JoompaJoompa User Account Setup

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5 Easy Steps To Set Up A JoompaJoompa User Account

Welcome to JoompaJoompa! Eager to pick up a skill or two? We’ve got you covered! Before
you embark on your journey, here’s how to set up your account on JoompaJoompa.

1. Download the JoompaJoompa App from Google Play Store.

Users look out for the JoompaJoompa logo with the white background. Blue is for
JoompaJoompa PRO.
2. Click “Get Started” when you’re met with the introduction slides.
These introduction slides help give you a brief introduction of how the app works. You’re
highly recommended to give the slides a run through before clicking “Get Started”.
3. Now, you get to register!
You can register via Facebook, Gmail or by manually typing in your email. Choose the option
which works best for you.
4. Once you’ve signed up, you also have the chance to make changes to your profile.

This includes changes to your mobile number, password and even profile picture!
5. Congratulations, your account is up! And you can now browse for the PROs.

When browsing, don’t forget to enable your location. Enabling location helps you find the PRO
who’s nearest to you!
In 5 easy steps, you’ve successfully set up your user account! We hope you get to pick up the
skills you’re looking for!

Do reach out to us if you have any enquiries or if you require assistance.

Follow us on our social media for updates and latest infos!

Instagram: @joompajoompa
Facebook: @Joompa2020
YouTube: @JoompaJoompa

For assistance, feel free to contact the JoompaJoompa team at​. ​We would also love to hear feedback from you! If you
have any comments, do drop us an email at ​​ .

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