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6 Supplements That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation can occur in response to trauma, illness and stress. However, it can also be caused by unhealthy
foods and lifestyle habits. Anti-inflammatory foods, exercise, good sleep and stress management can help. In some
cases, getting additional support from supplements may be useful as well.
1. Alpha-Lipoic Acid -is a fatty acid made by your body. It plays a key role in metabolism and energy production.
It also functions as an antioxidant, protecting your cells from damage and helping restore levels of other antioxidants,
like vitamins C and E. ALA also reduces inflammation. Several studies show that it reduces the inflammation linked
to insulin resistance, cancer, liver disease, heart disease and other disorders Additionally, alpha-lipoic acid may help
reduce blood levels of several inflammatory markers, including IL-6 and ICAM-1. ALA has also reduced inflammatory
markers in multiple studies in heart disease patients However, a few studies have found no changes in these markers
in people taking alpha-lipoic acid, compared to control groups Rec. dosage: 300–600 mg daily. No issues have been
reported in people taking 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid for up to seven months
Potential side effects: None if taken at the rec. dosage. If you also take diabetes medication, then you may need to
monitor your blood sugar levels. Not rec. for: Pregnant women. ALA is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation
and may improve the symptoms of certain diseases.
2. Curcumin - is a component of the spice turmeric. It provides several impressive health benefits. It can decrease
inflammation in diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease and cancer, to name a few -also appears to be
very beneficial for reducing inflammation and improving symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis One
randomized controlled trial found that people with metabolic syndrome who took curcumin had significantly reduced
levels of the inflammation markers CRP and MDA, compared to those who received a placebo In another study, when
80 people with solid cancerous tumors were given 150 mg of curcumin, most of their inflammatory markers decreased
much more than those in the control group. Their quality of life score also increased significantly. Curcumin is poorly
absorbed when taken on its own, but you can boost its absorption by as much as 2,000% by taking it with piperine,
found in black pepper. Some supplements also contain a compound called bioperine, which works just like piperine
and increases absorption. Rec. dosage: 100–500 mg daily, when taken with piperine. Doses up to 10 grams per day
have been studied and are considered safe, but they may cause digestive side effects.
Potential side effects: None if taken at the rec. dosage. Not rec. for: Pregnant women. C is a potent anti-inflammatory
supplement that reduces inflammation in a wide range of diseases.
3. Fish Oil -supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital to good health. They can decrease the
inflammation associated with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other conditions Two especially
beneficial types of omega-3s are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA, in particular,
has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce cytokine levels and promote gut health. It may also
decrease the inflammation and muscle damage that occur after exercise In one study, levels of the inflammation
marker IL-6 were 32% lower in people who took 2 g of DHA, compared to a control group. In another study, DHA
supplements significantly reduced levels of the inflammatory markers TNF alpha and IL-6 after vigorous exercise
However, some studies in healthy people and those with atrial fibrillation have shown no benefit from fish oil
supplementation Rec. dosage: 1–1.5 g of omega-3s from EPA and DHA per day. Look for fish oil supplements with
undetectable mercury content.
Potential side effects: Fish oil may thin the blood at higher doses, which can increase bleeding. Not rec. for: People
taking blood thinners or aspirin, unless authorized by their doctor.FO containing omega-3 fatty acids can improve
inflammation in several diseases and conditions.
4. Ginger - root is commonly ground into powder and added to sweet and savory dishes. It's also commonly used to
treat indigestion and nausea, including morning sickness. Two components of ginger, gingerol and zingerone, may
reduce the inflammation linked to colitis, kidney damage, diabetes and breast cancer When people with diabetes were
given 1,600 mg of ginger daily, their CRP, insulin and HbA1c levels decreased significantly more than the control
group. Another study found that women with breast cancer who took ginger supplements had lower CRP and IL-6
levels, especially when combined with exercise. There's also evidence suggesting ginger supplements can decrease
inflammation and muscle soreness after exercise). Rec. dosage: 1 g daily, but up to 2 g considered safe.
Potential side effects: None at the rec. dosage. However, higher dosages may thin the blood, which can increase
bleeding. Not rec. for: People who take aspirin or other blood thinners, unless authorized by a doctor. G have been
shown to reduce inflammation, as well as muscle pain and soreness after exercise.
5. Resveratrol -is an antioxidant found in grapes, blueberries and other fruits with purple skin. It is also found in red
wine and peanuts. Resveratrol supplements may reduce inflammation in individuals with heart disease, insulin
resistance, gastritis, ulcerative colitis and other conditions One study gave people with ulcerative colitis 500 mg of
resveratrol daily. Their symptoms improved and they had reductions in the inflammation markers CRP, TNF and NF-
kB. In another study, resveratrol supplements lowered inflammatory markers, triglycerides and blood sugar in people
with obesity. However, another trial showed no improvement in inflammatory markers among overweight people taking
resveratrol. The resveratrol in red wine may also have health benefits, but the amount in red wine is not as high as
many people believe. Red wine contains less than 13 mg of resveratrol per liter (34 oz), but most studies investigating
the health benefits of resveratrol used 150 mg or more per day. To get an equivalent amount of resveratrol, you'd
need to drink at least 11 liters (3 gallons) of wine every day, which definitely isn't rec.. Rec. dosage: 150–500 mg / day
Potential side effects: None at the rec. dosage, but digestive issues may occur with large amounts (5 grams /day).
