Features of Central Excise – Important Definitions – Administrative
setup – Types of Excise Duties – Levy & Collection – Exemption – Provisions relating to salt
– Excise duty with respect to Small scale industries – Concept of CENVAT.

Unit V
Customs Law: Features – Types of customs duty – Important Definitions – Detection of
illegally imported goods & Prohibition of disposal – Prevention & Detection of illegally
exported goods – Levy & Collection – Exemption – Search, seizure & Arrest – Confiscation
of goods & Conveyance – Duty drawbacks – Advalorem Vs Specific duties.

Unit VI
Sales Tax and VAT: Single-point taxation Vs multi-point taxation – General Sales Tax and
Central Sales Tax - Cascading effect – Concept of Value Added Tax – Merits and limitations
of VAT.

End Theory Problems* Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 5 2 7 5 5 25
Section C 3 1 4 2 15 30

*Problems shall be based on Residential Status, Scope of Total Income and

Business Income only.


1. Income Tax Law & Practice, Gaur & Narang, Kalyani Publishers
2. Indirect Taxes, V.Balachandran, Sultan Chand
3. Direct Taxes – Law & Practice, Vinod K Singhania, Tanprints India Ltd
4. Tax Laws – Yogendra Vandana Bhangar & Vineet K Sodhani, Aadhya Prakashan
Private Limited
5. Relevant Bare Acts
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Business Finance

Subject Code UBAAM17
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Financial Management: Definition – Objectives – Functions of a finance manager –
Financial Planning – Time value of money.

Unit II
Capital Structure: Sources of long term finance - Factors influencing Capital Structure –
Importance of capital structure - EBIT/EPS analysis – Indifference point - Financial,
Operating and Combined Leverage – Capital Structure Theories (except MM Theory).

Unit III
Cost of Capital: Measurement and Significance – Cost of Debt – Cost of Preference Capital
– Cost of equity – Cost of retained earnings - Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

Unit IV
Capital Budgeting Decisions: Nature of Investment Decisions – Investment evaluation
criteria - Payback Period – Accounting Rate of Return – Discounted Payback Period – Net
Present Value – Internal Rate of Return – Profitability Index.

Unit V
Working Capital Management: Sources of short-term finance - Concept of
Operating/Working Capital Cycle – Determinants of working capital - Estimation of Working

Unit VI
Cash Management: Liquidity Needs – Cash Management Techniques (Lock Box system,
concentration banking, collection centres & Factoring).
Receivables Management: Ageing Schedule – Credit Policy alternatives (Credit Period,
Credit Limit, Discounts, Collection efforts & Credit Standards).

End Theory Problems* Total To Marks per Total

Semester Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 6 6 12 10 2 20
Section B 3 4 7 5 5 25
Section C 2 2 4 2 15 30


1. Elements of Financial Management, S.N.Maheswari, Sultan Chand

2. Financial Management, Khan & Jain, Mcgraw Hill
3. Financial Management, Prasanna Chandra, Mcgraw Hill
4. Financial Management, Sharma & Gupta, Kalyani Publishers
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Business Communication & Executive Skills

Subject Code UBAAM18
Major/Allied/Elective Major Paper
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Communication: Process – Communication Media - Barriers to communication –
Overcoming the barriers – Principles of Communication.

Unit II
Business Letters: Layout – Enquiries & Replies – Orders - Sales & Collection letters –
Application Letters – Interview Letters – Letters of Appointment, Confirmation, Promotion,
Resignation & Retrenchment – Public Relations Letters.

Unit III
Business Reports: Types – Preparation & Organisation of Reports
Meeting Management: Agenda – Conduct - Minutes

Unit IV
Oral Communication: Presentation Skills - Telephone etiquette – Listening.
Body Language: Advantages & Limitations - Eye Contact – Gestures – Postures –
Appearance – Effective use of body language.

Unit V
Negotiation & Bargaining: Approaches – Tactics – Process - Guidelines for successful
Interviews: Selection Interview – Appraisal Interview – Exit Interview.

Unit VI
Vision & Goal Setting: Importance of Vision & Goals – Goal setting process – Goal pyramid.
Time Management: Time Wasters (Laziness, Overload, Interruptions, Regretting,
Procrastination, etc.) – Prioritisation of activities.
Stress Management: Causes of stress – Strategies to overcome stress – Managing

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Essentials of Business Communication, Rajendra Pal & Korlahalli, Sultan Chand

2. Business Communication, C.B.Gupta, S.Chand
3. Executive Communication, Devaraj, McGraw Hill
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Organisational Behaviour

Subject Code UBAAM19
Major/Allied/Elective Core
Maximum Marks 100

Unit I
Organisational Behaviour: Nature – Objectives – Significance – Hawthorne Experiments -
O.B. Models – Factors influencing individual behaviour – Models of Man.

