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XEP 701 Entrepreneurship MCQ

Portion - Mid Sem

Unit - I
1. Entrepreneur is a____________.
A. Employee
B. Supervisor
C. Manager
D. Employer
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

2. Porters 5 forces model explains___________.

A. Economic factors
B. Social factor
C. competitive factors
D. fighting factor
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

3. An entrepreneur is a person with a high need for achievement which is said by_________
A. Kilby
B. J.B.Say
C. David McClleland
D. none of the above
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

4. Which one is not in the context of employment generation

A. Income generation
B. Self employment
C. Entrepreneurship
D. innate traits
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

5. An individual’s need to be recognized is called_________

A. Need for independence
B. Need for affiliation
C. Need of fame
D. Need for achievement
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

6. Thechief motivational factor for ________ entrepreneurs to leave jobs is the frustration of not
being allowed to perform at the level of which they are capable.
A. Male
B. Female
C. Young
D. All the above
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

7. Female entrepreneurs differ from male entrepreneurs in terms of all of the following EXCEPT
A. Motivation
B. Business skills
C. Departure point
D. Goal Orientation
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

8. Which of the following was NOT one of the classifications of entrepreneurs presented in our

A. Franchiseentrepreneur
B. Classicentrepreneur
C. Multipreneur
D. Intrapreneur
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

9. The primary reason entrepreneurs start companies is to

A. prove they could do it
B. Recover from a layoff
C. create something new
D. Make money
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

10. Entrepreneur is another name of____________.

A. Contracting
B. Outsourcing
C. Specializing
D. Risk Taker
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

11. Risk taker is referred to as:

A. Contracting
B. Outsourcing
C. Specializing
D. Entrepreneurs
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

12. According to____________, Entrepreneur is “ one who assumes the risk and
management of business”

A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard Cantillon
D. Noah Webster
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

13. According to ___________achievement motivation can be developed through

training and experience.

A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard Cantillon
D. McClellan
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

14. According to_________, “Entrepreneur is an Economic agent to unites all the means of
A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard Cantillon
D. J.B.say
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

15. Women sector occupies nearly 45% of the Indian population.

A. 55
B. 65
C. 45
D. 90
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

16. .____________________applied the word entrepreneur to business for the first time
A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard
D. Max Weber
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

17. .______________________is the drive to achieve a goal.

A. Motivation
B. Need for Achievement
C. Competency
D. None of These
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

18. .__________entrepreneurs are extremely task oriented.

A. Technical
B. Fabian
C. Competency
D. None of These
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

19. .____________entrepreneurs neither introduce new changes nor adopt new

methods innovated by others.

A. Technical
B. Fabian
C. induced
D. Business
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

20. The term intrapreneur was coined by __________________ .

A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard Cantillon
D. Gifford Pinchot
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

21. According to Schumpeter, Is the most important function of a modern entrepreneur.

A. Innovation,
B. invention
C. skill
D. creativity.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

22. Knowledge + Skill + Traits = __________________

A. Innovation.
B. Skill.
C. Competency
D. Creativity.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

23. Social attitude is one of the important problems of a __________________


A. Drone.
B. Business.
C. Women.
D. Adoptive.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

24. The capacity to develop new ideas, concepts and processes is known as :
A. Innovation,
B. invention,
C. skill,
D. creativity.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

25. Which of the following risks is borne by the entrepreneur:

A. Financial risks,
B. personal risks,
C. psychological risks,
D. all of these.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

26. Which of the following is a psychological factor affecting entrepreneurial growth:

A. Legitimacy of entrepreneurship,
B. social status,
C. need for achievement,
D. none of these.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult
27. The entrepreneur who does not change the method of production already
introduced is:

A. Drone entrepreneur
B. Fabian entrepreneur,
C. classical entrepreneur
D. none of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

28. Person who works within an organization and having entrepreneurial capabilities is:
A. entrepreneur,
B. intrapreneur,
C. manager,
D. chief executive.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

29. A micro enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery does
not exceed Rs____________

A. 25 lakhs
B. 50 lakhs
C. 1 crore
D. 10 lakhs
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

30. A small enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery is more
than Rs____________ But does not exceed Rs____________

A. 10 lakhs / 2 crores
B. 25 lakhs /5crores
C. 5 crores/ 10 crores
D. 2 crores/5 crores
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

31. . A medium enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery is
more than Rs ____________ But does not exceed Rs ____________.

A. 10 lakhs / 2 crores
B. 25 lakhs /5crores
C. 5 crores/ 10 crores
D. 2 crores/5 crores
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

32. A micro enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery does
not exceed Rs____________ .

A. 25 lakhs
B. 50 lakhs
C. 1 crore
D. 10 lakhs
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

33. A small enterprise is one in which the investment in plants and machinery is
more than Rs ____________But does not exceed Rs ____________ .

A. 10 lakhs / 2 crores
B. 25 lakhs /5crores
C. 5 crores/ 10 crores
D. 2 crores/5 crores
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

34. A medium enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery is
more than Rs ____________ but does not exceed Rs____________

A. 10 lakhs / 2 crores
B. 25 lakhs /5crores
C. 5 crores/ 10 crores
D. 2 crores/5 crores
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

35. .__________Units provide inputs to other industries.

A. Export
B. small
C. ancillary
D. none of these
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

36. ________________Registration helps the entrepreneur to take necessary steps

to bring industrial units into existence.

