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Project by- Group2

Radhika Khandelwal
Sheetal Singh
Shashank Khaklari
Zeenat Parvin
Maitreyee Mukherjee
Immunity has become a buzzword during the COVID-19 crisis and building the body’s defense
through food and herbal concoctions or even serious lifestyle changes are among the top
priorities. The businesses have seen a rise in both the number of orders (45%) as well as order
value (18%) for a 70% growth pan India. Personal hygiene category has seen the highest growth
with sanitizers by 400%, hand washes by 120%, soaps by 70%, followed by floor cleaners.
Immunity boosting items such as honey and ayurvedic products like chyawanprash have also
seen a growth of 60%. High demand has been observed in disposable categories such as toilet
paper, tissues and wet wipes.
Online searches for such products have gone up six-fold, with ayurvedic home remedies, giloy
and vitamin C dominating according to a report by Google. Heightened awareness online on
Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp is leading to health taking mindshare, leading to growing
consumption of categories including health supplements, chyawanprash, health bars, mixes and
even branded health salt. There will be gain in healthcare products as consumers would be
seeking more preventive healthcare products for boosting their immunity.
Problem Statement:
To make the immunity strong in the body of the consumers and make them capable to fight back
against this virus.
Our product is immune booster which will be proven beneficial for customer not only during this
pandemic situation but also after the pandemic. Connecting with customer on social media
during a critical moment like this is best option.
i. Anything online right now will be consumed more than ever before. So our very first step is to
use SEO and SEM strategies to climb to the top of Google’s SERPs and make sure our business
can be easily found.
ii. Influencer marketing gives brand a unique opportunity to reach and engaged audience. We are
thinking not to invest much in advertisement so micro influencer could be a great way to help
drive potential customers to our page.
iii. Also for influencer the content will be given by our side but that paid partnership should feel
as natural as possible. We are also providing promo code for the influencer for a certain period of
time which will attract more customer and create traffic during that certain period of time. We
promote a video involving Instagram and Facebook influencers. The motto of that video
will be to share your experience with us and get free merchandises from ‘immunister’.
iv. Backlinks give more traffics to our blogs. We subscribed to to access 10000+
premium backlinks for our blog.
Also for Instagram and Facebook business profile should include:
 Profile photo- Our brand logo that will makes our company easy to identify.
 Well Crafted bio: Instagram bio is very important, it include clear description of our
business that speaks to our audience.
 Link to our website: This is a great place to drive traffic from individual posts and stories.
Also creating unique URL for this section will give us opportunity to track visits to our
website from Instagram and Facebook.
1. Step
a. Goal and Objective of the campaign: Brand Awareness and Bring Traffic in the
b. Finding micro Influencer in the Instagram with diligent research.
c. Giving freedom to the influencer to make interactive content with their follower.

2. Step
a. Collaboration
i. Give brief intro of the brand, Idea of the product and objective of the
campaign and shot a small video with influencers.
ii. The campaign objective will be to give free merchandises to top
contributors. The contest will held on Facebook, Instagram and our
website. Customers have to give feedback of the product either by
shooting a video or share review on website, social media tagging
‘immunister’. We will also involve our peer group to motivate others, 50
of our peers will share video and review tagging us and create a buzz with
#corona gona.
3. Step
a. Working on the influencer
i. Sending some of the product to the influencer to use in campaign.
ii. Explain what type of Post we are looking for the campaign. (Reels,
Videos, Picture, Tag)
SEM campaign for the Company website
1. Using Paid backlinks
a. Use premium backlinks for our blogs
2. Create a SEM campaign tagging Pune region with 41720-69570 people reach and 2250-
3760ad clicks.

3. Generate traffic with relevant keywords to website.

We will do 1 video and 2 posters and targeted the channel who is having minimum 5000
So, we have to spent $125 per view for 3 Posters
.: 25*5*3*71 = 26650 INR
We will do 1 video and 2 posters and targeted the channel who is having minimum 10000
So, we have to spent $100 per view for 3 Posters
.: 100*3*71 = 21300 INR
You Tube
We will do 1 video and targeted the channel who is having minimum 5000 Subscriber.
So, we have to spent $100 per view for 1 Video
.: 100*1*71 = 7100 INR

For the blogging we will go with the backline and for that we will spent $74
.: 74*71 = 5254 INR
 Location targeting / Geographic area
Tier1, Tier2, Urban Or semi Urban areas
 Ad schedule targeting 
No proper Timing
 Demographic targeting 
Gender For both Male and Female
Age 19-48
 Device targeting 
There are no specific devices by which user can see the ads. It will be available on
everywhere such as mobile phones, desktops, or tablets
So, for SEM we will spent $150
.: 150*71 = 10650
ROI Sheet:

Investment 1 nos Total

Instagram 7100 21300
Facebook 8875 26625
YouTube 7100 7100
Backlinks 5254 5254
Website 6300 6300
SEM 29520 29520
Total Ad investment 96099
Revenue Total
Revenue from SEM 43308
Revenue from Instagram 72000
Revenue from Facebook 36000
Revenue from YouTube 36000
Revenue from backlinks 43200
Total return 230508
Free merchandise for top 20 purchase 2880
20% discount on first purchase 46101.6
Return after discount 181526.4
ROI% 188.90%

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