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De La Salle University – Dasmariñas

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Engineering Department
Computer Engineering Program



Experiment # 1

Submitted by:

Date Performed: February 08, 2020

Date Submitted: February 15, 2020

Submitted to:


• Eagle CAD

• PC Building Simulator

• Multisim

In this experiment, the group explored the basic functions of the software applications to
be used as a simulator in Computer Systems Architecture, such as Eagle CAD, PC Building
Simulator, VMWare Workstation Player and Multisim. These software simulators are used for
creating designs and models and testing it virtually before applying and implementing it to the
actual project.
Eagle CAD provides all the tools necessary to produce a PCB layout for an electronics
project. This software contains a collection of free and open source component libraries and
huge amount of new and professional design features that lets the user to test and simulate the
created circuit design. It shows the behavior of the electronics circuits precisely so the user can
edit and remove the errors before using it to prototype projects. PC Building Simulator allows
the user to build, diagnose and fix a PC virtually. It has different categories of components that
can be chosen. It also computes and shows the total amount of the components that are used in
the PC simulation.

VMWare Workstation Player is an application for running new operating systems as

virtual machines in a different window. It incorporates features that allows the users to produce
and configure the virtual machines for optimal performance and access any devices associated
to the PC. Multisim is a program that lets you construct a schematic diagram with the use of
components in the library section. You will just place the components needed and connect them.
Then, when you simulate it, the current and voltages will appear. Also, the frequency response
can be seen through this application. It analyzes the constructed circuit faster and easier and can
identify the current and voltage flowing through the circuit without solving it. It is a basic
software intended to do functions of some equipment that can be found inside an engineering

These computer simulators demonstrate the abstract model of a certain system virtually in
order to determine and eliminate the errors before making an actual or real-life project of it. It is
very helpful when the actual project is expensive or impractical and difficult to create and
develop, because you don’t need to implement the actual project to see the result.
With the use of these simulators, it is already easy to apply changes or remove the errors
of the project without spending a big amount of money and wasting time and effort. Unlike the
actual or physical modeling, the abstract or simulation model is computer-based and provides a
2D or 3D view of the project to feel and visualize it in a real-world aspect.

Computer Hardware and System isn’t as simple as we may think, it isnt a child’s play. So
deep understanding about it is needed, thankfully there is a lot of simulator available around the
internet to practice the and understand the structure of a computer.
Autodesk eagle software best in design for multilayers single-sided and double-sided boards.
All tools are simpl and easy to know and product are good for design. We can design a PCB
board for simple and medium-size complex boards are fast. Best & faster for schematic design
and board design and component placement.
PC Building Simulator, which is now available on Steam after a period of early access, gives
you the experience of being a one-person PC-building workshop, juggling moody customers
with various demands. Your tasks could be as simple as blowing dust out of an older computer
and scanning for viruses or, as you level up, it could be to build an entire PC from scratch. If
you’re not a PC-building aficionado, the game simplifies the hobby to make it more newbie-
friendly. You won’t have to spend time managing your cables, for instance, as the game does
this for you. It also points out where the motherboard, GPU, CPU, fans, and various parts are,
highlighting units you can remove and obstacles that are in your way. That saves time, which is
great because a game like this can already take up many hours, and keeping that real-life
difficulty level wouldn’t make the game more fun. One of the best parts of actually building a
PC is physically feeling the glass, metal, and cables assemble into something that can eventually
hum. Although you obviously lose the tactile touch in the game, PC Building Simulator makes
up for it with other thrills like your shop turning a profit over time, customers giving you five-
star ratings, and hitting a benchmark on 3DMark.
VMware's free VMware Player is all most users need to enter the world of virtual computing.
Like Oracle's VirtualBox, and unlike Windows XP mode or Microsoft's free Virtual PC 2007, it
will run almost any operating system ever invented: DOS, Windows 3.1, XP, Linux, Unix, etc.
There are also plenty of VMs (appliances in VMware vernacular) available both at the
company's Web site and other places online.

All of these simulators are very beneficial for people that are not familiar with what’s inside
the computer as these simulator accurately demonstrates an actual system and hardware of a
computer. Getting familiar with the simulator before applying the skills in real life is very
beneficial because this reduces the room for errors when dealing with an actual computer , less
error means less cost and less cost means a lot of efficiency.

There are many free and easy simulators being offered to us all over the world. These
said simulators are design to provide us a realistic imitation and operation of a circuit device.
We have different simulators like Eagle, Multisim, KiCad, and more. But their basic function
is the design of schematics for electronic circuits and their conversion to PCB designs.

