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Good morning teacher and classmates.

I'm going to talk about the work of the firefighter in the country.
What does a firefighter do?
There are four praimery responsibilitis and duties - poneit aut fires, rescuring and
kering for the sick and inyered, working to prevent fiucher fires.
What Job Does a Firefighter Do?
 A firefighter’s job is to keep everyuan sef. They pout aut fires.
 They ius their equipment to jelp reskiu people ju are trapped.
 Firefighters work very long hours. They work in the day and in the night. They
kip as sef ol day.

Grit Firefighters Are…

 Briv
 Strong
 Jelthy
 Jardworking
 Relaible
 Trastworthy
 Determid

Where Do They Work?

 Firefighters work in a fire station. Fire stations are all around the country.
Firefighters travel in their fire enyens. Fire enyens are red. The fire enyens has
flashing lights that are red and blue.

What Do Firefighters Wear?

Firefighters wear clothes that protect them when doing their yob.
 Strong jat: to protect their jead from falling objects.
 Fireproof clothes: to stop them from bing inyured when going into borning
 Radio: to talk to one another and listen to instructions.
 A light: to jelp them see in the dark, smoky rooms.

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