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Name:Jeremiah odhiambo

Reg code:BITC01/0075/2018
Unit Code: BCSC 2105
Unit Name: Computer Aided & Art Design

1. Define CAD and Explain reasons for adopting CAD in an engineering organization

Computer-aided design (CAD) involves creating computer models defined by geometrical

parameters. These models typically appear on a computer monitor as a three-dimensional
representation of a part or a system of parts, which can be readily altered by changing relevant
parameters. CAD systems helps to increase the productivity of the designer,improve the quality
of design,to create a database for manufacturing and also to improve communication through

2. Briefly describe the role of engineering analysis process in the product design cycle.

The engineering design process is a series of steps that guides engineering teams as we solve
problems. The design process is iterative, meaning that we repeat the steps as many times as
needed, making improvements along the way as we learn from failure and uncover new design
possibilities to arrive at great solutions.

3. Specify the various stages present in a conventional design process

At this stage the requirements are developed. Questions like how big, how fast, how expensive,
etc are proposed in this stage.

In this stage other competitors are reviewed. Also internal reference designs are reviewed as
well. At this stage, the test plan creation is usually started.

At this stage the data collected in the "measure" stage is analyzed. Further reviews might be
needed. It is at this stage where the specs get "locked down."

At this stage the design work begins. Engineers use tools such as CAD, spreadsheets, FEAs and
verification (prototype) designs are developed. The design is further refined at this stage.
At this stage the designs go through the qualification testing, as well as any regulatory testing.
Failure to complete this stage is at its most expensive, since tools have been created, lines have
been created etc. Failure to pass regulatory tests can push the release of a design up to 1 year

The design is released for production. Further improvements and cost reduction activities start
and continue at this stage for the life of the product.

All good things come to an end. At this stage, perhaps competitor comes out with a better
design, the cost of the raw materials have gone up, the tools get old, the market no longer
wants it, key components are going obsolete, whatever.

It is at this stage that the decision is made to retire the design. A new product may be needed,
which will start the process all over again.

4. Write about prototype development as part of design process

prototyping as part of various stages of Design Thinking. You can use prototyping as an ideation
method, as it allows you, as well as users, to explore alternative solutions. This is possible
because prototypes are physical representations of your solutions, and thus prototyping allows
you to think by doing. Mindset is extremely helpful in letting you derive more value from
researching, defining, ideating, and testing.

Some of the purposes that prototypes fulfil are:

Exploring and Experimentation

You can use prototypes to explore problems, ideas, and opportunities within a specific area of
focus and test out the impact of incremental or radical changes.

Learning and Understanding

Use prototypes in order to better understand the dynamics of a problem, product, or system by
physically engaging with them and picking apart what makes them work or fail.

Engaging, Testing, and Experiencing

Use prototyping to engage with end users or stakeholders, in ways that reveal deeper insight
and more valuable experiences, to inform design decisions going forward.
Inspiring and Motivating
Use prototypes to sell new ideas, motivate buy-in from internal or external stakeholders, or
inspire markets toward radical new ways of thinking and doing.

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