Eagle is a powerful, easy-to-use tool that enables us to design PCB’s, connect

components, create schematic diagrams, PCB routing, and it has an extensive library content.
The library content of Eagle is free and open source, so you can basically get the contents
anywhere. Some popular libraries that is included in Eagle are snapEDA, Adafruit, Arduino,
and much more. Schematics in this program are stored in .sch extension (a schematic file used
by various electronic design automation programs). The program provides us with multi-
window graphical user interface for editing and customization of design and interface
parameters. It offers a wide selection of different tools and command to create our circuit.
Since Eagle has a very large community, numerous groups of textual and video tutorials exist
for us to use.
VMware is a publicly traded software that provides cloud computing and virtualization
software and services. It was one of the first commercially successful companies to virtualize
the x86 architecture. VMware's desktop software runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and
macOS. With virtual networking, you can network virtual machines in the same way that you
do physical machines and can build complex networks within a single ESX Server host or
across multiple ESX Server hosts, for production deployments or development and testing
purposes. On a Windows host, the software needed for all networking configurations is
installed when you install VMware Workstation. On a Linux host, when you install
Workstation, you can choose whether to have bridged and host-only networking available to
your virtual machines
PC Building Simulator is a simulation strategy videogame that is centered around you
building and growing your very own computer repair enterprise. In this game you will learn
how to fix, diagnose, and build PCs, mainly gaming oriented. It has a real-world licensed
components, comprehensive hardware, and software simulation that will help you plan and
bring your ultimate PC to life. It features two distinct modes: career mode and free build. In
career mode you are responsible for maintaining a workshop where you can modify pre-built
computers like adding new part and removing viruses or building a brand-new computer. To
acquire parts, you must but them from a fictional online store. You can unlock newer and more
advanced parts by leveling up. In free build mode you are given unlimited money, the parts,
tools and work benches are available for use. The computer components are from real life
brand and are fully licensed. Some components the game offer are cases, Intel and AMD
CPUs, motherboard, power supplies, storage, memory, GPU, etc.

Learning to use different kinds of simulator is very beneficial for us not only because it
makes building and creating easier for us, but it is also widely use in the electronic industries.
Having a deep understanding and familiarization about simulators, better equip a student like
me with practical knowledge, especially when it comes to real-life situations we can perform
better in our future careers. We can also enhance our experience that will improve our skills and
confidence. Simulations includes replicating a certain scenario that will assist us to practice
different actions and responses that are required in similar situation in real life.
Simulation encourages us to expand our imagination, experiment and correct mistakes to
produce a better solutions or products. Simulations promote concept attainment through
experiential practice. We can put real knowledge and skills into practice not just by reading
books on theory or listening to lectures, but through physical, hands-on activity. Learning new
skills and talents with others can be beneficial in several respects. For one, we can learn from
each other through observation and collaboration. By physically deploying new skills or actions,
we are more likely to retain insights and learned knowledge. Not only will we retain the theory
and broader concepts behind the new processes, we will also be able to apply those principles to
practice, further enhancing knowledge.

From our previous meeting, we needed to familiarize ourself to different kinds of
simulator for our subject(Computer System and Architecture or CSA). This simulators will
provide assistance to us so that we can have the knowledge on what we are going to discuss.
The simulators that may be used are Eagle Cad, PC Building Simulator, VMWare
application and Multisim. This softwares are for creating and building designs, but there are
softwares that can make us do a simple program or code.
Eagle CAD is an electronic design automation (EDA) software. Enabling printed circuit
board (PCB) designers to seamlessly connect schematic diagrams, component placement,
PCB routing, and comprehensive library content.
PC Building Simulator is a software game that you will need to build and grow your
very own computer repair enterprise as you learn to diagnose, fix and build PCs. With real-
world licensed components and comprehensive hardware and software simulation, you can
plan and build your ultimate PC in life.
VMware Workstation Player, formerly VMware Player, is a virtualization software
package for x64 computers running Microsoft Windows or Linux, supplied free of charge
by VMware, Inc., a company which was formerly a division of, and whose majority
shareholder remains Dell EMC. VMware Player can run existing virtual appliances and
create its own virtual machines (which require an operating system to be installed to be
functional). It uses the same virtualization core as VMware Workstation, a similar program
with more features, which is not free of charge. VMware Player is available for personal non-
commercial use, or for distribution or other use by written agreement. VMware, Inc. does not
formally support Player, but there is an active community website for discussing and
resolving issues, and a knowledge base.

These softwares are very essential to fully understand the subject that we are currently
taking. These softwares will also benefit us, because they may be included on the future jobs
that we will be working with.

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