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OHAP 11 Human Anatomy and Pathophysiology First Semester

Laboratory Guide AY 2020-2021


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OHAP 11 Human Anatomy and Pathophysiology

Topic: Introduction to Human Body

Session Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the seven characteristics of life.

2. Give examples of positive and negative feedback mechanism.
3. Explain the events that happen on each level of functional organization given a specific disease or injury.

Activity no. 1 – Laboratory Manual Activity

• Answer units 1 & 2, pages 1-28 of your laboratory manual.

Activity no. 2 – Discussion Debate

1. Form six groups per laboratory subsection.

2. Each group will be assigned a characteristic of life. Students may choose on a voluntary basis. First group to
come forward will get to choose first.
3. The characteristics of life to choose from are:
a. Organization
b. Metabolism
c. Responsiveness
d. Growth
e. Development
f. Reproduction
g. Movement
4. Using random selection, the laboratory facilitator will choose 2 groups at a time for a discussion debate.
5. Each member of the group is given 30 seconds to convince the audience and laboratory facilitators that their
chosen characteristic of life is the most important.
6. The debate will take alternate turns for each member of the group. The group can strategize on how to
arrange the order of speakers.

Activity no. 3 – Positive and Negative Feedback

1. Using the same group, select an organ system that you want to discuss. First group to come forward will get
to choose first.
2. From the selected organ system, give an example of a positive and negative feedback mechanism and
explain as such.

Activity no. 4 – Pathophysiology of Common Conditions per Level of Functional Organization

1. Using the same group, choose among the given conditions. First group to come forward will get to choose
2. The conditions to choose from are the following:
a. Fracture
b. Ankle sprain
c. Cerebrovascular accident or stroke
d. Myocardial infarction
e. Chronic bronchitis
f. Diabetes mellitus

EAC-M School of PTOTRT
OHAP 11 Human Anatomy and Pathophysiology First Semester
Laboratory Guide AY 2020-2021

3. For the chosen condition, describe what happens at each level of functional organization. Follow the
example given below:

Condition: Myasthenia Gravis (MG)

Level of Functional
What happens at each level of functional organization?
Enough amounts of sodium from the extracellular fluid fails to enter the muscle cell
membrane, leading to insufficient depolarization and failure of action potential.
T-cells destroy the acetylcholine receptors found at the ligand-gated sodium channels
Cellular (it starts here)
located at muscle cell membrane at the area of neuromuscular junction.
Because of insufficient depolarization, the action potential does not reach the deeper
muscle fibers. Action potential travelling through the transverse tubules are insufficient.
Organ This results to muscle weakness.
Persons with MG exhibit with generalized body weakness, commonly affecting the
Organ System
muscles that move the eyes, face, neck, and in severe cases, muscles for breathing.
Persons with MG, due to generalized weakness, may be unable to walk, stand from a
chair, or always complain of fatigue.

4. You may prepare using slides or pictures.


• Scoring will be given per group.

• Write the names of the group members below.

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Gave significant basis as to why the assigned
10 8 5 3
characteristic of life is important
Provided sufficient examples of the characteristic
10 8 5 3
of life assigned to the group
Explained the example of positive feedback
10 8 5 3
mechanism from their chosen organ system
Explained the example of negative feedback
10 8 5 3
mechanism from their chosen organ system
Described the events that occur or the
consequences that happen as a result of the 15 12 8 5
condition in each level of functional organization
Answer side questions from the facilitators
10 8 5 3
Presented the activity within the time allotment. 5 4 2 1

Signature of Laboratory Facilitator

Laboratory Manual

Whiting, C. C. (2016). Human anatomy & physiology laboratory manual cat version. New York, NY: Pearson
Education, Inc.

Laboratory guide prepared by John Lynyrd A. Dela Cruz for the course OHAP 11 Human Anatomy and Pathophysiology, 1st semester AY 2020-2021. All rights reserved.

EAC-M School of PTOTRT

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