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An Introduction to the Spoken and Written Language of Laos by Tatsuo Hoshino ET atc MEL Cees pit Tuttle Language Library | a = Some of the material in this book was first published in 1973 by Siam Communications Lid,, Bangkok, under the title Basic Lae Publisived by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Ine ‘of Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan with editorial offices at 2-6 Suido T-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112 First edition, 1981 First paperback edition, 1989 Fourth printing. 1995, LCC Card No. 8)-80487 ISBN 0-8048-1629-8 PRINTED IN SINGAPONE TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Use This Book Acknowledgements Part 1: How to Speak Lao Introduction on Phonetics How to Use Part 1 Lesson 1: Coming and Going Lesson 2: Introductions Lesson 3: The Neighbors—Part 1 Lesson 4: The Neighbors—Part 2 Lesson 5: Going to Market by Pedicab Lesson 6: Bargaining at the Market Lesson 7: Renting a House Lesson 8: Paying a Visit Lesson 9: The Daily Routine Lesson 10: Touring Vientiane Lesson 11: Chatting Lesson 12: Lao Class (A letter) Part 2: Grammar Review Section 1: Question Words and Short Answers Section 2: Nouns and Pronouns Section 3: Adjectives Section 4: Classifiers Section 5: Verbs and Tenses Section 6: Adverbs Section 7: Connecting Particles Section 8: Symbols and Punctuation Part 3. How to Read Lao Introduction on Tones and Letters Lesson 1: Kang Consonants with Long Vowels. Lesson 2; Kong Consonants with Mai Ek u 15 v7 24 33 40 48 60 15 114 125 132 141 m1 143 149 160 152 154 155 156 187 158 162 164 Lesson 3: Kang Consonants with Short Vowels Lesson 4: Nesal Finals Losson 8: Diphthongs Lesson 6: Semi-vowe's Losson 7: Tam Consonants Lesson 8: Sung Consonants Lesson 9: Aspirants and Non-sspirants Lesson 10: Mai to Lesson 11: Stops Lesson 12: Consonant Clusters and the Missing “a! Phonetic Equivalents to Exercises in Part 3 Part 4: Laa—English Glossary for Beginners 167 169, 172 174 176 173 183, 185 188 191 194 201 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK tao for Beginners is for the percon who is beginning co learn Lao, be he businessman, student, refugee worker, tourist or simply a person with Lao friends. Lao for Boginners is pri- mavily a workbook full of exercises to help beginners practice ana acquire the ability to communicate with Lao people in bao. It is not a phrase book to scratch the surface of the Lao language. The book has been tested in classrooms and by individuals who have used it successfully to learn Lao. hao for Beginners was designed for people who want to learn lao fast and cormunicate with Lao people in the Lao language ‘ne book mainly teaches speaking (PART 1), although there is also a section which teaches reading (PART 3). whe vocabulary in the vnole text ie Limited to the 1,000 most frequently used words in everyday speech based on one of the author's own research in Vientiane. ‘The tac words are listed in a special glossary for beginners (PART 4) which is arranged in Englien alphabetical order. (An English-Lao glossary is not included since the English-Lao, Lao~ English Dictionary (Tuttle, 1970) is intended as a companion book to this one.) To make the going easier, all exercises are written in phonetics which are English letters for Lao sounds. (tao phonetics are explained in the introduction to PAR 1.) As an additional aid, a review of the major features of Lao grammar is condensed into only 16 pages (including very useful tables) and is located in one place (PART 2) so that it can be read quickly and used as a reference frequently. Everyone who already knows one language has proven his language ability. This book permits people to exercise this ability and successfully learn the Leo language. ‘Acknowledgements We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the following people for their cooperation, assistance and patience in preparing this book. ‘To Theo Nene and Wang Chanob Pathanmavong whose comments were valuable assistance in the research to analyze and record the Leo language as it is actually spoken in the vientiane area, on which this book is based: To Nr. Shigeo Hatsushiba who provided facilities and guidance in the techniques of manuscript preparation, to Miss Hitomi Xomiya who did most of the typing and to Miss Tanami Watanabe who performed most of the mechanical work. and finally, we wish to pay tribute to our wives and to the concent of mutual encouragenent which was an essential catalyst for the realization of this work. october, 1980 Tatsuo Hoshino Russell Mareus PART 1: HOW TO SPEAK LAO Introduetion on Phonetics Whe tao script is a very ingenious invention; it communicates Mt only the sounds of words, but also the tones or pitch on which they should be spoken. ‘Thus for example, the Lao script for the word “house” not only indicates the sound of the Lae word ("ban"), but also that this word should be spoken with a high falling tone. Furthermore, the Lao script is a phonetic seript which means that words are usually spelled the way they sound. English is not phonetic since there are many ways to spell one sound (such as “write,” "right" and “rite") and also different sounds for the same letter (as for example the letter "c" in the words "cake," “church” and “cease"). Nonetheless, this ingeniousness of the Lao alphabet has its limitations since the alphabet is a modified ancient Indian script, and it cannot be read by English speakers who have not studied a course on how to read the Lao alphabet (see PART 3 of this book). To surmount this difficulty, this book uses the phonetic system from the English-Lao: Lao-English Dictionary (Tuttle, 1970) which converts the phonetic Lao letters systematically into English character equivalents (a "phonetic" system using English letters) along with a number to indicate the tone of each syllable. The resulting phonetics for consonants and vewels together with a tone pitch chart are presented for reference in the tables on the following pages. A summary of the main features of Lao con- sonants, vowels and tones is given below. 1. CONSONANTS There are 33 Lao consonants (as shown on the next page) which fall into 3 groups which are distinguished by tone: namely, tow, high and rising. With one exception, all the consonants in the high and rising groups have the same sound excluding tone; thus for example, there are two letters "s": a high- tone "s" and a rising-tone "s". Since their sounds are the same, this means that the number of different sounds in Lao is only 20. All of these 20 sounds exist in English, chao:S lcoty & (4s) | your gather | at home?] |Father|isn't there. | your mother Mother he He [aze) | you You aren't. there] maa (See alco p.142/1,3,2) lnsuteg] cy dung] J x ran Bode cay + cacy laeng!| per yu ban™ boh* chaoi! poh? chao: | mas? chaos? | he is at home? | [ves. you are your father your mother In_the evening, ee [uuede) 2 | usw | acca You come from |market ? the fieldl home | He dao? imae® kohy* kohy$ poh? Kony they go_to market. My mother|goes to |the ficld. ft come from| the field, My fatherlis at home. 4|ma® ha] chao ppai' halpoh* 1ac*| poh" kohy! uy mother |eones to see lyou- z [go to see [ais father- My £ather| chao: bpaist comes from Vocabulary Exercise 1a Ww (See also p.154/3.7) canwia (a8 waana treur ago! Soe8winuara candid 22 un aroumnle -o2- sseutunaaan ues ne oy canuacnuaue ae cluusarun (See also p,.153/5:5) 7 ae bk ucangla eo agoduty bpais! chao:* bpai:! sai: mac! si:t bpai:! dtar? lat® poh *bpai:' na? diaw ! ni kohy 'siz* bpai:! ban lao? chao: bpais! ban® beh? mat atae ae? ma? deae* sais! kehy! ma} deae® dta:? 1at* poh? mae? kehy * ma? dtae* na? chao: ma? dtae* ban perin® ma? dtae* na? ya? poh* chao:® yu* sais kehy? yu* ban® To go Where are you going? Mother will go to market. Father is going to the rice-field now. I will go to his house. Are you going home? Po come from Where does he come from? I'm coming from the market. My father and mother are coming from the rice-field. Do you come from your home? ‘they come from the rice-field. To be at (in, etc.) Where is your father? I am at home. yom canes aguited anatomy Hama sot vin can anounmesn sourag Fant cirancuesn vs ita (Sauangollina ceqagiia agoliinn gout ita provwendaine ie shao:* yu" ban? bon” dtohn' laeng? Lae? ye* ban® ha” kohy ' si:? bpai:! ha‘ chao:* tao? ma? ha kohy * dtohn' 1eeng? siz? bpai:" ha® poh * per:n? ma? ha* mae™ kohy gon! dai:® chaos ma? diaw! nif goh! dai:® dtohn' laeng? gon! dai:® diaw' nif goh! dais Xehy# si 4 bpais' goh* da lao? bpai:' ha” per:n# goh" dai:* Are you at home? In the evening he is at home. (Go, come) to see T'll go to see you. He comes to see me. In the evening (I) will go to see (my) father. He came to see my mother. Can, It's all right to... wilde, okay You can come now. Evening is okay; now is okay too. It's all right for me to go. He can go and see him. 10. 