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Evaluating research paper

Article 1: Music training improves speech-in-noise perception: Longitudinal evidence from a
community-based music program.
Ch 2. Evaluating Titles
Questions Score Evidence
5 The title are sufficiently specific enough to
introduce the main content of the study articles.
Also, form the title it is safe to assume that the the
1. Is the title sufficiently specific? articles can be differentiated from other articles on
the same topic and sufficient enough for the
reader to make a judgement relevant enough to
their needs.

4 The title contained 15 words that are specific

2.Is the title reasonably concise? enough for the researcher to locate the articles but
not overly informed.

3 Two variables were described here which are

3.Are the primary variables referred to in the title?
music training and speech in noise perception

N/A In this study, researcher already specified that the

4. When there are many variables, are the types of outcome that being observed are the speech-in-
variables referred to? noise perception improvement of the participant
after the community-based music program.

N/A The author did not included the name of

population that being included as the participant
(population of interest).
The focus group also are not described in the title.
However, in this articles, it is specified that the
5.Does the title identify the types of individuals
who participated? population of interest are children. In my personal
opinion, title should include that population of
interest as there are huge difference between adult
and children in term of music training efficacy
especially to their performance of speech in noise

N/A This study did not strongly related to any theory.

6. If a study is strongly tied to a theory, is the name
of the specific theory mentioned in the title? Thus, it is not applicable to evaluate the question.
1 The author described how music training can
improves the speech in noise perception and also
7. Has the author avoided describing results int he
title? describe how this can be proved by community-
based music program.

8. Has the author avoided using a “yes–no” N/A Author did used yes-no questions as the title.
question as a title?

4 Author use appropriate two part title. Both part

provide important information
9. If there are a main title and a subtitle, do both
First part: music training and speech-in noise
provide important information
about the research? perception.
Two: usage of community-based music program

N/A Author did not use any 'effect' words or any

10.If the title implies causality, does the method of synonym to 'effect'. even though the main
research justify it? outcome is to see to effect of music training to the
speech-in-noise perception.

11.Is the title free of jargon and acronyms that 5 There is no acronym or jargon used in titles.
might be unknown to the audience for
the research report?

4 The title mentioned about music training but

12. Are any highly unique or very important
Evaluating research paper
Article 2: The perception of prosody and associated auditory cues in early -implanted
children: The role of auditory working memory and musical activities.
Ch 2. Evaluating Titles
Questions Score Evidence
5 The title are specific can be differentiated from the other
1. Is the title sufficiently specific? research articles of the same topic

2. Is the title reasonably concise? 2 The title consist more than 15 words which are consider as
quite long and provided more information.

5 All three variables were stated in the title

3. Are the primary variables referred to in the i) perception of prosody
title? ii) early-implanted children
iii) music training/ auditory working

4. When there are many variables, are the types of 3 The associated auditory cues/ musical activities here consist of
variables referred to? three different type (author just stated about musical
5. .Does the title identify the types of individuals 5 The type of individual here were stated as early- implanted
who participated? children.

6. If a study is strongly tied to a theory, is the N/A The research did not closely related to specific theory.
name of the specific theory mentioned in the title?
7. Has the author avoided describing results int he 5 Author did not stated any results in the title.
8. Has the author avoided using a “yes–no” 5 Author did not stated any 'yes-no' question in the title
question as a title?

9. If there are a main title and a subtitle, do both 5 Both main title and a subtitle are both refer to specific
provide important information variables examined in research study.
about the research?

N/A The author did not implies any causal relationship directly by
using the word 'effect' but instead investigating the roles of
10. If the title implies causality, does the method
auditory working memory and musical activities in the
of research justify it?
improvement of perception of prosody. (comparison between
CI user n normal hearing).

11. Is the title free of jargon and acronyms that 5 Title are free of jargon and acronyms that might be unknown
might be unknown to the audience for .
the research report?

