Sickle Cell Crisis and You: A How-To Guide: See Related Article, P. E21

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Sickle Cell Crisis and You: A How-to Guide

Ryan Raam, MD*; Haney Mallemat, MD; Paul Jhun, MD; Mel Herbert, MD
*Corresponding Author. E-mail:, Twitter: @raamrodEM.

0196-0644/$-see front matter

Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Emergency Physicians.

SEE RELATED ARTICLE, P. e21. treatment algorithms. But when it comes to a basic diagnostic
approach to the sickle cell patient in the ED, we just hear
[Ann Emerg Med. 2016;67:787-790.] crickets chirping in the midst of awkward silence. Sure, you
might have a set of shiny tools, but if you can’t even figure out
Editor’s note: Annals has partnered with Hippo Education
where to use them, they’re pretty useless. So here’s a simple
and EM:RAP, enabling our readers without subscriptions
to Hippo EM Board Review or EM:RAP to enjoy their algorithm (Figure) that can help you keep things straight
commentary on Annals publications. This article did not when all cognitive systems fail (it goes without saying that
undergo peer review and may not reflect the view and every patient encounter should be individualized).
opinions of the editorial board of Annals of Emergency The important branch point of this algorithm centers
Medicine. There are no financial relationships or other around the point-of-care hemoglobin level, if your facility
consideration between Annals and Hippo Education,
EM:RAP or its authors. has the capability. At the heart of SCD is a combination of
vaso-occlusion and hemolysis resulting in any number of
secondary complications (because of the valine substitute at
ANNALS CASE position.zzz.). Despite this, in uncomplicated sickle cell
A 19-year-old man with sickle cell anemia presented to the presentations, a full rainbow set of tubes is not usually
emergency department (ED) with a 1-day history of severe needed.6-8 The approach to SCD in the ED relies on a
bilateral arm pain and swelling. Vitals signs showed thorough history and physical examination. Before we get
a blood pressure of 117/82 mm Hg, a pulse rate of 76 ahead of ourselves, though, let’s break down the different
beats/min, and an oral temperature of 36.8 C (98.2 F). pathways of this algorithm; it’s so easy you can even do it
Physical examination was remarkable for tense swelling, on your drive home post–night shift.
warmth, and tenderness to palpation of both triceps muscles.
Laboratory tests showed an elevated creatine kinase level
of 20,734 IU/L. Point-of-care ultrasonography of the triceps
showed diffuse muscle thickening with loss of the normal
If the hemoglobin of a sickle cell patient is outside the
fascicular architecture compared with the unaffected biceps.
range of error (a decrease of more than 2 g/dL from his or
Diagnosis: sickle cell–induced myonecrosis.1
her baseline)5, more evaluation is usually warranted to
figure out why. The next most important laboratory test to
MY, OH, MY.MYONECROSIS! determine why the hemoglobin level decreased is the
Myonecrosis is a pretty rare complication of sickle cell reticulocyte count, which gives you a snapshot of how well
disease (SCD).2 In fact, there are mostly case reports in the the bone marrow is replenishing the depleted peripheral
literature! But there is a host of other more common, can’t- RBCs. If the retic count is appropriately high (ie, the bone
miss complications that can develop as a result of these marrow factory is firing on all cylinders to meet market
crescent-shaped deformities of our circulating minilife-givers. demands), then the worsening anemia is primarily a
Keeping all these straight can sometimes be overwhelming, so problem of peripheral consumption of the RBCs. The
we’ll run through some of the critical complications of SCD differential in this case is either sequestration (in the liver or
and how to have a sensible approach to these patients. spleen) or hemolytic crisis.

APPROACH TO SCD FOR DUMMIES When the Spleen Becomes a Sponge

Over the years, there have been several guidelines about the Question: What’s worse than a crashing sickle cell
management of acute SCD crises,3-5 some of which include patient? Answer: a crashing pediatric sickle cell patient.

Volume 67, no. 6 : June 2016 Annals of Emergency Medicine 787

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EM:RAP Commentary Raam et al

Figure. Algorithmic approach to sickle cell crisis.

