In Vitro Evaluation of The Protoscolicidal Effect of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil On Protoscolices of Hydatid Cyst Compared With

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Journal of Visceral Surgery (2019) 156, 291—295

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In vitro evaluation of the protoscolicidal

effect of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil
on protoscolices of hydatid cyst compared
with hypertonic saline, povidone iodine and
silver nitrate
M. Moazeni a, S.V. Hosseini b, M.H. Al-Qanbar c,
A.M. Alavi a, H. Khazraei b,∗

Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Colorectal Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Kufa University, College of medicine, Kufa, Iraq

Available online 13 April 2019

Echinococcus Objective: There are various protoscolicidal agents for inactivation of protoscoleces of hydatid
granulosus; cysts before and during surgical operation. The present study was aimed to evaluate the proto-
Eucalyptus globulus; scolicidal effect of two concentrations of Eucalyptus globulus on protoscoleces of Echinococcus
Povidone iodine; granulosus sensu lato under in vitro condition and to compare its efficacy with hypertonic saline,
Hypertonic Saline; povidone iodine and silver nitrate.
Silver nitrate Methods: Live protoscoleces obtained from the liver of naturally infected sheep were exposed
to 0.5% and 1% of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil, 5% hypertonic saline, 10% povidone iodine
and 0.5% silver nitrate for 1 and 3 minutes. Phosphate buffered saline was used as a negative
control. One percent eosin staining method was used to test the viability of protoscoleces in
different groups.
Results: While the mean percentage of dead protoscoleces was 6.08% in the control group, the
scolicidal power of 5% hypertonic saline was only 6.54% and 6.60% after 1 and 3 min respec-
tively. 0.5% E. globulus EO demonstrated 97.38% and 100% scolicidal activity after 1 and 3 min
respectively. The mean protoscolicidal power of 1% E. globulus EO, 10% povidone iodine and
0.5% silver nitrate was 100% after one minute.
Conclusions: According to the results of this study, E. globulus EO demonstrated high scolicidal
power in a short period of time. Hence, this herbal product could be considered as a potent
natural scolicidal agent that could be used before and during surgery of hydatid disease.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Khazraei).
1878-7886/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
292 M. Moazeni et al.

Introduction (A-F) and exposed to 2 mL of 0.5% E. globulus EO (groups A),

1% E. globulus EO (groups B), 5% hypertonic saline (group
Human cystic echinococcos, a neglected disease that is C), 10% povidone iodine (group D), 0.5% silver nitrate (group
caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus, is E), as well as 1 × PBS + tween 80 (group F) as the control
a progressive and chronic disease, affecting a large number group. The tubes’ contents were mixed gently and then
of people all around the world [1]. Hydatid cysts are formed the tubes were incubated at room temperature for one and
mostly in the liver and lungs and rarely in the other internal three minutes. Subsequently, the supernatant of each tube
organs such as kidneys, spleen, heart, central nervous sys- was cautiously discarded so that not to disturb the settled
tem and bones [2]. The most common surgical technique is protoscoleces. Then protoscoleces were washed three times
evacuation of the cyst contents and instillation of protoscol- by adding and discarding 1 × PBS. In order to determine the
icidal agents into the cyst cavity to sterilize it and to prevent viability, 0.1% eosin solution was added to the treated pro-
the spread of infection and secondary cyst formation [3]. To toscoleces. After 15 min, protoscoleces were smeared on
date, several protoscolicidal substances, like hydrogen per- manually scaled glass slides and covered with a cover glasses
oxide, formalin, hypertonic saline, cetrimide, ethyl alcohol (24 mm × 50 mm), and were observed under a light micro-
and silver nitrate have been practiced throughout the world, scope. Dead protoscoleces absorbed the dye and colored red
but many of them are together with side harmful effects [4]. but alive ones remained colorless. The scolicidal activity of
For this reason recognition of new substances as robust pro- different agents was determined by counting a minimum of
toscolicidal agents with minimal side effects is essential. 1000 protoscoleces. All agents were tested three times with
Eucalyptus is a widely used tree that is cultivated in nearly protoscoleces obtained from three different infected livers.
20 million hectares of agricultural lands of the world [5]. The
leaves essential oil of E. globulus with a number of biological Statistical analysis
properties is a valuable source for traditional medicines [6].
This study was aimed to evaluate the protoscolicidal According to the results of the homogeneity test, the mean
effect of E. globulus essential oil in comparison with povi- protoscolicidal power of different agents were compared by
done iodine, hypertonic saline and silver nitrate. One-way analysis of variance (Anova) using the Tukey test.
The data are given as the mean ± SD. The statistical anal-
yses were performed with the SPSS statistics version 22.
Materials and methods P-values < 0.05 were considered significant.

