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Ideas for retaining clients, gaining clients

and pivoting right now
Better. Stronger. Faster.

Crisis or opportunity?
At the beginning of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the camera tracks across a cell
in a mental hospital. The camera finds Sarah Connor doing chin-ups on her
upturned bed frame. In 18-seconds with no dialogue, we learn that Sarah
Connor has transformed herself between The Terminator and Terminator 2.
She is no longer a victim; she has chosen to be someone who gets shit done in
the toughest circumstances.

We have the same choices in this time of coronavirus. We could curl up,
defeated by what’s being done to us. Or we could make another choice. We
could use the time to get our businesses ready for the opportunities that are
available even now. And we could choose to be prepared for the
opportunities that will be available in the future.

Some of what Taleist is planning for the next few months is aimed at
attracting new clients. However, “retention” is the word of the moment for us
and probably you. That’s because there’s no one more likely to buy from you
at any time than someone who has bought from you before.

It’s true that your clients will be cutting back on spending. However,
spending is like breathing: you can only hold your breath for so long if you
want to stay alive. If a business is alive, it’s going to be spending on

That something could be you. However, for the spending to be on you, it’s
more important than ever to present persuasively the value of what you do.

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There are few times in history when it’s been more vital to be good at

You need to be smart about how you spend your marketing dollars but think
like Sarah Conner, not Bridget Jones. There’s no gain in grabbing a bucket of
Ben & Jerry’s and hoping your clients will still be there when this is all over.
Your clients might be someone else’s clients by then.

Unless they are all in hibernation, your clients still need services. They might
need something different, but they need something. And even if all your clients
are in hibernation, there are businesses still operating and operating means
spending. Individuals are spending, too. They’re bored and want to be
entertained and stimulated. Or they see they might need new skills, so they
want to learn.

In the last week at Taleist, we’ve had calls for help from clients ranging from
global law firms to local GPs. They’re all buying. They’re not all buying the
same things they were buying before, but they’re buying and we’re

In the spirit of Sarah Connor, what follows are some of the things that we’ve
recommended to clients so far. We’ve also included some of the things that
Taleist will be doing over the next few months to give our own business a
health and resilience boost.

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We are, as they say in the markets, bullish on webinars. Shares in Zoom, the
video conferencing and webinar company, were $68 at the beginning of the
year. At the time of writing, just three months later, they’re at $151. It’s not
hard to see why…

Companies can’t hold face-to-face events, so they need to move events

online. They also need to move staff training, town halls and other meetings

Business owners are looking for connection, inspiration and context.

Individuals are looking for contact and mental stimulation.

Depending on your strategy for the next few months, running webinars
could be golden for retention and expansion.

Massive increases in sign-up and attendance

Doing things by webinar is going to be the default way of doing any live
training for a while. That means millions of your potential customers are
downloading webinar software, getting used to going to webinars and seeing
the benefits of webinars.

Your prospects are already going to have the software installed when you
approach them, so that barrier has vaporized. They’re going to know how to
open the software and how to log in. That’s another barrier that’s tumbled.

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Getting sign-ups used to be hard. Then there was the heartbreaking leak
between sign-ups and attendances. But that was back in the bad old days
when people had a thousand other things to do. Now, you’re dealing with an
audience locked up, bored, craving stimulation and wondering if they need
to upskill for whatever is next in their lives.

We’re predicting record sign-ups and record attendance for webinars.

And we’re predicting there’s something that you can teach — or at least
showcase by webinar. Even if you’ve never taught anything before. It might
not lead to sales directly or immediately, but don’t ignore awareness. Now is
a great time to increase reach you can leverage later.

Be flexible about webinar topics

Don’t dismiss webinars out of hand because what you do simply can’t be
done online. Think of all the fitness trainers, Pilates instructors and ballet
teachers who would never have contemplated running classes by webinar.

What you run webinars about now doesn’t have to represent your future or
make money. Your webinar game right now could just be about retention,
relevance and reciprocity.

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How to find webinar topics

Good webinar topics come from thinking about the context you can bring to
any questions your clients might be asking:

• What does the current situation mean for a business from the
perspective of your area of expertise? If you’re an accountant, say,
maybe you have clients who would join a webinar to understand
finances (or government aid packages).

