C Calculus-3

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8.1 POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMAT| TAYLOR’S FORMULA ONS By While values of polynomial functions can be found b: number of additions and multiplications, other fy rithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functio easily. We show in this section that many functions can be a ahiateg x polynomials and that the polynomial, instead of the cieaae ale be be used for computations when the difference between the cee & value and the polynomial approximation is sufficiently smal]. s Ue Various methods can be employed to approximate a Biven f polynomials. One of the most widely used involves Taylor's one b in honor of the English mathematician Brook Taylor (1685-4944 following theorem, which can be considered as b A 4 generalization yy mean-value theorem, gives Taylor's formula. Of thy f Let f be a function such that f and its first derivatiy re continuous on the closed interval [a, 6). Furthermore, Wet fray |, exist for all x in the open interval (a, 6). Then there is a number z in the open interval (a, b) such that Perform; Mctions, such 4. 89a, a NS. Cannot be they 90) = f+ FO — + Me aps x $A) yay g LED i +a (b - ay tae peo k Equation (1) also holds if b < a; in such a case [a, b) is replaced by, [b, a}, and (a, b) is replaced by (b, a). Note that when n = 0, (1) becomes f(b) = fla) + f'(2)(b — a) where z is between a and b. This is the mean-value theorem. We defer the proof of Theorem 8.1.1 until later in this section, lint! we replace b by x, we obtain Taylor's formula: fo) = fy + LOG - y+ LO uate. 1! a (a) oalea} art ny + - ap + where z is between a and x: 80 i its first deo The condition under which (2) holds is that f and its ei vane must be continuous on a closed interval containing « ern (n + 1)st derivative of f must exist at all points of the corres! ga) Aan ~ » Le ‘i “ua: FOB Rees oe 45 PO) = s@ +L, 4), Fo interval. Formula (2) May be written as FG) = Px) + RY) (3) where Y 2 (e- #43, { and 4 = ai ay! where zis between a and (5) P(x) is culled the nth-depree ‘T ylor polynomial of the function f at the number 4, and R,(x) is called the remainder. The term R,(x) as given in (5) is called the Lagrange form of the remainder, named in honor of the French mathematician Joseph L. Lagrange (1736-1813). The special case of Taytor’s formula obtained by taking a = 0 in (2) is gfe) = 70) + LO, LO, LO. LOM aay E { 2} ni (n + 1) where z is between 0 and x. This formu}, named in honor of the Scottish mathe 1746). However, the formula was obtained earlier by Taylor and by another British mathematician, James Stiri ng (1692-1770). The nth degree Maclaurin polynomial for a function f, obtained from (4) with a = 0, is 5 : (2) = f(0) + T+ LO 4 ye ais called Maclaurin’s formula, matician Colin Maclaurin (1698— (6) We may approximate a function by means of a Taylor polynomial at a number @ or by a Maclaurin polynomial. > ILLUSTRATION 1 We compute the nth degree Maclaurin poly- nomial for the natural exponential function. If f(x) = e*, all the derivatives of f at x are e* and the derivatives at zero are 1. Therefore, from (6), 2 3 t ee ee Pax) = 14+ x45 algae air 7) Thus the first four Maclaurin polynomials of the natural exponential func- tion are P(x) = 1 P(x = 14x Pz) = 1+ xt hx? PG) Meta canta [-3. 3] by [0,4] fiayeet Poel FIGURE 1 {-3. 31 by [0,4] fl ‘ Pye l+x FIGURE 2 [-3. 3] by 10. 