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KD 2

Is a group of words without have= S + V

A prepositional phrase is the combination of preposition and followed by noun,

noun phrase, pronoun, and gerund. Prepositional phrase always begins with a
preposition and end with an object (noun or pronoun)

Noun, noun phrase, pronoun, gerund are nouns.

Prepositional phrase = preposition + object of preposition (noun)

Examples of Prepositional Phrase:

1 at home  preposition + noun

2 because of you preposition + pronoun

3 under the bridge preposition + noun phrase

noun book, window, school, cup, girl, boy, etc.

noun phrase a book, the window, a cup, an apple, this boy, the man, etc.
pronoun as subject: I, you, they, we, she, he, it
as object : me, you, them, us, her, him, it
as possessive (+noun) : my, your, their, our, her, his, its
as possessive (- noun) : mine, yours, theirs, ours, hers, his.
gerund verb 1 + ing : drawing, seeing, playing, etc.

Preposition Object of preposition Prepositional
One word Complex word Noun Pronoun Gerund
(phrase) (phrase)
At School At school
In Cinema In cinema
From You From you
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With Me With me
By reading By reading
About Sarah About Sarah
For teacher For teacher
According to him According to him
In front of Hospital In front of
Along with her Along with her
Near to river Near to river

Functions of prepositional phrase

1 As an adjective that explains “noun” (Adjectiv
a My friend is the girl in a black dress


b I got a new with a fourteen In
laptop screen
c My sister is beautiful
in a pink dress
d The girl in front of me Is very beautiful
2 As an adverb explains “verb”
1 We move to The Boston Next month
2 he will come in several minutes
3 I learn for several times
4 I Will move to Surabaya
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5 Tiger runs after The lion

Form of preposition
Single word
1. Abroad 11.Amongst 21.Below 31.Despite 41.From 51.Of
2. About 12.Apart 22.Beneath 32.Down 42.Hence 52.On
3. Above 13.Around 23.Beside 33.During 43.Like 53.Onto
4. Across 14.As 24.Besides 34.In 44.Minus 54.Under
5. After 15.Aside 25.Between 35.Inside 45.Near 55.Up
6. Ago 16.At 26.Beyond 36.Into 46.Next 56.With
7. Against 17.Away 27.But 37.Except 47.Past 57.To
8. Along 18.Barring 28.By 38.Excluding 48.Per
9. Amidst 19.Before 29.Circa 39.For 49.Round
10.Among 20.Behind 30.Concerning 40.Following 50.Off
Complex word
1. According to 11.In front of 21.On to
2. Ahead of 12.In lieu of 22.On top of
3. As far as 13.In place of 23.Belong to
4. As well as 14.In to
5. Because of 15.Instead of
6. By means of 16.Except of
7. Due to 17.Next to
8. In accordance with 18.Prior to
9. In addition to 19.On account of
10.In case of 20.On behalf of

1. In 11.Past 1. About 12.Below
2. By 12.For 2. Above 13.Beneath
3. Near 13.Like 3. Across 14.Beside
4. Down 14.On 4. After 15.Besides
5. Out 15.From 5. Against 16.Between
6. Of 16.Through 6. Under 17.Beyond
7. With 17.Up 7. Along 18.During
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8. By 8. Among 19.Except
9. To 9. Around 20.Inside
10.Off 10.Before 21.Outside
11.Behind 22.Over
1. Into 1. According to 7. On account
2. Onto 2. Prior to of
3. Upon 3. In front of 8. By means of
4. Within 4. Out of 9. Subsequent
5. Without 5. Owing to to
6. Throughout 6. Because of 10.Aside from
11.Inside of
12.As to

Bahasa Inggris Limit Kelas XII-Prepositional Phrase and Adjective Clause
Relative Clause or Adjective Clause
Relative Clauses can be called adjective clause. Relative clause is a dependent
clause that functions to modify noun in the sentence. A relative clause begins
with a relative pronoun or relative adverb.

Adjective Clause Merupakan Salah Satu Bentuk Dari Dependent Clause Atau
Klausa Yang Tidak Dapat Berdiri Sendiri Dalam Sebuah Complex Sentence, Yang
Mana Fungsinya Adalah Untuk Memodifikasi Noun Atau Pronoun Inti Kalimat
(Independent Clause).

Characteristics of Adjective Clause

2. begins with a relative pronoun or relative adverb
3. as an adjective to explain WHAT, HOW

Relative Pronoun:
Who : Used for humans in the subject position
Whom : Used for humans in object position
Whos : Used for humans, animals, and things in the subject or object position
e to show possession
Which : Used for things and animals in the subject or object position
That : Used for humans, animals, and things in the subject or object position

Relative Adverb
The relative adverbs where, when & why can be used to join sentences or clauses.
They replace the more formal structure of preposition + which used to introduce a
relative clause.
When : Time
Wher : Place
Why : Reason

Bahasa Inggris Limit Kelas XII-Prepositional Phrase and Adjective Clause
Relative clause is divided into two
1 Relative clause which : Example:
gives information is  I like a book which tells world war
called defining clause  The teacher who teaches Math is my
favorite teacher
2 Relative clause which : Example:
gives extra information  Einstein, who was born in Germany, is
is called non-defining famous for his theory of relativity
clause. The relative  The boy, whose works as a teacher, starts
clause must be to give his speech
separated by (,) comma

1. Relative Pronoun
S + who + Aux / verb-> mengganti subjek person
 I want to visit Lina who comes from Japan
 Anybody who wants food can come to me
 The young lady who smiles to me is Clara