Not rec. for: People who take blood thinning medications, unless approved by their doctor.
R may reduce several inflammatory markers and provide other health benefits.
6. Spirulina - is a type of blue-green algae with strong antioxidant effects.Studies have shown that it reduces
inflammation, leads to healthier aging and may strengthen the immune system. Although most research to date has
investigated spirulina's effects on animals, studies in elderly men and women have shown that it may improve
inflammatory markers, anemia and immune function. When people with diabetes were given 8 grams of spirulina per
day for 12 weeks, their levels of the inflammation marker MDA decreased. Additionally, their levels of adiponectin
increased. This is a hormone involved in regulating blood sugar and fat metabolism. Rec. dosage: 1–8 grams per day,
based on current studies. Spirulina has been evaluated by the US Pharmacopeial Convention and is considered safe.
Potential side effects: Aside from allergy, none at the rec. dosage.
Not rec. for: People with immune system disorders or allergies to spirulina or algae.
S provides antioxidant protection that can reduce inflammation and may improve symptoms of certain diseases.
Be Smart When it Comes to Supplements If you want to try any of these supplements, then it's important to: Buy them
from a reputable manufacturer. Follow the dosage instructions. Check with your doctor first if you have a medical
condition or take medication. In general, it's best to get your anti-inflammatory nutrients from whole foods. However, in
the case of excessive or chronic inflammation, supplements can often help bring things back into balance.
6 suplimente care combate inflamația
Inflamația poate apărea ca răspuns la traume, boli și stres. Cu toate acestea, poate fi cauzată și de alimente nesănătoase
și de obiceiuri de viață. Alimentele anti-inflamatorii, exercițiile fizice, somnul bun și gestionarea stresului pot fi de
ajutor. În unele cazuri, obținerea unui sprijin suplimentar de la suplimente poate fi utilă.
1. Acidul alfa-lipoic - e un acid gras produs de corp. Acesta joacă un rol cheie în metabolism și producția de energie.-
funcționează ca un antioxidant, protejându-ți celulele de daune și contribuind la refacerea nivelurilor altor antioxidanți,
cum ar fi vitaminele C și E. ALA, de asemenea, reduce inflamația. Mai multe studii arată că reduce inflamația legată de
rezistența la insulină, cancer, afecțiuni hepatice, boli de inimă și alte tulburări. În plus, acidul alfa-lipoic poate ajuta la
reducerea nivelului de sânge al mai multor markeri inflamatori, inclusiv IL-6 și ICAM-1. ALA a redus, de asemenea,
markeri inflamatori la mai multe studii la pacienți cu boli de inimă Cu toate acestea, câteva studii nu au găsit modificări
ale acestor markeri la persoanele care iau acid alfa-lipoic, comparativ cu grupurile de control Rec. doză: 300–600 mg
zilnic. Nu s-au raportat probleme la persoanele care iau 600 mg de acid alfa-lipoic timp de până la șapte luni
Efecte sec. potențiale: Niciuna dacă e luată la rec. dozare. Dacă luați, de asemenea, medicamente pt diabet, atunci poate
fi necesar să vă monitorizați nivelul glicemiei. Nu rec. pt: Femeile gravide. ALA e un antioxidant care poate reduce
inflamația și poate îmbunătăți simptomele anumitor boli.
2. Curcumina - e o componentă a turmericului cu condimente. Oferă mai multe beneficii impresionante pt sănătate.
Poate scădea inflamația în diabet, boli de inimă, boli inflamatorii intestinale și cancer, pt a numi câteva - de asemenea,
pare a fi foarte benefic pt reducerea inflamației și îmbunătățirea simptomelor de osteoartrită și artrită reumatoidă Un
studiu randomizat controlat a constatat că persoanele cu sindrom metabolic care au luat curcumina a redus semnificativ
nivelul markerilor de inflamație CRP și MDA, comparativ cu cei care au primit un placebo Într-un alt studiu, când la 80
de persoane cu tumori canceroase solide li s-a administrat 150 mg de curcumină, majoritatea markerilor inflamatori au
scăzut mult mai mult decât cei din grupul de control. Calitatea vieții lor a crescut semnificativ. Curcumina e slab
absorbită atunci când e luată de unul singur, dar puteți spori absorbția acesteia cu până la 2.000%, luând-o cu piperină,
găsită în ardeiul negru. Unele suplimente conțin, de asemenea, un compus numit bioperină, care funcționează la fel ca
piperina și crește absorbția. Rec. doză: 100–500 mg /zi, când se admin. cu piperină. Dozele de până la 10 g /zi au fost
studiate și sunt considerate sigure, dar pot provoca reacții adverse digestive.