4] foyee Pays itat ye FIGURE 3 Figures | through 4 show the graph of f(x) = e* along w of Pyl-x), Pyl), P2205 and P,(x), respectively, plotted in epee the atop window, In Figure 5 the graphs of the four Maclaurin polyno, 3) by (03) graph of f(x) = ¢' are sketched on one coordinate system, Obs and ] polynomials approximate e* for values of x near zero, and aes how increases, the approximation improves. Tables | and 2 give we that a, P,(x) (when 1 is 0, 1, 2. and 3) and e* — P,(x) for x = 0.4 wets Of es respectively. From these two values of x it appears that the close al =O) the better is the approximation for a specific P,(x), Serv Sto zeny, 4 n Table 1 Table 2 wt pan lo wt Pod) et — POA) ne? PaO.) gta ae. oO 14918 t 04918 0 1.2214 5 (02) 1 14918 14 0.0918 1 1.221412 $2214 2 14918 148 Ook 2 1.2214 1.22 rae 3. L918 1.4907 0.001) 3 (1.2214 1.2213 ae n The Lagrange form of the remainder when P,(x) is the nth deg Maclaurin polynomial for the natural exponential function is from (5 e = aneh 3h are nit where z is between 0 and x 8) R(x) In particular, if Ps(x) is used to approximate e* Ro) = a" where z is between 0 and x and et = Py(x) + Rix) _ eee PD EXAMPLE! Usea Maclaurin polynomial to find the valueofVe accurate to four decimal places. Solution Iff(x) = ¢, the nth degree Maclaurin polynomial of fis by (7) and the Lagrange form of the remainder is given by (8). If. (8) a!) = aes) hereO <2<$ 9) ~ (n+ II\2 where? Thus ee aan '=000005 and y = -0.00008 FIGURE 6 Because e¢ < 4, then e? < 1 (3) ret be he o ‘ vitae be accurate to four decimal places we want a3 ess than 0.00005; |{R,(4)| wi e 2 i 1/2n + 1)! < 0.00005, When m \ | will be less than 0.00005 if 1 I 2(n + (720) = 0.00004 2. and we have —2 eine IY FOr Because 0.00004 ~ 0.00005, we take P\(4) as the approximation of Ve accurate to four decimal places. Because from (7) PUY = VEER eh ot we obtain Ve ~ 1.6487 < > _ EXAMPLE 2 Estimate ona graphics calculator the values of x for which P,(x) approximates e* accurate to four decimal places. Solution If P.(.x) is to approximate e' accurate to four decimal places Je’ — Pax)| < 0.00005 Figure 6 shows the graph of y = e' — P.(x}, that is y set (Lh + et 02/21 + x7/3t + xt/at + x°/51) and the lines y = +0.00005 plotted in the [—1, 1] by [—0.0001, 0.0001] window. Using the intersect capability (or trace and zoom-in) of our graph- ics calculator, we determine that the curve and the line y = 0.00005 inter- sect when x = —0.5824 and x = 0.5667. Thus we conclude that when 0.5824 < x < 0.5667, P.(x) approximates e' accurate to four decimal places. This answer supports our conclusion in Example | that Px(y) approxi- iE ; ; = mates Ve accurate to four decimal places. (ILLUSTRATION 2 We now determine the ath degree Maclaurin polynomial for the sine function. If f(x) = sin x. then f'(x) = cos x f(x) = msinx f(x) = —cos x Posse [eco Pi = sin x and so on. Thus f(0) = 0, POS) FO=0 POSS PW=0 PMs) 1-6, 6) by [-4. 4] fla) = sine Pisa FIGURE 7 {-6. 6} by [-4, 4] f(x) = sine 3 Px) 5.x = 2 6 FIGURE 8 [-6, 6} by [-4. 4] flo ssn 5 c Phdar- + . 6 FIGURE 9 oe 120 a and so on. From (6), eyo 4 on 0 ee ee nie Pix) = x 31 di 5! 7! ay) Qn = Ti Thus Pylx) = 0. Pil) = x as _, 8 Pix) = x — FA tie ela Pe) ie ‘ ey ok P(x) =x - 4 4 PG) ae eo 2 roa eye ey SH ny ee ' Pd=x— e+ i597 soa Plt) = 6” ip a 500 and so on, Figures 7 through 10 show the graph of the sine function along with graphs of its Maclaurin polynomials of degrees 1, 3, 5, and 7, respecinge plotted in the [~6, 6] by [—4, 4] window. Figure 11 shows tegen these four Maclaurin polynomials and the graph of f(x) = sin x Sketched ¢ the same coordinate system. Notice that the polynomial APPrOX:mation, improve as n increases. 