Preparation of scolicidal agents

Five percent hypertonic saline (Shahid Ghazi Co. Tabriz,
Iran), 10% povidone iodine (Tolid Daruo Co. Tehran, Iran) Protoscolicidal effects of different concentrations of the
and 0.5% silver nitrate (MERK, Germany) were prepared at essential oil of E. globulus, 5% hypertonic saline, 10% povi-
desired concentrations. Eucalyptus globulus EO [obtained done iodine and 0.5% silver nitrate solutions comparing with
from the leaves of fresh plant] was purchased from Barij each other as well as with the control group are summarized
essence pharmaceutical company (Kashan, Iran) and used at in Tables 1, 2 and 3 and Fig. 1. As shown in Table 1, while
concentrations of 0.5% and 1%. For preparation of 0.5% and the mean percentage of dead protoscoleces was 6.08% in the
1% solution of E. globulus EO, 0.5 and 1 mL of the oil was control group, the mean protoscolicidal power of 1% E. glob-
added to 99.5 and 99 mL of 1× PBS respectively. Few drops ulus EO, povidone iodine and silver nitrate was 100% after
of tween 80 (Sigma, Germany) were added to the solution one minute. Accordingly, the potency of 0.5% E. globulus EO
for better solubility. and 5% hypertonic saline were 97.38%and 6.54% respectively.
Regarding to the data presented in Table 2, after three
min of exposure, 0.5% E. globulus EO showed 100% pro-
Collection of protoscoleces toscolicidal power, while in this time 5% hypertonic saline
exhibited only 6.60% protoscolicidal activity. The data pre-
Sheep livers containing hydatid cysts were transferred to the
sented in Tables 1 and 2 clearly indicated that 1% E. globulus
parasitology laboratory within an hour of slaughter. After
EO, silver nitrate and povidone iodine were powerful scoli-
washing of infected livers, cyst surfaces were sterilized by
cidal agents so that they killed all protoscoleces after one
70% ethyl alcohol and the cyst contents were evacuated
completely and transferred into falcon tubes, where the
Statistical analysis using the Anova test showed that
protoscoleces were precipitated and separated.
there was highly significant difference between the mean
protoscolicidal effects of 0.5% and 1% E. globulus EO as well
Viability test as silver nitrate and povidone iodine comparing with the
control group (P < 0.001). Conversely, 5% hypertonic saline
Eosin staining assay was used to test the viability of the demonstrated so weak protoscolicidal potency that it could
protoscoleces. The scolices were exposed to the 0.1% stain be ignored (P = 1) (Table 3).
solution (1 g of eosin powder in 1000 mL distilled water)
for 15 minutes. Dead protoscoleces absorbed the dye and
got red color (Fig. 1), while the viable ones remained
The results of the present study revealed that, E .globulus
Protoscolicidal assay EO is a powerful scolicidal agent. According to WHO, ideal
scolicidal agents are those that are effective in low concen-
At first 0.2 mL of pooled protoscoleces (containing about trations, stable in cyst fluid, able to kill the protoscoleces
1200 live protoscoleces) was poured into six test tubes in the cyst, non-toxic, easily available, inexpensive, easy to
In vitro protoscolicidal effect of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil 293

Figure 1. Protoscolicidal activity of 0.5% E. globulus EO, 1% E. globulus EO, 5% hypertonic saline, 10% povidone iodine (betadine) and
0.5% silver nitrate after 1 minute and following the eosin staining test.1: experiment 1, 2: experiment 2, 3: experiment 3.

