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Ma. Christine D. Cairo


1. Try to make an in depth analysis on the direct effect of COVID 19 on the

educational system of the Philippines.

Schools around the country have closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. As a
result, it affects millions of leaners nationwide. That made the transition, in this period
of school closure, DepEd has launched online instruction which called DepEd
Commons. But even though DepEd created DepEd Commons other students won’t
have access to anything of quality, and as a result there are far way of huge
Children and even teachers come from very different backgrounds and have very
different resources, and support outside the school. Certainly, not all learners won’t
have access from this site to study because most of the Filipino students do not have
smartphones, laptops, computers and access on the internet.
Now that those differences and disparities come into vivid view, generally
speaking, this pandemic results a bad impact to provide high quality education to
Filipino students.

2. Is it really a good solution or option to adopt online or home based education

as an alternative to continue educating the youth? Was it beneficial? Does it
promote quality education?

There are cons and pros for this issue.

 It is expensive. There are students who don’t have internet connections in
their houses. Also, some don’t have fancy gadgets to use like laptops,
computers and smartphones.
 Students can cheat during the examinations and even in discussions too.
They can just record themselves on their phones and then face it on the web
cam. They can freely look on their hand-outs.
 Some leaners may not truly be attentive because it is not aligned on their
preferred learning styles and learning environment.
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 It is a good solution because we don’t have any media to approach the
students now. It is better than nothing.
 Teachers can easily reach their students to give information. Since, direct
contact is extremely prohibited because of the virus.
Overall, I think the primary concern would be most of the schools in the
Philippines cannot adopt online or home based education especially for those students
who are enrolled in the public schools. Most of them do not have the capabilities to
acquire proper tools and equipment to use for the learning. So, this approach is really not
beneficial for all since they need to consider other students too. In addition, I think it does
not promote quality education since students can freely do cheating. Also some learners
have different learning styles and might not preferred the learning environment.

3. What will be the possible effects of the memorandum of DEPED on the

students not to take their final exams? Is it fair? Is it justifiable? What is the
effect of this memorandum on the Bureau of Private Schools?

The memorandum of DepEd surely efface havoc to the students to have quality
education. Given the evidence about the importance of giving assessment for leanings,
according to Burgess, (2020), schools should consider postponing rather than
skipping internal assessments. Hence, it is really not justifiable if schools decided not to
allow students to take their final exams, they won’t be holistically learn.
Most likely, the Bureau of Private Schools would find the idea vulnerable for their
students because this paradigm is not a good solution. The idea is not aligned on the
Private Schools vision that is to make their students globally competitive. This
memorandum would cause chaos on education system of Private Schools to provide the
demands of a high-skills and high knowledge learning environment.
Sources from:

4. As a future educator, how are you going to use your profession to educate the
society in times like this?

As a future educator I could serve as an eye. Teachers are not in the frontline. But
it doesn’t mean you are not going to make a move. I could provide information drive
to the people either spiritually, mentally, emotionally and even in physical too. I can
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spread the word of God and encourage them to trust Him that everything will be
alright if we have a faith in Him believing that He will provide. I will scrutinize
information before disseminating it to the people with the use of social media. Hence,
it would avoid false information and news that causes distress to the society which
stress and frighten its people. Lastly, I would share some advises and tips about the
do’s and don’ts for our healthcare benefits.

5. In your own insight, why are teachers not been included as frontliners in
COVID 19 situation where in fact teachers can be good option on information

The doctors provide the healing. The military serve as our protectors. And so,
educators could be the eye. I do agree teachers could be a really good information
provider to all. They could be in the frontlines too just like the others. But I believed
that these people aren’t the so called “frontliners” they are actually the “lastliners”.
At the forefront of the fight against the virus are our healthcare workers and
various frontliners. They are leading in front but don’t you think that they are also in
last to lead. Their responsibility cannot just transfer and pass to anyone. Different
groups and individuals can’t just procreate their duties.
So, if then teachers become one of them, who would disseminates information in
the latter days? We have to realise that not all people should go in the battle field all
together, because what will happen for tomorrow? We are witnessing these people
slowly start to wither. They are decreasing. They are at high risks. They are
outnumbered. Therefore, we can’t afford to crown them, all together at once.
The idea has its sense because teachers are really intended to educate and inculcate
knowledge to people. But I would want to call them as the “back-up-liners”. They
would serve as a look-out for these “lastliners” who face the hazard of infection with
their mantra “We go to work for you. Please stay home for us.” So the teacher task is
to guide and provide awareness for the people either spiritually, emotionally and
mentally at the back of those “frontliners” or I must say “the lastliners”. In some way,
somehow, the security and safety measures are being place.

6. When school close or go online what happened to the students with special
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Definitely, students with special needs would suffer the most. We all know that they
are very vulnerable so a special attention, care and love should provide. More likely,
these students educational needs would cause major disruptions and havoc.

7. What activities can you suggests to continue answering the special needs of
this individual in ctimes of crisis like this?
Everything falls to the parents. There are lots of creative things that can be done at
home. And to meet the special needs of these individuals I would suggest, the parents
should create a positive and learning environment in their homes by engaging their
children in challenging activities so they keep learning.

8. What are the direct effects of COVID 19 pandemic on the process of inclusive
and special education?
The global lockdown of education certainly created a bad impact on the process of
inclusive and special education. Undoubtedly, the effects are doubled compared to the
usual education system. It really disrupts the learnings of those individuals who needs
special attention. Everything just stops. This pandemic not only affects their learnings but
the whole development of these individuals.

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