A. Provisional
B. permanent
C. both of these
D. None of these

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

37. A micro manufacturing enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and
machinery does not exceed____________

A. Rs. 5 lakhs.
B. Rs. 10 lakhs.
C. Rs.20 lakhs.
D. None of these.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

38. A small manufacturing enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and
machinery should not exceed____________

A. Rs.25 lakhs.
B. Rs. 1 crore.
C. 5 crores.
D. None of these.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

39. A micro service is one in which the investment in plant and machinery does not

A. Rs. 5 lakhs.
B. Rs.10 lakhs.
C. Rs 25 lakhs.
D. None of these.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

40. A small service enterprise is one in which the investment in plant and machinery
does not exceed____________

A. Rs. 25 lakhs.
B. 1 crore.
C. 2 crores.
D. None of these.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

41. The investment in plant and machinery in ancillary units should not exceed____________
A. Rs.25 lakhs.
B. 2 crores.
C. 5 crores.
D. 10 crores.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

42. A single lump sum which is given by a govt. to an entrepreneur to cover the cost
is known as____________

A. subsidy.
B. Concession.
C. Bounties.
D. None of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

43. A bonus or financial aid which is given by a govt. to an industry to help it

compete with other units in home market or in a foreign market is known as

A. subsidy.
B. Concession.
C. Bounties.
D. None of these.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

44. Indian women are considered as______, which means source of power.
. .

A. sargam
B. sakthi.
C. Confused
D. None of these.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

45. .___________________are always on the move, full of energy and highly motivated.

A. Innovation.
B. Skill.
C. Entrepreneurs.
D. Creativity
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

46. .__________________ are driven to succeed and expand their business.

A. Innovation.
B. Entrepreneurs.
C. Skill.
D. Creativity
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

47. ._______________ set massive goals for themselves and stay committed to achieving them
regardless of the obstacles that get in the way.
A. a)Innovation.
B. b) Entrepreneurs.
C. c) Skill.
D. d) Creativity
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

48. All successful ________________ have a similar way of thinking and posses several key
personal qualities that make them so successful in business

A. Innovation.
B. Entrepreneurs.
C. Skill.
D. Creativity.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

49. ._______________ can command deference and respect of his immediate family and friends.
It is a kind of intangible reward.

A. Entrepreneurs
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

50. Instead of depending on others, _______________ generates employment for others.

A. Entrepreneurs
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

51. ._____________ can make significant contribution to the development of the country and be
proud of taking part in nation building activities.
A. Entrepreneurs
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

52. .__________________ can be a great achiever realising his goals and proving his
achievements to the world. He can be recognised for his outstanding efforts.

A. Entrepreneurs
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

53. According to_________, “Entrepreneur is an Economic agent to unites all the means of

A. J.B.say
B. Mannet
C. Swant
D. Emfly
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

54. An ______________is an individual who takes moderate risks and brings innovation.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

55. An _______________is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and
assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor

D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

56. An _______________is "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as

intermediately between capital and labour."

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

57. ____________________is essentially the act of creation requiring the ability to recognize an
opportunity, shape a goal, and take advantage of a situation.

A. Entrepreneurship
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

58. .____________________ is the process by which other new ventures are born within the
confines of an existing corporation.

A. Intrapreneurship
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

59. The ____________________is the basic unit for economic organization. It transacts with
other unit in the economy, it produces a product worth more than the resources used.

A. entrepreneur,
B. manager,
C. enterprise ,
D. chief executive.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

60. _____________ involves expansion by exploring new

opportunities through new combinations of existing resources

A. entrepreneur,
B. manager,
C. intrapreneurship ,
D. chief executive.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

61. ____________may be defined as the inner state of our mind that moves or activates or
energies and directs our behaviour towards our goal

A. entrepreneur,
B. motive ,
C. manager,
D. chief executive.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

62. .___________________ may have to face frustration since the scope of his operations is
limited by his limited resources.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

63. _______________________ has to work long and hard hours from morning to dusk and his
venture tends to absorb all his energy

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

64. At times ____________________may have to face disappointments and frustrations since

everything in his venture may not always work the way he would like it to.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

65. ________________-has to always work with tension since there is always the risk of failure.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Supervisor
D. Employer
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

66. ____________ Is the work of entrepreneurs.

A. invention
B. innovation
C. both
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

67. ____________ is the work of scientists.

A. invention
B. innovation
C. both
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

68. Which of these is not a environmental barrier to entrepreneurship

A. lack of skilled labour

B. custom of people
C. lack of fund
D. lack of infrastructure
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

69. Which of these is a social barrier to entrepreneurship

A. low status
B. custom of people
C. both
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

70. ____________is a combination of knowledge, skills and appropriate motives that an

individual must possess to perform a given task.

A. persistence
B. initiative

C. competency
D. creativity.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

71. The capacity to take repeated and different actions to overcome obstacles is

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. creativity.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

72. An inner urge in an individual to do something is called____________

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. creativity.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

73. ____________is the ability of an entrepreneur to successfully convince others.

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. persuasion
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

74. Which of the following is not included in utilities.

A. raw materials
B. water
C. power
D. effluent disposal
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

75. Ability to make clear decisions on the merits of a case is called____________skill.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy
76. ____________skill helps an entrepreneur to establish an enterprise.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

77. ________________skill relates to accounting and financing control, marketing, production

planning and inventory control and to manage people who work in the enterprise.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

78. ____________skills are necessary for an entrepreneur to deal with many people.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

79. Incubators organised by the government are called____________

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

80. ____________are incubators sponsored and managed through associations, chambers of

commerce etc

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

81. ____________incubators transit the findings of research and development into new
products and technologies.

