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FOCUS Productive cough

D  Received patient awake, coherent, sitting

on bed in high fowler position, with
oxygen at 1-3 l/min
 Patient complained of difficulty breathing
 Patient described thick, rust- colored
 Vital signs were taken as follows:
BP- 150/80
RR- 30 BPM
PR- 100
O2- 90%
TEMP- 36.5
A Established rapport to the patient

Encouraged deep breathing exercise

and coughing technique

Instructed patient to avoid cold, sweetened, and

carbonated beverages

Provided patient a quiet environment to promote

adequate rest

Instructed patient to take medications such as

bronchodilators and anti-cholinergic as per
doctor’s order.
R Patient is resting well and comfortable with
lessened frequency of cough.

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