40 1. AA 12, 8a 13. RA Text Bo sau By @ auaedl avant chattels i. ee Biwaa cAaweicile Enon tk i aucaaaunol u “ bem 8 eoula uuesuaued agabucaguen u uty civiusawao acti meNAa cunigua U : k la Y cousaactnuomcty Aho 3 soot Wanchin jWwnouch eon vue annoy ge chart): Kasam? ehizt?: 7 HIAN? TH? NEU:NG Sa:? bai* dit Sai? bai dit Chao:® sit bpais' sadist? Sit ppaistna?. Chao: ua? deae* sat:4 7 Ma? dtae* dta:? lat’. Mae* chao:? ga:? bai* di! boh*. Kobp! chai:! mas® key! east bait di! Diaw! nif poh* koh? ? Poh* bon? yu, Perin® pai: na? Laew’. Btohn" Jaeng? perin® yu* ban! bob? vutdtohn' laeng? chao:* ma? ha* persn* goh’ dai: Br! kohy siz? bpai:? ha¥ per gohn* der!. Kohy# siz! bpai:! na”. a ta? gohn*, LESSON 1: COMING AND GOING Hello. Hello, Where are you going? I'm going to the rice-field. Where are you coming from? From the market. How is your mother? ‘hank you. My mother is fine. Is your father at home now? He's not there. He went to the rice-field already. this evening will he be at home? Yes. Tonight you can come to see him. Okay. I will go to see him. Good-bye. I will go to the rice-field. Good-bye. -2a- LESSON 2: INTRODUCTIONS Substitution Exercise puan8 my sunuit Aue (See also p.145/2.2.4a) seavi may Ruut Sufisnnay ai Baliginc’n lea:? bait ai! tan® saz? bait ait sar? bait ail leas? bai* ai! tan® Jsa:? bai® ai! nyitn? ai! hu® char? tan® [nyizn? ai! hu cha:k? chao:* eee NGS eee age ee tl | Hello, sir, Hell, Hello Hello, Hello, I'm glad te know you, sir. I'm glad to know you. % (Ste also p.153/5. tan|danwaasaro |} [city Rasa ana bein’, bpak’ going® lai? bpern!, peren® hw" chasis aati” pa? sa! You [speak bao|[? | [¥es. . He can?| [¥es, he speaks very well. ‘They can the teacher speak| « many languages? Yes, he knows many languages. w “a agoilend eis 5 ayalioty wa oommagdtu bpai:! dtac' diaw! nif boh* bpai:! niS boh* bpai:! dtae* dtohn' laeng? si? bpai:! Yes, but I'm not going now. I'm not going now, but this evening eo kt a1 Suntie a uimacane Jno? dtae* diaw! ni® nyasng? yu bant poh* ma? hat kohy* dtae* si; * bpai:! hay mut _kohy! yu? ban? Poh? chao:! si: perin® ma? ha’ chao:* boh* Will your father come here?||y¥es, but now he's still at home.| Will they come to see you? || He won't come to see me but he will see my friend at home, Roe 4 ae (See also p,147/2.2.4m) aniisrwy § , Sorvautiy fino front SiSousaaay ies eek 2 oh o thy Gorey Q , Tervsegey Tusgawwen Roe Peer Ea Av Dwasd Ui, Wo fisqwsSoun way chao: ¥ mi? ay® boh* mi? ay® korn? neung* mi? quay sohng” korn? lao? mi? euay* boht perin® mi? ayF bob? mi? ay¥ schng? kor? mi? nohng® san kom? ay? euay® lai? xo: Do you have older brothers? | |¥es, I have one older brother. Yes, he has two older sisters. ies, they have 2 older brothers| and 3 younger siblings. but he has many older brothers and sisters. Dees he have older sisters? Do they have older brothers? Does he have younger siblings io, (See also p.153/5.5) [ees can ‘UaURS . en swa%0 Aitaso poh? kohy # man? kohy& euay ! roby 6 nehag? kony & ‘this |is |my father. That | |my mother. my older brother. my older sister. my younger sibling.| tant fnacn*[nai? ku! [pon] isa? aa] His father His mother His older brother! His older sister aie Vocabulary Exercae 2-1 BN ctnsow tiga USmpr%e feotousranana Pure anonoutisBetiaa | 2-2 Bau ye g290 syst eous pu Baan ctusyy wadnana shunurgAia%o aries Jusruand 2-3 Jan Gn emussnanati ana vanes Auana Jenuadaa% 2 ‘owe anes ohn? persn* sohn* naing™ seu* yu* wis? baz? mya? lai? Kony sohn* pat sa Ino? yu* wits tar? nya? 1ai:? tae? sohn* naing™ seu* yat ban? euay kohy ¢sohn” na:ng* seu ian? nohng® kohy * hian? na:na™ seu? yu ban wohy* hien™ yu? wis? tar? nya?Lad:* erin? hian3 pa? ca* lac? naim? Jao? hian® maim? mu* tao* pak! chao: bpak* pa? sa¥ Lao® beh! tao? bak’ pa? se* lao? kom? Jao? bpak* pa? sa” lao? perin? bpak* lai? pa? sat To teach He (she) teaches at high school. I teach Lao at a high school. He (she) teaches at hone. My elder sister teaches. To_study My younger brothers (sisters) study at home. I study at high school. He (she) studies the Lao language with a Lao teacher. He (she) studies with his friend(s). To speak Do you speak Lao? He (she) speaks Lao. Lao people speak Lao. They speak many languages. t iD : Ss ‘Doe Ba danursnanodig snFg souigdcione anos an 2 6 i Re pansanaray and Sanwa =82- r ? ee 5 amd usin uinong tn ae WSiY (See also p.183/5.3) wBuorie syulish aves douunaana wun nung EWUTBrATOUA ct chao: bpak* pa? sa Lao? ge:ng* nai? ku? sohnt nazng™ seut ge:ng? lai® Zao? hian® ge:ng* nuf cha chao:* he! chazk? lao? boh* Jao? hu® chask* pa? sa% i207 wohy® beh? huF chark? 1a07 kohy® buf chi Lats? yu? sa: lao} boh* hot cha:k? ban nai? ku? yu sad: * 2 wit? ta:tnyad bpai:! pian? bpai:! wir? ta:tnya?lais? hian? naing™ seut ma? ban’ sohnY pa? sa* lao? pais! barf nai? ku? nian™ sa* lao? na:m? per:n® pa To be good at..-, skillful, “gan (do something) well. You speak Lao well. The teacher teaches very well. He learns well. To_know Do you know him? He (she) knows Lao. I don't know him. I know where the high school is. He (she) does not know where the teacher's house is. fo go to study I go to high school to study. He comes to my home and teach Lao. I ga to the teacher's house and study Lao with him. 1 t poy WM (See also p.183/2.1.1) Behe we: = esulsnous In ven and Gabaron 1 imu Estinanw anos juiigguw finw ae 09 arob sina Zant gen by touuw Ba tact UiaZuy UU 9k Le eae wu due cenit ey and Urnusian uneguurdy Tai kohy*ni? ay® nohng# Lai ko:n? Yoo? mi? mu? korn? 1ao? 1at* mi? lad't poh? hus cha:k* tai* lao? hian? naing seu lait ait 1ai* eo? nyaing? mi? 1ai* kohy* nyaing? hu® chask? perin® nyarng? yu® ban® 2 4 aan 1 poh? lae:? mae* nya: ng) yu" na dtas* pon? yu" ban? dtac* mae” bon yut 1ao® bpak* pa? sa lao® dtae™ kehy* boh® bpe:n! Very, Much, I have many brothers and sisters. He (she) has many Lao friends. There are many things. Father knows a lot. He learns a lot. Very good. Still, Not yet. He still has much (many). I still know about it. He is still at hose. Father and mother are still in the rice-field. But Father is at home, but mother is net. He speaks Lao but,I can't. 2-10 aa chu dandy wh siegctin Uamdetas aya bw wn nguuagetd Swine aa cbondalon So |B ae Se c a Boe = = r 5a $y uauaues dn x Swuhray t uaNaaou Bed gtk Caumh ese erin? bpak’ bpein' dtas® nehng * perm? bpak# boh? bpesn! aw! ni? pont bpaiz! atae* dtoha! lacng? sis* bpais! ay bpai:' Laew® diac? cuay® nyaing? yu *ban® sern* sern? nafng? yu" ni germ? Bpai:! ai! somn? ma? ban kohy bpai:! nam? ehao:® ma? natm? 120” boh * chao:* ma? nam? Kony * boh™ ite can speaks, but his. younger brother (sister) can't. Now I won't go,but in the evening Twill. Elder brother went,but elder sister is still at home. Please Please sit here. So long. Please come to my house. with (1111) go with you. Did (you) come with him? Will you come with me? 3 he Se 6. 1 ‘% 10. Text Ba sau 8 wo oe at Shanteou iar avai Bik Snow feoga) sua’ nw FA onafuan inuromsnontsh (Seu tie Heogai hawdanwasanochy spats fuan aguicmgfuaro syudin tesgni 18 Rane 4 cl fl tumaufives cliudanaroede hoe ye fonuimess sy cimestia: Son Soviisthe ghuitig woarotdum ago Fbuenvites. heoget Guo ba use Bu fan equa 10. 1. 10. i. Poh® kohng™ Kazm?: Mir? 1a: Poh® kohng® Kasim’: karm™: Pon? kehng? Kam: Mae* Kohng Kain): Misn? La? Mr. Miller: Khan's father: Kham: Kham's father: Mr. Miller: Kham's father: Kham: Kham's father: Kham's mother: Mr. Miller: 'BO:T* HIAN? TIT SOHNG* HIF maen™ pon® kony § sai) bai’ di'. Nyiin? ai* hue chark™ tan‘. Satbai* ai! tan*, tas tan? Mi:n? 1a? maen* nag! xu" gohn™ nang* seu yu* wit mya? Lait, tant bpak* pa* sa lao? ge:ng.