A Week To Remember: International Alliance For Interoperability

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buildingSMART ® Sustainability by

building SMARTER
® International Alliance for Interoperability

NEWSLETTER • No 2 • November 2010

A week to remember
Nyborg conference and Copenhagen events
A week-long series of
activities in Denmark in early
September brought together
delegates from around the
world to explore issues
of digital working and the
implementation of IT-based
collaborative working. Some
70 delegates from overseas,
together with a local audience, IC highlights
pooled their knowledge, first The International Council (IC) met
at a two-day conference in on 9 September. Discussion and
Nyborg on 6–7 September resolutions included the following.
and then at meetings and
seminars across Copenhagen. • Developing a BIM standard
The conference was IC continues to support
organised by bips – the development of a BIM standard:
Danish membership it requested ExCom (Executive
organisation that promotes IT, Committee) to engage with
collaboration and productivity interested parties (NBIMS,
in construction – around the TechCom and UserCom) and
theme of productivity: visions, produce a proposal for the
tools and change. There were development of a standard.
350 delegates in all and 55 • Getting the right marketing in
sessions, complemented by Clockwise, from above: Patrick MacLeamy, buildingSMART place
17 displays in the exhibition International chair, and the buildingSMART team; delegates at IC recognises the value of good
area. Presentations were Nyborg; the Storebælt fixed link; networking opportunity marketing and asked ExCom to
given in five parallel streams, finalise the Marketing Plan.
two of them in English.
On 7 September the keynote address ‘A buildingSMART World Tour’ was • Building strong chapters
given jointly by buildingSMART chairmen and officers from three continents: Strong chapters underpin the
Patrick MacLeamy (US), Jan Karlshøj (Denmark), Christopher Groome (UK), effectiveness of buildingSMART:
John Mitchell (Australia) and Jøns Sjøgren (Norway). Their presentations ExCom was asked to produce
highlighted buildingSMART’s strategies and achievements, showing the wide guidance, based on ideas from
range of practical applications that BIM enables and the importance of far- individual chapters.
sighted public sector clients.
• Acknowledging input and
Delegates appreciated the wealth of case-study material. Problem projects
are as useful to delegates as successful ones: ‘We can learn a great deal
about what we should avoid,’ said the representative of a Dutch ministry IC thanked the Norwegian chapter
which is planning a BIM requirement in construction procurement. The Nordic for its work on the bSI website, the
experience offered a useful comparison in this ‘incredibly delicate process’. Certification team for ‘exemplary
There was plenty of opportunity for networking, much development’ and the Danish
valued by local delegates who praised the Forum for arrangements and
international dimension. The annual bips hospitality.
con­ference is a barometer of developments • Pursuing high-profile
in the industry, and an occasion when developments
delegates can meet up with old Securing ISO accreditation and the
colleagues and make new acquain­ full integration of the IFC Library
tance – in this instance from a wide Group into buildingSMART are
international scene. At the same priority activities.
time, global players were exposed
to developments in Scandinavia,
which include the rapid roll-out of
new IT tools in Norway. Continues…
One popular
innovation was
‘Meet the Experts’
– a ‘speed-dating’
session where six
experts, placed
around the room,
answered questions
from delegates in
a friendly, personal
exchange. ‘For me,
the most usable part
of the conference
was my conversation Certification strikes a
‘Speed-dating’ session with Gunnar Friborg of bips – the sessions allowed
[with the expert],’ chord
delegates to receive expert advice on an individual basis said a Danish public The certification of software
service employee products to show that they comply
who had received with the IFC standard is not just for
practical advice on the management of change. John Mitchell and Jan Karlshøj the giants of the software industry.
gave advice on the implementation of IFC. The latest company to sign up
Back in Copenhagen after the conference, there were meetings of the Inter­ is Cad-Quality Finland Oy – a
national Council and ExCom, together with meetings of the various groups: smaller player – with its electrical
International Technical Management, International Users and the IFD library. engineering app, CADiE Sähäkkä.
Open seminars with presentations from the buildingSMART team were held, This is a strong indication that
along with meetings of special-interest groups. small local software companies
are recognising the benefits of the
new certification process.
Reviewing IFC2x4 A full graphical viewer has now
been added to the certification
Public review of the latest server – the Global Testing and
release of IFC concludes on Documentation Server or GTDS
1 December. The consultation – to explore the IFC models
was held online, using the graphically and locate errors.
JIRA software system for The ability to test the software in
tracking bugs and issues. the run-up to certification makes
Users could download the process more valuable to
the draft release from the developers.
buildingSMART website and,
once registered, could feed
comments into the system.
During September,
Above: The latest IFC release, which went out to public review in at the start of the
September 2010; right: Thomas Liebich, MSG leader consultation,
around 40 issues
were recorded. The number of comments subsequently tailed
