Jyske Bank Case Analysis

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The case talks about JYSKE BANK, which is the third largest bank in Denmark and has been
formed through the merger of 4 Danish Banks, having their operations in Jutland. The case
talks about JYSKE BANK being the market leader in customer satisfaction through their
model called JYSKE FORSKELLE, and the practices they adopted to satisfy the customer to
their best.

The model’s name JYSKE FORSKELLE has the meaning of JYSKE differences. That
means, although initially the bank followed the traditional banking approach then it felt to
bring some differences from its core values in customer services comparing to its
competitors. The main goal of this difference was changing product oriented JYSKE BANK
to customer oriented bank.

JYSKE bank had introduced the 5 dimensions of service quality in its core values of
operations. This relationship between core values and 5 basic service quality dimensions are:

Core Value Service Quality Dimension

Effective and sustainable Reliability
Open and honest Assurance
Common-sense Responsiveness
Genuine interest and Equal respect Empathy
Physical innovations in service Tangible

Academy of management led these values to revaluate how the Bank has with their
customers. The manager knew that if these values, they changed their conservative attitude of
the past and a service, which should be distributed and innovative Bank wished to remain
faithful to the customers within a competitive banking sector.

Tangible aspect of jyske bank:-

Reorganizing around account team and  primary point of contact so that their customers are
well-served and understood, Redesigning branches with modern architect, warm colors,
original art and round tables, letting customers sit next to bankers, providing coffee for
customers, juice and play area for kids in order to make customers feel more welcome.
Besides, the bank focuses on every detail like employees’ photo on business card.

Intangible aspect of jyske bank:

Training employees in team building and customer service (caring, asking,

listening).Changing management style to thinking strategically and leading change through
coaching, selection of new hirers for social abilities, values and attitudes, using IT tools and
creating Jyske “way of life”. Designing support system and technology for employees and
Making efficient internal communication with video of Jyske differences, Jyske fun.
1. Customer Gap:

• The customer gap was very less as the bank was able to provide customers with
their superior services.
• They had only targeted the premium customers to whom the price was not matter.
As a result of which they were able to provide the customers high quality services
and were able to achieve minimum customer gap and highly satisfied customers.

2. Providers gap :
• The listening gap was very less, as with the introduction of Jyske Forkselle, the
bank had come out with IT tool to first figure out the customers problem and
• The bank was successfully able to close this gap. The bank provided its customers
with the best in class service in terms of the customer solutions and also provided
customers with the best infrastructure facilities to make them feel at home.
• The communication gap was very low. The bank provided the customers with all
the possible information that the customer required and also provided the customer
with all the solutions.


At last after studying the case and I can say that, JYSKE bank’s present competitive
market positioning is pretty right and it is going well. But beside that it must handle daily
customer encounters properly and if any failure occurred then JYSKE must fulfill service
recovery expectations of each customer by following service recovery strategies properly.

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