* tian’ yu* saist? Chang* nai? ku? Korn” lag? hian? yu ban’. o*, ait qai*, mao® ni® maon? tan? ai maen® mao™ kohy! 1a nyang? mi! nohng® ke: bank diay! nif lint yu* nonk® nas 2 lat por:n* bpak* Lac! bpesn * maen® ay lae:* euay?. Kol 2 neurng* dtae* 1a0? boh® yul * mu™ lao. Sern? nang* ati", tan". Sern}, Hohp? chads! LESSON 2: INTRODUCTIONS This is my father. Hello. I'm happy to know you sir. Hello, six. Mr, Miller is a teacher teaching at the high school. Sir, you speak Lao well, Where did you study? I hired a Lao teacher and studied at home. Oh, very good. Mother, this is Mr. Miller. He can speak Lao. This is my mother. ‘That's my older brotl and older sister. Also I have one young brother, but he's not at home now. He's still playing outside with his friends. Please sit down, sir. Please. Thank you. a LESSON 3: THE NEIGHBORS, PART 1 ‘Substitution Exercise © % = Bou moun ana uagyursy cts vageou waga7d Lkony * lseut wa] tao dao nang? burn! tohng per:n? nohng?_kohy*| nohng laot Mr. Seng. Mrs. Bounthor "a un dyuns) a mae" ay! tao’ saeng? hang? busn! tehna * You know each other well ike each other a lot. lolder sister your wife Older brother Mrs. Bounthong = ano. | cBcmaut)|neeo9 th Tsanu tinast ‘a uanAt Smoaiio| fie is working at|the ministry. (see also p.149/3.1)|He Mr. Kham Mrs. Kham the office. where? fie an® kohyt [yu® gat [anf chao.® persn® ban? tao® saeng* Ce uauminattag kai? chaos! heng?_gan! gar suang? wir mya? lat is near|your house. Mr. Seng's house the office. the ministry. the high school. mi? |hewan? Jang new snd schag* lang Ysonw ny209 J | [vy house Sunray He They os e. kohy + ean | | cou fata 4 Ta ang Rook kai? chaos? | 7, J2=c an] ot san Ja:ng™ duk® korn? siaw! sohng” kozn™ mu* korn® tao | korn? newing | sohngt koin® Lait koin™ give i (soe also p.150/4.2) have [house one building. two buildings. three buildings. children [one person. two persons. Lao friend|one person, | two persons. | many pereon Vocabulary Exercise Bo ra a7 pee argon fnaAa etter Pe kg! 2 ; gan Zon uaquimegU chaos seu? wa? nang? bus bon* cin 859 deuiuan ae a Be ow, 1 mou 209 lua tan? seu* wa? mim? la} boh* iu yt Ba sini on venga bc wha 349 fu aro ashy io Nght y eetan siuusaiy F ay® nohng 9: Bette Sh et usgmutven ( vesMATMEWEN) ,cung? aint gasn! yu? nonk® 7 (achag® Lin! nam? gain! yu® noni) Bony hresk® gan! 3. x o x stucHuunung cBonuw dAawnay per:s* yuX wir? tard nya h cancionan Ue chao:# here? gan" yu? cai: ep eer flu ucBanauduay mae? boh? he:t? gan' yu* ban’ ana cSanw gnzeag tac3 hert* gan’ ya® gaz? suang? Name is My name is Thao Kham. Is your name Nang Bounthong? His name is Mr. Miller. Is your name Miller? fo each other, together We knew each other, but don't like much. You and he can teach each other. ‘They are brothers. My little sisters and brothers are playing together outside. To work He is teacher. He works at the school. Where do you work? Mother does not go to work. She is at home. He is working in the ministry. 3-4 _ltae kohy $mi? ay® ko: koi? newing = ater is Sonidowtndy caxtouAutia Bene a reat es ode uagesu sanuaie’ HeascugeuNn pecan SnivioanDuwaunagmaso war} chao:® hu cha:k? ga:n® dai: san? bpit Tae:® dtaeng 3 gan? laew nohng’ kohy § hut chak? ran? mi:n? ise:? mia:3 perm *ai! 3-5 cBy (See also p.153/5.5) bpe:n cucu ensign persn® bpein! ka‘ lat*sa:* gan* anadaneogn une? tao? bpem* luk* kohng® tan® burn’ * + tohng ? geuctueuaro kohy | bpain! korn? Lao? 1 o . onvessaratthaners ay* kohng* Lao? ppoin! nad? ku? j 5 ciuetuciis 3-6 fear ? nai? da! lao? eng? gan! 2 maz® dat dtoha' Lang? fuweas aro cEonwy gtegnan per muon sine UMMNgLGAD ta:m? maz* da! cuay ® kohy* bpais dta:7 latS mae? hoh® bpais! 8 Boe +h. muuran (Sgcegeunain duuld tam Vmai# aa! ta0* saeng* ma® ha® fuuyay mowsg uamwey duay = kahy * yu? ban & Tiuwny ieohilcBseandn da 5 Yneuing® Iae:? eway’ ana I have one elder brother and one elder sister. My younger brother knows Mr. Miller and his wife well. They knew each other for three years and got married. To be He is an official. She is a child of Mx. Bounthong. T am a Lac. His elder brother is a teacher she is (his) wife. Usually, on the whole, asarue — He usually works at the office. On the whole, he stays at home in the evening. As a rule, my elder sister goes to market. Mother doesn't (go). Usually Thao Seng comes to see me at home. Usually, my brother goes to aa 4 £ uagtits aro uimase é ‘ uagcis arauun ao 4 te yagtiel urgcioul 4 ‘ uagcie uners wwe gagrdan ff nagthe dovwedneniil a 4 sa ungire arouiuwen Pie nk oe dg Soviequhe Srehl carte ni a8 S wore uegtouueravaal Wes 1199 See also p.152/5.2a) Sou ruens vena \annuiaao «hy deratanatican wean ‘du snbsduno ‘ougsuungom Yaauao Bir bennercitt % 2ey sinaretomeiina bang! toua* lao? ma ha” kohy ® bang! toua* lao? boh* ma? bang! teua* mi? bang" teva * boh* ni? bang! teva nai? ku? bpais! bersng? whak® yu* na? gqoh' mi? bang' teua* kohy* bpai:' ban nobk* goh! mi? bang! teua* 1a07 boh* bpai gon mit Koby # mi? kohp¥ kua¥ ay gob! lae# nchng # goh! mi? na yu*wis? ta: nya? lai:? nad * ku? sohn* pa? sa lao? goh* mi? s dais. laew kohy + boean! kaélat® sar* gan! dai.? san" bpi' laews permn# yut Ino? daie® haf mpi! taewS ka 1 chao: bpai:! yu? hain® dais? bpi! nou:ng? laew? euay® kohy + dtaeng? ngan? dais? si? WF kohy t bpit Laow mony * hut hark? lao? dai:f tal“ ppi! laews Sometimes he comes to Sometimes he does not come. Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don't. Sometimes the teacher goes to look at the work in the rice- Eield. It happens that..., also Sometimes it happens that I go to the country side. Sometimes it happens that he does not go to rice-field. I have a family. I have elder brethers and younger siblings as well. At school we also have a Lao teacher. Sine 1 ago, for. T have been an official for 3 years. He has been in Laos for 5 years. They went to live there a year ago. My elder sister got married 4 years ago. I have known him for many years. Text ta spy & my asu Gavuarosuiigdoomouny. imounghuzousiniul warSninmae. noua Sonwinveog anadensagnw. Tauean anacéonawt sony acu agcivurnoncd gosnii. ara Gcouhgtgd inv qusee waeduameniioes gan anoung guviaddsa cisanagoa wi guuug9 aucanianaungo. “sie 6. BO:T* IAN? TI? sam ony mi? mit Kozn® Lao? korn? neurag* seu* vat Tao! saeng eng gasp? kohy* hut chaik? garn' i! Laos? hark? gaen', Jai nao saeng® he:t* gan* yt ga:? suang?. ao! bpain tea hasten" gant sum? ma* da! 120? hese* gan’ yu hon gan! atae* bang! ceua* beats! bank obi? heringh lak? goh! mi? Lao! i? povan? Lang * neusng® yu? gai: ban kot! taa:* ya™ nam? kohpS ua? kong? Lao, tao? dtacng* ngan? dais? sen¥ opi! laows, sia? lao? sou* seat nang? tua! tohng?. Kas? chao: mi¥ uk Fko:n? ataw! LESSON 3: THE NEIGHBORS, PART 1 T have one Lao friend named Thao Seng. ‘hao Seng and I know each other well and like each other very ‘much. ‘Thao Seng works at a ministry. He is a government official. Usually he works at the office, but sometines ho goes to zural areas to inspect work. He has one house near my house and he lives with hie family. We marcied 3 years aso. His wife is named Nang Bounthong. ‘They have one child. LESSON 4: THE NEIGHBORS, PART 2 Substitution Exercise eae hos (See also exercises pp. 51 and 101.) aro | huey neu can [Baavao| Fungo ta en a A [bw bnufiaiy Sout Si ayo Bee Er Gad aa aaa] oleae iat Jao? mi? nohng® sit na’ kom? Jehao:S ni? kohp* kua?| koin? diaw! lya* niF ani? korn? sam sisp? kom? ban chao: | hat ko:n® tao? __[eiip) keen? they have [enitaren nany2] [Have]? persons. He has younger siblings 4 or 5 person You have fonily one person. Here are lpeopie 35 people. Your house has 5 people. He has 10 people. choy [a8] [eae (See aise p.nse/2.2) % ‘ = sages? longzou anfvond fosana ony] Buon es onydou neBuitl lenaoz at nyas*ehark? bpi'] [si* step? bpd! ja‘ nyus* chao: ® a! nyus* kohy! san si:p? ha * bpi' lacing? tao? a! sip? ean bp! tan? anes a! nyus* kohy! ha‘ si:p? si* bpi! Your age Incw many years?||40 years old. Your age Ny age 35 years old, His younger sibling age 30 years old. sir's age ty age 54 years old. slg wn Snctio unas atte to cbocksngo 4 potie3 92079 NWautos Anc2ora 12% Fei unio acto 7 faiaik? tua?) fan! wetina tous =a joeuing* toun® aaa’ } bpai:! siang? [bpai:' sam si* teua* mang? Jrexy? ma? ootng* tevad} 0:3 kery? ma? ie came ow many tines? lic cane 2 times. Ihe locked once. lle went 3 or 4 times luc has come 2 times. jou have to come to Vientiane 10] fain] —— [iano ha lac? eins dian! thao: * sohng" laing*| te Jnas [how many nouses?