5 Yes, the characteristic; not only children CI user but also early
12. Are any highly unique or very important
implanted CI children.
characteristics of the study referred to in the title?
4 Title are clear, well explained, and the important information
13. Overall, is the title effective and appropriate? were stated in the title.

Ch 3. Evaluating Abstracts
Objective: To study prosodic perception in early-implanted children in relation to auditory discrimination, auditory working
memory, and exposure to music. Design: Word and sentence stress perception, discrimination of fundamental frequency (F0),
intensity and duration, and forward digit span were measured twice over approximately 16 months. Musical activities were
assessed by questionnaire. Study sample: Twenty-one early-implanted and age-matched normal-hearing (NH) children (4 – 13
years). Results: Children with cochlear implants (CIs) exposed to music performed better than others in stress perception and
F0 discrimination. Only this subgroup of implanted children improved with age in word stress perception, intensity
discrimination, and improved over time in digit span. Prosodic perception, F0 discrimination and forward digit span in
implanted children exposed to music was equivalent to the NH group, but other implanted children performed more poorly.
For children with CIs, word stress perception was linked to digit span and intensity discrimination: sentence stress perception
was additionally linked to F0 discrimination. Conclusions: Prosodic perception in children with CIs is linked to auditory
working memory and aspects of auditory discrimination. Engagement in music was linked to better performance across a
range of measures, suggesting that music is a valuable tool in the rehabilitation of implanted children.

Questions Score Evidence

1. Is the purpose of the study referred to or at least 5 The purpose of study were clearlly stated and implied in the
clearly implied? objective section of the abstract (structured abstract)

the design and methodology of the articles was appropriately

2. Does the abstract mention highlights of the
describe in the Design section of the abstract (Structured
research methodology? 4

3. Has the researcher omitted the titles of even though the main musical activities was assessed with
measures (except when these are the focus questionnaire, author avoided stating the full name of
of the research)? questionnaire.

The highlight was stated; for children qith CIs, word stress
perception was linked to digit span and intensity
4. Are the highlights of the results described?
4 discrimination: sentence stress perception was additionally
linked to F0 discrimination.

5. If the study is strongly tied to a theory, is the N/A Study was not strongly related to the theory.
theory mentioned in the abstract?

6. Has the researcher avoided making vague Author appropriately described the implication of their
references to implications and future research without vaguely described them.
research directions?

The abstract content; appropriately described; without vaguely

7. Overall, is the abstract effective and
over stated their finding;
appropriate? 4
Further, the information were written in short and clear ways.

Ch 4. Evaluating Introductions and Literature Reviews

Questions Score Evidence
Author describe the population in focus and the limitation of
1. Does the researcher begin by identifying a
that the population is having.
specific problem area? 4
(appropriately board description)

The author specifically address the problem and the reasons of

the problem (focus) This often leads to poorer or more
2. Does the researcher establish the importance of variable speech and language skills in children with CIs than
the problem area? in children with normal hearing (Geers et al, 2003;
Pisoni et al, 2011).

3. Are any underlying theories adequately N/A Not strongly related to the theory.

4. Does the introduction move from topic to topic The introduction was organized around topic and the
instead of from citation to references site together instead of series of references being
citation? sites other after another.

5. Are very long introductions broken into The introduction were considered as long introduction
subsections, each with its own however, author did not use any subheading.

Author did not provide formal conceptual definitions. (Might

6. Has the researcher provided adequate
not be needed as most of the words definition already well
conceptual definitions of key terms? I/I

7. Has the researcher cited sources for “factual” Each statement/ fact were cited from source (past study/
statements? 5 book).
8. Do the specific research purposes, questions, or All the specific research purpose, question were stated in the
hypotheses logically flow from last
the introductory material?