• How can your business clients best prepare for the future with the
domain of your expertise? If you’re a commercial cleaner, for instance,
what are we going to need to do before we can return safely to our
workplaces or our client’s workplaces?

• What does the world look like right now for clients, and how can you be
relevant to that? For instance, we’ve suggested to kitchen design clients
and renovation clients that they should start hosting webinars
immediately. If there were something you didn’t love about your house
before you were locked indoors, you’re going to hate that thing in no
time. Plus, you’ve got time on your hands to come up with a plan to get
rid of it — with a little expert help from a kitchen designer or a
renovation expert.

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Other questions you can ask yourself to mine for webinar topics include:

• What do people think they know, but they’re wrong about?

• What questions should people be asking but they’re not?

• What can you see coming but your clients might not?

Is there a version of what you used to do in person that

you can offer by webinar?

You can also think laterally. Is there a version of what you used to do that
lends itself to a webinar. The person who used to set up employee
workstations can’t do that for now. However, they could run a webinar on
setting up a home office ergonomically.

At Taleist, we’ve started running team training by webinar on Writing With

Influence. Up until now, we’ve been the ones doing the influential writing for
our clients. However, writing with influence is a skill people need more than
ever. Also, they don’t necessarily have the budget for an expert to write
everything. So the version of what we used to do (writing persuasive copy) is
teaching other people how to get action from their writing. (If you’d also be
interested in learning how to write with influence, please email us.)

What new things are your clients doing?

Another seam you can mine for webinar ideas is to mentally walk through
what your clients are doing in a day. What are they doing that’s new to
them? Could you run webinars to help them with that?
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The right tools for running webinars

Live webinars: Zoom

We are not experts on relative merits of all the tools, but Zoom webinars
have never let us down. The price is right, too. Once you have a basic Zoom
paid account, you can add the ability to run webinars for as little as $40/
month. That’s a trivial amount to invest in retention or diversification, and
you can cancel if webinars don’t take off for you.

Pre-recorded webinars: StealthSeminar

Not all webinars are live. If you’ve ever signed up for a webinar that
coincidentally is starting in the next 15 minutes, the chances are it was pre-
recorded. Same thing if the webinar is running five times a day for the next
two weeks, including times that must be the middle of the night for the

Recording a webinar in advance is much like recording any other video.

Alternatively, you can take a recording from a webinar you delivered live
and use it as a pre-recorded webinar.

When you pre-record, you can:

• Avoid any mistakes that might come from the pressure of doing it live.

• Offer the webinar more frequently and at different times than you could
if you had to be there.

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To run a pre-recorded webinar, you will need a tool that can deliver pre-
recorded webinars. Zoom can’t do that, so we recommend StealthSeminar.

Taleist’s guide to hosting and moderating

At the urgent request of several clients, we’re putting together a course on
how to promote, host, moderate and follow-up webinars. If you want to
know more and be the first to know when we launch the course, you can see
the course description and drop your email address here:

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Online courses
As well as retention, another word to have in mind is diversification. What
you can offer today might be different from what you have been offering and
what you might offer in the future. Online courses are one way that many of
us can diversify today.

The market for online courses was worth $187 billion before the coronavirus
crisis. In those healthy times, analysts were tipping that the demand for e-
learning would be worth $325 billion by 2025. That was a prediction of
compounded growth of 16.6% every year. Imagine how steeply that
predication has to be revised now that all courses are going to be online
courses for months.

First, there will be an immediate surge in sales while people have no choice
but to take learning online. Then there will be the long term acceleration in
growth from all the learners introduced to online courses earlier than

That prediction of $128 billion of growth in online learning between now

and 2025 just leapt forward a few years.

Even before COVID-19, anyone getting into producing online courses was
stepping into an express elevator. Now, it’s more like strapping into a rocket
because the market for online learning is going into orbit.

Why shouldn’t you get your share of that?