| [ne nas lone. vou have] lwo. [= § | Bea | nw doagt ibs a fesch] [eton ann Teo? [aot noing int yu ving? casa wiak® [fe [has [retatives|nany in Vientiane, ie fiends \thevihavelfhouses _| lor Biya ov tga] co | Sian z Rega exch Signtnay eBonaugta wa nun te wind urfinitis eeny! beh? hu? chask? [120% jai? a! nya:* chazk? pps kas? chaos |i? tak? chack? kosn? fnest® gan! yus sais fppai:' sais fra? dtae* gaa? boas" chask? ppa" chai? tous don't know|ne |is now o1a? they|have how many children? work where? cane from where? Jwent for how many years?| ‘cane how many times? gat Vecsey Exercise 2 fio. Bousfinwona%w aucdncfindangdecua cEnacfiegts onetnd fous, aracFodta as om anys SG enyeou Bul on nornponticed " anovs sayaroing eo uth arofvdou Bessumats oxvta uoviiy gen ddA SA dutty gere ony! gore! yu® wing? chasa! ka:? chao: gare yu? atang® bpa:? coer enaoef gore! yu pi! s atnyas? cha? kony + bot nat tao? gert ! yu* sats? toy ‘a! ayus® chaos cha:k? bpi! a! nyu: kohy faisp? bpd! chao:f hu Fehack? a! nyu? kehng * pont mae chaa:* hon? tao? beh? huS e! nyust lao} chavk? bot kas? chaos’ beh* yo* nasn™ gain! i? Kosa? lai" Koon? yu? nasn? gasn! To be born T was born in Vientiane. ‘They were born abroad. Where were you born? How old (are you)? I don't know where he wes born. Age How old are you? Im 10 years old. Do you know your parent's age? He doesn't know how old he is. Together He and I have studied together. ‘Tey came together. They are not Living together ‘There are many people. They Live touether. ate leo p.188/6.3) iia se cubrebosty cho ana unmdev coun axctn unfeosoa suction a ee secininhngre tution 5 Gua ‘iromt hon-w gneeog fun 1a anuiucao aecSngagga Suh Gigardwdeana fin eso Fouktnare Gun proflian x +6 7 a vs cancomasiero tod Xo grarecoacEaniaod reuay € teuay! peri? wan: levang? na:n® levay® hesay® tuo? ma? nat xoty teuay? levay* chao: na? seu kohng™ wiang? chain! JeuayS lousy kas chai gain! lauay? leuay? do:n’ dozn ‘ro wasn? hert? gan! yut ge:!euang’ dosnt doin! dais san™ isp” Bei! teow az? chao: yu! wiang? chasm’ dosn' nia? lao? bpais! dtar? iat dom’ dom? sea* kohng* lait yohythuf cnask? 120” do:n' dora! Bh Lae? auk® 120? wao:* bpesn' leew boh* pa? sa¥ lao’ dais? boh* Always, all the tine He always tells that story. He always cones to see me. they alvays come to shop in ‘Vientiane. hhask* gain* Jai" yu* neve? They Like each other a lot, (they) ‘are always together. For_a_long tine Thao Kham has been working in the ministry for a long time, Te'g been 30 years now. They have lived in Vientiane for many years His wife went to market fora ‘long tine to do lots of shopping, qai* I have known him for a long tine; it's been many years. To speak, tell can you speak Lao? can his son speak already? raceme a oe ‘RES iNeOnt 59 Pn i mnordeo7 anokWangdecan Rok pee gestncdnan bgtctudte By Uses seo p.183/5.20) kag : cant Polelgg 9209199 Pon Bedlo39%u anachespsunanaractotin Hout Busumswarate con is veo inert aninicime ae evcietncdsin te hres Revie anointess Yano ka:? chao:¥ wan: leuase? ma* Jao? Wao: wa® 1ao? si: bpai: acang? mpar? tacf Kar? chao: F wao:®wa* boh* bu F ban? ‘permn® yut esis? kery? enao:Fhery? bpet:! siang? kwang* bot ohy! xery® yu * wiang? chain! 1207 kery? nian pa? ga* lao? teua* ‘pewing? ony! bon™ kery? deen! tang? bpate dtang! bpa:? tet chaos? mask* Lae? bob* duk™ mask? poh” mae* Lai ™ kas? chaos mask? woo? a kohy# aask* bea: lin‘ yu* hain! azo? mark seat kohng® yu* dta:? att ‘They talk about their friends. Ho says that he is going abroad. They say that they don't know where his house is. ed Have you been to Xieng Khouang? I used to live in Vientiane. Ho once learned Lao before. I have never travelled abroad. Like Do you Like Lao? Children like (their) father and mother very much. They Like to talk for a long ‘time. I like to go there to play (for ‘enjoynent.) She likes to buy things at the market. 2 do. Text fn spud a sungunina 9D ma 9 Ju Shhogmetdh undoar drotagununesge0%s cfg. 3 ano ory autos Zoull erqcigare Snd. yurone gies Counties evt5a Wnanousiiuedonn urapen teoucy. Yeuenio wondon wmrextSrlom waduiuiun Drowage Bevery uvean wndcie emg a anaincdacoqn-uctum 920 7410. Lo. BO:T" MIAN TI? si Nang} Burn Tohng? been! tai? wiang® cha:nt mi? pit nohngS tai? yu* nif deac* pua? tao? Tact Sacng” ma} atae* siang’ Kuana®, gertt yu* hasan’, Spit nif lao %a! nya* sanY size boi! Kony bob* uf at nya? mia? Lao? chask? bot! mia? vant saang gasp? mia? kohy* goh' hask* gain! lai”. Kas? chao: bpais' ava:? iges na:nt gant leuay? leuayr. Wang? Barn* Tohng? seu kotng® gang". Meo Swan a! tH ¢ st? puak® kohy + bpais! nat kas3chao: yot ban? 1ae:# Join? ‘8! doin! doin". ‘rao sang? xery? npais! atang* par? cat? sam Y ei€ teunt, tao? mazk* woo: leuang? gan! dern' tang? xohng 120%, LESSON 4: THE NEIGHBORS, PART 2 Nang Bounthong is a native of Vientiane. She has many relatives here, but her husband Thao Seng comes from Xieng Khouang; he was born there. This year, he is 30 years old. 1 don't know how old his wife is. Thao Seng's wife and ay wife Like each other very much. They go to market together often. Neng Bounthong is good at shopping. On Sunday we go to see them at their howe and talk a very ong time. ‘Thao Seng has been abroad three or four times. He Likes to talk about his travels. LESSON 8: Substitution Exercise GOING TO MARKET BY PEDICAB yubuctieta pais! hasnt tao* ais! How much to go there? atin so géarBufe tarng? most? sonng* hoby® sip? ait In all 210 kip. Vartan taiz* nger:n? du;t | Count the money please. poucagurwniitceg | acon’ ineng? sa? tot | mm the evening, please perin® dact du come look for thems Ean paing? nl aim Please eit here, wen pats! dae* Please go. Snannowen seu makt quey? dee* | Please buy some bananas. ewe ais? bonds! sais? Where are you going? gota xohp* chat ‘Thanks. Bu sage Please. = ron ciinto aos’ taoi* dais! How much is it? x 7 ‘Waanaces pai! dtas? Lat‘ eaor'] Go to the morning market. Fwia [aa [oanacda oar Drglecm sist bpais! sais] [sist ponds tfacas? latt snort jeiang? chant tana! boa.” tot] mere are you going?] ff will go to|the morning narket lvientiane. abroad . waaracfa | tinto| | fnkuke (see also ».150/4.11 ‘Wino au arncaunttiy vBl9 aoatoefu aang ziooty ool found warnyg Ma Fisavsoxe0 pate dea inet anoit aor? aair[none? stip? oi! pais! wis? tai nya? las] [ha ® size ak! gay! vi nowmgt Jui* nousng* gohng* aohy* — gipt nak‘ husng® nuay * ne Jnuay? neu:ng* hohy® hat sizp® nakt giang’ gi' 10? jgit 10% Jast cohag®”hohy * ito go to the morning market) how auch]| 60 Kip. To go to the high school Bananas one bunch Papaya one fruit oranges one kilo 50. One bunch 200 kip one fruit 150 Per kilo 200. iA cSnaia low lewis ms | to | (See also p.147/2.2.4») & (Sau ueoms wennoy Bay annya teas a: nya:ng,Mfay® leo: Juak® hurng* auay* nain? [taos* aad: Jeuay jaa? os Jaak? quay? wit iac* nak! gsang’ git 10? 1024] what do you wantJolder brother] Ti take [papaya. that fruit[now older sister? bananas. Per bunch aan? loranges. Per kilo feEatas lea - ovttsounrty [edad oa 08 av fronden |cSo%n| a3] | ‘SanBn30 lata|_[emtoe] | fral | cSraeatta may? nif hohy? hab si:p? aor! boh™ 2a:* |[soing * hohy,[a0:'_chask [wi Jaor* wit axav! git 109] |san® hohy 7 git Loffao:" sonng gi! 10? ‘This fruit 150.| will you take it? ves. Bunch] per |200. | do you take how many]bunches?