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J- Good afternoon Cluster 2!

My name is Joel Gayod II and this is my co-host Paolo

BOTH: Welcome to our Cluster feast
J: Before we begin all the fun and excitement let us first call our prayer leader
________ from the grade ___.

P- Thank you,__________ for leading the prayer.

Now one of the most awaited parts of our event! The grade performances! I know all
of us are excited to see their performances! So, for our first performers, please
welcome the __________ from the grade 5!


J- Wow! that was a great performance grade 5! And our second performers are
Poalo Battad and Reuben Oania and each will perform a piano piece! Lets give them
around of applause!

J- Thank you for that beautiful piano performance, Paolo and Reuben!

P- Our next one is Huan Dispo, and he will sing _________ . Lets give him around of

P- WOW! That was a very wonderful song Huan! Right Joel!?

J- Indeed! All this performances make me want to see more! So, without further ado,
please welcome Wesleigh Esguerra and Renjiro Villaco!

P- TY! Jiro and Wesleigh that song was really touching!

J- May we have a warm round of applause for the grade 6 boys!

P- That was a nice song grade 6. Moving on, last but not the least, Venice Salvador!

J- That was a very lovely song ,Venice !  Thank you for all of that Cluster 2 ! I know
how much hard work you put in all of those!

P- And now I’m sure everyone is excited for the games!

J- OUR FIRST GAME IS ….. [Other paper]

P- Those were very fun games! Right ?!

J- I am sure that everyone is hungry from all of those fun activities, so let us call our
prayer leader to lead the prayer before meals.

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