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

82. ____________incubators are organised and managed by private firms or companies or


A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

83. ____________incubators create employment.

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

84. ____________incubators seek to commercialize new product or service

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

85. ____________incubators focus on specific industry areas like art and craft.

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

86. which of these is not a criteria for choosing right incubator.

A. success rates
B. quality
C. site
D. space
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

87. .____________is made up of a core group of highly specialized firms the same industry.

A. ED clubs
B. Business clubs
C. chamber of commerce
D. Business Clusters
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

88. Which of these is a problem of MSMEs

A. bogus units
B. inadequate finance
C. lack of managerial experience
D. all of these
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

89. The slogan “innovate or evaporate” was given by____________

A. Robert Owen
B. Joseph Schumpeter
C. Richard Cantillon
D. Philip Kotler
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

90. The first and foremost industrial estate was established at____________
A. Rajkot
B. Ahmadabad
C. Patna
D. Gurgaon
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

91. ____________means organising, housing and servicing industry, a planned clustering

of industrial enterprises offering standard factory buildings erected in advance of
demand and a variety of services and facilities to the occupants.

A. industry
B. industrial estate
C. company
D. none of these
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

92. . The word”Entrepreneur‟ has been taken from the __________word.

(d) france

A. Italy
B. French
C. english
D. france
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

93. ____________means organising, housing and servicing industry, a planned clustering

of industrial enterprises offering standard factory buildings erected in advance of
demand and a variety of services and facilities to the occupants.

A. industry
B. industrial estate
C. company
D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

94. The word "adventure" is derived from the word meaning "to venture")

A. Latin
B. French
C. French
D. france
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

95. ______________is the process by which other new ventures are born within the
confines of an existing corporation.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Intrapreneurship
D. Employer
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

96. Who introduced the term intrapreneur:


A. Schumpeter,
B. Peter Drucker
C. David McClelland,
D. Gifford Pinchot
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

97. Amarket survey analysis helps the entrepreneurs to know the characteristics of
the market.
A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Market
D. Employer
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

98. ._________________ is the capital required by business to carry out day to day

A. cost
B. Market captial
C. Working capital
D. Employer
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

99. ___________________helps in executing statutory and legal requirements, land tax,

sales tax, commercial tax, and transport license and pollution control certificate have also to be
obtained on the basis of project report.

A. Entrepreneur
B. Manager
C. Goverment
D. Employer
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

100. .The Periyar TBI was started in the year______________.

A. 2008
B. 2007
C. 2006
D. 2009
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

Portion - Mid Sem

Unit - II
1. Society for innovation and development is related with____.

A. IISC Bangalore
B. IIT Bombay
C. IIT Kanpur
D. BITS pilani.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

2. Which of the following might be termed a disadvantage faced by the small business

A. Greater flexibility
B. Greater ability to serve specialized markets
C. Extreme personal commitment of owner
D. More personal service
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

3. _________is a network of academic institutions across India performing research and

developing and delivering world class education, skill-building programs, high growth

A. State entrepreneurial network(SEN)

B. National entrepreneurial network(NEN)
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

4. IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) also known as

A. Exim Bank
B. World Bank
C. International Monetary fund
D. International Bank
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

5. ._______will be made for community development of effected Districts, in reference to Mega


A. Prime Minister Community Development Fund

B. MLA’s Development Fund
C. Chief Minister Community Development Fund
D. MP’s Community Development Fund
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

6. Industrial units will have to conduct _______and arrange for “Rain water Harvesting” facility.

A. Energy Audit
B. Information Systems Audits
C. Investigative Audits or Reviews
D. Follow-up Audits
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

7. The Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage is given by

A. David Ricardo
B. Adam Smith
C. F W Taylor
D. Ohlin and Heckscher
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

8. Which is not an Indian Multinational Company?

A. Hindustan Unilever
B. Asian Paints
C. Piramal
D. Wipro
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

9. Subsidiaries consider regional environment for policy / Strategy formulation is known as

A. PolycentricApproach
B. Regiocentric Approach
C. Ethnocentric Approach
D. Geocentric Approach
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

10. ._______________is application of knowledge which redefine the boundaries of global


A. Cultural Values
B. Society
C. Technology
D. Economy
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

11. The MSME Development Act came into force in ____________

A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2010
D. 2001
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

12. Capital investment subsidy was introduced in ____________

A. 1973
B. 1971
C. 1972
D. 1970
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

13. ____________ Is the financial and promotional assistance provided by the

Govt. to the industries for boosting up industrial development in all regions
particularly in backward areas.

A. Seed capital
B. incentive
C. subsidy
D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

14. ____________is the place where the required facilities and factory
accommodation are provided by the government to the entrepreneurs to
establish their industries there.
A. industry
B. industrial estate
C. company
D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

15. The initial capital that is required to obtain loans from the financial institutions
is called ____________
A. Seed capital
B. incentive
C. subsidy
D. none of these
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

16. Under the single roof of the ____________all the services and support required
by small and village entrepreneurs are provided.

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

17. _____________ directly market the MSME produce in the domestic and overseas market.

Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

18. Periyar Technology Business Incubator a grant in aid project of ____________.

Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

19. Single window scheme is instituted through____________

Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

20. The advance given to cover the finance requirement during the time lag between
the sanctioning and disbursement of term loan by financial institutions is known

A. Softloan.
B. Seed capital.
C. Capital subsidy.
D. Bridge loan.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

21. The MSME Development Act came into force in the year____________

A. 2005.
B. 2006.
C. 2007.
D. None of these.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

22. Offering single window clearance facility is the most fascinating feature of ____________

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

23. In ________ Periyar TBI has also received the Rural Innovation Fund from NABARD to
develop a semi automated buffing machine for the Stainless steel vessel manufacturers cluster in
Kumbakonam,the design is patented.