| [i"11 take one bunch. Kilo 300. kilos? | [I"11 take 2 kilos. (see alse p.150/4,2) ase= ee 2 [people ai 3 |buildings Bo 4 |machines. a a 5 |fruite ian ies 6 |bunches = 7 |kilos in e So no 8 |days ah Ma 9 |kip iv : 4 10 fm) fy eer fu an mle an People [one 2 laing*| Building fy | F cy Machines ae 5 nuay? fmai:? Fruit : wit Bunches mon | lw 08 -aa- Vocabulary Exercise 100 Sige aug dtiun tat eh a et ca4Q7 280 een Sf Be mw red. egugne aa ox] Hess oe ee egugac samo seo wi CH yf, us] ucthuiaiita uno: uml idnancut cSoBeie Unie} 7207193 FAY SGUUWAZL69 geget oLang? Kwang? ma? wiang? chain’ x gi! kohy 5-3 tUuasy pein ? kt ciun}5 exeanuun pom! a “ ' Dungy cardama ‘Speen i‘ ko} ae cing a aracovnaqoug ‘bo? kony f ta! chao: dtas* ni® bpa! dtec* wiang? chas cha:k? gi! lo? dtae? dta:? Int ma? nif chest? si:p? sam* lof tat yu* nif gae* chao: F ta! kohy ® yu? nif dae” kohy* ta chao:’ doin' den! dtae™ ‘chao:Fboh* ma? goh! dai:® Steet (nit) [pains na) , mi* cha:k* gi’ 1o "pais! hain! mi? Yea? nam? ka: # chao:! nya:g"ka:? chao: ? boh* ma” nyaing? chao: yak! dai:* nyamg" lao? wao:® wa’ lao” hut To wait Samloh, please wait here! Please wait for me here. I waited for you for a long time, but you did not come. E can wait for you. From (here) to... How many kilometers from here? How many kilometers from Vientiane to there? From market to here, 70 kip. From Xieng Khowang to Vientiane T came with them. way Why don't they come? Why do you want it? Why does he say he doesn't know? eBundig SaucSabiayh cog ar0bg 4m pies cue Siren 5-5 ae soulmanussufuily arallanicaunyo PBiluccank Reet m eect pacman seo By (See steo p.188/7.21 ee eee anoaacan Gu Saud . Fon Trfu arabe coffe arountao sae u gta ke rusting Sa beeen" aye bpe:n ' nyaing* lao? boh* hat dai" tact paeng? tae ® mi? tai® tae azas* 1g ay chaos? boh* boai:* ny doesn't your brother go together (with youl? why doesn't he know? Indeed, really! That's really a lot! it's expensive indeed! ‘here are many indeed? only kohy! mi? dtac* ean tnehy® gip*neumg! T have only 300 kip. tao? mi? luk¥ dtaa* kom? aiay! nou! niF mi? etae* nasw? aif kas? chao:* ma? dtae * sant korn? chewsng® ao? ta! chaos? dos’ gern! cheusna* pad! at esp? Lao? bob* boaie ‘ssp? cheu:ng® bpai:! Lap? ma? laow? chew! * pais! samt lh? Kaen? na:n¥ paeng? cheusng™ ‘ach * a0: He has only one child. ‘Today there is only this variety (kind) - Jast three persons cane. Then, so He waited for you quite a while and then went away. For $0 (kip) he won't go; for 70 (kip) he will. If he cones, then he'll go (with you) that sanloh is expensive, so 1 won't take it. ser (See also p.254/6.2) sae Another, New cBoutighig Soft evan? 1amng* ni¥ paeng? ao:' laine” ‘This house is expensive. We'll Sign ean alt ‘take another house. anoiwiao exe ScSnkwlat lao” bpal:' laew® kohyei:*ac:' He is gone, I'l] use another isha teatay) en man. would cSrncutwes nuayi'aif' beh? 4i! 20" muay* mais this is not good. why don't you Sutoffieata sate have another Bharat boht mi? iaew sis? coufnacy* mai:? rt's used up. i*11 buy a different kind. * 6 cinta t0:% dai: How much? mount ca yanch of bananas: annnoeedt stata snak ! quay wit ni taos* dais! How much is this bunch of b i Wor Fueninto pais‘ wiang? chan! tao:* aat;! How much is the fare to Vientiane? KSA ekcinto cenaoit eeu tao:* dats! wow much wi11 you buy? 2 adtanufla ony! sou? gam* git 10% I'11 buy 3 kilograms. 59 getsy (See also p.165/2.7.4) kes 3 exiso mi? as? noty T have some (Here are some), sir Ppa (ma!an) « @ exinv tas ony (re) "is here siz. ur7e9]ay exvee ma? sohng* korn? ka:? nohy F Two people came, sir. Daum exuse mi? ko:n? ma? ha” ka:? nohy* Someone has come to visit, sir. s-10 Bio ayatng" what? dunk wasn ayaing* hat is it? x i eames cha uerfu§ glonrncea chao: yak! seu nyasng™ yo a What do you want to buy at the tat! sa0s* morning market? —————————————x=« rl ee axcancongg anoctuauey) ae SoubiaardRefe eecanSrauarteuty anauneratatts urnngncuns Ruiafe cBachatengg PendamiarSsuin ts arobuemtannt ab eouvanifatmangy cau wants: ftheune + on avdtagud Sinenint: ajafinenap due kas? chan: wo: nyarng tap? ppesn’ korn? nyarng* das xony! seat gi! 10? last sit eise? sip! chao:f aos! korn las* hohy # sie’ lao? ppaiz dta:? let‘ meuS Les? toua* xi mak! giang? nuay tia:* eisp? ha* sip! yates tai) cenao:# yak dai: nyaing xoty * yak dei:¥ heuan* Iaing newing* tao? boh* yak! dai. sak giang! boh™ Qigv' nif mak! hu:ng* boh? sacp* What did they my? Of what nationality is he? per, for I'LL buy at 40 kip per kilo. They charge 100 Kip per person. She goes to market once a day. Oranges are 15 kip each. To want What do you want? I vant a house. Doesn't he want oranges? I want only papaya. Delicious ‘The oranges you bought today are very delicious. Is that one delicious? Now, papaya is not delicious. ei 16 Yicdatroarad Hldsteoome dw'hia cies ShiSwntag SH actunmese ciniy CFeleiaind Mh Selita aqutvedogia sa xennebrfn chy ae mn acc Seusiiganfiuanaa aroli foun Bugs Toiiacdint Nachiisintnhy meu niT chaos¥ bon bpais! atar? 1at¢ ‘bon ew? ait nya sag? mi? Kong Iai boh* Tppai:' seu goh ' doi: pera! nyaing meu ‘nif boh* mi? mak! giang® meuf nif tao? siz ma? ha Koby * tags? nif mi? tao:? nain $ boh* eas meat ni kohy ai? taos4 nif las? san* hohy? toh? paens? tae™ sohag* Thoby? ha* siep? gspé tao:* naraY lac? taing? most? hay? chaos! ma? tang? most? sicp? ha! korn? tao? mi? houan? tang ?movt? eisp? tang ng? most? tnor* dai ? tasng" mort? cha:k? gip! dais? ngers Today Don't you go to market today? We still have things today We don't have to go shopping (yet). Way aren't there any oranges today? He will come to see me today. only that, only this. Is that all you have? Today I only have this. 300 is not expensive at all. 250 kip is the last (price I can offer). In all In all 15 persons came. He has 10 houses in all. How much are they in all? count the money to see how much in all. ee << beasts ho: myaing* ma? dam'? Aor! mak! mais boh*? pak giang¥ gi ! 10% aas* tao: as: Gi! 1? 1a:* sotngY nonyS. yak‘ dai: chazk? gi! 10% Soba" gi! 10%. Mak husng™ muay* nant tao:* dats"? Nacw? ai¥ seep$ ait Ao:! nasm? ma? dan’ hohy* hat sizp? sa*s Kony* yak dai:5 mak! quay? wi* neuiay? iY chazk? aip? HonyS bpaet! sisp? * nyarng” meu¥ niF maké guay? pang? tas? tony nat “see nu. 2. 13. La. 1s. 1s. ue aa. ist Samloh: oa Ast Samloh: x Ast Samioh: xe 2nd Samion: % 2nd Sanloh: Woman vendor: x Woman vendor: & Woman vendor: Woman vendo: LESSON 5: GOING TO MARKET BY PEDICAB (Note: 2 Samioh's a 3.wheol pedicab) samloh please wait. Where are you going? T'm going to the Morning Market. Prom here to ‘there, how much? one hundred. Why is your charge so expensive? I used to go for ‘only 60. 80 then I'LL go. Please go. I'11 get a new samloh. to the Morning Market, how much? Samloh to go 70 sir. 60, will you go? Yes. what do you want Mata? Do you want some fruit? oranges cost how much per kilo? Per kilo, 200. How many kilos do you want? two kilos, How much is that papaya? Thie kind is very delicious. Take it with you Ma'am at 150 please. qT want one bunch of bananas. A bunch is how many kip? 180. ‘Today, why are bananas so expensive? Only 150. ‘Now add up the bill please, in all, how much? LESSON 6: BARGAINING AT THE MARKET ‘Substitution Exercise esuTlagion eiun§ geen leoufcnua son dcveiy Beuwewtn age Sadana Kkohp! chai! iais™ Jai kohy ‘mi? atae* ha hohy*|boh* bpern' nyarng* mi? ngersn® tohn” hai: eis? Lomg? sais? dosng? yot ata:? rat é ¥ [boh* bpern’ nyaung® dahk® ‘Thank you very much You're welcome. T only have a 500 kip note Where are you going to get off7] Never mind, T have change. I'll get out at the market. «Bleach = mov fiifsnanciinta | | sa |oa8ed wna 89 9590 n-fiufe asyicng CioRiufe uy ® nit fia? xa? cao? ante] [iat ke? [oiap! ap jgaewF sonng* hohy* hat sicp? gip, sa: pa! naw? dha ts¥ akg git Pratt this [the price is how mena] [the price (1) [50 kip Bortle aaa Soap piece 70 Kips ~ . eT data | n¥98n00 tone ime 37 eh . er dante aANKAgSAAMACTA Se ae van arang atte clinto & cSewantiousda_ ge 4 yak ‘ dai:*/ nya:ng® ik dae* | mak* le:n? nuay? gan? wi? boh* yak dais] mak dtaeng' 1a’ ka? kou? gao:* boh™ yar! seu maxt qian? mau’ nif gi: 10? tao:* dat! a0! 0:! nakt quay? wi newing* oat Do you want ‘Something else? Do you want will you buy Will you tako| Do you have any good looking tomatoes? Is the price of cucumbers the same as before? Per kilo for this bunch of oranges, how mch? Give me one bunch of bananas please. in iw TAD neaifl fio _| citvta | [oa:* tam? boi! ao * dad ee ‘paik? aa: dave® tnaia Rta ic wednly arma m9 kd s park? bua® wancay ie donk * ga:? lam? bpi* a, P gas? ata® grep ga? bu! |gohn © conngaad fo ya! wat kaew lion * ’ . naim’ o:p? Joaew” neon mo kao:* bpaeng* dexk? nohyga:p? aa om mak! gtang’ lot: 30 aye rok + hung? Jruay® daguao yan sak quays st 4a % Cabbage [head | how mach? ie tho [Tettace ete BP sanitins i uct = piece eBacdigeintisn | iy Cucunter | pi é tomato | kilo ang fle ‘Onion bundie i caulifiower| head ba n Basket Pisce wannoe 03 Soap solid (800 alco p.180/4.1) Toothpaste | tube Perfume | bottio & ¥. g ler| box me @ Baby power|b — oranges | kilo fla Papaya frait . bananas [bunch thou file haa¥ |rewsng'|— ai | [weaa lone kip. 4 a! 1] Kilo a nuay® Pruit: i ai! 10 Kilo ‘ naret Bundle one hue * Head : ray? Piece nau - gan Solid neo rhe! abe = oe 7 aah can |SucSul taaw Sug z i jexcan fos x 1s Paci’ eecn Acard gana | fume Bee) an ee cSubided culnteb toron chao 5 la:p* ngerzn?