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Lec 7 Rec 2

Marketing Intelligence in Internet

The internet is becoming one of the chosen medium to spread information and for people to
interact. Thus it is no surprise that marketers are striving hard to reach their target audience
through the internet. But just like any other medium, the internet too can make or break the brand
of a company, it can increase the sales of a product, or cause a complete product failure through
its ability to spread negative feedback’s. Thus in today’s age, gathering online market
intelligence is crucial.

Analyzing Macro Environment:

-        A Fad

A fad is something that quickly gains in popularity and may fade just as quickly, sometimes just
not quick enough. Clothing, foods, exercises, hairstyles, language are all areas that are subject to
fads. Fads are often heavily driven by social media today.

-        Trend

Trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that is occurring on a much wider scale
than a fad. Changes in technology may speed some trends along.

-        Megatrend

If trends are a bit slower, megatrends are the glaciers of this set. Megatrends are the long-lasting,
years in developing, things that shift the world. The identified megatrends of today are an aging
population, globalization, increasing technological change, urbanization, prosperity, increased
network speed, and just the speed of everyday life.

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