A. 2000
B. 2010
C. 1996
D. 1999
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

24. Who won first prize also won the innovative project award for its honey based rural enterprise
idea from TAHDCO, HR organisation ma-foi and Rural TBI of IIT-Madras through Periyar

A. M.Gowrishanker, B.Tech (IT)

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

25. ____________Is a National level apex organization of young entrepreneurs

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

26. ____________ provides consultancy services to small and medium enterprises at

reasonable cost

Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

27. ______________an undertaking of Government of Tamilnadu, functions with the specific

objective of playing catalytic role in the promotion and development of Small Scale Industries
and hastening the industrial dispersal throughout Tamilnadu.

A. 1970
B. 1973
D. 1975
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

28. . ____________is an area where applied research on high tech projects is


D. None of these
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

29. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been established as the apex
institution for financing the_____________.

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

30. The Head Office of TANSIDCO is located at____________

A. Chennai
B. Kozhikode
C. Ernakulum
D. Kannur
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

31. ____________refers to any investment opportunity which is to be exploited for profit.

A. product
B. project
C. share
D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

32. ____________ the process of collection, compilation and analysis of

economic data for the purpose of finding out possible opportunities for
A. project screening
B. project appraisal
C. project identification
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

33. The process of evaluating the project ideas with a view to select the best and
promising idea after eliminating the unprofitable ideas is called____________
Of the project ideas.

A. Screening
B. appraisal
C. identification
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

34. After screening the ideas, they are translated into project____________.

A. portfolio
B. profiles
C. proposal
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

35. SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunity, and ____________

A. Treat
B. threat
C. tort
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

36. Project formulation means ____________.Study.

A. profitability
B. liquidity
C. feasibility
D. viability

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

37. ____________Analysis is primarily concerned with the identification,

quantification and evaluation of project resources.

A. Network
B. financial
C. techno-economic
D. input
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

38. .____________analysis is done to ascertain financial viability of a project.

A. Network
B. financial
C. techno-economic
D. input
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

39. .____________technology refers to that technology which is suitable to

local, economic, social and cultural conditions.
A. Indigenous
B. imported
C. advanced
D. appropriate
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

40. The term ____________ refers to the plan for a particular type of building,
arrangement of machinery and equipment and provision of facilitation in the

A. factory building
B. factory design
C. factory layout
D. factory premises
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

41. ____________ Analysis is one of the most popular techniques used for
planning, scheduling, monitoring and co-ordinating projects comprising a
number of activities.

A. Network
B. financial
C. techno-economic
D. input
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

42. ____________ is the difference between sales and variable cost.

A. margin of safety
B. fixed cost
C. contribution
D. profit

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

43. .____________is a network technique of scheduling and controlling the

project where activity times cannot be precisely estimated.

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

44. ____________analysis is a technique commonly used to assess expected product


Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

45. A series of related activities which result in some product or service is called____________

A. event
B. task
C. network
D. slack
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

46. The element of job to be completed in a specific time is known as____________

A. event
B. activity
C. network
D. slack
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

47. ____________represents the activities and events of a project in a logical


A. network diagram
B. project graph
C. arrow diagram
D. all of these
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

48. .____________represents the start and end of an activity.

A. event
B. activity
C. network
D. slack
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

49. Node represents____________

A. slack
B. activity
C. network
D. event
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

50. ____________is the unbroken chain of activities from start event to end event in the
network diagram.

A. slack
B. activity
C. network
D. path
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

51. Critical path is the longest the network

A. slack
B. activity
C. event
D. path
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

52. Activities lying on the critical path are known as____________activities.

A. critical

B. preceding
C. succeeding
D. concurrent
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult
53. ____________are activities that must be completed immediately prior to the start of
another activity.

A. critical
B. preceding
C. succeeding
D. concurrent
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

54. Activities that cannot be started until one or more of other activities are
completed but immediately follow are called____________

A. critical
B. preceding
C. succeeding
D. concurrent
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

55. Activities that can be accomplished simultaneously are called____________activities.

A. critical
B. preceding
C. succeeding
D. concurrent
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

56. ____________is the earliest time an activity can begin

Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

57. The sum of earliest start time and estimated time to perform the project is

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

58. The latest possible time an activity can finish without delaying the project is

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

59. Difference between latest finish time and estimated time to perform the project
is called

Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

60. ____________ is the difference between the actual sales and break even sales.

A. Margin of safety
B. fixed cost
C. contribution

D. profit
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

61. ____________study is a systematic method adopted to find out the possibility

and practicability of starting a project.

A. profitability
B. liquidity
C. feasibility
D. viability
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

62. Margin of safety is the difference between the _______________ and break even sales.

A. actual sales
B. fixed cost
C. contribution
D. profit
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

63. Which of the following is not a phase in the project life cycle:

A. Pre- investment phase.

B. Constructionphase
C. Normalization phase
D. Growth phase.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

64. Which of the following is a technique of project identification:

A. Desk research.
B. Sensitivity analysis.
C. CVP analysis.
D. None of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

65. Decision regarding factory design is part of :

A. Network analysis.
B. Financial analysis.
C. Technical analysis.
D. Social cost benefit analysis.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

66. Which of the following is not a network technique :

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

67. Shortest possible time to complete an activity is ____________

A. pessimistic time
B. optimistic time

C. most likely time

D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

68. Maximum possible time to complete an activity is ____________

A. pessimistic time
B. optimistictime
C. most likely time
D. none of these
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

69. . Estimated time required in normal conditions complete an activity is ____________

A. pessimistic time
B. optimistictime
C. most likely time
D. none of these
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

70. ____________shows the changes in assets, liabilities and net worth between two
balance sheet dates.