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You have something to teach. It might be to do with what you do

professionally. It might be knowledge you’ve picked up in connection with a
hobby. Business or personal, you don’t need to have a PhD in the subject. If
you’ve read three books on a topic, you know more than 95% of the
population. That qualifies you to teach.

Right now, there’s a lady in our neighborhood Facebook group offering to

teach people pasta-making via Skype. She’s not saying she’s Marcella Hazan.
She’s not even someone’s nonna. But she has flour, eggs, water and more
experience making pasta than the dozens of people saying “yes, please” to her
kind offer.

Where to get ideas for online courses

Online courses are a more flexible and more permanent cousin of the
webinar. So you should ask yourself the questions in the earlier section about
webinars. Also:

• What do you know more about than other people? (What are people
always asking you? It doesn’t have to be something you do for work. It
could be something you do for a hobby or something you used to do.)

• What do people need to learn to do now?

• What did we used to call people in to do for us that we might not be able
to call them for now (or that we might not have the money for now)?

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• What do people need to learn to prepare themselves for the future?

(Asking ourselves that question led to our course on writing stand-out
LinkedIn profiles.)

• What were people always saying they wanted to learn to do but didn’t
have time for? Language app Duolingo grew 25 per cent in a single week
early in the coronavirus crisis. We’ve all got time to learn Mandarin at
the moment.

• What are people interested in? Read the news; it’s packed with stories of
how people are amusing themselves. Search “Google trends” for what
search terms are shooting up. Type “how to” into Google and see what
Google offers as autocomplete. Here’s what Google just suggested to

Do you know how to train a dragon? Looks like there’s a market.

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How to get into making a course fast

If you’ve already got a WordPress website, you could get into teaching a
course online for as little as $200. That’s all it takes to buy WP Courseware,
which is made by our client Fly Plugins.

WP Courseware was the first online course plugin for WordPress, which
means it has thousands and thousands of development hours behind it, not
to mention refinements based on feedback from 21,883 course creators.

Aside from that, you won’t find two people more committed to developing a
fantastic product than Nate and Ben. And they care about your success — no
sooner had we bought WP Courseware for Taleist than they emailed us The
10 Step Blueprint Behind Every Successful Course.

And if you don’t have a WordPress website ready to launch your courses, you
need to meet another of our clients, Kicking Pixels, a conversion and web
development agency. If you don’t have time to muck about putting up a
course website yourself, Kicking Pixels can put up a starter website running
WP Courseware.

With a Kicking Pixels website running WP Courseware, you could have

everything you need to launch your course empire for less than AUD1,500.

Want to know more? All you have to do is contact Kicking Pixels.

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Why do this through your website?

You don’t have to have a website to get an online course up and running.
There are marketplaces like Udemy that will offer you the tools that you
need for “free”. The catch — and it’s a big one — is that they’ll take a big bite
out of any money you make. Also, the marketplace sets the rules. You could
wake up one day to find something massive has changed. (In our case, Udemy
doubled their commission so that their cut of a sale was twice the size of
ours. And there was nothing we could do about it by that stage.)

Alternatively, you can find one of several “hosted” solutions like Kajabi.
Hosted service providers run like a serviced apartment. Everything is there
for you, but you don’t own any of it. You can move your stuff in for as long
as you’ll pay the hefty monthly fee. So again, the provider sets the rules, and
you’ll often find the tools you need require you to upgrade to an even more
expensive program.

With marketplaces and hosted sites, you’ll always be the tenant, not the
landlord. It doesn’t matter that you’re the one building the house. That’s why
we always recommend you run your courses through your own website with
a plugin like WP Courseware.

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Now more than ever, you have to be seen. You need to be a constant ping on
the radar of the right people. You need to remind them you’re still providing
exceptional service and value.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Some of them will be existing or potential clients who might connect the
dots and get in touch for help

2. Some of them will see your name, connect the dots and refer you to
someone you wouldn’t otherwise have reached

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Get personally visible on LinkedIn

At Taleist we adopted LinkedIn early, which was a mistake. Back then,
LinkedIn was a place where you stored your CV for recruiters to find. So if
you didn’t want to work for somebody else, LinkedIn was a waste of time.
Because of that, we looked away and didn’t look back for a while. That’s how
we missed the shift LinkedIn has made over the last three years.