9. Overall, is the introduction effective and Overall, the introduction content can be consider as
appropriate? 4 appropriate. Each statement that was included were cited from
reliable sources.
Ch 5. A Closer Look at Evaluating Literature Reviews
Questions Score Evidence
The author break the citation into subgroup according to the
population and also the factor. E.g Despite the importance of
prosodic stress for the segmentation of speech, there are only a
1. Has the researcher avoided citing a large handful of studies assessing prosodic stress perception in
number of sources for a single point? 4 children with CIs (Word and sentence stress: Klieve & Jeanes,
2001; Most & Peled, 2007; O ’ Halpin, 2010. Word stress:
Lyxell et al, 2009, Titterington et al, 2006. Imitation of word
stress patterns: Carter et al, 2002).

The author provide both positive and negative critics to the

2. Is the literature review critical? 4 past paper.

the references that been cited are from the latest publication
3. Is current research cited? 5 (not more than 10 years old).

4. Has the researcher distinguished between Author did not used wording that can point out if the cited
literature present opinions or research result.
opinions and research findings? 2

5. Has the researcher noted any gaps in the the knowledge gaps was clearly explained several times in the
literature? 4 review.

6. Has the researcher interpreted research N/A

literature in light of the inherent limits of
empirical research?

7. Has the researcher avoided overuse of direct author did not use any direct quotation from any references.
quotations from the literature? 5

The introduction of this study adequately mentioned the

8. Overall, is the literature review portion of the
results and the author's opinions from the background to the
introduction appropriate? O
purpose and hypothesis of the study and adequately described
the introduction of this study.
Ch 6. Evaluating Samples When Researchers Generalize
Questions Score Evidence
1.Was random sampling used? The randomization of sample was not clearly stated.
2. If random sampling was used, was it stratified? Not clearly stated.
3. If some potential participants refused to Not clearly stated. However, as the focus group of the study
participate, was the rate of participation was children with cochlear implant, in personal opinions it
reasonably high? was reasonably adequate.

4. If the response rate was low, did the researcher N/A

make multiple attempts to contact potential

5. Is there reason to believe that the participants N/A

and nonparticipants are similar on relevant

6. If a sample is not random, was it at least drawn In this study, it can be conclude that convenience sample was
from the target group for the used. All the participant in this study were the participant from
generalization? previous study conducted by the same researcher.
7. If a sample is not random, was it drawn from N/A
diverse sources? N/A

8. If a sample is not random, does the researcher The limitation of the study regarding the subject selection was
explicitly discuss this limitation? 1 not properly discuss in this study.

9. Has the author described relevant demographics The demographic of subject was adequately stated and
of the sample? 5 summarized in the table.

From personal opinion, the sample size are consider as

adequate, how ever, the description of subject, and the
10. Is the overall size of the sample adequate? limitation in generalizing the subject are really limited and not
enough information was stated (need to be careful in
generalizing the result to the focus population).

The participant was divided into two subgroup (musically

11. Is the number of participants in each subgroup active vs musically inactive group). However, no clear
sufficiently large? 2 description how many subject been assigned to each group
(Only one group number participant was mentioned)

informed content was given to t he parent prior to testing and

12. Has informed consent been obtained? for the participant, the consent were gave orally (after study
was explained to them).

Even thought the number of subject was considered as

adequate, However, in literal reading, author does not provide
clear information on the requirement process. Author also did
not describe some of the important information that limit the
13. Overall, is the sample appropriate for
1 reader to evaluate whether appropriate subject was requited.
Furthermore, some of the information was not included
directly in the paper. instead, the reader need to find it at the
online website of the journal.

Ch 7. Evaluating Samples When Researchers Do Not Generalize

Questions Score Evidence
some of the information was not included directly in the paper.
1. Has the researcher described the
instead, the reader need to find it at the online website of the
sample/population in sufficient detail? 3
journal. (might be conveniece for the reader).
2. For a pilot study or developmental test of a Not a pilot study
theory, has the researcher used a sample with
relevant demographics?

3. Even if the purpose is not to generalize to a Sample size are consider as adequate especially for the focus
population, has the researcher used a group that are limited (children with cochlear implant).
sample of adequate size?

4. Is the sample size adequate in terms of its N/A

orientation (quantitative versus

5. If a purposive sample has been used, has the The inclusion criteria of subject was clearly stated in the
researcher indicated the basis for method section.
selecting participants?

