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The World Wide Web and the Internet

What is World Wide Web?

 The World Wide Web is a way of exchanging information between computers in the
 The World Wide Web is the network of pages of images, texts, and sounds on the
internet which can be viewed using browser software.
The Evolution of World Wide Web
The world wide web, or WWW, was created as a method to navigate the now
extensive system of connected computers. Tim Berners-Lee, a contractor with the
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), developed a rudimentary hypertext
program called ENQUIRE.

The program was designed to make information readily available to users, and to allow a
user to explore relationships between different pages (ie, clicking to get to a different
section of a website).

By 1990, with the help of Robert Cailliau, Berners-Lee developed the skeletal outline of the
internet, including a web browser and web server.

Unfortunately, the world wasn’t ready for his ideas. The web was still a series of simple
text pages, difficult to navigate, and inaccessible to most people.

But all that changed in 1993, with the release of the Mosaic web browser, which allowed
users to explore multimedia online. 1993 also saw the introduction of the first modern
search engines.

Though early search engines were primitive, mostly manual, and primarily indexed only
titles and headers, in 1994 WebCrawler began to “crawl” the net, indexing entire pages of
active websites.

This technology opened the door for more powerful search engines, and made it possible
to easily search through vast amounts of connected information.

In this same year, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to help
further develop ease of use and accessibility of the web, and made it a standard that the
web should be available to the public for free and with no patent.

The Web Browser

A web browser can read web pages written is Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML).
Browsing is using browser software to visit different websites on the World Wide Web.
Browsers give you access to the millions of web pages on the World Wide Web.

The Internet

 The internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected

computer networks that transmit data using the standard internet protocol (IP).
History of the Internet

 The internet first came about in February 1958 in America

 A man named JCR Licklider saw universal networking as a potential unifying
 He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone
could quickly access data and programs from any site.
 Leonard Kleinrock at MIT published the first paper on packet switching theory in
July 1961 and the first book on the subject in 1964.
 The internet began to grow rapidly in the 1970’s as the knowledge of networking
was growing more and more rapidly.

Surfing the Net

Surfing the Internet is a term typically used to described an undirected type of web
of browsing where users whimsically follow one interesting link to another without a
planned search strategy or definite objective. Surfing the net has become a popular
pastime, for many Internet users.

Internet Usage in the Philippines

The Philippine FidoNet Exchange, for local network communication between several
BBSes in Metro Manila,

was formed.

William Bill" Torres, current chief executive of the Philippines Internet Service
Organization (PISO), initiated the first informal negotiations with the US National Science
Foundation to bring the Internet

to the Philippines .

The first Phili ppine-based, Public access BBS [bulletin board system]

First Fil RBBS went online with an annual subscription fee of P1000.

A committee helmed by Arnie del Rosario of the Ateneo Computer

Technology Center was tasked with exploring the possibility of creating

an academic network comprised of universities and Government institutions by the

National Computer Center under Dr. William Torres.
June 1993. With the support of the

Of (DOST) and the Industrial Research Foundation The Philnet projedt (now PHNET) was


Philippines named Social Networking capital of the world with a percentage of 93.9 for
Facebook alone


The Introduction of PLDT's FIBR service . Which provides connection speeds of up to



Hello to the 20th year of internet here in the Philippines

SMART offers free internet to the prepaid users .

Internet Capabilities and Applications in the Business

E- Business (Electronic Business) is the conducting of business on the Internet, not

only buying and selling but also servicing customers and collaborating with business

The Electronic Mail

What is E-Mail

 Electronic Email often abbreviated as Email is a method of exchanging digital

messages, designed primarily of human use.
 E-Mail systems a based on a store & Forward model in which E-Mail server systems
accept, forward deliver and store messages on behalf of users, who only need to
connect to the e-mail infrastructure.
Universal Resource Locator (URL) the Email Adresses

Every website on the internet has unique address known as its Uniform Resource Locator.


Top Level Domains TLD’s

Generic top level Domains

 .com – commercial organizations

 .org – Not for profit organizations
 .edu – educational organizations
 .mil – military organizations
 .gov – governmental organization
 .net – network service provider

Country code top level domains (ccTLDs)

 One for each country

Types of Internet connections

Wireless connection
DSL (Digital Subscriber line)
Cable connection
Wi-fi connection
Satellite connection
Dial up connetion

What is Broadband?

Broadband is defined as a high bandwidth connection to the internet,

Broadband is easier and faster to use than the traditional telephone and modem as
information can be sent much quicker.


In a short space of time, high speed internet (broadband) has become fundamental to
modern economies. It has changed the way we access the internet and how we use it. It
has made economic activity more efficient and has extended social interaction in
previously unforeseeable ways.

High speed connection

Always On
Easy Installation


Not available to all Tv networks

Shared bandwidth: All subscribers in the area share a connection which can cost
congestion which slows down/ upload speed
Requires TV Connection.

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