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Humanistic psychology is developed as a reply to psychoanalysis and behaviorism.

Alternatively, humanistic psychology focused on individual free will, personal growth, and the

theory of self-actualization.

Humanistic psychology is very popular today and has significant impact on other aspects

of psychology, including positive psychology. A particular branch of psychology focuses on

helping people to live happier, more fulfilling lives (Kendra Cherry, 2019).

Uses and Gratification Theory seeks to understand what people are searching for the

news that they do and what they use to do.

Use and Gratification Theory investigates how individuals intentionally seek out media to

fulfill other needs or goal, such as entertainment, stimulation or socialization (David L., 2016).

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a motivational theory of personality, growth, and

social processes that explores how social contexts and individual differences promote different

types of motivation, particularly self-motivation and regulated motivation, and in effect, predicts

learning, success, experience, and psychological health.

It shows how a certain thing can motivate oneself in doing that, because of its benefits

(Ryan and Deci, 2015).





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