6. If a population has been studied, has it been
clearly identified and described? N/A

7. Has informed consent been obtained?
This is are quantitative study, thus, the evaluation of sample in
8. Overall, is the description of the sample qualitative study might not be appropriate.
adequate? 5

Ch 8. Evaluating Instrumentation
Questions O/X Evidence
This study measured digit span and also PIQ of the participant.
1. Have the actual items and questions (or at least For PIQ, it was measured with the block design subtest of the
a sample of them) been provided? 5 WISC-IV (Wechsler intelligence scale for children, 4th
edition: Wechsler, 2010).

The outcome was measured in setting that are specific for

2. Are any specialized response formats, settings, measuring hearing ability (Soundproof room), and also the
and/or restrictions described in response also was recorded by specific test (ITPA/PIQ).
detail? Program, volume, and sensitivity level were
adjusted to the clinically recommended values.

3. When appropriate, were multiple methods used The performance of subject was measured in different
to collect data/information on each variable? 5 measure (Sentences stress, word stress, Fundamental
frequency perception, digit span, PIQ)
4. For published measures, have sources been The software that been used for data analysis was SPSS. All
cited where additional information the additional information of how they were analyse and the
can be obtained? sources have been cited.

5. When delving into sensitive matters, is there N/A

reason to believe that accurate data
were obtained?

6. Have steps been taken to keep the measures N/A

from influencing any overt behaviors
that were observed?

All sounds were presented using the everyday settings of the

7. If the collection and coding of observations
CI, without use of any acoustic hearing aid. Program, volume,
involves subjectivity, is there evidence of
4 and sensitivity level were adjusted to the clinically
interobserver reliability?
recommended values.

8. If a measure is designed to measure a single N/A

unitary trait, does it have adequate internal

9. For stable traits, is there evidence of temporal N/A

stability? N/A

The main statistical analysis was done by using linear mixed

10. When appropriate, is there evidence of content modelling that have been propose by Singer & Wilett, 2003;
validity? O West, 2009). How LMM works were also described in the
methodological sections.

11. When appropriate, is there evidence of N/A

empirical validity? N/A

12. Do the researchers discuss obvious limitations N/A

of their measures? N/A

This study conducted a correlation and LMN analysis to

13.Overall, are the measures adequate? identify the association between the music training and the
behavioral response. All the test and measure procedure were
justified and clearly stated in the paragraph.
Ch 9. Evaluating Experimental Procedures
Questions O/X Evidence
1. If two or more groups were compared, were the 5 The research compared two group which are CI group and
participants assigned at random also the normal group. Participant of CI group also was
to the groups? grouped into two subgroup.
2. If two or more comparison groups were not The randomization was not stated. And also, the subgroup was
formed at random, is there evidence divided by using inclusion criteria for each subgroup.
that they were initially equal in important ways?

3. If only a single participant or a single group is N/A

used, have the treatments been

4. Are the treatments described in sufficient The music training and all the procedure that have been
detail? O conducted was clearly stated. The setting of training, duration
and also the stimuli used in the music training were described.
5. If the treatments were administered by In this research, researcher conduct the study by themselves
individuals other than the researcher, were and the participant parent (home based musical activities). The
those individuals properly trained? instructions were clearly explained to the parent before the
experiment begins.
6. If the treatments were administered by As the training was conducted at home and the nature of
individuals other than the researcher, were training program are home-based music training, the parents
they monitored? was not monitored. The data was collected form parent by
using questionnaire.
As the setting of musical training was done both at center and
7. If each treatment group had a different person
also home, the personal effect might been eliminated (home
administering a treatment, did the
N/A setting- parent/participant interaction) However when the
researcher try to eliminate the personal effect?
training conducted at center, this effect might not have been
8. If treatments were self-administered, did the N/A
researcher check on treatment

9. Except for differences in the treatments, were The NH group was matched to the CI group by age, gender,
all other conditions the same in the and musical activities
experimental and control groups?