Efecte sec. potențiale: Niciuna dacă e luată la rec. dozare. Nu rec. pt: gravide. C e un supliment antiinflamator puternic,
care reduce inflamația într-o gamă largă de boli.
3. Suplimentele cu ulei de pește conțin acizi grași omega-3, care sunt esențiali pt o sănătate bună. Ele pot scădea
inflamația asociată diabetului, bolilor de inimă, cancerului și a multor alte afecțiuni Două tipuri deosebit de benefice de
omega-3 sunt acidul eicosapentaenoic (EPA) și acidul docosahexaenoic (DHA). DHA, în special, s-a dovedit că are
efecte antiinflamatorii care reduc nivelul de citokine și promovează sănătatea intestinelor. De asemenea, poate scădea
inflamația și leziunile musculare care apar după exerciții fizice Într-un studiu, nivelurile markerului de inflamație IL-6
au fost cu 32% mai mici la persoanele care au luat 2 g de DHA, comparativ cu un grup de control. Într-un alt studiu,
suplimentele DHA au redus semnificativ nivelul markerilor inflamatori TNF alfa și IL-6 după exerciții fizice viguroase.
Cu toate acestea, unele studii la persoanele sănătoase și la cele cu fibrilație atrială nu au arătat niciun beneficiu de la
suplimentarea cu ulei de pește Rec. dozare: 1–1,5 g de omega-3 din EPA și DHA pe zi. Căutați suplimente de ulei de
pește cu conținut nedetectabil de mercur.
Reacții adverse potențiale: Uleiul de pește poate subția sângele în doze mai mari, ceea ce poate crește sângerarea. Nu
rec. pt: Persoanele care iau diluatori de sânge sau aspirină, cu excepția cazului în care sunt autorizați de medicul lor.FO
care conține acizi grași omega-3 poate îmbunătăți inflamația în mai multe boli și afecțiuni.
4. Ghimbirul - rădăcina e adesea măcinată în pulbere și adăugată în mâncărurile dulci și sărate. E, de asemenea,
utilizat în mod obișnuit pt a trata indigestia și greața, inclusiv boala de dimineață. Două componente ale ghimbirului,
gingerolului și zingeronei, pot reduce inflamația legată de colită, leziuni renale, diabet și cancer de sân Atunci când
persoanelor cu diabet li s-a administrat 1.600 mg de ghimbir zilnic, nivelurile de CRP, insulină și HbA1c au scăzut
semnificativ mai mult decât grupul de control. . Un alt studiu a descoperit că femeile cu cancer de sân care au luat
suplimente de ghimbir aveau niveluri mai mici de CRP și IL-6, în special atunci când sunt combinate cu exerciții fizice.
Există, de asemenea, dovezi care sugerează că suplimentele de ghimbir pot reduce inflamația și durerile musculare
după exerciții fizice). Rec. dozare: 1 g zilnic, dar până la 2 g considerate sigure.
Efecte sec. potențiale: Nici la rec. dozare. Cu toate acestea, dozele mai mari pot subția sângele, ceea ce poate crește
sângerarea. Nu rec. pt: Persoanele care iau aspirină sau alți diluanți ai sângelui, cu excepția cazului în care sunt
autorizați de un medic. G s-a dem. că reduce inflamația, precum și durerile și durerile musculare după exerciții fizice.
5. Resveratrolul e un antioxidant care se găsește în struguri, afine și alte fructe cu pielea purpurie. Se găsește și în
vinul roșu și alune. Suplimentele de resveratrol pot reduce inflamațiile la persoanele cu boli de inimă, rezistență la
insulină, gastrită, colită ulceroasă și alte afecțiuni Un studiu a oferit persoanelor cu colită ulcerativă 500 mg resveratrol
zilnic. Simptomele lor s-au îmbunătățit și au avut reduceri ale markerilor de inflamație CRP, TNF și NF-kB. Într-un alt
studiu, suplimentele cu resveratrol au redus markerii inflamatori, trigliceridele și glicemia la persoanele cu obezitate.
Cu toate acestea, un alt studiu nu a arătat nicio îmbunătățire a markerilor inflamatori în rândul persoanelor
supraponderale care au resveratrol. Resveratrolul în vinul roșu poate avea, de asemenea, beneficii pt sănătate, însă
cantitatea din vinul roșu nu e la fel de mare precum cred mulți oameni. Vinul roșu conține mai puțin de 13 mg
resveratrol pe litru (34 oz), dar majoritatea studiilor care investighează beneficiile asupra sănătății resveratrolului au
utilizat 150 mg sau mai mult pe zi. Pt a obține o cantitate echivalentă de resveratrol, ar trebui să beți cel puțin 11 litri (3
litri) de vin în fiecare zi, ceea ce cu siguranță nu e rec. doză: 150–500 mg / zi
Efecte sec. potențiale: Nici la rec. doza, dar pot apărea probleme digestive cu cantități mari (5 g / zi).
