How To Install NS2 in Windows

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1. Paste the CYGWIN folder in any drive to be installed.

2. The CYGWIN folder will contain an exe file and a folder with downloaded material
named ‘’.
3. Double click the cygwin.exe file.

4. The window shown below will open.

5. Click the Next button, to get the next window. Select Install from Local Directory
option and give Next.

6. The next window is open. Do not change any option and give Next.
7. The next window asks for the location for the package directory. Do not change
anything and click Next.

8. The initial processing is done, as shown in the figure.

9. In the next window, the Default option will be available by default as shown in the
screenshot given below.

10. Click on the circle between All and Default until it becomes Install. Then give Next.
11. The actual installation procedure begins. It may take several minutes (or hours).
12. The installation process runs till 100% and then the Running process continues again
from 1%.
13. After the installation process is over, the next window asks the final step. Click Finish
button to complete the installation procedure.
14. After clicking Finish, instantly the next window pops up.

15. Close it, it does not make any problem with the software. The shortcuts may not be
created in the desktop all the times. They can be manually taken from inside and
pasted outside. The process is shown in the following screenshots.
16. Now paste the ns-allinone-2.29 package inside the user/local/ directory.

17. Double-click the cygwin shortcut in desktop to get a command prompt. The ns2
package is extracted and installed. The procedure is shown with screenshots.
18. Copy the file from user/local/ns-allinone-2.29/Paulson/.set to

19. Type “source etc/profile.d/” in the prompt.

20. Double-click on the startxwin shortcut. Click Allow Access if blocked by firewall.

21. Now double-click the cygwin shortcut. Here the ns2 commands can be worked with.
Thus the installation of ns2 simulator is done in Windows with the help of Cygwin.

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