A. cash flow
B. fund flow
C. fund flow
D. breakeven
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

71. Department of industries and commerce formulated a scheme to set up____________ to

inculcate entrepreneurial culture amongst youth.

A. ED clubs
B. youth clubs
C. lion clubs
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

72. The scheme of ED Clubs will be implemented by ____________

A. Business incubators.
B. Industrial estates.
D. None of these
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

73. . A grant of ____________ Will be given to each ED club by the department of Commerce
and industry.

A. 20000
B. 15000
C. 18000
D. 12000
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

74. A ____________ is an organization designed and success of entrepreneurial

companies through an array of business support resources and services.
A. Business incubators.
B. Industrial estates.
D. None of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

75. ____________ Skill refers to the ability to conceive new ideas and products.

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

76. The skill to handle people and to influence their behaviour is known as

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

77. ____________ Skill refers to the ability to understand problems from visible symptoms.

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

78. Ability to use techniques ,procedures and tools of a specific field is called____________

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

79. Entrepreneurship development is slow in Tamil Nadu because:


A. Natural resources are limited.

B. Poor quality of man power
C. Instable govt.
D. none of these.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

80. The minimum numbers to form an ED club is:

A. 20.
B. 25.
C. 50.
D. None of these.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

81. Which one of the following is not a function of ED club:

A. Organic workshop.
B. Interaction with promotional agencies.
C. Provide infrastructure.
D. Organic industrial visits.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

82. Which of the following provides services and advices to start up firms:

A. Business incubators.
B. Industrial estates.
D. None of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

83. ____________analysis is concerned with identification of project demand

potential and selection of optimal technology:

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

84. District Industries Centres/Small Industries service Institutes/Technical consultancy agencies

like __________at Karaikudi, for specialised products.

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

85. NSIC stands for

A. National Small Industries Corporation
B. National Single Industries Corporation
C. National Single Institute Corporation
D. None of these.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

86. Centre for Innovation, Incubation&Entrepreneurship (CIIE) - IIM Ahmedabad was Set up in
A. Set up in 2001
B. Set up in 2002
C. Set up in 2003
D. Set up in 2004
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

87. Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE)- IIT Bombay was Set up in

A. Set up in 2004
B. Set up in 2003
C. Set up in 2002
D. Set up in 2001
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

88. Cell for Tech Innovation, Development & entrepreneurship support- IIT Chennai was Set up

A. Set up in 2000
B. Set up in 2002
C. Set up in 2003
D. Set up in 2004
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

89. Society for Innovation and Development (SID) - IISc, Bangalore was Set up in
A. Set up in 2006
B. Set up in 2002
C. Set up in 2003
D. Set up in 2004
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

90. In association with DST, BITS has established Technology Business Incubator in the area of
embedded systems and VLSI design back in _______________.

A. Set up in 2004
B. Set up in 2002
C. Set up in 2003
D. Set up in 2001
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

91. Technology Incubation and Entrepreneurial Training Society (TIETS) - IIT Kharagpur was
Set up in

A. Set up in 2005
B. Set up in 2002
C. Set up in 2003
D. Set up in 2004
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

92. Delhi Technical University announced the setting up of water technology and management
centre with the support of______________.

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

93. MSME units with a turnover of Rs._____________ or less per year have been exempted from
payment of Excise Duty.

A. 1crore
B. 10crore
C. 100 crore
D. 1000 crore
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

94. On the State level finance is available loans can be availed from ________

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

95. ______is engaged in direct financing of the industrial activities

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

96. The main financial institutions available for loans for entrepreneurs on the (federal/ all India
. .

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

97. There are two main financial institutions available for loans for entrepreneurs on the (federal/
all India level).

. .

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

98. Transportation subsidies to promote industries in areas that are not easily accessible, like
remote hilly areas. A subsidy of _______on transportation costs is available under this scheme.

A. 5% to 9%
B. 15% to 19%
C. 50% to 90%
D. 20% to 30%
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

99. Government of India runs a scheme for giving National Awards to micro, small and medium
scale entrepreneurs providing quality products in __________selected industry groups of
consumer interest.

A. 5
B. 15
C. 11
D. 20
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

100. Credit Guarantee Fund for micro, small and medium enterprises has been set up to provide
guarantee for loans to MSME up to_______ lakhs extended by Commercial Banks and some
Regional Rural Bank.

A. Rs5 lakhs
B. Rs15 lakhs
C. Rs25 lakhs
D. Rs 20 lakhs
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

Portion - Mid Sem

Unit - III
1. Business Plan should be prepared by__________

A. Government
B. Entrepreneur
C. Driver
D. Worker
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

2. ._________Should be considered in preparing business plan.

A. Marketing.
B. Government
C. Foreign Exchange.
D. Money.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

3. . __________shows movement of cash into and out of the firm and its net effect on
balance sheet.

