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Arts and Creativity  Practice on Christmas Personal (at my Insufficient Prepare list
 good making designs, Break and own expense) – materials of materials
draw images, Summer with my family needed
paintings and to allocate
other arts budget.
During MOOE- with Insufficient
 Follow the Brigada parents or materials Provide materials
recommended Eskwela guardians that are not
classroom included in the

Ecoliteracy  Observe proper Daily MOOE- with my No enough Provide

 strong segregation of co-teachers space for garbage bag
garbage the garbage and empty sacks.
(Solid Waste /waste.

Cyberiteracy .
 good  Use computer Difficulty in the Explore only in
or laptop to During Own expense at access of the sites free websites like
search for weekends home because other Eric, Google
academic sources of Scholar and other
information or information needs scholastic sites.
read academic payment.
journals from
internet. Needs approval Write a letter
Once a year MOOE- with the from the Division stating the
 Participate in (it depends interested Superintendent and purpose and
online on the colleagues the Administrators. advantages of
trainings. schedule joining the online
given) training.

Financial Literacy  Attend financial Once a year Personal (at my Registration fee for Ask ahead of time
 good management own expense) the said seminar. the amount of
seminar. the registration
 Make a list of 15th and 30th with my husband In case of
priorities of the month emergency, the Open an account
according to the budgeted amount for emergency
needs. will be spent. purposes
Media Literacy  Use Once a week Personal (at my Difficulty in Provide them
 good multimedia for own expense) reviewing the guide questions
literature important details and ask students
competency. or scenes to take down
presented from the notes while
video. watching.

Daily MOOE- Allocate budget

 Watch (during free (The school Other classrooms for the television
television time) proposes to the with television antenna that is
shows, radio GPTA to give Flat have difficulty in durable and can
programs and Screen T.V to accessing the access signals.
print materials every television signals of
to analyze classroom). the networks.

Emotional  Volunteer on Once a year Personal (at my Needs approval Write a letter
Literacy attending own expense) from the Division stating the
 strong national or Superintendent and purpose of
international the Administrators. joining the said
trainings training.
conducted in
Region 10.

 Do counseling During MOOE- Prepare Difficulty in

activity with Individual forms for convincing the Inform students
the Cooperative profiling and client to share to
problematic Learning (ICL) noting details. because the area concentrate on
students time or after (classroom) is open their works and
observed in lunch and other students minimize our
class are observing our conversations at
conversations and the back of the
actions. students
(adviser’s area).
Globalization and
Multicultural  Conduct Start of classes Personal (at my Some students are Inform students
Literacy profiling of (1st week of own expenses) hesitant to reveal and give
 good students in June) for the brown their true assurance that it
order to know envelopes and personalities is confidential
their family forms to be filled especially on between the
backgrounds up by students weaknesses and class adviser and
and to and confirmed health history. the student
understand by parents. concern only.
their behaviors
in class.

 Spend time to Month of May At my own There are calls of Inform ahead the
travel with my before Brigada expense with my duties or School Principal
family to other Eskwela family emergency (15 days before
provinces meetings in school the schedule) or
considering the during Summer. file a vacation
beautiful spots leave ahead.
and the
cultures of
people living in
that place.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I Head Teacher III
Reflection Paper on Personal Lifelong Learning Plan

How to become an effective and efficient teacher? This is the questioned that I had in

my mind when I entered this vocation in teaching. I read academic journals and articles

about becoming effective and efficient teacher and I tried my best to put in on actions or

shall we say apply what I had learned from my readings. But before the application of

knowledge, there should be a plan to be developed on what to do and how to make it

achievable or how to realize the plan.

A plan of actions is very important in becoming excellent teacher. This is what we called

now, “Personal Lifelong Learning Plan” or PLLP. It includes: literacy level, activities,

time frame, support resources, barriers or challenges and solutions or action points.This

is a kind of plan that made me realized and learned so many things on how to enhance

the seven 21st century literacies.

As I made my Personal Lifelong Learning Plan, I was touched, amazed and excited.

Why using the word touched as describing my emotions? This is because of my

realizations that I am capable of making those literacies from good to strong or well-

developed through the activities that I included in my PLLP. I need to enhance or work

on the literacies where I considered myself as good or have some only (arts and

creativity, cyberliteracy, media, financial literacy and globalization/multicultural literacy).

I need to upgrade also the literacies where I am strong (ecoliteracy and social/emotional


I was amazed that I made this kind of plan successful and achievable. I was able to

discover things that I need to do to become more effective and efficient teacher. The

activities mentioned in PLLP were considered as my priorities in becoming excellent


After making my Personal Lifelong Learning Plan, I felt excited to share it to my

administrator so that he can help me achieve my plan not only for myself but also for the

good of the school, students and for the people who have invested their trust and

confidence in our school.

The barriers or challenges from the activities enumerated in the PLLP were addressed

and justified by the solutions or action points. Indeed, Personal Lifelong Learning Plan

shaped me towards competence and excellence through honing myself and making a

balance (strong) in all 21st century literacies.

Our Head Teacher III, Mrs. Maribeth B. Mabalo read and analyzes my
Personal Lifelong Learning presented to her.

She gave feedbacks and suggested to share this PLLP with my colleagues
becauseshe found it good and effective.

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