4 > EXAMPLE 3 (a) Determine the accuracy e c hen the seventh de. gree Maclaurin polynomial of the sine function, P,(x), is used to appron. mate sin 0.5. (b) Support the answer in part (a) graphically. (c). Compute P,(0.5) to approximate sin 0.5 accurate to the number of decimal places allowed by the answer in part (a). Solution (a) From (3) with f(x) = sin x and n = 7, we have sin x = P,(x) + R,(x) : Thus sin 0.5 = P,(0.5) + R,(0.5) where from (5) with x = 0.5 and a = 0 1B) R0.5) = Posy where z is between 0 and 0.5 ' = 0.0000001 sin z Because |sin z| < | {R,(0.5)| < 0.0000001 We therefore conclude that when P,(0.5) is used to approximate sin O05, our value is accurate to six decimal places. (b) 2 Pe ie Our answer in part (a) we must show that when vy = 0.5, UJ 1 5 9.0000001. Because R,(t) = sin x — P.G9), and from the computation in Mlustration 2, for the sine function. q Py = 4 - 6 120 5040 r, we plot the graphs of ay ( wt x* a? {-o. 6} by | 44] Sd 2 Se T0 sian) and y = +0,0000001 Mem in the [=1. 1] by [ -0.0000002, 0.000002] window as shown in ene ae an Figure 12, Using the intersect capability (or trace and zoom-in) of our 6 120 50d graphics calculator, we determine that the curve and the lines intersect MCURETO at the points where x = +0,6921. Because -0,6921 < 0.5 < 0.6921 we have supported our answer in part (a). Substituting 0.5 for x in the expression for P,(.x), we have ‘ . 05 - (0.5) , (0.5) _ (0.5) 6 120 5040 0.47942553 (c u P,(0.5) From part (a), this computation is accurate to six decimal places. Therefore sin 0.5 = 0.479426 < EXAMPLE 4 Find the third-degree Taylor polynomial of the cosine function at 37 and the Lagrange form of the remainder. Plot the graphs of the polynomial and the cosine function in the same window. Solution Let f(x) = cos x. Then from (4). pune Ae) +o 2) AEF SD Because f(x) = cos x, f'(x) = ~sin x, f(x) = —cos xf" x = sins, a fim = V2 fim) = -$V2 PG) = -N9 fra) = 2 (+1, 1] by {-0.0000002, 0.000002] fee Therefore Nese (ee ee _ . inx=[t— + 195” 5040 pla) = {V2 - Vala = fa) — EV 3k = bey? + AVI Lap y = 0.0000001 and y = ~0.0000001 3 ‘3 ¢) = cos x, we obtain from (5) FIGURE 12 Because f'"\(x) = cos +: Rylx) = $(cos x - in) where z is between $7 and x AXP = Bae we Because |cos =| = 1, we conclude that |Rx(x)| = 3a ~ ¢7)* for all x. Figure 13 shows the graphs of P,(x) and f().= eos x —r, 7] by [-2. 2] window. Observe how the graph of thei approximates the graph of the cosine function near x = in EXAMPLE 5 Use the third-degree Taylor Polynomi cosine function at 4 7 found in Example 4 to Compute an approxima of cos 47°, and determine the accuracy of the result, ea eutaty) Solution 47° A 7 ee ra in the solution of Example: Mipiwereb v= fi mand.x — 77 = 47, and cos 47° = }V2[1 — Aa = fhm? + hw Rm) where V2 G- Jas hv7 W-} RG) = keos 2(%5 7)" where }7 S 2 < Aha FIGURE 13 Because 0 < cos z < 1, 0 < RG m) < 4h 7)" < 0.00000007 Taking ¢ 7 = 0.0349066 we obtain from (9) cos 47° = 0.681998 which is accurate to six decimal places because of inequality We now prove Theorem 8.1.1. There are several knoy theorem, although none is very well motivated. The one fol use of Cauchy's mean-value theorem (7.7.3). o& Let F and G be two functions de Fa) = 6) — fo) - f@b- 9 - 2% — 9 -, = FOG _ y1 ROE 2! (n— 1)! ink and g(a yt ‘ 2) ieee - FIG) = —f'(x) + f'G) — f(b — x) + 2b 9) 2 FAO = x) oe i Saag |e arte Combining terms we see that the sum _ following even-numbered term is zero: Therefore - , = _ f"™ G9 F'(x) a = 59} (13) Differentiating in (12) we obtain iy oe " G'(x) = me? ox) (14) Checking the hypothesis of Cauchy’s mean @) F and Gare continuous on {a, b); (ii) F and G are differentiable on (a, b); (iii) for all’x