Nu rec. pt: pers. care iau medicamente subțierea sângelui, cu excepția cazului în care sunt aprobate de medicul lor.
R poate reduce mai mulți markeri inflamatori și poate oferi alte avantaje pt sănătate.
6. Spirulina - e un tip de alge albastru-verde, cu efecte antioxidante puternice. Studiile au arătat că reduce inflamația,
duce la îmbătrânirea mai sănătoasă și poate consolida sistemul imunitar. Deși majoritatea cercetărilor de până acum au
investigat efectele spirulinei asupra animalelor, studiile efectuate la pers în vârstă au arătat că poate îmbunătăți markerii
inflamatori, anemia și funcția imunitară. Când persoanelor cu diabet zaharat li s-a administrat 8 g /zi timp de 12 săpt.,
nivelul lor de marker al inflamației a scăzut. În plus, nivelul lor de adiponectină a crescut. Acesta e un hormon implicat
în reglarea glicemiei și a metabolismului grăsimilor. Rec. doză: 1-8 g /zi, pe baza studiilor curente. Spirulina a fost
evaluată prin Convenția farmacopeică a SUA și e considerată sigură.
Reacții adverse potențiale: În afară de alergie, la rec. dozare.
Nu rec. pt: Persoanele cu tulburări ale sistemului imunitar sau alergii la spirulină sau alge.
S oferă protecție antioxidantă care poate reduce inflamația și poate îmbunătăți simptomele anumitor boli.
Fiți inteligent când vine vorba de suplimente Dacă doriți să încercați oricare dintre aceste suplimente, atunci e
important să: cumpărați-le de la un producător de renume. Urmați instrucțiunile de dozaj. Consultați mai întâi cu
medicul dumneavoastră dacă aveți o afecțiune medicală sau luați medicamente. În general, cel mai bine e să vă luați
nutrienții antiinflamatori din alimente întregi. Cu toate acestea, în cazul unei inflamații excesive sau cronice,
suplimentele pot ajuta adesea să readucă lucrurile în echilibru.

MCT Oil 101 A Review of Medium-Chain Triglycerides What it is Metabolism of MCTs

Interest in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) has grown rapidly over the last few years. This is partly due to the
widely publicized benefits of coconut oil, which is a rich source of them. Many advocates boast that MCTs can aid
weight loss. In addition, MCT oil has become a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders. This article
explains everything you need to know about MCTs.
What is MCT? Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fats found in foods like coconut oil. They’re metabolized
differently than the long-chain triglycerides (LCT) found in most other foods. MCT oil is a supplement that contains a
lot of these fats and is claimed to have many health benefits. Triglyceride is simply the technical term for fat.
Triglycerides have two main purposes. They’re either burned for energy or stored as body fat. Triglycerides are named
after their chemical structure, specifically the length of their fatty acid chains. All triglycerides consist of a glycerol
molecule and three fatty acids. The majority of fat in your diet is made up of long-chain fatty acids, which contain 13–
21 carbons. Short-chain fatty acids have fewer than 6 carbon atoms. In contrast, the medium-chain fatty acids in MCTs
have 6–12 carbon atoms. Some experts argue that C6, C8, and C10, which are referred to as the “capra fatty acids,”
reflect the definition of MCTs more accurately than C12 (lauric acid) (1). Many of the health effects described below
do not apply to lauric acid. The following are the main medium-chain fatty acids:
C6: caproic acid = hexanoic acid
C8: caprylic acid = octanoic acid
C10: capric acid or decanoic acid
C12: lauric acid or dodecanoic acid
SUMMARY Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) contain fatty acids that have a chain length of 6–12 carbon atoms.
They include caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid (C8), capric acid (C10), and lauric acid (C12). Medium-chain
triglycerides are metabolized differently Given the shorter chain length of MCTs, they’re rapidly broken down and
absorbed into the body. Unlike longer-chain fatty acids, MCTs go straight to your liver, where they can be used as an
instant energy source or turned into ketones. Ketones are substances produced when the liver breaks down large
amounts of fat. In contrast with regular fatty acids, ketones can cross from the blood to the brain. This provides an
alternative energy source for the brain, which ordinarily uses glucose for fuel (2). Please note: Ketones are only made
when the body has a shortage of carbohydrates, for instance, if you’re on the keto diet. The brain always prefers to use
glucose as fuel in place of ketones. Because the calories contained in MCTs are more efficiently turned into energy and
used by the body, they’re less likely to be stored as fat. That said, further studies are needed to determine their ability to
aid weight loss (3Trusted Source). Since the MCT is digested quicker than the LCT, it gets to be used as energy first. If
there’s an excess of MCT, they too will eventually be stored as fat.
