Ocean Floor Worksheet

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The oecan floor | Mrdicator ‘+ Reads informational text about the ocean floor, Background information ++ For further information about mid-ocean ridges and sea floor spreading, view: = chttpfen.wikipedia,orghwiki/Oceanic_ridge> + chttp//en.wikipedia.orgiwikiSeafioor_spreading> Suggested extension activitice ‘In pairs and using props (such as two chairs on an angle), students role-play the jourmey of the two men as they travel to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, describing their thoughts, observations and conclusions, ‘* Students research ways the ocean can become polluted and the effects of pollution, such as coastal environments being destroyed and aquatic animals and birds being atfected. Students create a factfile about the Exxon Valdez spill catastrophe. ‘* Students brainstorm a lst of ways humans use the ocean; for example; for transporting goods, forthe fishing industry and for leisure activities, Curviculan bake ENGLISH NSW. Ve. WA SA al RS2.5, BS3.5, ‘ENREO301, R3.1,R4.1,R3.4, | 3.3, 3.11, 4.3, 4.11 | Refer to curriculum documents 526,Rsa6 | ENREO302, nad on ENREOAO1, ENREOAO4 SOENGE £5526,65536 ] SCESOAOT, €B3,6B4 | ES31,6961 ] €B01,6B93,6B095 ‘SCESO301 Planet © PLLC Puleaons® wipers amas ISBN 978-1-925926-14.9 __ = The ocean floor ——_ —_— Approximately 70% of the earth's surface is covered by a major body of salt water—an ocean. The oceans are divided by the continents, The five oceans are: © Pacific Ocean © Indian Ocean © Arctic Ocean © Atlantic Ocean © Southern Ocean About half ofthe oceans on earth are over 3000 metres, deep. The deepest part of any ocean is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which is 10 923 metres. {about 11 kilometres) below sea level. The first time humans travelled tothe bottom of the trench was in 1960, when two men reached the sea floor on board the US Navy deep-sea craft, reste. They observed fish and shrimp, proving that life could survive even under those extreme pressures. For the last 200 years, scientists have been intrigued by the ocean floor and the activity that occurs there, Many believe that the more we learn about the oceans, the more we will understand about how our planet works. itis widely thought that the Earth’s crust (the outer layer of our planet) is made up of about 15 pieces known as ‘plates’, which are moving slowly and can collide and slide beneath another. Sea floor spreading Where two plates meet under the ocean, magma from the earth's mantle can push up through the crack, making an underwater volcano. The magma cools and hardens and new ocean floor is created which gradually moves away from the crack. The magma can also create underwater mountain ranges known as 'mid- ‘ocean ridges’, The mountains under the oceans are all connected and form the longest mountain range in the wort ‘The mid-oceanic ridges under the oceans are also the sites of the greatest number of volcanic eruptions and most frequent earthquakes on earth. Undersea earthquakes can cause tsunamis—great waves which can devastate coastal towns. Deep sea exploration The ocean flor is the most unexplored part of our planet. Scientists who study the ocean are called oceanographers, They calculate the distance to the sea floor and detect underwater objects using sound wave technology (sonar) and discover more about the ocean floor in submersible craft such as human-occupied vehicles (HOVS) and remote-occupied vehioles (ROVS). Modern technology also allows scientists to observe and ‘take measurements of the ocean floor from land. Hidden energy At the mid-oceanic ridges where new ocean floor is being created, large amounts of energy are being released, Scientists are working to discover how this energy could be harnessed and used. The energy at the deep, dark depths of the ocean could be used to power factories and homes, instead of burning non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal, ol and gas, or using nuclear power. Rarthedistists Earth scientists monitor, measure and observe the activity on the ocean floor to gain a better understanding of our planet. They use the data to help understand natural hazards, and work to discover how the energy of the ocean floor can be harnessed. ‘worrtepublatons.com au ISBN 978-1-925926-14.9 LG Puan? © ane Ear @eevan floor facts eS | Mrdicator * Completes activities about the ocean flor, Worksheet information + Students require the text on page 33 to complete the worksheet. Suggested extension activities + Find an atlas which shows the plate boundaries on Earth and als the locations ofthe mig-oceanc ridges, Students can match the location ofthe mid-oceanc ridges with natural disasters which have occured along those sts. ‘* Research and present findings about the ‘subduction zone" (where one plate passes under another). Students can include labelled diagrams or use modelling clay to represent the movements ofthe plates. ‘Students create a quiz to test each other about the five oceans on Earth and some ofthe countries which border them, Answers 41. (a) One of the main land masses of the earth: Le. Ati, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. (b) Arouse interest and curiosity. (©) The motten rock material under the Earth’ crust. (0) Using transmitted and reflected underwater sound waves to detect objects or measure the depth ofa body of water. Sentences (a(t), (c) and (d) shouldbe ticked and (e) should be crossed. (@) magma, plates (b) floor, cools (©) eruptions, ridges (0) unexplored, ocean 4. Possible responses. * To discover new energy sources rather than using, for example fossil fuels and nuclear power. ‘To Jeam more about natural hazards (volcanic eruption, earthquakes and tsunamis) and minimise the risk of people being harmed, ‘To discover new marine lite + To learn more about how our planet works. Curriculum bake ENGLISH NSW We WA SA aD 525,835, A526, | _ENREDSON 51,R41,894, | 83,3.171,43,4.11 | Referto curiculum A536 ENRE0302, aaa éocuments on ENREOAO4 ‘SCIENCE £5826,€9536 | SOESOAOT 5B 3,66 4 ES3.1,6841 6B 3.1, 33 ScES0301 £8035 Planet © PLLC Puleaons® wipers amas ISBN 978-1-925926-14.9 _— Ocean floor facts — Use the text on page 33 to answer the questions. 1. Write a dictionary definition for each of these words. (@) continent: (b)_ intrigued (3) Magma: (d). sonar: 2. Tick the correct statements and cross the incorrect statements. {2} About 30% of the earth is not covered by water. (b) It is dark and hard to see anything at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, (0) The earth's crust is similar to a jigsaw puzzle with 15 pieces. (d) The longest mountain range on earth occurs under the oceans. ooood0 (e} No human has ever travelled to the deepest part ofthe Pacific ocean, 3. Complete the sentences. {a) Underwater volcanoes are created when _____________is pushed up between the boundaries of two. (b) New ocean_________is created when the magma _________and hardens (@) More voleanic______________and earthquakes occur atthe sites of the mid-oceanic than anywhere else on Earth. (d) The most____________ part of our planets the _________ floor. 4. Give two reasons why it is important that scientists continue to work to unlock the secrets of the ocean floor. Geib gaat Scientists have discovered cancer-fighting substances in some deep-sea creatures and are currently conducting trials to create medicines with them. ‘en epbetns comau TLC Puan? © ne ar ISBN ote ansia6 9

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