|do' La? _bob™ Ja:p? yu* gap! boh* Jao! ts? bon? ; ya? dta,? late | tam? mart da! laspt ager:n} ni la:p® beb* nger:n? na:n® la:p? boh* dai:* donkt You receive _money| can? sa You(pi.} kip? yes. You(pi.)| dollars at the market?|Mormally they do. Will you take this woney? We cannot accept u ” Sam nena | x, a Te ; can | w| ongoa gu |b tae a ri Sneec’n| [wn guaco 9] td i ie 4 Sac, met | uiween aagnana 8 [_| or 900 chaoit bpai:'| tang? wiang? cham! |pon? | Jppate' ya" Jo:t* ka:? chac tang? tat" imang? Ibpai:' yu * oct chaos? tang? nchng* bok leoh® bpais | ach! sue ‘tang? aeas? tat you go |to Vientiane [?]] ves. Theix cax| [to That Muang] | Yes. your car| leo Nong Bone No. wi21 you| |to tne market fy | ch [td aootthu ano At Ut + aecin wht fenso:* __ooh® yuh Koh 2h + bat [oat Lao? Ippai:! mew ni‘| lka:? chao: ? na? meu? ni® frz]you aren't |in, T won't|go. ne isnt jo today they aren't kore togay’ Le % 7 gout | manana |uhc4n | gnemon £ nance Re ent 4 nua uw aden gaedag ua 8n} gedag xoy* seu®/_max! ataeng! Jai* nuay*| mak* ein? gi! _lo® park? bi aie? na:m? o:p? ik! ait yang* a iit fr buy [cucumbers [fron youlmany pieces. tonatoes feiio. fonions Pbunate. nore perfume Jnany things. [nore medicine: ; Tie F [eon [san* hony® boh?| dai :#] dohk a ant 4 a 20 nofean_| t 8 take pw have wma | _sfsdna] don 5 oancds = = fa cSrlaencau| tou eAla You want to see yok! dais? [ayaing® iké dao? yak? eeu yak! beuzna You want What else? You'll buy aor [rake Lan frais dae? neusng? gi! 12 awn) imation frak* iana® Jessk? cas? tast | Give me] tomatoes: fone kilo please] ‘oranges lettuce fou F2H | nana ‘uimangos mou feony Pais® Lowng? yur]ata:* eet s20rF gai? tat? luangt fnohna* bona fr will get off at |the morning market. Jnear That Luang. jong Bones. > —————_—eeeeeSSSSS!SSew et Ss Vocabulary Exorcice 1 kan® paciceenunat AwiGn ex Sawuinnon ka:n? boh* mi? lost} kas? chao? ae ; ‘ppal:' boh? dei: dank Auirangaitenag tuiin? boht ni? mak! tana? goh! seu? nak! hia set a FurSweSuho AUcBuayg eecSasG loa ain? chaos? boh? wi? agersn? git gon! bor bpesn! nyacig kar? theo:f harp dot Ja? kohy }cha:? lu:t? 1a" ka? kasn? chao:® oe seu nam? kohy # leuay? leuayS aradend Fi2aoe) aso? yah! bpals! kein? kohy *bpal: = Becta et zovazgos an Furaguieoncaan to: t? tack ai? eecinGdowrt dente Pepe ea ge Mha M Sadia Au Fufouols so;! naew nit gon' dats Kasn? chao:® coe on ni? Sidwina Autor seu? nit noh® bpats" goh' dais? Kain? chao: bon? yak! dais! Bo. mie oo euconpnaneeny ‘ka:? chao:* lust? sam™ hohy* gip* agneyAn wovaL sinniy Jao? dust? 1a? ka? muay* ast step? eee he ah genes anfefiy qwrt? hats! dae* na! sisp? gip! he gauta one nb dust? bon" dais! kehy tat f town * aa 5 arab Regain aso? oh" kexy" ave” ads Tf, when Tf they don't have a car, they can't go. Tf you don't have oranges, I'll buy papaya. Tf you don't have kip, it's all right, they take dollars. I'l] lower the price, if you always buy from me. He wants to go when I go. They'll go by taxi if samloh Is very expensive. I can take these, if you don't have those. T don't mind not going today, 4 you don't want to. To lower (prices), discount They lower the price by 300 Ap. He discounts 15 kip each. Give me a discount and make ie 50 kip. 1 can't lower the price; T'11 lose money He never gives a discount ‘to people. ea siege zeolstnoraactinta saanbaty azo 5 sranBiia anngocf wy, coutadcinneear arocihueninictenn Brawl Sneduendt Fa cubgware jevdovgw omnigclony lowes garoxrune Sona 9310 1a? ha! lat kat paeng? las” any #pon* nu chase” ta? Ke? tao: ani" 1a? ka? pon? kea® gao:* die" nif nL 1a? ke? keu? oso: san? hohy* sip! base aoe # nasn? beh* mae prep! Iao* ao? bpein' baep! nain* leuay? leuay? waa: baep! ni? beh ait mi? gai? dtat baep *ni! boh* fat baepf nif agan? 1ai* nonng® xony* ngan” max! nueng* nay? nif ngan? evan’ kohng! 1a0? agam? Lai wart? eae? Iuang® nga? er: the price is very high. I don't know how much the price is. Now the price is the same as before. This is the sane price as before. 300 Kip. The way (of doing things) ,manner That is not the way Lao people do it. He is always like thet. (rou) can't talk Like that. Bo you have this kind of basket? Beautiful, pretty ‘Thie style is very beauticul My younger sister is pretty. ‘Thie papaya is beautiful. His house is very beautiful. wat That Luang is beautiful. ce 67 : = Wena rennet srantcug Soffa ca vd Bovtinauull dogo sn ae 908 Beunoan 1 saAnUU ION ‘ 1 eoudanuraaanoyctucon at cyvtwgrunen enofy araenouaw S valde rofy my cuarweane aos gaz? ata? baep nit ‘bon* paeng” main’ 1a? ke? 2 kein? nif pean? Jae: main ci! ony! mask fhaep! ai? aan! lai* aonk* oby “ich? kery? nat dohic! 1a! ka? boh™ paeng? dobk* kohy? bpak* pa?/sa ‘a0? boh* bpe:n" doh? baep* nan boh* ngam? donk * ott touin* deo? ket! teuin?® tai” beep! nif bok? ket # teusa* mae? ka bot? yak! ket* teuin? Strong (for things) These baskets are strong. te price is not expensive. ‘This car is beautiful and powerful. I like this style, it is very strong. (Negative emphatic particle) I have never been here before. The price is not high at all. T can't speak Lao! ‘That is not beautiful at all, to loge money (in business) He lost a lot of money. If you do it thie way, you wen! lose money. Women vendors don't want to lose money. ~a0- os Sa arméaedn abn 2onieian en anadigh uEnctiotig bog ufSneao 0 focereasinana Sgrodagednaeih evcnSgrvting oxoblianandractiiy set ma? ha kohy# axf a? Lint act rohy® oh! yak! ppai:! tk * tao? nyang? si: bpais! s+ ceua™ nheu:ng thon? mi? Sk Leow yang" koiy beau lat yang* yu! ata:? lat mi? 1a. yang* chao:® cha:? nask* E + enao: mi? tai yang? @iaw' ni? mi? dtac™ ean yang? rao = kohy! yak! bousng* ya* yak dai: lei* yu* asain, nore Come to see me again. come to visit again. T don't want to go again. He will go once again. mere is nothing left. Kind, sort I buy many kinds of things at the market. ‘There are many things you would like to (have, buy, do etc.) ‘They have many things. Wow we have only three kinds. (Reinforcing particle) I really have. (There really is.) Z really vant to see. 2 do want many. meme rug arncugane gan? ya* dtae* paeng? lai” Yes, it is beautiful, but very expensive. ach 24 and tgne i? yut tact bon? mi? zai Yes, 1t 18 good,but there are not many. en boa? A) ike, similar, to resenble tak anchicame uk chaor kau? chaos? tat" Your child is just like you. Hat 209¢29UHe9 J290 kohng* chao: boh* Kea? kohng” kohy* Yours is not like mine. ut Rareunduimeuwago waist aatues cera cater pale tt IknC a i aim che Bane kind. ’ anuforana dans suligd tao? boh* kea? ay lao’ boh? yak# He ds not 1ike his elder brother. x han’ nasng* seu ie doesn't like learning, ; chudanunanarofuaronny perin* bpak! pa? sa leo} Keu? korn! He speaks Lao just like a Lao. ao” ai sia SGtm (See aloo p-152/5.3) gort hair’ To give (something) to sSrtnase cca, 0:! hais! kohy + dsc * Give it to me, please. tas gat PeorSatnc a roby 03! hats chao: T give it to you. Seanmnaotaan wBig s0:! mak# guayS hais! asc" wi? Give (me) @ bunch of bananas. cSonzaioua Raby e0:'ga:? lain? bpi' hai‘ dac* gi! Give (me) one kilo of cabbage. Fach ta hk < ZoudcSnlaaro ancy acds koh fon" os! hei; Iao” diac I won't give it to hin, but to aor! hais* chaos? ate xoel oe os 8 Suomneting funni droll Untieucaefinne a ihe ywhta wBiaguae uonésvitintanacton 9 fy BooP uscd SoZ uvede chy ee ‘ae excanvsutoa uocSuhu yat Lai" yang* nif ya! nyeing™ ya! naew? nif ai! nif saep 12e:* di! ait tase mi? nasn¥ Lait bpais! seaf nam? aae* nai! nif seep lat* puakS kohy* seat Sleamy? levay* nae’ sony 4 642% bpal:' harp? chao: mit iat kom? ma hasp* persn® kas? chaosf bch? narp* do! la* taa* agerin? git nan? nain? 120” Medicine there are many kinds of medicine. wnat kind of medicine is this? This medicine is good. ‘This medicine is tasty and very effective. water There is a lot of water. Go and buy water! This vater is tasty. We buy water from him very often, To meet, take Il go to meet you. Many people came to meet hin, They don't take dollars but (they do take) Kip. =k eit 18 dota dcBunig Saoitancin on dchws26s8e0 abuanred detuod $a! Ae uss ucdunjy BGcdu tung = nicunent axovayinese itu fe eee eecinbmontn (drniao ‘3h nenraoetngitsty anol Seuiigtnticts Selloncov'tnd ASurolnj canto bod* bpesn' ayaing ‘That is all right, Don't worry, Z_don't mind, Wo ewoat. oh? bpesn' ayaing. kohy ais? seu nal:* chaos? boh* perm ' nyasng tu? lai” chao: dpe boh? as boht yak! dai;? boh* boh™ vnyazng* pon! al? ngertn? boh* bpern! fem! enao:? ma? ngeren® tohn? bon ag? tcbn® hai:* Kony! ha? si: ka:? chao:* boh® tohn? hai: aos! more? laew™ peed ga:? dtat noay* nyai:® parm ? newing* sip tao* ni? hevan? Jacng “nyats* Lasng neuing * wast nif ncan} lat ayasi® pain? o:p? gaew" ayais* tro: dais! nyamg” You don't have any money. That's all right, I'll buy you one. Don't worry, there are still many. You don't want it? That's all right with ne. beh? boh* beem' rya:ng™ you don't want it? I don't mind. Don't worry. Jo change money be you have change? He gave ne 5 kip change. They did not give (me) chance. ‘hey took all (the money). Big, large A big basket costs 1,000 Kip. He has big house. This temple is beautiful and large. How much is a big bottle of perfume? 