SUMMARY Due to their shorter chain length, medium-chain triglycerides are more rapidly broken down and absorbed
into the body. This makes them a quick energy source and less likely to be stored as fat. Sources of medium-chain
triglycerides There are two main ways to increase your intake of MCTs — through whole food sources or supplements
like MCT oil. Food sources The following foods are the richest sources of medium-chain triglycerides, including lauric
acid, and listed along with their percentage composition of MCTs (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source,
7Trusted Source): coconut oil: 55% palm kernel oil: 54% whole milk: 9% butter: 8%
Although the sources above are rich in MCTs, their composition of them varies. For example, coconut oil contains all
four types of MCTs, plus a small amount of LCTs. However, its MCTs consist of greater amounts of lauric acid (C12)
and smaller amounts of the capra fatty acids (C6, C8, and C10). In fact, coconut oil is about 42% lauric acid, making it
one of the best natural sources of this fatty acid (4Trusted Source). Compared with coconut oil, dairy sources tend to
have a higher proportion of capra fatty acids and a lower proportion of lauric acid. In milk, capra fatty acids make up
4–12% of all fatty acids, and lauric acid (C12) makes up 2–5% (8Trusted Source). MCT oil MCT oil is a highly
concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides. It’s man-made via a process called fractionation. This involves
extracting and isolating the MCTs from coconut or palm kernel oil. MCT oils generally contain either 100% caprylic
acid (C8), 100% capric acid (C10), or a combination of the two. Caproic acid (C6) is not normally included due to its
unpleasant taste and smell. Meanwhile, lauric acid (C12) is often missing or present in only small amounts (9Trusted
Source). Given that lauric acid is the main component in coconut oil, be careful of manufacturers who market MCT oils
as “liquid coconut oil,” which is misleading. Many people debate whether lauric acid reduces or enhances the quality of
MCT oils. Many advocates market MCT oil as better than coconut oil because caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10)
are thought to be more rapidly absorbed and processed for energy, compared with lauric acid (C12) (10Trusted Source,
11Trusted Source).
SUMMARY Food sources of MCTs include coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and dairy products. Yet, their MCT
compositions vary. Also, MCT oil boasts large concentrations of certain MCTs. It often contains C8, C10, or a mix of
the two. Which should you choose? The best source for you depends on your goals and desired intake of medium-
chain triglycerides.
It’s not clear what dose is needed to obtain potential benefits. In studies, doses range from 5–70 grams (0.17–2.5
ounces) of MCT daily. If you aim to achieve overall good health, using coconut oil or palm kernel oil in cooking is
probably sufficient. However, for higher doses, you might want to consider MCT oil. One of the good things about
MCT oil is that it has virtually no taste or smell. It can be consumed straight from the jar or mixed into food or drinks.
SUMMARY Coconut and palm kernel oils are rich sources of medium-chain triglycerides, but MCT oil supplements
contain much larger amounts. MCT oil could potentially aid weight loss Although research has turned up mixed results,
there are several ways in which MCTs may aid weight loss, including: Lower energy density. MCTs provide around
10% fewer calories than LCTs, or 8.4 calories per gram for MCTs versus 9.2 calories per gram for LCTs (12Trusted
Source). However, note that most cooking oils contain both MCTs and LCTs, which may negate any calorie difference.
Increase fullness. One study found that compared with LCTs, MCTs resulted in greater increases in peptide YY and
leptin, two hormones that help reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness (13Trusted Source). Fat storage. Given
that MCTs are absorbed and digested more rapidly than LCTs, they’re used as energy first rather than stored as body
fat. However, MCTs can also be stored as body fat if excess amounts are consumed (12Trusted Source). Burn calories.
Several older animal and human studies show that MCTs (mainly C8 and C10) may increase the body’s ability to burn
fat and calories (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source). Greater fat loss. One study found that an
MCT-rich diet caused greater fat burning and fat loss than a diet higher in LCTs. However, these effects may disappear
after 2–3 weeks once the body has adapted (16Trusted Source). However, keep in mind that many of these studies have
small sample sizes and don’t take other factors into account, including physical activity and total calorie consumption.
Furthermore, while some studies have found that MCTs could aid weight loss, other studies have found no effects
(3Trusted Source). According to an older review of 21 studies, 7 evaluated fullness, 8 measured weight loss, and 6
assessed calorie burning. Only 1 study found increases in fullness, 6 observed reductions in weight, and 4 noted
increased calorie burning (17Trusted Source). In another review of 12 animal studies, 7 reported a decrease in weight
gain and 5 found no differences. In terms of food intake, 4 detected a decrease, 1 detected an increase, and 7 found no
differences (18Trusted Source). In addition, the amount of weight loss caused by MCTs was very modest. A review of
13 human studies found that, on average, the amount of weight lost on a diet high in MCTs was only 1.1 pounds (0.5
kg) over 3 weeks or more, compared with a diet high in LCTs (3Trusted Source). Another older 12-week study found
that a diet rich in medium-chain triglycerides resulted in 2 pounds (0.9 kg) of additional weight loss, compared with a
diet rich in LCTs (19Trusted Source). More recent, high-quality studies are needed to determine how effective MCTs
are for weight loss, as well as what amounts need to be taken to reap benefits.