A. cash flow
B. fund flow
C. ratio
D. breakeven
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

4. Which of the following is not a technique of financial analysis:

A. Ratio analysis.
B. Risk analysis.

C. cash flow analysis.

D. Fund flow analysis.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

5. Mathematical relationship between two figures taken from financial statements

is called__________

A. cash flow
B. fund flow
C. ratio
D. breakeven


Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult
6. __________.ratio establishes relationship between contribution margin and
total sales.

A. P/V
B. current
C. profitability
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

7. __________ Is also known as marginal profit ratio

A. P/V
B. current
C. profitability
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

8. Raising capital from multiple sources is known as__________

A. venture capital
B. layered financing
C. deferred credit
D. lease financing
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

9. Arrangement where payments to suppliers are made in agreed installments over

a specified period of time at some agreed rate of interest on the outstanding
A. venture capital
B. layered financing
C. deferred credit
D. lease financing
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

10. Project appraisal is usually done by a __________ Institution.

A. Marketing
B. financial
C. production
D. none of these
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

11. Project__________ is done after the project is implemented.

A. management
B. appraisal
C. evaluation
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

12. The main object of project appraisal is__________.

A. To find whether the project is technically feasible.

B. To ascertain whether the project is financially feasible.
C. To decide whether to accept or reject a project.
D. To know whether the project is eco-friendly.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult
13. Project appraisal is done by__________.

A. Government.
B. Financial institution only.
C. Entrepreneur only
D. Both financial institution and entrepreneur.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

14. Which one is not an element of project appraisal__________?


A. Technical
B. Network analysis
C. Economical viability.
D. Commercial viability.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

15. In case of mutually exclusive projects, the project with __________ PI is to be


A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

16. Accept a project if it’s IRR is__________when compared to desired minimum

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

17. Reject a project if it’s IRR is__________when compared to desired minimum

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

18. __________report is a document wherein all the details obtained from

technical analysis, financial analysis, profitability analysis etc. are put together.

A. feasibility
B. project
C. both
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

19. __________is an essential document for procuring assistance from

financial institutions and for fulfilling other formalities for the implementation of
the project.

A. feasibility
B. project
C. progress
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

20. __________ analysis is concerned with the development of detailed work

plan of the project and its time profile.

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

21. __________ analysis involves estimation of project costs and revenues and funds
required for the project:

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

22. __________refers to the board area where the enterprise is to be established:

A. Plant capacity.
B. Plant location.
C. Plant layout
D. Process layout.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

23. __________ refers to the arrangement of machines, equipments and

other physical facilities within factory premises:
A. Plant capacity.
B. Plant location
C. Plant layout.
D. Process layout.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

24. In __________similar machines are placed in one place according to

operations they perform:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

25. . In __________Men and equipment are moved to the material which remains in
one place:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

26. __________ is possible where in item is made in different types and sizes:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

27. In __________ machines dedicated to sequences of production are grouped

into cells:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

28. Line layout is also called __________

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. product layout
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

29. In __________ machines are arranged in sequence in which they are used:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout
D. product layout
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

30. There is a continuous flow of materials in process towards the finished product
stage in__________
A. Process layout.
B. Stationarylayout.
C. Combined layout.
D. p

roduct layout

Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

31. __________ is the best suited in mass production:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. product layout
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

32. __________ is referred to as group layout:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

33. __________ is called fixed position layout:

A. Process layout
B. Stationary layout.
C. Combined layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

34. __________ is also called functional layout:

A. Process layout.
B. Combined layout.
C. Stationary layout.
D. Cellular layout.
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

35. __________is a post investment decision report.

A. feasibilityreport
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

36. __________provides clues to pertinent questions like “what, why, how, when and where of
the project.

A. feasibilityreport
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

37. the master report

A. feasibility
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

38. __________is the final report

A. feasibilityreport
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

39. The most influential way of doing the Analyzing the Business is to perform a ___________
analysis of the company.

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

Portion - End Sem

Unit - IV
1. ............ is the
place where the sellers and buyers meet to exchange their products/services for
A. Market
B. bustand
C. railwaystation
D. airport
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

2. ..................way of marketing focus on sellers and not on customers

A. conventional
B. modern
C. traditional
D. none of the above
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

3. In traditional marketing ............... should be beware

A. sellers
B. buyers
C. customers
D. both b and c
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

4. marketing concept has changed time to time

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

5. In.................... way of marketing the customers looks in the quality,durability,service of the

A. traditional
B. modern
C. conventional
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

6. modern concept of marketing focusses on ...............

A. both b and d
B. sellers beware
C. none
D. buyers beware
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

7. .....................
are the problems faced in marketing small industry products
A. i) competition ii) lack of sale promotion iii)weak in bargaining
B. i) high cost ii) low end iii) new to the market
C. both a and b
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

8. involved in market assesment

A. selling price
B. purchaseforecasting
C. market potential
D. demand forecasting
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

9. ................ refers to willingness and ability of customers to buy a product/service

A. price
B. demand
C. technique
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

10. Demand refers to willingness and ability of customers to buy products/services

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

11. the potential customers willingness and ability to buy a product/service is termed as .............
A. demand

B. none
C. total market
D. full market
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

12. ................
technique is used for demand forecasting
A. survey method and statistical method
B. both a and c
C. indicator method
D. none of the above
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

13. .................. is the subdividing of market into homogeneous subsets of customers

A. market segmentation

B. none

C. market assesment
D. pricing
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

15. the four factors of Ps for market mix are ...............