LinkedIn has become much more than an archive of resumes. LinkedIn is the
social network for businesspeople. Yes, you still get some tripe, but mostly (if
you follow the right people) it’s about business.

LinkedIn has become a place to shine. And it’s still free. Sort of. That’s why
we’re bullish on LinkedIn as well and our investment is paying off.

Getting visible on LinkedIn (and turning that

visibility into sales)
You’re dreaming if you think putting a post on LinkedIn means anyone will
see it. LinkedIn is a global bazaar of expert self-promoters. You could have
10,000 connections. It doesn’t matter. LinkedIn will show your post to only a
tiny number of people if all you do is hit “post” every so often.

The LinkedIn algorithm wants to see people liking your posts and
commenting on your posts. And it wants to see them doing it quickly after
you publish the posts. If you can get velocity in the first 30 minutes after
posting, you’ll see your post views go through the roof.

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How you get the algorithm to notice you is evolving. All we can say with any
chance of being current in a month is that you cannot do it on your own.

You. Cannot. Do. It. On. Your. Own.

You need:

• Someone with up-to-the-minute information about what’s working

• A collective of people working with you for mutual benefit

If you need to see proof of any of this, try putting up a post then check the
number of views after 24 hours. It’ll be like you threw a rock into an ocean,
except without the splash.

When we wanted to get more visible on LinkedIn, we started to work with

our client Paul Higgins of Build Live Give. Paul knows what it takes to thrive
on LinkedIn, and he has programs to get you there — including turning
reach into sales. He’s done it for us, and he can do it for you.

Make the most of your LinkedIn visibility

You’re not investing in visibility on LinkedIn for vanity. You want to get
business, which means your primary goal is to get the people to visit your
profile to learn more about what you can do for them. In a competitive
market, you’ll waste your investment in getting views if you don’t have a
stand out profile.

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You don’t want your profile to read like the role descriptions written by
someone in HR with an undergraduate degree in North Korean journalism
and a master’s degree in buzzwords.

There’s an art to having a stand-out LinkedIn profile. You want to strike a

balance between presenting your value and sounding like you’re in love with

Taleist has a course we’ve run all over the country, and we’re turning it into
an online course. The course is about defining your personal brand and
nailing your LinkedIn profile. If you’d like to know when we launch it, just
let us have your email address here:

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Increase your business visibility by

making your website work harder
If you have a website, it needs to be working for you as hard as possible.
That’s always been true, but it’s especially true now. Your website needs to
convert. Conversion means turning visitors to your website into people who
have taken actions that you want them to take. Normally, the target action is
that they buy something or contact you.

Getting the most conversions from your website has two parts.

1. You need the right visitors in the first place.

2. You need the right message to persuade those people to do what you
want them to do.

Buying traffic (at a lower cost)

Buying traffic is one way to get the right visitors to your website.

Usually, buying traffic to your website means buying ads on Google or

Facebook. It’s one of the fastest ways to get visitors to your website.

If you’re not already buying traffic to your website, now is an excellent time
to start:

1. Other people are going to be frightened, stopping their ads, but that
means their business will be invisible when customers are looking for

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suppliers. You, on the other hand, can be right there when prospects are
looking. Or you can plant the idea that they should be looking.

2. As competition lessens, the cost of advertising goes down so you can

reach more people for less — or more people for the same investment.

Perhaps you’re already buying traffic to your website. If you are, you know
that Facebook and Google lure you in by making it look easy. Click a button
here, enter a link there, and your campaign is live. That’s a fast way to lose
money. There is a skill in buying ads on Facebook and Google. The people
with that skill win.

And right now, you probably need to be getting the maximum bang for your
advertising dollar, so you need that skill. That means you can either:

1. Pay an agency to do it for you

2. Learn to do it for yourself

We use an agency (email us if you want a recommendation to who we trust).

However, an agency might be out of your budget right now. In that case, you
want current information from a trusted source.

If you want to learn how to manage your ads yourself (without falling into
the traps that Google and Facebook set for you), we recommend Teach
Traffic. It’s an online program run by Ilana Wechsler, a former data analyst
turned online advertising expert. Ilana’s helped us many times over the years,
and her advice is always excellent.