SUMMARY MCTs may aid weight loss by reducing calorie intake and fat storage and increasing fullness, calorie
burning, and ketone levels on low-carb diets. Still, a high-MCT diet’s weight loss effects are generally quite modest.
The ability of MCTs to enhance exercise performance is weak MCTs are thought to increase energy levels during high-
intensity exercise and serve as an alternative energy source, sparing glycogen stores. Several older human and animal
studies suggest that this may boost endurance and offer benefits for athletes on low-carb diets. One animal study found
that mice fed a diet rich in medium-chain triglycerides did much better in swimming tests than mice fed a diet rich in
LCTs (20Trusted Source). Additionally, consuming food containing MCTs instead of LCTs for 2 weeks allowed
recreational athletes to endure longer bouts of high-intensity exercise (21Trusted Source). Although the evidence seems
positive, more recent, high-quality studies are needed to confirm this benefit, and the overall link is weak SUMMARY
The link between MCTs and improved exercise performance is weak. More studies are needed to confirm these claims.
Other potential health benefits of MCT oil The use of medium-chain triglycerides and MCT oil has been associated
with several other health benefits.
Cholesterol MCTs have been linked to lower cholesterol levels in both animal and human studies. For example, one
animal study found that administering MCTs to mice helped reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the excretion of
bile acids (23Trusted Source). Similarly, an older study in rats linked virgin coconut oil intake to improved cholesterol
levels and higher antioxidant levels (24Trusted Source). Another older study in 40 women found that consuming
coconut oil along with a low-calorie diet reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased HDL (good) cholesterol,
compared with women consuming soybean oil (25Trusted Source). Improvements in cholesterol and antioxidant levels
may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease in the long term. However, it’s important to note that some older studies
report that MCT supplements had either no effects — or even negative effects — on cholesterol (26Trusted Source,
27Trusted Source). One study in 14 healthy men reported that MCT supplements negatively affected cholesterol levels,
increasing total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, both of which are risk factors of heart disease (27Trusted
Source). Furthermore, many common sources of MCTs, including coconut oil, are considered saturated fats (10Trusted
Source). Although studies show that higher saturated fat intake isn’t associated with an increased risk of heart disease,
it may be tied to several heart disease risk factors, including higher levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and apolipoprotein
B (28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source). Therefore, more research is needed to understand the
complex relationship between MCTs and cholesterol levels, as well as the potential effects on heart health.
SUMMARY Diets high in MCT-rich foods like coconut oil may support healthy cholesterol levels. However, the
evidence is mixed.
Diabetes MCTs may also help lower blood sugar levels. In one study, diets rich in MCTs increased insulin sensitivity
in adults with type 2 diabetes (31Trusted Source). Another study in 40 individuals with excess weight and type 2
diabetes found that supplementing with MCTs improved diabetes risk factors. It reduced body weight, waist
circumference, and insulin resistance (32Trusted Source). What’s more, one animal study found that administering
MCT oil to mice fed a high-fat diet helped protect against insulin resistance and inflammation (33Trusted
SourceTrusted Source). However, evidence supporting the use of medium-chain triglycerides to help manage diabetes
is limited and outdated. More recent research is needed to determine its full effects.
SUMMARY MCTs may help lower blood sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance. However, more research is
needed to confirm this benefit.
Brain function MCTs produce ketones, which act as an alternative energy source for the brain and can thus improve
brain function in people following ketogenic diets (defined as carb intake less than 50 g/day).
Recently, there has been more interest in the use of MCTs to help treat or prevent brain disorders like Alzheimer’s
disease and dementia (34Trusted Source).
One major study found that MCTs improved learning, memory, and brain processing in people with mild to moderate
Alzheimer’s disease. However, this effect was only observed in people who didn’t have the APOE4 gene variant
Overall, the evidence is limited to short studies with small sample sizes, so more research is needed.
SUMMARY MCTs may improve brain function in people with Alzheimer’s disease who have a particular genetic
makeup. More research is needed.
Other medical conditions Because MCTs are an easily absorbed and digested energy source, they’ve been used for
years to treat malnutrition and disorders that hinder nutrient absorption Conditions that benefit from medium-chain
triglyceride supplements include: diarrhea, steatorrhea (fat indigestion) liver disease Patients undergoing bowel or
stomach surgery may also benefit. Evidence also supports the use of MCTs in ketogenic diets treating epilepsy
(36Trusted Source). The use of MCTs allows children who have seizures to eat larger portions and tolerate more
calories and carbs than classic ketogenic diets allow (37Trusted Source).
SUMMARY MCTs help treat a number of conditions, including malnutrition, malabsorption disorders, and epilepsy.
