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Khan 1

Imran Khan

Dr. Jade Weimer

RLGN 1322

06 November 2019

Assignment 4: Sikhism

Sikhism is monotheistic religion according to many sources while other sources call it a

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monistic and panentheistic religion. The followers of this religion are called “Sikhs”.

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They follow the principles of their holy book the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs are

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usually identified by their Turban which they call Pagri, it is a headgear worn by both

males and female Sikhs. The Khanda is the religious symbol of the Sikhs. It contains

some fundamental concepts of Sikhism. Khanda is a term in Punjabi that refers to a flat
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broadsword, or dagger, with two edges that are both sharpened. The term Khanda may

also refer to an emblem, or symbol known as the coat of arms of the Sikh, or Khalsa
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Crest, and is called a Khanda because the sword is in the middle of the symbol. The

Khanda also appears on the Nishan, the Sikh flag that marks each gurdwara worship
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hall's location. The Khanda is made of three symbols representing the pillars of Sikhism,

it contains symbolic significance. The two swords represent the soul-influencing religious

and secular powers. The sword represents the divine force that controls life and death and

determines all creation's destiny. A double-edged sword symbolizes truth's ability to cut

through perception duality. The right edge is representative of spiritual and moral ideals

regulating power and liberty. The left edge stands for divine justice, chastising the evil
tyrants and punishing them. A circle known as Chakra represents unity, an infinite feeling

of being at one, it is a symbol for the everlasting God. This symbolizes the absolute,

perfection, and timelessness of the Creator, being without any beginning or end. It

encourages the Sikh followers to extend their love to the entirety of life. These

symbolisms and the belief behind them are also influential in Sikh tradition. Sikhs who

wish to solidify their commitment goes through “Sikh baptism” and become

“Amritdhari” Sikhs. These Sikhs incorporate their lifestyle with the ideologies that are

derived from the Khanda symbol. They keep unshorn hair which symbolizes the

importance of living in harmony with nature, keep a comb to handle their hair also which

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symbolize how important it is to control one's thoughts. The wear bangles known as

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“Kara” which reminds them to do good deeds. They also carry a sword with the which

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reminds them to fight injustice. I am from a country where Sikhism is not that much
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prominent. So, I didn’t have much knowledge about this religion prior to partaking in this

course. That’s why the symbol did not did not catch my attention in the public domain
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that much but it is true that I have seen the symbol numerous times while watching

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