off, suggesting that bugs had been picked up and that interested
parties had decided to make their input early on.
During this process of refinement, efforts have been made
to improve the documentation of the release, so that software
developers have all the information they need to write the
software and use the model. ‘The release has been made more
readable, with better guidance on implementation,’ says Thomas
Liebich, who leads the Model Support Group (MSG). ‘We’ve also
added full documentation to support the extra “dimensions” – 4D for
construction scheduling and 5D for costs.’
The version of IFC2x4 that finally emerges from the
consultation will be known as Release Candidate 3,
taking over from the previous release candidate in the
process of submission to ISO. The final IFC2x4 release will
incorporate all the refinements and become the definitive
buildingSMART IFC standard and the full international
standard accredited by ISO. ‘Both MSG members and
stakeholders have worked hard right to the end to ensure
that the new standard is robust, user-friendly and fit for
purpose,’ concludes Thomas.
Realising value with better information
delivery – In conversation with Jan Karlshøj
On the needs of the industry…
Jan was appointed IDM co-ordinator in April 2010. He is also chairman of “In my earlier career, when I was
buildingSMART Nordic. Here he answers questions from newsletter editor Betzy working at engineering companies,
Dinesen about the information delivery manual and his role as co-ordinator. I could see it was essential to
collect and consolidate user needs
Can you tell me about the background to the Information Delivery Manual? in order to get them implemented
Although the development of the IFC specifications in the 1990s started out in software solutions. I have also
by identifying the input and output needed from construction processes, it was seen the need for a clear voice from
clear only a few years later that there was a missing link between business users to help improve the quality
processes in the project/client organisation and the IFC specifications. Several of the implementation of the IFC
specifications – and the new software
initiatives were started to fill the gap. The late Jeff Wix formalised the business
certification process should help
of specifying processes and data requirements, which led to the Information improve things.”
Delivery Manual (IDM). In parallel, the Model View Definition (MVD) was
developed, and showed how to implement and support specific parts of the IFC
specifications in software products. Finally, buildingSMART in Norway needed
elements of the IDM in its pilot projects and sponsored a significant part of the
IDM development work.
What is the strategic role of the IDM co-ordinator?
The role of IDM co-ordinator (occupied by Jeff) was formerly within the
International Technical Management Committee, but it is now linked to
the international User Group. There are several reasons for this. First,
interoperability needs to be understood better by users. Secondly, the IFC
specifications have to be implemented in the software in a way that satisfies the
needs of the business case as defined by users – rather than what is technically
possible or easy to implement. The IDM methodology is very relevant here. And
my role also entails co-ordinating the different IDM projects that are carried out
in buildingSMART chapters.
What do you hope to achieve as IDM co-ordinator?
My overall goal is to stimulate the use of interoperable ICT tools in construction
and FM in order to improve quality, lower price and reduce ‘no value added’
work – thereby helping the industry to predict the best solution in a given
situation. At an operational level, I have asked all the chapters and regions to
provide an IDM contact person, so that we can form a global network which will
work closely with the International User Group to meet their needs. I want to
Above: Tromsø University College (isometric
publish – on the web – information on the content and status of IDMs, combined
model) and Akershus Hospital – both in Norway
with the availability of compliant software solutions, and methods and training – pioneered the use of an information delivery
material on how to develop an IDM. manual; below: Jan Karlshøj
What links are you setting up with national and international standards
The IDM methodology has already been accepted by the international
standardisation organisation, ISO. In June 2010 it became ISO 29481-1:2010,
which means that today it is an official ISO standard. The work was carried
out by people who are active in buildingSMART. I am a member of the
Danish Standards Committee and the ISO Working Group that are
preparing the second part of the IDM specification.
What are your priorities?
When IFC-based data is exchanged in practice – and this is also
true of non-IFC based exchanges – it is vital that the content of what
should be delivered is specified and that the software solutions are of
high quality. This is what I want to see as a priority. IDM can be used
to specify the delivery and can be used in the software certification
process. Workflow on a large project may be huge but IDM will help.
Remember what they say about eating an elephant: do it one bite at a
time. Equally, in implementing a workflow based on the use of IFC, do it in
a series of small well-defined steps.
What can you bring to this role from your own experience?
I have worked almost 20 years at consulting engineering
companies and have been active in the work of
buildingSMART for a long time. I am aware that the key
to getting acceptance of buildingSMART technology
and methods in the market is by fulfilling user needs.
Priority project: Simple ifcXML
Many business processes do not require the full power of IFC. Selecting a buildingSMART ®

