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Module 1 – Transfer Learning

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Name: Hans Engbino_______________________ Grade & Section:9-Integrity_____

Are you ready for the initital challenge? Well, this is just the beginning… BON APPETIT !
List down 5 viands that you had in 5 days. Identify the method of cooking for each recipe.
Write a comment significant for each preparation at home. (10 Points)

List of Viands Method of Cooking Comment

1.curry stewing The sauce is thick and the
chicken is tender
2.lechon belly roasting The skin is very crispy, the
meat is very juicy, and the
aroma is very appetizing
3.buttered chicken frying The combination of the
butter in the skin is very
mellow and the skin is very
crunchy considering its
coocked in butter
4.bihon Stir-fry The bihon has a texture
which is not dry and not
wet it’s the perfect texture
5.chicken buffalo frying The flavour of the hot sauce
is tasted all through the
bones and the meat is very
tender and surprisingly, the
skin is crispy

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