A. product,price,promotion,place
B. purchase,price,promotion,place

C. none

D. both a and b

Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

16. ............. is the name,time,sign or combination of them intended to identify the products of seller
A. make
B. brand
C. telecom
D. company
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

17. ................ is the art of science and technology of preparing goods fior transport and sales
A. market assesment

B. pakaging

C. transport

D. none

Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

18. .............. is the money that the customer must pay for the product/services
A. loss
B. selling price
C. cost price
D. price
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

19. ..............
are the factors that affects pricing
A. product characteristics,product cost
B. demand for the company,govt regulation
C. none
D. both a and b
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

20. government regulation will not affect the pricing of the product
A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

21. government regulation will affect the pricing of the product

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

22. demand for the product affects the pricing of the product
A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

23. .....................
affects the pricing of the product
A. product cost
B. customer behaviour
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

24. .................. is one of the pricing method

A. pricing
B. costpricing
C. skipping
D. skimming pricing
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

25. the equation for cost plus method of pricing is

A. total cost + profit = selling price
B. total cost - profit = cost price
C. total cost + loss = selling price
D. total cost - loss= cost price
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

26. the total cost in the cost plus method is

A. fixed cost - variable cost
B. none
C. variable cost - fixed cost
D. fixed cost + variable cost
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

27. skimming pricing is contradict to penetration pricing

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

28. the skimming pricing of product is for ..............

A. high profile customers
B. low profile customers
C. none
D. both a and b
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

29. The penetrate pricing of product is set ............... to attaract ..............customer

A. lower,more
B. higher,minimum
C. higher,maximum
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

30. ................... pricing method is used to fix the rate of crude oils
A. skimming
B. costplus method
C. market rate policy
D. penetratre
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

31. market rate policy pricing method is used to fix the rate of oils,couriers,tailoring and repairig
A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

33. theproduct will move from ............... to ................ in zero level channel
A. customer -----> producer
B. producer----->retailer------>customer
C. producer ------> customer
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

34. In zero channel marketing the movement of the product is from the producer to customer
A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

35. Producer -------> retailer ------> customer is .............. method of marketing

A. one level
B. zero level
C. two level
D. three level
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

36. producer ----->wholesaler ---->retailer -------> customer is ........... method of marketing

A. zero level
B. one level
C. two level
D. three level
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

37. working capital management =

A. current assets x current laibilities

B. current assets - current laibilities

C. current assets / current laibilities

D. current assets + current laibilities

Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate
............... is concerned with making sure that the right amount of money and lines of credit available to
the business at all times

A. Working capital management

B. cash management
C. inventory management
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

39. working capital

managemt includes ..............
A. inventorymanagement
B. cash managemet,receivables management

cash managemet,receivables management,Inventory Management
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

40. ..............Identifies the cash balance which allows for the business to meet day to day expenses
A. employer
B. cash management
C. employee
D. receivables management
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

41. ...............
Money which is owed to a company by a customer for products and services provided on
A. Cash Management
B. Receivables Management
C. Inventory Management
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

42. ................ Identifies the appropriate credit policy

A. none
B. Inventory Management
C. Receivables Management
D. Cash Management
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

43. .............Identifies the level of inventory which allows for uninterrupted production
A. Receivables Management
B. Inventory
C. Cash Management
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

44. ...............
Reduces the investment in raw materials, minimizes reordering costs and hence increases
cash flow
A. Inventory Management
B. Cash Management
C. Receivables Management
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

46. Basic objective of every investment is to ...............

A. nomarginn
B. maximise the profit and loss
C. minimize the profit
D. maximise the profit
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

47. ............... are the tools for investment analysis

B. Benefit cost Ratio
C. Payback Period, ARR
D. both a, b and c
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

48. Ratio analysis established ................... between two relavant figures

A. additional relationship
B. arthimetical relationship
C. divisional relationship
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

49. Return on proprietor’s fund( Equity) =

A. Net Profit after tax and interest / Proprietors fund X 100
B. Net Profit after tax and interest X Proprietors fund / 100

C. Net Profit after tax and interest X Proprietors fund

D. Net Profit after tax and interest X Proprietors fund / 250
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate
50. Return on Capital Employed =
A. (net profit before interest and tax + Capital Employed ) /100
B. (net profit before interest and tax -Capital Employed ) X 1000
C. (net profit before interest and tax / Capital Employed ) X 100
D. (net profit before interest and tax - Capital Employed ) X 100
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

51. Return on Total Investment =

A. Net Profit after interest and tax - Total Asset + 100
B. Net Profit after interest and tax / Total Asset X 100
C. Net Profit after interest and tax X Total Asset / 100
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

52. ................Involves
investment decision balancing the sources and uses of funds for acquiring fixed
assets like plant and machinery
A. both b and c
B. inventory budgeting
C. capital budgeting
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

53. one of the Techniques of Capital Budgeting

A. Pay Back
B. Payout Period
C. none
D. both a and b
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

54. ARR is................

A. average rate of running
B. average rate of return
C. average running rate
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

55. ARR =
A. (Average net income after tax /Average investment over the life of the project ) X 100
B. (Average net income after tax + Average investment over the life of the project ) X 100
C. (Average net income after tax - Average investment over the life of the project ) X 100

D. (Average net income after tax + Average investment over the life of the project ) X 1000
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

56. ................. refers to the birth of a business enterprise in the economy

A. growth
B. startup
C. expansion
D. decline
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

57. The production takes place in limited scale ............. stage of small scale business
A. growth
B. decline
C. start up
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

58. Profits may not be earned during the ........... stage

A. end
B. startup
C. decline
D. growth
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

59. .................. is the internal growth strategies of small business enterprise

A. expansion
B. none
C. joint ventures
D. mergers
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

60. diversification is the one of most popular growth strategy small business enterprise
A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