Unit II
Individual Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour: Personality – Perception – Attitudes –

Unit III
Group Dynamics: Types of Groups – Group Formation – Group Norms – Group
Cohesiveness – Group Decision making.

Unit IV
Organisational Conflicts: Causes – Consequences – Stages of conflict –Levels of conflict –
Conflict outcomes – Resolution of conflicts.
Organisational Change: Need for change – Resistance to Change – Organisational
strategies to overcome resistance to change.

Unit V
Quality of Work Life: Importance – Criteria for measuring QWL – Improving QWL.
Organisational Development & Effectiveness: Objectives of O.D. – Evaluation of O.D. –
Levels of Organisational effectiveness – Determinants of effectiveness.

Unit VI
Organisational Climate & Culture: Concept – Developing a sound organisational climate –
Morale Measurement & Morale Building – Impact of Organisational Culture.

Semester Total To Marks per Total
Theory Problems
Q.P. Questions answer Question Marks
Section A 12 0 12 10 2 20
Section B 7 0 7 5 5 25
Section C 4 0 4 2 15 30


1. Organisational Behaviour, J.Jayasankaran, Margham Publications

2. Organisational Behaviour, L M Prasad, Sultan Chand.
3. Organisational Behaviour, S.S.Khanka, S. Chand.
4. Organisational Behaviour, Stephen P.Robbins, Prentice Hall of India
5. Organisational Behaviour, Shashi Gupta & Rosy Joshi, Kalyani Publishers
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Project Work

Subject Code UBAAE03
Major/Allied/Elective Elective Paper #3
Maximum Marks 100

1. The Project shall broadly relate to functional areas of management like Human
Resource Management, Marketing, Sales and Finance. It may also be a Business

2. The Project may be done as a group of a maximum of 3 students as per the

University of Madras Norms.

3. The project shall be guided by the department faculty. If required, the students
will also be provided an alumni mentor.

4. The Evaluation Scheme would be as follows:

a) Continuous Internal Assessment : 25 Marks

i. Project Proposal - 10 Marks
ii. Periodic Review - 5 Marks
iii. Final Presentation - 10 Marks
b) Report Evaluation & Viva-Voce : 75 Marks

5. The Examiner for the Viva-voce examination shall be nominated by the Chairman
of the Board of Studies.


Project proposal is intent to do a project and shall contain the following:

1. Title and a brief Description of the project

2. Need/Background for the project
3. Objectives of the study
4. Scope and Limitations
5. Data Required
6. Data Sources – Primary and Secondary
7. Data Collection Methods – Observation, Personal Interview, Telephonic survey, Mail
8. Sampling Plan – Size, Sampling techniques
9. Data Analytical techniques
10. Presentation of Findings in the report (Chapter scheme)

The proposal has to be presented by the group members for a maximum of 5 minutes.


The students must meet their guides on a regular basis. The different stages of review are
as follows:

1. Project Proposal
2. Questionnaire Design (If applicable)
3. Pilot Survey i.e. Pre testing of the questionnaire
4. Data Preparation, Coding and Tabulation
5. Data Analysis
6. Report Preparation
7. Final Approval and Signature of the Guide and the Head of the Department
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai – 4
Department of Business Administration
Curriculum for B.B.A. program – 2012 Batch onwards

Subject Business Ethics

Subject Code UBAAX01 – First Semester
Major/Allied/Elective/NME Non-Major Elective offered by the Department of
Business Administration
Maximum Marks Internal –25 Marks & End Semester – 75 Marks

Introduction: Ethics – Morality – Value Systems;

Business Ethics: Importance – Arguments for & against ethics – Mechanism for ethical
management (Committees, Hotline, Training, etc.).

Ethical Issues: Bribery & Corruption – Theft & Piracy – Coercion & Compulsion – Deception
& Duplicity – Unfair Discrimination.

Subject Ethics & Social Responsibility

Subject Code UBAAX02 – Second Semester
Major/Allied/Elective/NME Non-Major Elective offered by the Department of
Business Administration
Maximum Marks Internal –25 Marks & End Semester – 75 Marks

Internal Ethics of Business: Hiring employees – Screening practices – Promotions – Wages

– Exploitation of employees – Discipline – Whistle blowing.

External ethics of business: Ethics of competition – Fair prices – Consumer Rights – Ethics
of advertisement & false claims.

Social responsibility of business: Arguments for and against social responsibility –

Responsibility towards various stakeholders.

Q.P. pattern Total Questions To answer Marks per Total

Question Marks
Section A 7 5 5 25
Section B 7 5 10 50
Total 75

Recommended Text Book:

1. Business Ethics & Values, S.Sankaran, Margham Publications, Chennai

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