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Conventional Curriculum Map in Science 4

Grade Level Standard: At the end of Grade 4, learners can investigate changes in some observable properties of materials when mixed
with other materials or when force is applied on them. They can identify materials that do not decay and use this knowledge to help
minimize waste at home, school, and in the community. Learners can describe the functions of the different internal parts of the body in
order to practice ways to maintain good health. They can classify plants and animals according to where they live and observe
interactions among living things and their environment. They can infer that plants and animals have traits that help them survive in
their environment. Learners can investigate the effects of push or pull on the size, shape, and movement of an object. Learners can
investigate which type of soil is best for certain plants and infer the importance of water in daily activities. They learned about what
makes up weather and apply their knowledge of weather conditions in making decisions for the day. They can infer the importance of
the Sun to life on Earth.
Strand: Earth and Space
Content Content Performanc Learning Code Teaching-Learning Assessment Resource Material Time Reference
Standards e Standards Competency Activities Table
1. Soil The learners The The learners 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint Science
1.1. Types of Soil demonstrate learners should be • Show students the • Guided Presentation Around
understanding should be able to Four types of soil. essay with Us 3.
of the different able to compare and • Ask the following rubrics based • Laptop Garcia,
types of soil practice contrast the questions: on the Ligaya B.,
precaution characteristic -What can you observation • Projector et al.
ary s of different observe in the • Question and 1997. pp.
measures types of soil colors of each answer • Hand 151- 153.
in planning soil? method Magnifying *
activities -What are the • Pre-test Lens, 5X
components seen 2. Summative • 4 Types of Soil
in each soil? • Pencil and (Clay, Silt,
paper test Sand, and
a-1 2. Activity hours
(MCQ)- 10 Loamy Soils)
• Fill it up! items
• Small Jars
3. Analysis
• Fill it up! • Water
a. Why did these
samples react • Shovel
b. Why is soil • Index cards
[ratio of clay, silt, • Construction
and sand] paper
4. Abstraction • Bags
• Ask students the containing
following different kinds
questions: of soil
-What is soil?
-What are the
types of soil?
• Soil is the upper
layer of earth in
which plants
grow, a black or
dark brown
consisting of a
mixture of
organic remains,
clay, and rock
• The four types of
soil are: sandy
soil, clay soil, silt
soil, and loamy

5. Application
• Observation
• Explore
somewhere in the

2. Water in the The learners The The learners 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint 1. BEAM
Environment demonstrate learners should be • Sing the “Source • Pre-test Presentation I. Unit 7.
2.1. Sources and understanding should be able to of Water” song. • Question and 8 Powers of
importance of of the different able to explain the S4ESIV • Ask the following answer • Laptop hours Water.
water sources of practice use of water b-2 question: method Module 2.
water suitable precaution from different -What are the • Giving • Projector August
for human ary sources in the familiar words examples 2009.
consumption measures context of you heard from • Speaker 2. EASE
in planning daily the song? 2. Summative Science I.
activities activities • Pencil and • Music of Module
2. Activity paper test Source of 13.
• Video (MCQ)- 15 Water Song
Presentation items
3. Analysis • Tape 3. Science
• Video Around
presentation • Cartolina Us
a. Is the water 3. Garcia,
being important • Scissors Ligaya B.,
to our life? et al.
b. Where does • Printed 1997. pp.
water came Pictures 163-165. *
c. How can we
get the
d. How can we
save water?

4. Abstraction
• Ask students
the following
-What are the
main sources of
-What are the
other sources of
• The main
sources of
water are the
Seawater is
salty. It
contains plenty
of salt. It is
found in the
seas and
Seawater is also
called hard
Freshwater is
also called
surface water.
Unlike the
seawater, it
does not
contain salt.
This found in
the open but
small bodies of
water like
rivers, lakes,
creeks, and
ponds; And,
Groundwater is
found beneath
the earth’s
surface. It
comes from
water that seeps
into the ground.
accumulate in
layer called
water table.
• Other sources of
water are clouds,
icebergs, and
glaciers. Clouds
come from
water. Glaciers
and icebergs are
solid water found
only in a very
cold countries
and contain about
two-thirds of the