61. ............... is increase in the same line of activity

A. expansion
B. diversification
C. joint ventures
D. mergers
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

62. .............. is an approach to growth by adding new products to the existing product line
A. expansion
B. diversification
C. joint venture
D. merger
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

65. In horizontal diversification ............

A. the same type of product is added to the existing one
B. the different type of product is added to the new one
C. the entirely different product
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

74. The purties who enter into agreement are called as ............
A. co ventures
B. joint ventures
C. merger
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

Portion - End Sem

Unit - V
1. ............ is the
place where the sellers and buyers meet to exchange their products/services for
A. Market
B. bustand
C. railwaystation
D. airport
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

2. ..................way of marketing focus on sellers and not on customers

A. conventional
B. modern
C. traditional
D. none of the above
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

3. In traditional marketing ............... should be beware

A. sellers
B. buyers
C. customers
D. both b and c
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

4. marketing concept has changed time to time

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

5. In.................... way of marketing the customers looks in the quality,durability,service of the

A. traditional
B. modern
C. conventional
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

6. modern concept of marketing focusses on ...............

A. both b and d

B. sellers beware
C. none
D. buyers beware
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

7. .....................
are the problems faced in marketing small industry products
A. i) competition ii) lack of sale promotion iii)weak in bargaining

B. i) high cost ii) low end iii) new to the market

C. both a and b
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

8. .................
is involved in market assesment
A. sellingprice
B. purchase forecasting
C. market potential
D. demand forecasting
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

9. ................ refers to willingness and ability of customers to buy a product/service

A. price
B. demand
C. technique
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

10. Demand refers to willingness and ability of customers to buy products/services

A. True
B. False
C. -
D. -
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

11. the potential customers willingness and ability to buy a product/service is termed as .............
A. demand
B. none
C. total market
D. full market
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

12. ................
technique is used for demand forecasting
A. survey method and statistical method
B. both a and c
C. indicator method
D. none of the above
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

13. .................. is the subdividing of market into homogeneous subsets of customers

A. market segmentation
B. none
C. market assesment
D. pricing
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

14. ............... variable is used in market segmentation

A. finance
B. geographic and demographic variable
C. both b and d
D. education and income
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

14. ............... variable is used in market segmentation

A. finance

B. geographic and demographic variable

C. both b and d

D. education and income

Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

15. the four factors of Ps for market mix are ...............

A. product,price,promotion,place
B. purchase,price,promotion,place
C. none
D. both a and b
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

16. ............. is the name,time,sign or combination of them intended to identify the products of a on
A. make
B. brand
C. telecom
D. company
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

17. ................
is the art of science and technology of preparing goods fior transport and sales
A. market assesment
B. pakaging
C. transport
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

32. the price of the same product will vary cutomer to customer in .............
A. variable pricing policy
B. resale price maintenance
C. none
D. both a and b
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Easy

45. Inventory turnover Ratio

A. (Cost of goods consumed or sold during year / Average inventory during the year ) x 100
B. (Cost of goods consumed or sold during year / Average inventory during the year ) x 1000
C. (Cost of goods consumed or sold during year / Average inventory during the year )
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Difficult

63. L&T an engineering company also inviolved in cement manufacturing is an example of ........
A. expansion
B. none
C. diversification
D. merger
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

64. the same line of product is added to the existing product line is .............. diversification
A. concentric
B. conglometrate
C. vertical
D. horizontal
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

66. Complementary products or service are added to the existing product or service line of the enterprise
is ............




Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

67. AVT manufacturing start producing picture tube sugar will may develop a sugarcane farm to supply
raw material or input for it is an example of ...............



Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

68. in vertical diversification ............... are added to the existing one

A. Same
B. none
C. complementary
D. both a and c
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

69. An enterprise enter into the business related to its present one in terms of technology, marketing or
both is ...........
A. vertical diversification
B. Concentric diversification
C. horizontal diversification
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

70. Nestleoriginally baby food producer entered into related product like tomato ketchup magi is an
example of .............. diversification
A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. concentric
D. conglometrate
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

71. an enterprise diversifies into the business which is not related to its existing business neither in terms
of technology nor marketing is termed as ............... diversification
A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. concentric
D. conglometrate
Ans: D
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

72. Godrej manufacturing steel safes & showing creams is an example of ............... diversification
A. conglometrate
B. concentric
C. vertical
D. horizontal
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderate

73. temporary partnership b/w two or more firms is called as .................

A. jointventure
B. venture
C. merger
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

75. .................
are the combination of 2 or more existing enterprise into one
A. jointventure
B. merger
C. co venture
D. none
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Difficult

76. An enterprise or enterprises may be acquired by another enterprise is called as .................

A. management
B. absorption
C. merger
D. joint venture
Ans: B
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

77. When two or more existing enterprises merge into one to form a new enterprise is called as ............
A. merger
B. joint venture
C. amalgamation
D. none
Ans: C
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

78. .....................
Defined as a form of contractual arrangement in which a retailer enter into an agreement
with a producer to sell the producer‟s goods or services for a specified fee or commission.
A. franchising
B. subcontracting
C. merging
D. amalgamation
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

79. ............
relationship exists when a company places on order with another company for the production
of parts components.
A. Sub-contracting system
B. contracting system
C. merger
D. none
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

80. Dealerswere given the right to distribute goods for a manufacturer is .............
A. product franchising
B. customer franchising
C. none
D. supplier
Ans: A
Explanation: -
Question Type: Moderately Easy

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