® International Alliance for Interoperability

product from a manufacturer’s website, for example, together with all the
attendant information, and inserting it into a design is a relatively straightforward We are…
process. BuildingSMART is seeking partners or sponsors for a proposed ‘Simple • a neutral, international and unique
ifcXML’ project to develop ways of efficiently processing transactions of such organisation
simple data transfers over the web. • supporting open BIM through a
Contact Francois Grobler (francois.grobler@usace.army.mil) building’s lifecycle
We work to…
• develop and maintain international
Spreading the Word standards for open BIM
• promote open BIM standards with
Dissemination activities from the our buildingSMART processes,
BuildingSMART world dictionary and data model
We help the industry to…
New publications in the UK
• build ‘smart’ to build green
The UK chapter has • improve business processes
petence produced a suite of • develop new business models
sting in BIM com tive working
InvengSMART: a guide to collaborafessionals publications to stimulate • extend the value chain
uptake. Constructing the Business Case sets
Buildi s and bui ldin g pro
for project owner g first eme
® ion modellin the
ing informat as pioneers in using
When build ever
s were seen of working. Would it
early adopter s that

out the cost-benefits and strategies involved in

and new way s? Today, it’s clear
technologies mas what it
gain critical e looks at
take off and stay. This concise guid ben efited and
to have
BIM is here st in BIM, projects that abo ut it.
inve industry think
means to

adoption. Published by the British Standards

tatives of the
what represen

New strapline –
Institution, it has been welcomed by industry
home of open BIM
as the best BIM guide yet. A shorter two-page
What exactly is the role of
Investors Report accompanies the guide and
buildingSMART within the industry?
is intended for busy CEOs. Completing the set Members often have difficulty in
is Investing in BIM Competence, a concise explaining what we do to a wider
guide which is candid about the problems but audience. At a meeting in New York
shows how ‘first off the blocks’ companies
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5
on 9 November, ExCom approved a
have benefited. It includes a brief survey into
Investing in

descriptor for buildingSMART. The new

fits of BIM page 6
g the bene
the client fits page
Benefiting and bene
industry uring costs
Views from k for meas
g a framewor

strapline is to be ‘home of open BIM’.


industry opinion, drawn from interviews with


industry representatives. Simple, clear and forceful, the new

slogan should be helpful in explaining
‘Constructing the Business Case’ and ‘Investors what we are about.
Report’ are available at http://shop.bsigroup.com/bim; ‘Investing in BIM
Competence’ is available at www.buildingsmart.org.uk. All are free downloads.
Meeting up
All about BIM in France The International Council, which is
A new website, ‘Tout sur le BIM’, hosted by internet portal Bâtiportail, presents concerned with strategy, will meet in
a comprehensive package of information to assist new adopters. This rich May 2011 in Boston, US, but thereafter
resource combines an attractive array of tools, publications and guidelines. the frequency of meetings changes
There are interviews with representatives of the supply chain, a 36-page BIM and the IC will meet just once a year.
Meanwhile the ‘delivery’ groups – the
handbook, case studies, a report on the costs of lack of interoperability in the
International Technical Management
French supply chain (similar to the US NIST study in 2002), advice on how to group and the International User Group
get started, the software available and more. Produced by Bâtiportail, a portal – are meeting on 28 March 2011 in
run by member organisation FFB (Fédération Française du Bâtiment) and the Abu Dhabi to coincide – and co-locate
French chapter at Mediaconstruct. – with an international Build Smart

Visit www.batiportail.com – click on Tout sur le BIM.

More on dissemination in the next issue.
BI conference.

BuildingSMART International
International Council
Chair: Patrick MacLeamy
Electronic trading standards Deputy chairs: Øivind Rooth and Rasso
UN/CEFACT – the Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business – is the Treasurer: Jøns Sjøgren
UN organisation that promotes the efficient exchange of business and trading ITM chair: Francois Grobler
information. Of immediate interest to buildingSMART is TBG6 (the trade and Members: Alain Maury and Deke Smith
business group covering architecture, engineering and construction) which, Secretary/business manager: Christopher
together with TBG1, is working on version 2 of the eTendering standard. Other
work includes the Contract Financial Execution Management (CFEM) project, Editor: Betzy Dinesen
where French supporters are carrying out a pilot test of an ‘internal draft’ Designer: Jane Thompson
CFEM standard on the payment and valuation processes. The UN/CEFACT Contact points
Forum meets twice a year, with individual groups holding interim meetings. chris.groome@b-r-t.co.uk (bSI matters
Visit www.unece.org/cefact. generally)
francois.grobler@usace.army.mil (technical
Image credits: Nyborg conference – delegates, Patrick MacLeamy, Storebælt fixed link, ‘speed-dating’: Nicky management)
Persson; delegates with laptops: Jan Karlshøj; Tromsø University College model: Statsbygg HITOS report 2006; betzy.dinesen@btinternet.com (newsletter)
Akershus hospital: Hans-Petter Fjeld (CC-BY-SA) under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License

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