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Earning traffic
When Google sends searchers to your site without you having to buy a
Google ad, that’s earned traffic. You get that “free” traffic by persuading
Google that you’re a good answer to a question searchers are asking. The art
and science of persuading Google that you have good answers to questions is
called search engine optimization (SEO).

Ads work fast, like turning a key in the ignition of a supercar. Once you turn
them on, vroom, you’re off and into a stream of traffic.

SEO is slow, like getting an oil tanker moving. It takes time to convince
Google that you’re a good answer to searchers’ questions. But you have time
now, right? Why not spend part of that time persuading Google to move you
up the rankings? That way, you could be perfectly positioned when things
turn around in the market.

There are many, many technical parts to persuading Google to send more
people your way. However, a large part of that is down to what’s called “SEO
copywriting”. As you can imagine, SEO copywriting is something we know
plenty about. And we’re getting ready to share…

If you want to know when we launch our free webinar 5 Things You Can
Do Right Now To Impress Google, we’ll notify you if you leave us your
email address here:

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Turning more of your website visitors into

Traffic (visitors) is the first part of the conversion equation. You get that
traffic from ads or SEO. Once you’ve got the right people coming to your
website, you need to present them with the right message. The words on your
website is the second part of the conversion equation. Without persuasive
copywriting, the most qualified visitors in the world will not convert.

Copywriting is Taleist’s core service. We write landing pages and websites

that we calibrate to convert quality traffic. Our words get triple-digit
improvements in our clients’ conversion rates, giving our clients two choices:

1. They can slash their advertising and still get the same number of

2. They can maintain their advertising budget and rake in 200%, 300%,
even 400% more sales from the same investment.

To get your website working harder and giving you more conversions, you
might have to invest a little first. But that investment can pay off hugely,
especially if new business is a priority right now.

If you want a landing page that works harder, contact us.

We also review existing landing pages. We’ll give you practical advice on
what’s working and what isn’t working. You can take that advice and
implement it yourself.

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High-converting landing page templates

Not everyone can invest in a professional copywriter to write their website.
So what if you could have the next best thing…

Decades of professional copywriting expertise and proven techniques

distilled into a collection of high-converting templates that you can use on
your website.

We’re working on those templates right now. You’ll get the structure to a
high-converting page and step-by-step guidance on what to write to convert
more of your ideal clients.

To be notified when our high-converting templates are ready, all you have to
do is let us have your details here:

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Develop authority content

All those blog posts you’ve meant to write, videos you’ve meant to shoot.
Now is the time to get a year’s worth of content written for your website in a
few weeks.

Brainstorm ideas for content for blog posts:

• Shoot for evergreen topics, so it doesn’t matter when exactly you release
them. How-to topics are brilliant for this. So are frequently asked

• Think about perennial topics that fit with seasons or annual milestones.
Probably start with those that won’t come up for three to six months out
from now. However, even if you can’t use a topic this year, you’ll be able
to use it next year if it’s perennial. What happens in, say, June every year
(if not this year)? What happens when the weather gets warmer or colder
or wetter (even if that might not happen this year)?

Go big and write a book

“Authority” starts with author for a reason. Write a book and you’re more
than an expert, you’re an authority. And when you’re the authority in your
area, the world starts beating a path to your door.

With the right structure and guidance, writing a book isn’t as daunting as
you might think. Our client Kath Walters has an incredible 90-day program
that will take you from blank page to finished manuscript.

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If you’ve got five or more years’ experience in your area, a book could be the
perfect mechanism for you to stand out.

Lots of us have thought about writing a book. Sometimes we have an idea

that’s itching to be turned into a book. Maybe people have been telling you
for ages that you should write a book about “that”.

It’s just that you haven’t had time…

But if there’s ever to be a time you’re going to have 90 days to commit to the
project, it’s now. Give Kath those 90 days and you’ll have a book.

You don’t need to be a writer. As with online courses and webinars, you only
need to know enough to add to the conversation. There are more details on
Kath's website.

