History of Usa

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Section I (Day 1)

1. British Colonization in American Continent (From John Cabot on-wards)

2. Reasons of War of Independence
3. Course of War of Independence
4. Aftermath of War of Independence

Section II (Day 2)
1. Constitution Making
1.1 Articles of Con.
1.2. Errors in Articles
1.3 Philadelphia Convention
1.4 Salient Feature of Constitution (No need to memorize the articles, sections and their
sequence or amendments, however, learn how the Bill of Rights was incorporated finally in
the constitution)
2. Federist Regime
2.1 Ideas
2.2 Achievements
2.3 Difference between Federists (Washington and Company) and Anti-
Federists (Jefferson and Company)
3. Outline the Good Works/Achievements or Failures of the Three Important
3.1 Washington (Federist)
3.2 John Adams (Federist)
3.3 Thomas Jefferson (Anti-Federist or Republican)

Section III (Day 3)

1. War of 1812
1.1 President Madison Attitude
1.2 Reasons of War
1.3 Course of War
1.4 Significance of War
2. Era of Good Feelings (1817-1827: President Monroe)
2.1 His Important Works
2.2 Monroe Doctrine
2.3 Admission of 6 New States

Section IV (Day 4)
1. Andrew Jackson
1.1 His Background
1.2 Why he is called a People's President
1.3 His achievements
1.4 His Bank Policy
1.5 His Foreign Policy
1.6 How USA politics changed after him?
2. Westward Expansion
2.1 Admission of New States
2.2 Reasons of Expansion
3. Manifest Destiny

Skip Slavery and Civil War (for the time being, as per my plan)

Section V (Day 5)
1. Progressivism
2. T. Roosevelt
3. Woodrow Wilson (Only an overview of his Presidency and Philosophy: He was a peace
loving President)

Section VI (Day 6: Tough Day)

1. Woodrow Presidency (Continue..)
1.1 US Entry in WWI
1.2 Course of WWI
1.3 Aftermath of WWI
2. Days of Prosperity (Right after WWI)
3. President Hoover
3.1 Bad Days (Great Depression: Lasted for about a decade 1929-39)
3.2 How Hoover thought to deal with Great Depression (He failed eventually)

Section VII (Day 7)

1. Hoover lost and F.D. Roosevelt (F.D.R) came into power
2. F.D.R (Overview)
2.1 How F.D.R devised a plan to combat the Great Depression: New Deal 1
2.2 Need of New Deal 2
3. US Entry in WWII (Starting from Pearl Harbor: watch the movie too if possible)
3.1 Course of War
3.2 Aftermath (Plus Atlantic Charter and UNO Establishment: Just an overview)

Section VIII (Day 8)

1. Truman Presidency
1.1 Truman Foreign Policy (Truman Doctrine: Very Important)
2. US Foreign Policy (Post WWII)
2.1 Containment of Russia
2.2 Far East (Phillipine, Korea and Vietnam)
2.3 Gulf States (Study the Gulf War)
3. Read about the following Presidents (Philosophy, Vote Bank, Achievements and
3.1 Nixon
3.2 Jimmy Carter
3.3 G W Bush
3.4 B H Obama

Section IX (Day 9)
1. Exit Strategy of USA (from Afghanistan)
1.1 Role of Pakistan
1.2 Prospects with Pakistan
2. Slavery in USA (Prepare an Essay)
2.1 Abolishment Movement
2.2 Role of Abraham Lincoln
3. Kansas-Nebraska Bill
4. Compromise of 1820 (Go Back to Monroe Presidency)
5. Compromise of 1850 (It was after the Mexican War, BUT I am not preparing that, it
wont come in the exam I think)

Section X (Day 10)

1. Objectives
2. Important Notes
2.1 Malcom X
2.2 NATO
2.3 War Against Terror
2.4 Bush/Monroe/Truman Doctrine
2.5 2008 Financial Crisis
2.6 Progressivism
2.7 Federists/Anti Federist

NOW! Revise the same scheme for at least twice (5 days per set of revision)
Leave the rest, Good Luck! 

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