10. When appropriate, have the researchers N/A

considered possible demand

This study conducted an analysis of the perception of speech

in noise after music training for each study subject. All the
setting of data collection and only the setting of center was
11. Is the setting for the experiment natural? describe (limited to describe the home setting). However, in
term if external validity, as most of training was conducted at
home and the data collection was conducted in clinical setting
and sound proof room, the external validity in this research
might be low
The author did not state if the selection was made random or
12. Has the researcher distinguished between
not. However, it is clear that author did not followed random
random selection and random assignment? 1
assignment to treatment condition (followed inclusion/
exclusion criteria).
13. Has the researcher considered attrition? N/A
14. Has the researcher used ethical and politically N/A
acceptable treatments? N/A

The study was carried out in accordance with the Declaration

15. Overall, was the experiment properly
of Helsinki, and all procedures were approved by the local
conducted? 3
ethical committees of the participating hospitals.

Ch 10. Evaluating Analysis and Results Sections: Quantitative Research

Questions Score Evidence
1. When percentages are reported, are the N/A
underlying numbers of cases also

2. Are means reported only for approximately O In this study, the statistical significance and also the
symmetrical distributions? interaction of each theoretical variable was conducted through
regression, ANOVA, and LMM.
3. If any differences are statistically significant The author described some of the similar/ not big differences
and small, have the researchers in the outcome between group; Duration discrimination was
5 broadly similar across the CIm, CIn, and NH groups.
noted that they are small?

Yes, the result section was also described in essay; the result
4. Is the Results section a cohesive essay?
5 were describe in the paragraph, each describes the aspect of
the result.
5. Does the researcher refer back to the research All the hypothesis, and questions that have been stated in the
hypotheses, purposes, or questions introduction paragraph was then described in the result part.
originally stated in the introduction?

6. When there are a number of related statistics, As stated, study used linear mixed modeling (LMM) for the
have they been presented in a data analysis. All the value, regression and outcome data was
table? summary in the Result table.

7. If there are tables, are their highlights discussed Each statistical data estimated is clearly stated in the results of
in the narrative of the Results section? 5 this study

8. Have the researchers presented descriptive The descriptive analysis here were measures of variability
statistics before presenting the results of (SD) and correlation coefficient was used to describe the
inferential tests? direction and strength of relationship between the variables.

9. Overall, is the presentation of the results To test the purpose and hypotheses of the study, various and
comprehensible? sophisticated statistical techniques were analyzed and the
techniques of the results were systematically reported in table
10. Overall, is the presentation of the results and narratively explained in the paragraphs.

Ch 11. Evaluating Analysis and Results Sections: Qualitative Research

Questions Score Evidence
The study is quantitative study. (Non applicable)
Ch 12. Evaluating Discussion Section
Questions Score Evidence
1. In long articles, do the researchers briefly The main focus of research was explained by using the
summarize the purpose and results at the subheading (clearly stated the hypothesis/research question
beginning of the Discussion section? one by one)

2. Do the researchers acknowledge specific No limitation of methodological limitation was described.

methodological limitations? 1

3. Are the results discussed in terms of the Most of the issue cited from past study at introduction was
literature cited in the introduction? address and discussed in the discussion paragraph.
4. Have the researchers avoided citing new
references in the Discussion section?

Yes, the author described the specific implication were

discussed; These links suggest that auditory discrimination
5. Are specific implications discussed? and auditory working memory should be important targets in
the rehabilitation of early implanted children, in order to
improve perception of word and sentence stress.

6. Are the results discussed in terms of any N/A

relevant theories? N/A

Author suggested that an experimental study would be the only way

to test the hypothesis that musical activities from an early age can
7. Are suggestions for future research specific?
5 enhance these and perhaps also other important aspects of speech
and language.

8. Overall, is the Discussion section effective and 4 The consideration of this study clearly presents the test results
appropriate? for the purpose and hypothesis of the study mentioned in the

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