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Chapter 3: Form a Board of Directors and explain their role.

team member will get a role.

The Board of Directors (BOD) is the highest body responsible for corporate strategy, operations
management, and customer satisfaction. The BOD's mission is to lead the company forward. It
exercises decision-making authority for corporate strategy and operations management, and
ensures customer and shareholder interests are protected. The BOD and its Executive Committee
are led by rotating chairs. During their terms, the rotating chairs serve as the foremost leader of
the company. The key responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include overseeing the
responsibility fulfillment of BOD members and senior management, monitoring the company's
operational and financial status, and supervising compliance. An executive council is a littler
gathering with close ties through leadership who can get together, frequently with little
notification, to address squeezing issues that influence the association generously, for example, a
rising emergency. The executive panel has the ability to follow up for the benefit of the full
board. The executive advisory group is a standing panel that frequently goes about as a guiding
council for the full board. Working as a guiding council, the executive panel organizes issues for
the full board to address. In spite of the fact that the executive advisory group contains senior-
level pioneers, the panel individuals report to the board.


Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

A chief financial officer (CFO) is the senior executive responsible for managing the financial
actions of a company. The CFO's duties include tracking cash flow and financial planning as
well as analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective
actions. The CFO is similar to a treasurer or controller because they are responsible for managing
the finance and accounting divisions and for ensuring that the company’s financial reports are
accurate and completed in a timely manner. In the financial industry, a CFO is the highest-
ranking financial position within a company.
Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The chief operating officer (COO) is a senior executive tasked with overseeing the day-to-day
administrative and operational functions of a business. The COO typically reports directly to
the chief executive officer (CEO) and is considered to be second in the chain of command. COO
often handles a company's internal affairs, while the CEO functions as the public face of the
company, and thereby handles all outward-facing communication. COOs often design operations
strategies, communicate policies to employees, and help Human Resource (HR) build out core
teams. Instead of having one or two skill sets, most successful COOs have multifaceted talents,
enabling them to adapt to different tasks and solve a range of issues.


Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

A CMO is a corporate executive responsible for activities in an organization that have to do with
creating, communicating and delivering offerings that have value for customers, clients or
business partners. The chief marketing officer is generally responsible for planning, developing,
implementing and monitoring the overall business marketing strategy. Some of the duties may
include market research, pricing, product marketing, marketing communications, advertising and
public relations. The CMO is the executive in charge of developing the strategy for corporate
advertising and branding, as well as customer outreach. 

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

A chief technology officer, sometimes known as a chief technical officer or chief technologist, is
an executive-level position in a company or other entity whose occupation is focused on the
scientific and technological issues within an organization. A CTO is very similar to a chief
information officer.  He or she develops policies and procedures and uses technology to enhance
products and services that focus on external customers. To become innovative and stay
competitive, CTOs must keep abreast of big data, streaming analytics, and cloud technology.

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