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These aren’t easy times for anyone, but you don’t have to pull the sheets over
your head. Business as usual might be paused for a while but there’s plenty of
BANTU to go around. (BANTU = business as the new usual.)

There are opportunities out there, so this is no time to be invisible. You can
come out of your corner fighting now. Or you use this time like Sarah
Connor — to prepare so you’re stronger than ever when the opportunity is

Whichever approach you take there’s work to be done, and you can be doing
it right now.

To paraphrase Oscar Goldman opening an episode of The Six Million Dollar


“You have the technology. You have the capability… You can make your
business better than before. Better…stronger…faster.”

And if we can help you with that, we’re here.

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A directory of resources for retaining,

gaining and pivoting

• Live webinars: Zoom

• Pre-recorded webinars: StealthSeminar

• Online course on hosting and moderating high-value webinars: Taleist

Online courses
• Courseware plugin: WP Courseware

• WordPress websites: Kicking Pixels

• 10 Step Blueprint Behind Every Successful Course: Fly Plugins

• Marketplace: Udemy

• Hosted solution: Kajabi

• Expert advice on increasing visibility: Build Live Give

• How to write a stand-out LinkedIn profile: Taleist

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Generating traffic to your website

• Best agency to run ads for you: Email us for a recommendation

• Learn how to manage your own Google and Facebook ads: Teach

• Free webinar on 5 Things You Can Do To Impress Google Right Now: Taleist

Increasing sales on your website

• High-converting landing page templates: Taleist

• Landing page reviews: Taleist

• Landing page copywriting: Taleist

Writing a book
90-day book coaching program: Kath Walters

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More free guides from Taleist

If you found this guide helpful and you’re looking for more suggestions for
ways to come out this situation even stronger, check out the free guides on
the Taleist website.

They include:

1. Our landing page checklist — plug the holes in your landing page
copywriting with Taleist’s own internal checklist.

2. 7 Things Anyone Can Do to Increase Their Conversions —

discover how to put your website into the top 5% of conversions. No
technical skills required.

3. Copywriting a Perfect About Us Page— Discover how to tell your

story in a way that builds trust, demonstrates value and makes your
prospects excited to buy from you.

4. Writing Case Studies That Sell — tell your customers’ stories in a

way that builds trust and makes your prospects excited to buy from you.

Find all our free guides at

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What’s in this for us?

This guide is written to help you with ideas for additional revenue and pivots
you could make in difficult times. Some of those ideas are things we can help
you with, but this guide is also a way for us to shine a light on some of our
clients and some of the services we love.

Kicking Pixels built our website; we’re members of Paul Higgins’s Build Live
Give LinkedIn collective; we’re running courses with WP Courseware; and
we’re hosting webinars with Zoom and (soon) StealthSeminar.

Some, but by no means all, of the businesses we’ve mentioned in this guide
might give us something for making the introduction. Whether they do or
don’t, we love sharing what’s working for us and who we’ve worked with.
Hopefully, one day that will include you if it doesn’t already.

If you have any feedback on this guide, we’d love to hear from you at

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About the author

Steven Lewis, Director of Copywriting for Taleist

Steven Lewis runs the copywriting agency Taleist. His background is in
storytelling. He was a journalist for 20 years, writing for publications as
diverse as Esquire and The Financial Times.

Soon after he began writing for newspapers and magazines, Steven was
approached by multinationals looking for a new take on their copywriting.
He has written for clients in a multitude of businesses, from lawyers to
mobile beauticians. Better-known client names include Microsoft, Intel,
Philips, Rolex, Coca-Cola and United Airlines.

Steven’s particular interest is in the intersection of copywriting and

persuasive psychology. To him, copywriting is only great if it achieves the
goal it set out to achieve.

Steven is available to speak at conferences (although not right now), deliver

webinars and to consult on to best get your message out, whatever the

About Taleist
Taleist is a copywriting agency specializing in direct response copywriting
for clients who need a return on the investment they're making in buying
traffic to their websites.

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Better. Stronger. Faster.

Taleist writes websites and landing pages, and any other words that need to
make money.

Taleist is based in Sydney, Australia, with clients around the world.

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