in (@, 5), G(x) #0. So by the conclusion of the theorem F(b) — Fa) _ F’@ G(b) - Ga)” GD where z is in (a, b). But F(b) = 0 and G(b) = 0. So _ FR) (15) F(a) = @ G(a) for some z in (a, b). Letting x = ain(12),x = zin(13),andx = zin(14) and substituting into (15) we obtain -value theorem we see that Beg) al (b - a"! nah = at nt se [-sesl (n+ 1)! inh) F(a) = £ + a (Bray (16) If x = a in (11), we obtain fra) fa) fa) { P _ Dye nee Fla) = f(b) ~ fla) — f'(ab — a) Gb a ~ 2. Gay 9) - ituting 16) into the above equation, we get Substituting from (16) oy i 2 LO = ay + - a" fe) = fla) + plaid — @) + LM - af +... FR a + Ty 2 i m holds if b < a because the conclu- ich is ired result. The theorem | 1 1 ae cacy = mean-value theorem is unaffected if a and b are inter- sion o § : changed. are other forms of the remainder in Taylor’s formula. Depending dene fie one form-of the remainder may be more desirable to use rae iS The following theorem, known as Taylor's formula with inte- than another. s e remai as an integral. inder, expresses the remainder as an integ z the remainder, gral form of 8.1.2 Theorem Taylor's Formula with Integral Form of ;},, tg . LTT and the principal EXERCISES 8.1 In Exercises 1 through 10, find the Maclaurin polynomial of the stated degree for the function f with the Lagrange form of the remainder. Plot the graphs of f and the poly- nomial in the same window and observe how the graph of the polynomial approximates the graph of f near the point where x = 0. el = 1. f(x) 3. f(x) 5. f(x) = cos x; degree 6 7. f(x) = sinh x; degree 4 9. f(x) = (1 + xP?; degree 3 10. f(x) = Ul — x)"; degree 4 ; degree 4 2. f(x) eG 4. f(x) = tan x; degree 3 6. f(x) = cosh x; degree 4 8. f(x) = e-*; degree 3 ; degree 5 = e*; degree 5 In Exercises 11 through 18, find the Taylor polynomial of the stated degree at the given number a for the function f with the Lagrange form of the remainder. Plot the graphs of f and the polynomial in the same window and observe how the graph of the polynomial approximates the graph of f near the point where x = a. UL f(x) = x; a = 4; degree 3 12; f(x) = Vasa = 4; degree 4 13. f(x) = sin x; a = £77; degree 3 14. f(x) = cos x; a = $7; degree 4 15, f(x) = In x; a = 1; degree 5 The proof of this theorem is left as an exercise (See Exercise You have seen how a function can be approximated by a succes: Taylor polynomials, The values of these polynomials for a given can be thought of as a sequence of numbers, the subject matter: of the section, The nth degree Taylor polynomial is the sum of n + le as n increases without bound, the sum may or may not Approach a lim Such considerations form the basis of infinite series, defined in Section g 40), valntog topic of this chapter. 16. f(x) = In(x + 2); a = —1; degree 3 17. f(x) = In cos x; a = 477; degree 3 18. f(x) = x sin x; a = 57; degree 5 19. Compute the value of e accurate to five decimal places, and prove that your answer has the re accuracy. Support your answer graphically. 20, Do Exercise 19 for the value of e-¥/2, 21. Compute sin 31° accurate to three decimal plac using a Taylor polynomial and prove that yot has the required accuracy. Support your answer graphically. ' 22. Compute cos 59° accurate to three decimal using a Taylor polynomial and prove that has the required accuracy. Support your answer graphically, 23, Estimate the error that results when cos x is Te} by 1 — 32x? if |x| < O01. : 24. Estimate the error that results when sin x! by x = 4x3 if |x| < 0,05. ‘ 25. Estimate the error that results when placed by 1 + 5x if0

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