5. 6 ™ 8. % 10. aie 12, Be Ue os 16, 128 case cues aaa causa cana x aaa ro Toxt ‘an su 8 in neaill Focinto i Sie uk Matoumilemfe FucSGSrgry eovagota malty. 4 oak Ni cid RB cSrawila vavinsanhtailg minangaovllg wncausogfta Gro aogin w@ eognnvatiae 39. avbanoell seanctintn cuvflow caving So vtwnon aarflsce fe. cdund Awan suse ge dieu i Sa Aausout onan ernku Auuraw8cdr arusansZ%e ansouifuge Soot a¥uacSSngrotiaag. ueanaanton§ Binh aeyonun' scrRcind cS Tawannoy daqceageotnjgooty Widuuentlenaty cBaatg cdinteotudigetintuge figdiattino igfin tuciingonfy ciauc3utoant Hi Bud Booher twin nan ¢ Bcdunjy Zaviwoutncarinsov eou'lamea Soloway (uling ) yanuagla x Cinwargeragsa! Sauioltno 0 18. Solowany VW Bo:T? HIAN® TL" HO:K? a: Lain? bps! niF huat E20: dai! Gi! 16? neusng* san” size! hat cipf Kain? chao! eii* oi! dais, kohy ¢ cha'? uit? haist ha? gip!. nor! sam‘ git 10%, lae:? park? sa? last® git 10° neurng mak* @taong! nuay? noarng? nak! te:n* sohngY gi! Le? park? buat song" aa:t* lae:# donk* ga:> la:m’ bpl! sohng! hua. as? ata? nay? nF 1a? ka? tao: * dass Baop! (ni ngan? 1aos* goh! man‘ Lai? Ao;! nan? ma? dan! dtaa* ‘si? hoty F gp’, Beern' nyaingT cheusng* paeng” tae! San” hohy® sat. Sam hohy® boh® dai: dohks, Kat tevin? Karn? ma? dan! 91 gan" nony 3 che:t? aisp)) san" hohy$ hat si:p? Kohy‘nya:ng? cha: sou" nam? chao: tai" yang! ya, yma? aan! yakt aad: nyasng * sx} av ots ao:! hai: dae’ hok? Naim cup? Phony? gazp nes sa} ba! apt nam 1a? xa kau? kao: sgomn? Ya! tat kaew? lohe# nyais* Lobe ne Bpaep nif geeyS neu:ng! Kao: 'bpaeng de: tar! nanflae. Taing? most? aos? dais!? aing? no + pam? KaorS nohyS gip'. Chao: 1aspt nger:n® do'ta? noh? yut iS? tarp? yut, wohy® mi* dtae* dais! haf ao! 123, Boh? bpern' nyasng? Kohy* goh' tohn? hai chaos? ho:k? hohy * ‘woh * chai:* TaL* 1az*. san” (taeck? si?) : Ma? dan! si loing? sai chao: padi! tang? tat 1uang* pont? ony ¢si:* tomg? ya? ware® hohng * Doha tort! doy! can} + Bpaie! . a. ie a3, ua. 1s. 16. uv. 1s. - xe Wonan x xt . Woman Woman x: Wonan Xe Woman x: Woman taxis maxis LESSON 6: BARGAINING AT THE MARKET vendor: vendor: vondor: vendor: vendor: vendor! vender: How much is one head of cabbage? 35 kip for one kilo. If you buy a lot, T'1L lower (the price) 5 kip. I want 3 kilos of cabbages and 1 kilo of lettuce, a cucumber, 2 kilos of tomatoes, 2 bunches of onions and 2 heads of cauliflower. How much is the price of this basket? ‘These (baskets) are pretty and very solid too. Madan can take it for only 400. How come so expensive? wake it 300. 300 ie impossible. 1 lose money, if Ma'am will buy, (I sell) at 370. Make it 350; 11 etill buy many more things ‘from you. What else does Ma'am want? Bath soap prices are the same as before, aren't they? Give me six pieces (of bath soap), one big tube of tooth paste, one bottle of this (kind of) perfume, one box of baby powder and that is all. How much in all? In total 1,900 kip. Do you accept dollars here? yes, we do. I only have a 5 dollar-note. Never mind, I'11 give you 600 kip change. ‘Thank you. Where will you be getting off, ma'am? Will you go to That Luang Street? ‘at Wat Nong Bone. (okay) Let's go. jae I'l get off LESSON 7: RENTING A HOUSE ‘Substitution Exercize % Tat TES Gn | nd Segara Suno ano #99 exch] aw chao:! [oa ya? nouang? tao? dais? cian? tal] bok beait Tao? oohna"| [you [cane to live in tacos, how years agoq| 1[years ago. fue 2 they| 3 aps Sea = Ts Ga | QacBowlia Bou |c3ncBou lronog favo ano tinamg eeu exc tBacBaueggirowsa] [magog ohio sF sao:* heuan? yu* sai: jkohy *}sa0:* hewan?}ya%| tat * quang ¥ aot Lao ‘ban’ nohng* boha! Xai? chaos] Jsac:* heuan? wenng™ raat foe Ssongt yar |_| eae tvong you Jrent a house, whered| 1 [rent a nouse be [mae tuang. He [ne | Ban tong Bone. they lrent a house freon Mr. Sen: ae | [mat tueng. eet jee ore 1Boucaefvag fAnse9 Two 89 9 fobs gen faepme9 ewan? chao: mi? hohng‘ — |cha:k? hohng * | mi? nohng © si* nohng © Taag™ ALF A) hoting © noha AD saing "hehng® Your house has rooms, ow many? | It has 4 roons. This building has bedroos: Yt has 2 rooms. =18- = s cBougooll | rongy reuan? Koby * mi [sohng* sain? Sis sain? atau! da Sica % [House T have]? storeys. eu 1 storey. 3 storeys. coring? mi? hohng' nchn"|hohng' dia! ‘sohng hom SurBafoo neu] resaz0 #0999 we sen” hobs! i * nonng © anne - Upsets de bodvom|i coon. too penal 3 rooms. ‘4 rooms. fe wig | om | $ teusendo Brak | Bou faa sou [ee] [eat [a maint crane toe rang? tangi|rewan? [soins ona In|front of | the home [is a parking place. behind che house| funder 2 SS, Vocabulary Exercise na 08 Eoud ane SaeBemueunro crcmaiigctintn arobegre8eu (pane t09 Nk te excaadaneg inguclig ty Seana anocSna yng tute9 uorgudrorntnesy a Sgruasfanntoe, warn sma . Son oAanPeaughocigan & ayn anion . caBrar0 cfontni® on Fu. GoarcSgreda2® wincdu neat® to ony’ yar+ ezo:* nousn naep! dao? no: lose* kash? nowsng?tacs™ dais no? boh* s20:* heuan™ sa0:* aking te * yax beans” nat pon? ya* nai:? ban hong * Jao? nest wiak yu nale ni? dta:? ya? mais? wlang ? ch dat? obask? Bohn kew Jai? naew? kou? mak’ guay/ mak* atangf mak* hu:ng* mi? lai" korn? ma} kou? tao sacng™ es fant mien? Ia? eusng? 180% mi? menang? nyad:* kea® wiang? chan’. yat dea? lat! mi? lai? yang* keu™ mak! loro} gas? las? bpiy pazk® buat ? mia? lao? tan* bu:n* tohng? To vent I want to rent a Tao style house. How much do you pay to rent a He does not rent a house. We rents a room. ‘They want to rent only the upstaire. In Father is in the house. He works in the room. How many markets are thore in ‘Vientiane? Such ag, like ‘There are many kinds, such as banana, orange and’ papaya. There are many people present such as Mr. Seng and his wife, Mrs. Bounthong and Mr. Miller. aos has big cities such as Vientiane, In the market there are many ‘things like tomatoes, cabbages, and onions. vt fad, bat seinf tnt, aunt corms’ «Downstairs, upstairs Faerun Setuay 1? hack ma? ha? aos? put A visitor came to see you downstairs. wewffney finc* hota” yo" onin# terveg* Mother sleeps upstairs. SRuchatiiucday There is a tenant upstairs. EourucSacSubbaclig Kohy tupais! 400 ager 2 yat See sees to get (my) vs fiw diay By (means of}, with, of 4 tBouzan Zona’ heuan? Koby! nowt! away aiin' My Rowse is made of Bricks. : Ease ily a? tin? nay aie iatie? nie seeder -o8 mf Howes de coversd eg disnt eon with tiles” SicBadioonsa nif hort duay ¥ nyaing* What is this made of? gin! kao: To have a meal, to eat Beud acid enao:f gitn! kao: leewSboh? Have you had a meal yet? arofuchacaauatiuiueaundestana lao 7 gf n' kaos! lacng? nazm? gain? we eats his dinner with his family. ; gasp? kobe ha? Bobng "120° FucBonsiiny aun) Eael eciiesenst het's have a meal together. Dee ee evcAnefuctretueloy kas? chaor® bpai:' gi:n' kao: They went to eat in town. yoraais? meaang™ eS Ll Oe ————E—————————————————————— hes ce sou cimentevencsat Eovamen Eoute anoucnoac8ritn arovouti Rass 29983 Dresode iio fansea cBouitod gb gh acBou'ind excSelen980 densipdiesy : EX} Beudienogseu dcBoreBsaby ont wang ee inane sf’S web otends ohn? xkohy * yak! nohn™ roby ‘oh? yak noha’ hese* wlak sx! gon” dats tao? nchn? do:n' do: kang! Lams ban! koby4 yt kang Jarng” wast™ tam? ma:t da! neuan® kua? ta:no! ‘ya? kang! laing® heuan? nyai® kas? chao: yut kang! tasng* ya" ang # Laing * boh* ai? bonn® ony yut dtao* wiang* chan,’ bohY ‘kery? bpad:! meuang ? 