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Do you know the song “ 12 Days of Christmas”? If you do not, google it and play it.
The last part of the song says, On the 12th day of Christmas my true love sent to me,
12 drummers drumming,
11 pipers piping,
10 lords a-leaping,
9 ladies dancing, …… and a partridge in a pear tree!
After the 12th day, how many gifts in all were sent?
In this lesson, you will learn to find the total of all the terms in an arithmetic

Learning Competency: The learner determines the sum of the terms of an arithmetic

Objectives: In this lesson, you are expected to

1. define arithmetic series,
2. compute the sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence,
3. Solve problems involving arithmetic sequence and series.

Discussion of the Topic and Self-Check

Read Math FYI on page 39 of your textbook. You can also click
01.htm This is a story of how Karl Friedrich Gauss in his childhood computed the sum of
the first 100 counting numbers.
How did Karl Friedrich Gauss find the sum of the first 100 counting numbers so
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ………..+ 97 + 98 + 99 + 100
a1 = 1 a100 = 100 or an =
He added the first and the last terms, a 1 + a100 = 1 + 100 = 101
nd nd
He added the 2 and 2 to the last terms, a2 + a99 = 2 + 99 = 101
The 3rd + 3rd to the last terms,. a3 + a98 = 3 + 98 = 101, and so on. Notice
that the sum of each pair are the same. If we continue to add the pairs, how many 101
sums are we going to end up with? Since there are 100 numbers from 1 – 100, we will
have 50 pairs, each pair will have 101 as a sum. As a total, 50 x 101 = 5050. The sum
of these 100 numbers is 5050.

If the first number is a1 and the last number is an, following what Karl Friedrich
Gauss did, to find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence is
S n = _n_ (a1+an),
where Sn is the sum of the first n terms, a1 is the first term and an is the last term.
n/2 is the number of pairs and (a1+an) is the sum of the first and the last terms.
Arithmetic series sn, is the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence. To
find sn, use the formula,. 1. Sn = _n_(a1 + an) or 2. Sn = _n_[2a1 + (n-1)d]
2 2
Use the first formula if the first and the last terms and the number of terms are
known. Use the second formula if the first term, the number of terms and the common
difference are known.
To learn more about arithmetic series, you can watch this videos;
defining a series
2. shows how to find the sum of an
arithmetic series
3. 07/nsmedia/lesson videos/alg2/player.html?
contentSrc=7227/7227.xml another way of using only the the first formula
Process Questions:
1. What is the difference between a sequence and a series?
2. When will you use the formula sn = _n_(a1+an) and sn = _n_[2a1 + (n-1)d] in
finding the partial sum of an arithmetic series? 2 2
(Source: PEAC DepEd LM 2017)
Study Example 3 on page 34 of your textbook and Example 7 on page 37.
More examples:
An amphitheater has 25 seats in the first row, 27 seats in the second row, 29 seats
in the third row and so on. If there are 18 rows in the theater,
a. how many seats are there in the 18th row?
b. how many seats are there in the theater?
Process Question:
1. How did you solve (a)?
2. How did you solve (b)?
3. How do you know if the problem calls for arithmetic sequence or arithmetic
series? __________

4. How can outcomes of real-life problems be predicted?

Pose your answer in the chatbox.

Write your answer in the answer sheet.
Written Math, A # 1, 3 and 8 on page 39.
Written Math, F # 38 and 39 on page 41.
Answer the problem in the introduction part of this module.

Orines, Fernando B. Et. Al., (2019),Next Century Mathematics,Phoenix Publishing
House Inc.
PEAC DepEd LM 2017 defining a
series shows how to find the sum of an

arithmetic series 07/nsmedia/lesson videos/alg2/player.html?



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