S + who + S + Aux / verb

 The man who I love is Ricko
 Anisa is a girl who I know in the school library
 Siska who I hate works in the bank

S + whom + S + Aux / Verb-> mengganti objek person
 I want to visit Lina whom I Saw yesterday
 The man whom I adore is Benedict
 I know Mr. Doni whom I borrow his laptop this day

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S + Whose + Noun-> Mengganti kepunyaan Orang
 I want to visit Lina whose car is blue
 The girl whose hair is blonde is my sister in law
 I need to meet a lady whose black purse

S + which + Aux / verb -> Mengganti subjek non orang
 i want to buy the book which is being sold in Gramedia
 siska choose a dress which sews in Ani’s Taylor

S + Which + S + Aux / Verb -> mengganti objek non orang

 i want to buy the book which i Saw in Gramedia yesterday

S + of which + Noun -> kepunyaan non orang

 i want to buy the book of which cover is blue
 she needs a candy of which taste is sweet

S + that + Aux / verb
 The new phone that is broken belongs to Lili
 The car that repaired in the workshop is mine
 Risma that cooked food in the kitchen is my enemy

S + that + S + Aux / verb

 the man that I met yesterday is a doctor
 the cake that Risma eats is blackforest
 Risma that a man chooses as his girlfriend is my sister
 I that he knew is a temperament person

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2. Relative Adverb
Time + when / on which + Clause ( s + p + o )
 February is a month when i celebrate my birthday
 Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong

Place + Where / In which + Clause ( s + p + o )
 Medan is a city where / in which i was born
 I want to live in a place where I was born

Reason + why + Clause ( s + p + o )
 Rain is the reason why i don't come to your house
 Headache is the reason why I don’t enter the class

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Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause
simple The book is interesting.
sentence (Buku tersebut menarik.)

The book that he just read is interesting.

(Buku yang baru dia baca itu menarik.) menerangkan
subject “book”

I like the book that he just read.

(Saya suka buku yang baru dia baca.) menerangkan object

This is the book that he just read.

(Ini buku yang baru dia baca.) menerangkan subject
complement “book”

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Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause dengan Berbagai Relative Pronoun / Relative
Pronoun /
Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause

He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.

(Dia pria yang bekerja keras untuk menanggung kebutuhan
sehari-hari mereka.)
menerangkan “man” (subject complement)

The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.

whom (Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya.)
menerangkan “woman” (subject)

The man, whose car had a flat tire, works as an English

whose (The man yang ban mobilnya kempes bekerja sebagai guru
bahasa Inggris.)
menerangkan “man” (subject)

Tom, which is very cute, is my cat.

which (Tom, yang sangat manis, adalah kucing saya.)
menerangkan “Tom” (subject)

It is the car that I really like.

that (Ini mobil yang saya sangat sukai.)
menerangkan “car” (subject complement)

Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.

where (Bandar Lampung adalah kota dimana saya dilahirkan.)
menerangkan “city” (subject complement)

I still remember the day when we first met.

when (Saya masih ingat hari ketika kita pertama
bertemu.) menerangkan “day” (object)

Bahasa Inggris Limit Kelas XII-Prepositional Phrase and Adjective Clause
This pie chart shows the main reasons why customers leave
your company.
why (Bagan pai ini menunjukkan alasan utama mengapa
pelanggan meninggalkan
perusahaanmu.) menerangkan “reason” (object)

Who / Whom (Relative Pronoun)

Pengertian Who and Whom
Secara grammatical, who digunakan sebagai subjek kalimat,
sedangkan whom sebagai object of verb atau object of preposition pada
suatu relative clause. Namun pada masa kini, selain untuk formal writing,
misalnya: everyday conversation, whom biasanya diganti who.
Relative clause sering digunakan pada spoken maupun written. Guna nya untuk
memberi tambahan informasi, baik essential (defining relative clause),
maupun non-essential (non-defining relative clause) namun menarik sebagai
informasi tambahan.  Non defining relative clause cenderung digunakan
pada written. Spoken lebih umum menggunakan defining relative clause. Namun,
ketika berbicara biasanya relative pronoun dihilangkan.
Pada defining relative clause dimana whom berfungsi sebagai object of
preposition, relative pronoun ini paling umum dihilangkan jika tidak untuk formal
writing. Pada formal writing preposition (at, on, in, with, about, etc) ditempatkan
di depan whom.
Alternatif lain, whom juga sering diganti who (namun berstatus grammatically
incorrect) atau that yang memang dapat berfungsi sebagai subject atau  object.
Pada situasi ini preposition-nya ditempatkan di ujung relative clause, terhubung
dengan verb pada relative clause.
Contoh Kalimat Defining Clause:
No Contoh Kalimat Defining Clause

1 That’s the woman whom (who = informal) I admire for her

(Itu wanita yang saya kagumi tekadnya.) object of
verb, formal

2 The person to whom I talked was very funny.

(Orang yang berbicara dengan saya sangat lucu.) object of

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preposition, formal

3 The person (who/that/Ø) I talked to was very

funny. informal
Sedangkan pada non-defining clause, whom bisa diganti who untuk situasi yang
lebih casual.
Contoh Kalimat Non-Defining Clause:
No Contoh Kalimat Non-Defining Clause

1 The man, whom (who = informal) I had never met before,

was so friendly.
(Laki-laki yang saya tidak pernah bertemu dengannya
sebelumnya sangat ramah.) object of verb, formal

2 The customer service manager, to whom I wish to

speak, was very busy.
(Customer service manager yang dengannya saya harap bisa
bicara sangat sibuk.) object of preposition, formal

3 The customer service manager, who I wish to speak to, was

very busy. informal

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