Table 1 Scolicidal pover of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil (0.5% and 1%), 5% hypertonic saline, 10% povidone iodine,
and 0.5% silver nitrate after 1 min of exposure.
Scilicidal agent Experiments Protoscolices Dead protoscolices Mortality rate (%)
Eucalyptus globulus (0.5%) 1 1245 1185 92.21
2 1150 1138 98.96
3 1124 1104 98.20
Total 3519 3427 97.38
Eucalyptus globulus (1%) 1 1151 0 100
2 1123 0 100
3 1109 0 100
Total 3383 0 100
Hypertonic saline (5%) 1 1183 58 4.90
2 1090 65 5.96
3 1242 107 8.62
Total 3515 230 6.54
Povidone iodine 1 1114 0 100
2 1098 0 100
3 1157 0 100
Total 3369 0 100
Silver nitrate 1 1011 0 100
2 1124 0 100
3 1211 0 100
Total 3346 0 100
PBS and tween 80 (control) 1 1207 46 3.81
2 1140 68 5.96
3 1138 98 8.61
Total 3485 212 6.08

Table 2 Scolicidal pover of Eucalyptus globulus essential oil (0.5%) and 5% hypertonic saline after 3 min of exposure.
Scilicidal agent Experiments Protoscolices Dead protoscolices Mortality rate (%)
Eucalyptus globulus (0.5%) 1 1076 0 100
2 1118 0 100
3 1143 0 100
Total 3337 0 100
Hypertonic saline (5%) 1 1032 49 4.74
2 1059 66 6.24
3 1091 95 8.71
Total 3182 210 6.60
PBS and tween 80 (control) 1 1207 46 3.81
2 1140 68 5.96
3 1138 98 8.61
Total 3485 212 6.08
294 M. Moazeni et al.

Table 3 Scolicidal activity (mean ± SD) of different scolicidal agents after 1 min of exposure.
Scolicidal agent Scolicidal activity (mean ± SD) (%) P value
Eucalyptus globulus (0.5%) 96.45 ± 3.69 0.000
Eucalyptus globulus (1%) 100 ± 0 0.000
Hypertonic saline (5%) 6.49 ± 1.91 1.000
Povidone iodine (10%) 100 ± 0 0.000
Silver nitrate (0.5%) 100 ± 0 0.000
Control (dead protoscolices) (%) 6.12 ± 2.40 —
SD: standard deviation.

prepare and those that act in a short period of time [7]. Conclusion
According to the results of the present study 1% E. globulus
EO, 10% povidone iodine and 0.5% silver nitrate demon- Owing to the side effects of chemical scolicidal agents such
strated 100% scolicidal power in a short time (one min). Fast as povidone iodine and silver nitrate, E .globulus EO could be
effectiveness of these agents could be considered as a gold considered as a potent natural scolicidal agent that could be
standard for an ideal scolicidal agent. used before and during surgery of cystic echinococcosis. Fur-
Various concentrations of hypertonic saline solution have ther experimental and clinical trials are required to confirm
been used as scolicidal agent in recent 50 years all around the safety of different concentrations of this herbal product
the world [8]. In the present study, 5% hypertonic saline in laboratory animals and human beings.
showed very low scolicidal power after 1 and 3 min of appli-
cation. It has been postulated that hypertonic saline in
concentrations lower than 20% could not be an effective Acknowledgments
scolicidal agent within 5 min. On the other hand, previ-
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solution may cause mild to severe adverse effects on biliary in Shiraz University for experimental assistance.
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