Dosage, safety, and side effects Although currently MCT oil doesn’t have a defined tolerable upper intake level (UL), a
maximum daily dose of 4–7 tablespoons (60–100 mL) has been suggested (38). While it’s also not clear what dose is
needed to obtain potential health benefits, most studies conducted have used between 1–5 tablespoons (15–74 mL)
daily. There are currently no reported adverse interactions with medications or other serious side effects. However,
some minor side effects have been reported, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. These can be
avoided by starting with small doses, such as 1 teaspoon (5 mL) and increasing intake slowly. Once tolerated, MCT oil
can be taken by the tablespoon. If you’re considering adding MCT oil to your daily routine, talk with a healthcare
provider first. It’s also imp. to get regular blood lipid lab tests to help monitor your cholesterol levels.
Type 1 diabetes and MCTs Some sources discourage people with type 1 diabetes from taking medium-chain
triglycerides due to the accompanying production of ketones. It’s thought that high levels of ketones in the blood may
increase the risk of ketoacidosis, a very serious condition that can occur in people with type 1 diabetes. However, the
nutritional ketosis a low-carb diet causes is completely different than diabetic ketoacidosis, a very serious condition
that a lack of insulin causes. In people with well-managed diabetes and healthy blood sugar levels, ketone levels remain
within a safe range even during ketosis. There are limited recent studies available that explore the use of MCTs in those
with type 1 diabetes. However, some older studies that have been conducted observed no harmful effects
SUMMARY MCT oil is safe for most people, but there are no clear dosage guidelines. Start with small doses and
gradually increase your intake.
The bottom line Medium-chain triglycerides have many potential health benefits. While they’re not a ticket to dramatic
weight loss, they may provide a modest benefit. The same can be said for their role in endurance exercise. For these
reasons, adding MCT oil to your diet may be worth a try. However, remember that food sources like coconut oil and
grass-fed dairy provide additional benefits that supplements do not offer. If you’re thinking about trying MCT oil, talk
with a healthcare professional first. They can help you determine if they’re right for you.

Ulei MCT 101 O revizuire a trigliceridelor cu lanț mediu Ce este Metabolismul MCT-urilor
Interesul pentru trigliceridele cu lanț mediu (MCT) a crescut rapid în ultimii ani. Acest lucru se datorează parțial
beneficiilor larg mediatizate ale uleiului de nucă de cocos, care este o sursă bogată a acestora. Mulți susținători se laudă
că MCT-urile pot ajuta la pierderea în greutate. În plus, uleiul MCT a devenit un supliment popular printre sportivi și
culturisti. Acest articol explică tot ce trebuie să știți despre MCT-uri.
Ce este MCT? Trigliceridele cu lanț mediu (MCT) sunt grăsimi care se găsesc în alimente precum uleiul de nucă de
cocos. Acestea sunt metabolizate diferit de trigliceridele cu lanț lung (LCT) găsite în majoritatea celorlalte alimente.
Uleiul MCT este un supliment care conține o mulțime de aceste grăsimi și se pretinde că are multe beneficii pentru
sănătate. Triglicerida este pur și simplu termenul tehnic pentru grăsime. Trigliceridele au două scopuri principale. Sunt
fie arse pentru energie, fie depozitate ca grăsime corporală. Trigliceridele sunt denumite după structura lor chimică, în
special lungimea lanțurilor lor de acizi grași. Toate trigliceridele constau dintr-o moleculă de glicerol și trei acizi grași.
Majoritatea grăsimilor din dieta dvs. sunt formate din acizi grași cu lanț lung, care conțin 13–21 de carbon. Acizii grași
cu lanț scurt au mai puțin de 6 atomi de carbon. În schimb, acizii grași cu lanț mediu din MCTs au 6-12 atomi de
carbon. Unii experți susțin că C6, C8 și C10, care sunt denumiți „acizi grași capra”, reflectă definiția MCT-urilor mai
exact decât C12 (acid lauric) (1). Multe dintre efectele asupra sănătății descrise mai jos nu se aplică acidului lauric.
Sunt următorii acizi grași cu lanț mediu:
C6: acid caproic = acid hexanoic
C8: acid caprilic = acid octanoic
C10: acid capric sau acid decanoic
C12: acid lauric sau acid dodecanoic
REZUMAT Trigliceridele cu lanț mediu (MCT) conțin acizi grași care au o lungime a lanțului de 6-12 atomi de carbon.
Acestea includ acid caproic (C6), acid caprilic (C8), acid capric (C10) și acid lauric (C12). Trigliceridele cu lanț mediu
sunt metabolizate diferit Având în vedere lungimea de lanț mai scurtă a MCT-urilor, acestea sunt defalcate și absorbite
rapid în organism. Spre deosebire de acizii grași cu lanț mai lung, MCT-urile se duc direct la ficat, unde pot fi utilizate
ca sursă de energie instantanee sau transformate în cetone. Cetonele sunt substanțe produse atunci când ficatul
descompune cantități mari de grăsime. Spre deosebire de acizii grași obișnuiți, cetonele pot trece de la sânge la creier.