Splenic sequestration usually occurs in children, peaking have severe anemia. And as a word of precaution, don’t
at aged 1 to 4 years8,9 (although it can occur in adults forget the “county handshake” (rectal examination) for
as well).10 These patients are usually very ill appearing, patients with an acute decrease in hemoglobin level. Sickle
presenting in extremis and shock owing to their spleens cell patients are prone to gastrointestinal bleeding events
having greedily hoarded a large amount of peripheral the same as everyone else; they just don’t tolerate it as well
RBCs. Tip-offs to diagnosis, in addition to an acute because of their baseline anemia.
decrease in hemoglobin level, are clinical: circulatory shock
and a very large spleen on ultrasonography or examination.
Aggressively treat these patients with fluid resuscitation APLASTIC CRISIS: A PROBLEM OF PRODUCTION
until you can get the more definitive blood transfusion On the other hand, if the reticulocyte count is low
started, with a goal hemoglobin level between 6 and 8 g/dL. (usually <2%), this suggests that the blood factory
Just to make things even more complicated, the spleen workers in the bone marrow aren’t working hard enough
will often release a large amount of peripheral RBCs to meet the peripheral demands of the chronic hemolysis
after transfusion, causing you to overshoot your goal that characterizes SCD. Somewhere out there, Upton
hemoglobin level. This puts the patient at risk of Sinclair is rolling in his grave. But really, it’s not the bone
hyperviscosity and subsequent strokes. One recommended marrow’s fault. Up to 80% of the time, an aplastic crisis in
transfusion approach is to transfuse the equivalent sickle cell patients is caused by parvovirus B19 infection.12
milliliters per kilogram of blood as the observed Infection usually lasts approximately 7 to 10 days and is
hemoglobin concentration in grams per deciliter. For self-limited. In addition to transfusing these patients for
example, if the hemoglobin is 5 g/dL, then transfuse 5 mL/kg symptomatic anemia and thrombocytopenia, don’t forget
at a time.11 Hepatic sequestration presents in the same way to put them in isolation so pregnant patients don’t
as splenic sequestration (except with an enlarged liver) and develop fetal hydrops.13
is managed less thing to think about!
When Red Cells Explode, Measure the Guts If all is good in the land of enchanted hemoglobins, your
So how do you differentiate a hemolytic crisis from job is to ensure that the patient doesn’t have acute chest
splenic sequestration if both are characterized by a decrease syndrome (ACS). To be clear, when we mention “ACS” in
in hemoglobin level and an elevated reticulocyte count? this section, we’re not talking about acute coronary
The answer lies in the indirect bilirubin, aspartate and syndrome (although technically you could have both ACS
alanine transaminases, and lactate dehydrogenase. When and ACS at the same time; how horrible would that be?).
RBCs are destroyed in an acute hemolytic crisis, an increase So what is this other ACS that we speak of? ACS is defined
in lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin, and aspartate and as some combination of fever, chest pain, hypoxia,
alanine transaminase levels occurs. This won’t be the case respiratory symptoms (cough, wheezing, rales, or
in a sequestration crisis. Hemolytic crises are usually self- tachypnea), and a new pulmonary infiltrate on chest
limited, but patients might need a blood transfusion if they radiograph.5,7,8 Up to 80% of patients will have isolated

788 Annals of Emergency Medicine Volume 67, no. 6 : June 2016

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Raam et al EM:RAP Commentary

