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The Role of a Human Resource Manager

Apart from performing the various managerial and operative functions

mentioned earlier, a human resource manager is expected to perform the following
1. To Provide counseling: In the workplace, the employees may undergo stress.
The stress may be related to both official and personal problems. In such a
situation, the employees may approach the HR Manager for help and remedy
and the latter is expected to provide the necessary counseling to enable the
employees to get rid of their stress.
2. To act as a link between the different individuals in the organization:
The inter-personal relationships in the workplace must always be conductive
for work. Difference of opinion is bound to arise on several organizational
matters. The HR manager has to make efforts to settle and dispute that may
arise between the individuals.
3. To ensure that the employees get what is due to them: The HR manager
has the duty to ensure that the employees are not deprived of any benefit,
monetary or non-monetary, that they are entitled to get from the management.
4. To act as spokesman of the organization: Of the various executives in the
organization, it is the HR manager who has better knowledge of the activities
of the enterprise and is therefore the right person to answer queries.
5. To introduce any change without facing resistance from any side: Changes
are inevitable for an organization to progress. Changes may be effected in the
work methods, working hours, working conditions and so on. The employees
may resist certain changes preferred by the management while the management
may not accept certain changes desired by the employees. In either case, it is
the HR manager who is the right person to convince everyone and introduce
any change without the problem of resistance.
6. To advise the line mangers: The HR manager, who is a staff manager,
advises the line managers, e.g., the production manager and the marketing
manager, on certain matters pertaining to recruitment, selection, training,
appraisal or performance and so on. The relationship between the line
managers and the HR manager shall always be cordial.

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