Aceasta oferă o sursă de energie alternativă pentru creier, care utilizează în mod obișnuit glucoza pentru combustibil
(2). Vă rugăm să rețineți: cetonele sunt făcute numai atunci când organismul are o lipsă de carbohidrați, de exemplu,
dacă sunteți în dieta keto. Creierul preferă întotdeauna să utilizeze glucoza ca combustibil în locul cetonelor. Deoarece
caloriile conținute în MCT-uri sunt transformate mai eficient în energie și utilizate de organism, acestea sunt mai puțin
susceptibile să fie păstrate sub formă de grăsime. Acestea fiind spuse, sunt necesare studii suplimentare pentru a
determina capacitatea lor de a ajuta la pierderea în greutate (3Trusted Source). Deoarece MCT este digerat mai repede
decât LCT, acesta trebuie folosit mai întâi ca energie. Dacă există un exces de MCT, acestea vor fi păstrate în cele din
urmă sub formă de grăsime.
REZUMAT Datorită lungimii scurte a lanțului, trigliceridele cu lanț mediu sunt mai rapid descompuse și absorbite în
organism. Acest lucru le face o sursă rapidă de energie și este mai puțin probabil să fie păstrată sub formă de grăsime.
Surse de trigliceride cu lanț mediu Există două modalități principale de a crește aportul de MCT - prin surse alimentare
complete sau suplimente precum uleiul MCT. Surse de hrană Următoarele alimente sunt cele mai bogate surse de
trigliceride cu lanț mediu, inclusiv acid lauric, și listate împreună cu compoziția procentuală a MCT-urilor (4Trusted
Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source): ulei de nucă de cocos: 55% ulei de sâmbure de palmier :
54% lapte integral: 9% unt: 8%
Deși sursele de mai sus sunt bogate în MCT, compoziția acestora variază. De exemplu, uleiul de nucă de cocos conține
toate cele patru tipuri de MCT, plus o cantitate mică de LCT. Cu toate acestea, MCT-urile sale constau din cantități mai
mari de acid lauric (C12) și cantități mai mici de acizi grași capra (C6, C8 și C10). De fapt, uleiul de nucă de cocos este
de aproximativ 42% acid lauric, ceea ce îl face una dintre cele mai bune surse naturale ale acestui acid gras (4Trusted
Source). Comparativ cu uleiul de nucă de cocos, sursele lactate tind să aibă o proporție mai mare de acizi grași capra și
o proporție mai mică de acid lauric. În lapte, acizii grași capra alcătuiesc 4-12% din toți acizii grași, iar acidul lauric
(C12) constituie 2-5% (8Trusted Source). Ulei MCT Uleiul MCT este o sursă foarte concentrată de trigliceride cu lanț
mediu. Este realizat manual printr-un proces numit fracționare. Aceasta implică extragerea și izolarea MCT-urilor din
uleiul de nucă de nucă de cocos sau de palmier. Uleiurile MCT conțin, în general, 100% acid caprilic (C8), 100% acid
capric (C10) sau o combinație a celor două. Acidul caproic (C6) nu este inclus în mod normal, datorită gustului și
mirosului neplăcut al acestuia. Între timp, acidul lauric (C12) lipsește adesea sau este prezent doar în cantități mici
(9Trusted Source). Având în vedere că acidul lauric este componenta principală în uleiul de nucă de cocos, aveți grijă
de producătorii care comercializează uleiuri MCT ca „ulei de nucă de cocos lichid”, ceea ce este înșelător. Mulți
oameni dezbat dacă acidul lauric reduce sau îmbunătățește calitatea uleiurilor MCT. Mulți susținători comercializează
uleiul MCT mai bine decât uleiul de nucă de cocos, deoarece se crede că acidul caprilic (C8) și acidul capric (C10) sunt
absorbite și procesate mai rapid pentru energie, în comparație cu acidul lauric (C12) (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted
REZUMAT Sursele alimentare ale MCT-urilor includ ulei de nucă de cocos, ulei de sâmbure de palmier și produse
lactate. Cu toate acestea, compozițiile lor MCT variază. De asemenea, uleiul MCT are concentrații mari ale anumitor
MCT. Conține adesea C8, C10 sau un amestec dintre cele două. Care ar trebui să alegeți? Cea mai bună sursă pentru
dumneavoastră depinde de obiectivele dvs. și de aportul dorit de trigliceride cu lanț mediu.
Nu este clar ce doză este necesară pentru a obține beneficii potențiale. În studii, dozele variază între 5-70 grame (0,17-
2,5 uncii) de MCT zilnic. Dacă doriți să obțineți o sănătate generală generală, este probabil să folosiți ulei de nucă de
cocos sau ulei de sâmbure de palmier în gătit. Cu toate acestea, pentru doze mai mari, poate doriți să luați în
considerare uleiul MCT. Unul dintre lucrurile bune despre uleiul MCT este că acesta nu are practic nici un gust sau
miros. Poate fi consumat direct din borcan sau amestecat în alimente sau băuturi.

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