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Philosophy of the Human Person

Philosophical Concepts

Realism Existentialism

Idealism Determinism
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Pragmatism Dualism

Materialism Empiricism
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Rationalism Relativism
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Reality is superior than idea. Human being acquires
knowledge directly from natural and physical
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Idea is superior than reality. Human being can explain
reality from mental thoughts and abstract knowledge.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

It is a self-description of human being as a person
who acquires the essential property human
experience to produce meaningful life.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

All human actions produce results caused by the
previous actions. Human actions are controlled by
unbreakable chain of events including actions that
could have done otherwise.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Something is true is true because it works. Human
being focuses on how practical things get done.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Object is superior than subject. Human being
reduces happiness to material possession and
physical satisfaction.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Human being is made of single combination of two
different stuff, mental and physical – body and soul.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Human being acquires knowledge and understands
reality from sense-experience.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Human being understands reality and applies
knowledge into action based on reason.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Human being agrees to disagree. Man’s action right
or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society
in which it is practiced.
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Human being adheres to basic principle, “good
consequences equal to good actions”
Philosophy of the Human Person
Philosophical Concepts

Existence emphasizes the value and agency of
human beings, individually and collectively.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Human being agrees to disagree. Man’s action right
or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society
in which it is practiced. “Know thyself”
Philosophy of the Human Person

Human being is a rational being. Intellect is the soul
separable from the body.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Human being is a rational being consists of body
and soul. Soul cannot be separated from the body.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Rene Descartes
Human being is labelled as “cogito ergo sum”. I
think therefore I am.
Philosophy of the Human Person

David Hume
Human being derives their knowledge by using the
five senses.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Albert Camus
Life has no inherent meaning. A meaningless life is
an opportunity to free ourselves from worries and
experience existence more fully.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Jean-Paul Sartre
Human being exists to make choices even not
making a choice is a choice. Freedom makes
human being the way he should be.
Philosophy of the Human Person

M. Merleau-Ponty
Becoming human as we are is what makes the
world real.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Martin Buber
Human being exists and paired to others,
environment and spiritual life.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Bertrand Russell
Human beings can understand the truth by using
language. Understanding the sound of language
and proper application of language is necessary.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Immanuel Kant
Human being’s mind organizes experiences to
understand the way world works. Combined reason
and experience equals to knowledge and truth. No
excuse to violate moral rules.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Martin Heidegger
Human being realizes his existence according to
what he does.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Friedrich Hegel
Human being is a historical being bound by past
events. The process of becoming truly human is to
learn the wisdom of the past and move forward.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Friedrich Nietzsche
The ability of self-overcoming that makes human
being human.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Soren Kierkegaard
Human being’s attachment to family, work,
environment determines his purpose in life.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Gabriel Marcel
There is something bigger than ourselves.
Philosophy of the Human Person

Jeremy Bentham
Human being is morally justified if his choice will
produce the greatest good for the greatest number.

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