fever, cough, or rales on examination.14,15 ACS is the renal insufficiency (even if their serum creatinine level is
leading cause of death in patients with SCD, so don’t normal!), be careful with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
dillydally with this diagnosis.5 Approximately half of ACS drugs and meperidine. Seizure-inducing meperidine
cases don’t have a known cause, but about one third of the metabolitesþrenal insufficiency¼a bad time for everyone
time, it’s from infection. All of these patients need a involved.3,5,7,8,13 For pain crisis patients who are
cephalosporin and macrolide to cover for typical and admitted, remember to order the incentive spirometry.
atypical organisms.14 Other therapies that have proven to It’s been shown to help prevent ACS from their pain-
be helpful in preventing further pulmonary complications induced splinting and opioid-induced respiratory
include incentive spirometry and bronchodilators.3,16 If the suppression.5
patient is hypoxic, go ahead and slap on (gently!) some
supplemental oxygen.
Intravenous Fluids, Oxygen, Drug-Seeking Myths
What happens if the patient has persistent hypoxemia or
Despite your irresistible urge to order supplemental
multiorgan failure despite your cocktail of antibiotics,
oxygen and a normal saline solution bolus for every SCD
incentive spirometry, and supportive measures? Other
pain patient who walks through your door, stop and think
disease processes may be causing the episode of ACS,
about what you’re doing. Supplemental oxygen should be
including fat embolism or pulmonary infarction.14 These
reserved for patients who are truly hypoxic (pulse oximetry
patients might benefit from either exchange transfusion (if
less than 95%).3,5,7,8,13 Also, a bolus of intravenous fluids
your facility has this) or simple transfusion.17 They can also
to “just tank them up” is now considered poor form.
get pulmonary hypertension and diastolic dysfunction, so
Intravenous fluids should be given only to patients who are
keep the “usual” causes of chest pain and dyspnea in your
hypovolemic or need to be resuscitated.3,5,7,8,13 In fact, one
differential after you’ve excluded ACS—the sickle
study showed that administering intravenous fluid boluses
ACS.oh, you know what we mean.
might actually precipitate ACS!15 But if you’re going to
administer intravenous fluids, keep it to D5 0.45% normal
saline solution at 1 to 1.5 times the maintenance
Ah, and last but certainly not least, is the most
Finally, 2 words on sickle cell patients and faking their
commonly encountered presentation of SCD in the ED:
pain: they’re not! As a rule, SCD patients are not
vaso-occlusive pain crisis, which accounts for more than
hypertensive or tachycardic even though they’re having a
80% of inpatient admissions for crises.18,19 It typically
pain crisis.22-24 And less than 5% of SCD patients are
presents as back or extremity pain, but can also rear its head
found to be drug seeking.13 So pretty please, with a cherry
(pun intended) in other parts of the body, presenting as
on top, treat these patients with a healthy dose of empathy
headache and abdominal or chest pain. But before you go
and that sweet, sweet “D.”
diagnosing every SCD patient within earshot of a simple
pain crisis, it’s your duty to rule out other potential
musculoskeletal catastrophes: septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, BACK TO THE CASE
and avascular necrosis. SCD patients are pretty good at The patient was admitted for monitoring and supportive
knowing their typical pain crises, so if they explain that this care, including intravenous fluids and pain control. He had
time “something is different,” pay attention!8,13 In general, an uneventful hospital course and after a few days was
evaluation of patients with these conditions is similar to discharged home.
that of other patients.
When treating SCD patients for a pain crisis, the name of Author affiliations: From the Department of Emergency Medicine,
the game is hit ’em hard and hit ’em fast. Guidelines are University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (Raam, Herbert);
emphatic that appropriate treatment include aggressive the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland
intravenous narcotics that are redosed every 15 to 30 minutes, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (Mallemat); and the
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California–San
and there is no “maximum” dose of analgesia.3,5,7,8,13
Francisco, San Francisco, CA (Jhun).
Morphine (0.1 mg/kg) and hydromorphone (0.015 mg/kg)
are generally recommended. If your department has a Funding and support: By Annals policy, all authors are required to
disclose any and all commercial, financial, and other relationships
standardized SCD pain management protocol, or if the patient
in any way related to the subject of this article as per ICMJE conflict
has a special pain contract, go ahead and follow it. Although of interest guidelines (see authors have stated
there’s no “one size fits all,” protocols have been shown to be that no such relationships exist and provided the following details:
pretty effective.20,21 Because all SCD patients have baseline Dr. Raam reports other from EM:RAP, outside of the submitted

Volume 67, no. 6 : June 2016 Annals of Emergency Medicine 789

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
EM:RAP Commentary Raam et al

work. Dr. Jhun reports other from Hippo Education, Inc., outside of 12. Serjeant GR, Serjeant BE, Thomas PW, et al. Human parvovirus
the submitted work. Dr. Herbert reports other from EM:RAP and infection in homozygous sickle cell disease. Lancet. 1993;341:
Hippo Education, Inc., outside of the submitted work. 237-240.
13. Glassberg J. Evidence-based management of sickle cell disease in the
emergency department. Emerg Med Pract. 2011;13:1-20.
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