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CHE–C6: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-II: Halogenated Hydrocarbons

& Functional Groups

Unit-III: Carbonyl Compounds: Aldehydes and Ketones

Unit-IV Carboxylic Acids & their Derivatives & Sulphur containing compounds

Reference Books:
• Morrison, R. T. & Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
• Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson
• Graham Solomons, T.W. Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• McMurry, J.E. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed. Cengage Learning India
Edition, 2013.
Occurrence of Aldehydes and ketones
Aldehydes and ketones are widespread in nature, often combined with other functional
steroid hormone
secreted by the
coenzyme involved in a adrenal glands to
large number of regulate fat,
metabolic reactions protein, and
Some Examples of Industrial usage of Aldehydes and Ketones

• Formaldehyde is used to make Bakelite®, phenol–formaldehyde resins,

urea–formaldehyde glues, and other polymeric products.
• Aqueous solution of formaldehyde, i.e., formalin solution is used to
preserve biological specimens.
• Acetaldehyde is used as a starting material in the manufacture of acetic
acid, polymers, and drugs.
• Acetone and methyl ethyl ketone (butan-2-one) are common industrial
Common Classes of Carbonyl Compounds
IUPAC Names:
• Systematic names for aldehydes are derived by replacing the final -e of the alkane name
with -al. If the aldehyde group is a substituent of a large unit (usually a ring), the suffix
carbaldehyde is used.
• Systematic names of ketones are derived by replacing the final -e in the alkane name
with -one. In cyclic ketones, the carbonyl carbon atom is assigned the number 1.

• The carbon is sp2 hybridised and three sigma (s) bonds are planar
• The unhybridised 2p orbital of carbon is at 90° to these
• It overlaps with a 2p orbital of oxygen to form a pi (p) bond
• As oxygen is more electronegative than carbon the bond is polar

The polarization of the carbonyl group contributes to the reactivity of ketones

and aldehydes:
• The positively polarized carbon atom acts as an electrophile (Lewis acid)
• The negatively polarized oxygen acts as a nucleophile (Lewis base)
The double bond of the carbonyl group has a large dipole moment

Comparison of double bond of C=O of carbonyl compounds and C=C of alkenes

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