4.1.0 Magnetic-WPS Office

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0 Magnetic Compass

Most fieldwork done by an Engineering Aid (especially at the third- and second-class levels) consists of
field measurements and/or computations involving plane surveying of ordinary precision. This section
describes the basic instruments, tools, and other equipment used for this type of surveying. Instruments
used for more precise surveyswill also be described briefly.

Surveying instruments come in various forms, yet their basic functions are similar. A magnetic compass
consists principally of a circular compass card, usually graduated in degrees, and a magnetic needle,
mounted and free to rotate on a pivot located at the center of the card. The needle, when free from any
local attraction (caused by metal), lines itself up with the local magnetic meridian as a result of the
attraction of the earth's magnetic north pole.

The magnetic compass is the most commonly used and simplest instrument for measuring directions
and angles in the field. This instrument has a variety of civilian and military applications. The lensatic
compass (available in your Table of Allowance) is most commonly used for Seabee compass courses,
map orientation, and angle direction during mortar and field artillery fires.

3.1.0 Fieldwork

Field work is of primary importance in all types of surveys. To be a skilled surveyor, you must spend a
certain amount of time in the field to acquire needed experience. This training manual will help you
understand the theory behind surveying, instruments and their uses, and surveying methods. However,
proficiency in actual surveying, as in other professions, depends largely upon the duration, extent, and
variety of experience. Develop the habit of studying a problem thoroughly before going into the field.
Know exactly what is to be done, how to do it, and the instruments and materials necessary to do it.
Developing speed and consistent accuracy in all your fieldwork is essential. This means that you will
need practice in handling the instruments, taking observations, keeping field notes, and planning
systematic moves. Do not accept any measurement as correct without verification. Whenever possible,
verify using a method different than that used in the original measurement. Ensure that the precision of
your measurements are consistent with the accepted standard for the survey. Fieldwork also includes
adjusting the instruments and caring for field equipment. Do not attempt to adjust any instrument
unless you understand the workings or functions of its parts. Instrument adjustments in the early stages
of your career require close supervision from a senior EA.

3.1.1 Collection of Engineering Data

Collecting engineering data is part of Seabee surveying. Engineering data is any information essential for
efficient construction. Most of your fieldwork, such as running a traverse, leveling, and determining cuts
and fills, may be classified under this category. However, compiling these field measurements and
converting them into a common medium of value to the engineer requires skill you can only attain
through experience. Although all planning and organization is generally handled by the engineering
officer or by a senior EA, the actual collection of engineering data will generally be delegated to you;
hence, it is to your advantage to understand the procedures early on. This job may require combination
of fieldwork and office work. If information of the same quality can be found in sources other than
actual fieldwork, do not hesitate to use them. If necessary, use spot checks to verify certain points,
depending on the source. Each project requires the study of a different set of engineering data, so the
engineering officer or the senior EAs must devise a workable method of compilation for each particular
project. The compiled data must be complete in all respects required by the project and the compilation
completed with sufficient lead time. Generally, a separate folder for each project is maintained and
labeled. Some of the engineering data that may be considered for Seabee projects are as follows:

Vicinity maps, topographic maps, or aerial photographs of the site

Geographic factors such as accessibility and real estate

Geographic location: both latitude/longitude and control points (horizontal/vertical)

Tide information

Weather and climatic conditions: rainfall, wind velocity (including direction and duration), flood, and
seasons that have a reputation for extreme weather

Current velocity and discharge of a rivers/streams and estimates of the watershed area, if available

Types of soils and their natural conditions (collect samples for testing)

Availability of construction materials, such as rocks, gravel, sand, borrow pits, and timber near the site

Availability and suitability of local labor and existing facilities, such as sources of power, water, and other

Other factors affecting construction, military operations, and logistics support

3.1.2 Factors Affecting Fieldwork

The surveyor must constantly be alert to the different conditions encountered in the field. Physical
factors, such as terrain and weather conditions, affect each field survey to varying degrees. Fog or mist
can limit the ability to take telescope measurements. Swamps and flood plains under high water can
impede taping surveys. Sights over open water or fields of flat, unbroken terrain create ambiguities in
measurements taken with microwave equipment. The lengths of light-wave distance in measurements
are reduced in bright sunlight. Generally, reconnaissance will predetermine the conditions and alert the
survey party to the best methods and the rate of progress to expect. Technical readiness is another
factor affecting fieldwork. As you gain experience in handling various surveying instruments, you can
shorten survey time and avoid errors that would require resurvey. The purpose and type of survey are
primary factors determining accuracy requirements. First-order triangulation, which becomes the basis
or "control" of future surveys, is made to high-accuracy standards. Cuts and frills for a highway survey,
on the other hand, have much lower accuracy standards. Some construction surveys require computing
normally inaccessible distances. Compute the distance by means of trigonometry, using the angles and
the one distance that can be measured. You must make the measurements to a high degree of precision
to maintain accuracy in the computed distance. In simple terms, the purpose of the survey determines
the accuracy requirements. The required accuracy, in turn, influences the selection of instruments and
procedures. For instance, comparatively rough procedures can be used in measuring for earthmoving,
but grade and alignment of a highway have to be much more precise. Each increase in precision also
increases the time required to make the measurement, since you must take greater care and more