5. Application
• Label Me!
3. Weather The learners The The learners 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint 1. Science
3.3.Weather demonstrate learners should be • Let students • Pre-test Presentation and Health
chart understanding should be able to make answer the • Question and 2.
of components able to simple crossword puzzle. answer • Laptop Coronel,
of weather practice interpretation S4ESIV • Ask the student method based 4 Carmelita
using simple precaution s about the e-7 the following on the • Projector hours C., 1997.
instruments ary weather as question: Weather p. 206. *
measures recorded in -Are the words Patrol • Projector 2. Into the
in planning the weather familiar to you? Activity • Activity Sheets Future:
activities chart -What is the • Guided essay Science
usage of the with rubrics • Chalk and and Health
following based on Board 2. Estrella,
objects? What is the Sonia V.,
Weather • Classroom et al.
2. Activity Condition? 1997. pp.
• What is the Activity 164-165. *
Weather • Video of
Condition? 2. Summative Weather report
• Weather Patrol • Pencil and
paper test • Weather chart
3. Analysis (MCQ)- 20
• What is the items
a. Why is it
important to
record accurate
b. Why is it
important to
know the weather
• Weather Patrol
a. Why is it
important to
watch weather
b. Why is it
important to
know report
accurate data?
4. Abstraction
• Ask students the
-What are the
bases in telling
the weather
-Why do we need
to give accurate
data in telling
about the weather
• Weather charts
tell about weather
components that
weather condition
at any given time.
The daily weather
report you know
the weather
Weather report is
important. We
should give an
accurate data on
air temperature,
wind speed, and
direction and sky
• Observing the
weather condition
will help us
decide the kind of
activities we will
do for the day.
Each one of us
must care about
the weather
because our work
depends on its
condition for each
day. Knowing the
weather condition
helps us to be safe
and prepare for
dangers and

5. Application
• Study and Plot the
Weather Report
in the Weather
4. The Sun The learners The The learners 1. Motivation 1. Formative • PowerPoint 1. BEAM
4.1. Importance demonstrate learners should be • Video • Pre-test Presentation 4. Unit 7.
of the Sun understanding should be able to Presentation • Question and 11 Solar
of the Sun as able to describe the S4ESIV • Ask students the answer • Laptop 8 and Lunar
the main source practice changes in the i-9 following method hours Eclipse.
of heat and light precaution position and questions: • Drawing of • Projector Distance
on Earth ary length of -What is the sun? their own Learning
measures shadows in -What are some Solar House • Speaker Modules.
in planning the reasons that the DLP 68.
activities surroundings Earth needs the 2. Summative • Video 2. BEAM
as the sun? • Pencil and Presentation I. 9 The
position of paper test Earth and
the Sun 2. Activity (MCQ)- 20 • Laminated its
changes • Six Degrees of items Pictures Neighbors
the Sun Game . Shadow
• Solar Timeline • Activity sheets
3. Analysis • Bond paper
• Six Degrees of 3. Science
and Health
the Sun Game • Art materials
a. Why does the 2.
position of the Apostol,
Sun changes? Joy A.
b. What is the 1997. pp.
length and 227-228. *
position of the
shadows in the
• Solar Timeline
a. What idea is
the artist of this
cartoon trying to
b. What are some
of the potential
benefits of solar
energy compared
to traditional
energy sources
like fossil fuels?

4. Abstraction
• Ask students the
-What is Sun?
-What is the
importance of the
• Today, we know
the sun as our
closest star in the
universe. This
ball of gas has a
large build-up of
heat and pressure
in its core that
causes it to emit
heat and radiant
• Solar energy
supports all life
on Earth and is
the basis for
almost every form
of energy we use.
The sun makes
plants grow,
which provide
energy to humans
in the form of
food. Plant matter
can also be
burned as
biomass fuel or, if
underground for
millions of years,
form fossil fuels
like coal or oil.
Heat from the sun
also causes
temperatures on
the Earth itself,
which produce
wind that can
power turbines.
More energy from
the sun falls on
the Earth in one
hour than all
humans consume
in one year.
Unlike various
forms of
types of energy
like coal, oil or
natural gas, solar
energy is a
renewable form
of energy.
Though a variety
of technologies
have been
developed to take
advantage of solar
energy in recent
years, solar power
accounts for less
than one percent
of electricity use
in the United
States. However,
given the
abundance of
solar energy and
its popular
appeal, this
resource is likely
to play a
prominent role in
our energy future.

5. Application
• My Solar House
-Students will be
grouped into 4
groups. They will
draw and design
their own Solar

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