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« UC Police Ramp Up Repression

UPR Students Arrested and Injured
By *

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – [BREAKING] 17 or more students were arrested, at least 2
hospitalized, and around 8 police injured today in clashes related to the student strike at the
University of Puerto Rico. Although still unclear, it appears students attempted to shutdown
business as usual at the natural sciences building at the Río Piedras campus, but were instead met
with a violent police response. According to one mainstream news report, police were seen
bludgeoning students with nightsticks while they lay on the ground, and students were seen
throwing stones at police.
[Update]: Reports are coming in that the arrested students were still being beaten once boarded
onto police transport buses and while at the police detention center.
Video of arrests (warning, the video is loud):
For the past few weeks students have been in an uproar over a fee increase intended to begin in
January. This is the same fee increase students fought to prevent last Spring, where
demonstrators effectively shut down the 10 of 11 campus system for two months. Students held a
48 hour strike only two weeks ago, which ended in the police occupation of some UPR
government-establishes-siege-following-successful-strike-at-upr/campuses (including: Río
Piedras, Aguadilla, Bayamon, and Cayey). Students have attempted several creative actions and
protests to raise awareness of the police sieges on their education and the ensuing brutality.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

• UPR shutdown, occupied, repressed
• UPR Strike: Eviction Deadline Today!
• SF State holds sit-in
• Democracy Now: Puerto Rico Probes Police Crackdown on Student

This entry was posted on 20 December 2010 at 4:43 pm and is filed under News, Puerto Rico. You can follow any
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