There is always a slight degree of error in survey measurements. No measurement is ever exact. The
errors can be systematic or accidental and are explained later in the chapter. Survey measurements are
also subject to mistakes. These occur most commonly from misunderstanding of the problem, poor
judgment, confusion on the part of the surveyor, or simple oversight. By working out a systematic
procedure, the surveyor will often detect a mistake when an operation seems out of place. That
procedure will be an advantage in setting up the equipment, making observations, recording field notes,
and making computations.

Survey speed is not the result of hurrying; it is the result of saving time through the following factors:

1. The skill of the surveyor in handling the Instruments

2. Intelligent planning and preparation of the work

3. Making only those measurements that are consistent with the accuracy

Experience is of great value, but in the final analysis, it is the exercise of common sense that makes the
difference between a good surveyor and an exceptional surveyor.

3.1.3 Field Survey Parties

The size of a field survey party depends upon the survey requirements, the equipment available, the
method of survey, and the number of personnel needed to perform the tasks required. The Seabees
commonly use three types of field survey parties: level party, transit party, and stadia party. Level Party

The smallest leveling party consists of two people: an instrumentman and a rodman. In this type of
organization, the instrumentman acts as note keeper. The party may need another recorder and one or
more extra rodmen to improve the efficiency of the leveling operations. Having additional rodmen
eliminates the waiting periods while one person moves from point to point, and an additional recorder
allows the instrumentman to take readings as soon as the rodmen are in position. When leveling
operations take place alongside other control surveys, the leveling party may become part of a
combined party with personnel assuming dual duties, as the workload requires or the party chief directs. Transit Party

A transit party consists of at least three people: an instrumentman, a head chainman, and a party chief.
The party chief is usually the note keeper and may double as rear chainman, or there may be an
additional rear chainman. The instrumentman operates the transit; the head chainman measures the
horizontal distances; and the party chief directs the survey and keeps the notes.

3. Stadia Party

A stadia party consists of at least three people: an instrumentman, a note keeper, and a rodman.
However, if the distance between the points is great, the party should include a second rodman so that
one can proceed to a new point while the other holds the rod on the point being observed. The note
keeper records the data called off by the instrumentman and makes the sketches required.

3.1.4 Field Notes

Field notes are the only record left after the field survey party departs the survey site. If these notes are
not clear and complete, the field survey is of little value. It is therefore necessary that your field notes
contain a complete record of all of the measurements made during the survey and that they include,
where necessary, sketches and narrations to clarify the notes. The following guidelines apply. Lettering

All field notes should be lettered legibly. The lettering should be freehand vertical or slanted Gothic
style, as illustrated in basic drafting. A fairly hard pencil or a mechanical lead holder with a 3H or 4H lead
is recommended. Format

Notes must be made in the regular field notebook and not on scraps of paper for later transcription.
Record separate surveys on separate pages or in different books. Mark the front cover of the field
notebook with the name of the project, its general location, the types of measurements recorded, the
designation of the survey unit, and other pertinent information.

The inside front cover should contain instructions for the return of the notebook, if lost. Reserve the
right-hand pages as an index of the field notes, a list of party personnel and their duties, a list of the
instruments used, dates and reasons for any instrument changes during the course of the survey, and a
sketch and description of the project.

Throughout the remainder of the notebook, clearly indicate the beginning and ending of each day's
work. Where pertinent, also record the weather, including temperature and wind velocities. To minimize
recording errors, someone other than the recorder should check and initial all data entered in the
notebook. Recording

Field note recording takes three general forms: tabulation, sketches, and descriptions.Any or all of these
forms may be combined, when necessary, to make a complete record.
In tabulation, the numerical measurements are recorded in columns according to a prescribed plan.
Spaces are also reserved to permit necessary computations. Sketches add much to clarify field notes;
use them liberally when applicable. You may draw them to an approximate scale or exaggerate
important details for clarity. A small ruler or triangle can aid in making sketches. Add measurements
directly on the sketch or keyed in some way to the tabular data. An important requirement of a sketch is
legibility. See that the sketch is drawn clearly and is large enough to easily understand. Tabulation, with
or without added sketches, can also be supplemented with descriptions. The description may be only
one or two words to clarify the recorded measurements, or it may be a lengthy narrative if it is to be
used at some future time to locate a survey monument.

Erasures are not permitted in field notebooks. Line out individual numbers or lines recorded incorrectly
and inset the correct values. Neatly cross out pages to be rejected and reference them to their
substitutes. This procedure is mandatory since the field notebook is the book of record and is often used
as legal evidence. Use standard abbreviations, signs, and symbols in field notebooks. If there is any
doubt as to their meaning, give an explanation in the form of notes or legends.

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