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New Spy and Scientific Movies

THERE seems to be no dearth of in- Another photo shows an exciting scene to get money to complete her father's
teresting photoplays, especially among in the sixth episode of "A Daughter of scientific researches, marries a wealthy man
those that depend on science to at- Uncle Sanz." Jessie Emerson (Miss Jane she doesn't love. A son is born to the
tract theater patrons. One film -play Vance) has just been captured by a band couple only to become a barrier between
in particular is very much in the of German spies and taken to their head- them. The husband leaves for a long sea
limelight at present, being the exposé of quarters in an abandoned cave on the New trip, is reported lost, but turns up at home
numerous plots against the United States England coast, where they propose to force just in time to see Laurel promise herself
even before we were drawn into this great her to reveal the secret of a marvelous war to Richard Leslie, a young doctor she had
world conflict. invention perfected by a lieutenant in the loved before her marriage. The death of
Written by that celebrated authority, Wm. United States Army. Jessie pretends to their son embitters Durand, the husband,
J. Flynn, late retired chief of the U. S. faint and while her guard rushes for aid and he plans a revenge as fiendish as it is
Secret Service, the drama under the title of she makes her way to the wireless instru- novel.

War Plots, Science, Mystery -All Are Dished Up in Profusion in the Newest "Movie" Dramas. Fig. 1 -A German Spy Radio Station In the
Mountains, from "A Daughter of Uncle Sam." 2 -The Chemical Laboratory in Olga Petrova's "The Light Within." Figs. 3 and 4-A New
Radio- Controlled Torpedo Built by German Spies in America, from "The Eagle's Eye."

The Eagle's Eye" leads one thru a series ment in the cave and sends out a call for He pretends a deep interest in the young
of episodes which show the despicable help. The ruse is detected and she is over- doctor and thru various pretexts throws
methods and plots originated to wreak ven- powered, but not before the operator who the pair together on every conceivable oc-
geance and hamper as much as possible has taken lier place at the Government sta- casion. Laurel finally discovers a serum
the work of beating the "Hun "! tion has picked up the brief message. The for the cure of the deadly anthrax germ
Two of the photos show a specially built unfinished call for help is turned over to thru the medium of the mascarine turtle.
wireless-controlled torpedo which the Im- the army authorities, and soldiers are or- She possesses but one small specimen of
perial German Government made in this dered to scour the community in search of the turtle, the only other one being the
country for the destruction of the flagship the possible hiding place of the gang. property of the city Zoo. Supremely con-
of the Atlantic Fleet as it was leaving New The last photo is a laboratory scene from fident of the serum, she decides to demon-
York Harbor after the review of 1915. "The Light Within," a recent Petrova strate the efficacy of her cure for anthrax
Also there may be seen a compact' land photo -play feature. Mme. Petrova, the by inoculating herself with the deadly
radio set tuned with the apparatus on the famous Polish star, plays the part of poison. Young Leslie begs her to use him
torpedo. so that perfect control may be had. I aurel, a doctor's daughter, who, in order (Continued on page 66.)

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