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Writing – Test 2

Part 1

It is essential these days for people to understand science and to believe in it. One way to do this is to
make it an interesting subject. In this essay I will discuss some ways to encourage this interest and why
they are relevant to today-nowadays, these days.

One important way to learn about science is through your phone. Everyone has this device in their
pockets, and it has become extremely easy to find information online. That being said however, you
need to know how to filter the information and how to avoid misinformation.

Another good method of peaking someone’s interest in science is through school lessons. And while
there are science classes they are usually boring or not explained well enough. I believe that if they were
to be improved, having enthusiastic teachers that try to explain every concept in a way that everyone
can understands it or by making the classes more interactive, the lessons could potentially attract more
students, making this method safer than learning from the internet.

It is clear that both these options are important to take into consideration I strongly believe that school
classes have a much higher success rate in encouraging someone to take interest in science due to that
fact that the internet is filled with misinformation and malicious people, while school curriculum tends
to be checked in order to stop the misinformation.


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