2un® feang? ai boh? ai! beads? tang” ya® nai? hohng ni? boh* mi? bpai! >eusng* hong § eun* To sleep > nohy¥ bpal:’ notin? laew* toh” pi the children go to bed yet? I want to sleep. (r'm sleepy) I don't want to sleep, I can still work. He slept for a long time. Bening My house is behind a temple. Usually the kitchen is behind the main house. ‘They are in back of it. There is no place behind it. Other T have lived only in Vientiane and never been to other cities This road is not good. Why don't you take another road? It's not in this room. Go and Look in the other rooms. 710 Ho pa pay tt nashifdoutiged wire Readout fata Htxatoufy dunn io ee owes tesn coucSnagngy eee ewigencsanaoues jad EM tt Acduurtinesndoutla, laanosouity au Fe fuentign i ae Be uguiguzeviingsy — denfncdifhantiiven Ree Ae kek CSacBonruevaucny tang? aiS mi auant neusng* boh* "Bs! pats! Boh? dals® nif nt? dtas* suan* newing™ boh* saan? xohng® Kolys Koby! best isk! cant xeoty “bon? hu cha:k? Jeung? ‘Suan! Kohng 120? poh ao: ma? nat: Kohy * suan* ‘neusng?, ais? lao? suan* eaeng? oka, smi! nonn® nang * bob? oka? nif nga? kohy* naik* Lei" yak! gisa kaos! yo* al dtae™ boh® We wi ‘at bobn® chao hert* gan! yu? pohn* gao:* A part, section, portion ‘his road has one bad section. You can't go. nis is just a part of it, not the whole. For my part, I'11 do sone other ‘work. 1 don't know his side of the story. Father gave me a portion and him ‘a portion, too. Place is there any place to sit? This is a beautiful place. it very much. ant to eat here, but there isn't any place (to sit). T like bo you still work at the (same) old place? a2 qo 0 ascSoitieutind socom gina wercSrbin PooucErsendabve senfich and moat uciatay dorsisaon ceetieunches Ie svalowooin aatindhginssnn a be Reacting jaqtGoufluan senso chont* chohe# tort* yut bohn* nsf ani eh hone! lost! tang? naf ban kas? chao:* bon* nazk* yu nit dtohg' sao:* choht* Jo:e* pont aa? hone olf dae* san* ich? tang? nat tang? nat ban chao: mi? aya:ng* yut tang” nat ni? suan® lae:* kohy # bbpuk ® keuang* yut tang? na Savas? tat! mi? bohn* choht * Lost kas? chao:? ta‘ chao: yu* nat hong? gaat gonng non* yu* tereng* dtae* yu! eohnat ya? gohae! hevan? mi? Eohn* choint + joe To park, to stop can I park = car here? they don't 1ike parking cars in front of the house. You can't park here in the morning. Stop here, Samloh. In front of What is in front of your house? In front,we have a garden and I plant trees and flowers. There is a parking lot in front ‘Of the market. ‘They are waiting for you in front of your office. Under, below At is not upstairs, but downstairs there is a parking space under ‘the house. i xt ‘Gos yuh a. Rounds egararsdonneta oyolic 9a Bouotige tuo gu tRondeol aog&A Fuguiae’ucBy anesthe Bou Tomnonoefufang. wrewne garw92A wooSecen noghucé> cazhe 3c5n99n 299200 Roufod glensegRinivoniurd tur bega%0. duchabre jay cazmeewh Fordicco sbucFigurAcBousmavwaro ume wovaen Soure9 dongnnie vdoucfouloud wlncho yrarwting. “ae : Le BO:T MIAN? TI! CHE:T? xohy# fa? ya* movang? lao? dais bpi? bpai! Laws Diaw! ai¥ eaos-hewan? dasng™ nowsng* yu nais? wiang? chasn! Mowan? Kony $ mi? sonng * sazn® kew? san? luem® snes neuant @ien! chi’. sain’ tering Lacs bpern taing ka? mushg? duayS din! keh* ai daong’ vo? ean lust mi? honag? eam nonng! keu® hohng! Lasy* kaek® nonng * gen! kao: Lae:* hong‘ hest* wiak kohng * koby & Heuan ? Ya? dtarngS yu? Kong * Laing *keu? gain! gap? ban¥ oun oun * mais? ‘meuang ? Lao}. yu" san eering? ai? hong * nohn? 1ae:* hohng * ap* nan, ‘Suen neusng® kohng* sain’ tersne? macn* sia? kea* hevan? han* bpaep* lac”, lao: mi? bohn# chont lore? yo* konngs. yu? tang? na te:* onn® near? ni? suan" ci? hao: ? ppuk* keuang * npux* ai” yang. LESSON 7: RENTING A HOUSE Freane to live in Laos more than a year ago. At present I'm renting one house in Vientiane. My house has two stories which are downstairs and upstairs and it de made of bricks. ‘he roof is covered with red tiles. Downstairs (we have) 3 rooms which are a salon, a dining room ‘and my study. The kitchen stands behind Like in other houses in Laos. upstairs (we have) bedrooms and a bathroom. one part of the second floor is the veranda, like in Lao-style houses on stilts, and there is a place to park a car under- neath it. In front and all around the house, there is a garden where ve grow many kinds of plants. LESSON PAYING A VISIT Substitution Exercise Ks = canst gtd § = mop) omese nanawag Jenaoi! ha chask? tang? ppat fpon™ | [ow tat? iveng ® ban? Koby Jata:? lat! laeng?) Do you know which way to go| to) that Euang (to) the evening marke (to) my house Ruviva avid Samy fannnov auannmis Suhannca loin! naza® nya:ng] |kohY nasm* yorn! jeisn! ayarng? feoa® mak® quay fkoh* nas mak* oiang! koh naan nakb ein? What drink do you want? |[Cold water, please. What do you want to eat?||Bananas, please. Orange juice, please. Tomato juice, please. yu fatto | fruutase w wrw iad 9 ij hdres sw syviuaeng * ci cba cdowiGoeees bpeifonsn? pats) [_upaiet mann) mut not ¢ = a? narm? ma Koon? far? Lana yut yu" na:m? ay* kohy* ian? ian? nasm? nai? ku? aos) wao:? na:m? pua* kohy * ice youlla pues wast | (Glee wim wy Brent, cone cone with my foreign friend, Stay stay with my older brother. stu lstoay with my teacher. Spea speak with my husband. ae Sate [cis ta communaneserco coula uae lrure® daar Jausucdudagta Buty +3 capt suro8 Bidovfiognme ayay ifosnay eoula. duit rm nepal dejgianl? we? de? aa? hal [hohoé chaia! of brads! ha chaoe? sa? bait mpesn' yang* aai:* seun? nang? ai sont bok? Bart bal® ai bpora’ yang’ Gaal [ear? bait aay, waa? wi? Kohy! wi® wiak® tal™ sa:? bai¥ mea ni! boht mi? wiak® nyarng* konp! chais!, koh” nan? yecn! to see me please. When you have time cone Thank you. I will go see you. Hello! How are you? Hello! How are you Please sit down. Isn't it so? Hello. Today I have a lot of work. Hello. Today I don't have any work. ‘Thank you, Could T have some cold water?| Yes. Lay B fatsn anes eaten oa] aa uawesn * sgnvueay| Jyiang? chan" Iban’ Kony & Inching? gan* chao:$| jata:? até Pron[here Te den't far to 90+ Wien tiene my house your office ‘the market [atae? ait yu han’ ottfoo P| dina E Toa. Sa) [yw vow ano] |e Aaa bu ae incBeuvedl fascerhes 09 pais) pana® asin 1x0 ma? nif pack! beset baep (nif im! Kaor* nasm? kas? chao dint cern? nit? nian? nasng' seu sein? nang seu Yucinta saiaigh kasp? lose? fBerore|t used to|live there. you go to that place. ne come here. they ike to work Like this, jeat with them. jpiay tennis. jetuay. teach. arive a care a dows | ad neva * dai: wi age kovn? ma ha® Bur rosa? yak* bpats! n we? Ia? Lin* tesn? nit? Janu ae lpohn® chot + coathescinita| fnewan? hale sao: : nove? nai? towen "| fiien wit you nave|noney to buy it? Bovineda people to come to see it: oa people who want to go? time to play tennis? a space to stop? ja house to let? a car for sale? - i tices nck? [rot bce ion] 8 |etosew —_yetoaleon|b] fe ag Tidal led. |luwrset ieee E ech pant eee Sey Sie ee tae fais fe eae a iotan ter Bala aon Men asa, a coffee shop jleft sth 3 gunmen deaeo sie inept an office |a_parking space J reuan?|ei* sonng* men’ heuan [Roby * | hora? pant rhonag onng 4 dort * aoe darn" arn? House [the second is Percon Room car lcar puilding| house Machine lear Vocabulary Exercise o1 amy annthueanacis cet aanthudauclnnd anmtiueyseo gfe ath fesin feruteita Mw a2 yemovingw mnowagin, eSeSecerdin Teamudin favor Soe os ah vdlidhnoulBaorsa Srudoueed jardin Srtall Zohar Fuca whayalichagye (Gh oralBoutotwidcnall ‘chai! ni bpad:* chak! nif bpais! @tas? Lael taor* dais! chek! aif bode! ban" chaos? gai:' ‘pon* hak} nif pale! siang” kang” chask! git 12? chek! ni bpaie! movang? nazn fal? sam* sizp? gi! lo! gait ban kohy ‘ais! Lai @ta:? tat taeng? gais' aor! lo:t* tack ei? Bpaiz! dl* ong? gan’ yu" gai:! taim7me:t da’ igoh! acs" Jore* bpad:* atae* gif persn* gohn™ yut wis* tart nya? Tal baa! kony* ataetgi” yu gai:* we: lost! kern® nif Kony seu dtae* si ‘dora! laew® atae* diaw | ni? gao: dai atze* gif lot 4? nevan? laing* nyais* yout taew nif ————o sSsS/''™sr™—”L Fron here to. How much is it from here to ‘the morning market? it is far from here to your house? How many kiloneters are there from here to Xieng Khouang? Tt is 30 kilometers from here ‘co that city. Par my house is very far. the evening market is far. You'd better go by taxi ‘he office is far. T usually go by car. Before, formerly Formerly he was teaching at ‘the high school. * My 01a house was near that temple. i? this car is the one T bought ** before, but it's very old now Before he used to have a big nouse in this area.

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