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f you’re taking any of AP Art courses, like 2-D or 3-D studio art, you absolutely

have to understand the core principles of design. That’s because the elements

and principles of design are a foundational element of great art!

In this article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about
the seven principles of design, including:

 An overview of the principles of design

 An introduction to key concepts
 An in-depth look at each of the principles one-by-one
 Three top tips for incorporating these principles into your own work

Let’s get started!  

What Are the Principles of Design?

If you’ve ever played a sport, then you know that there are some fundamental rules
that you have to follow if you want to be successful. For example, if you play
soccer, then you know that one of the rules is that you have to kick the ball into the
opposing team’s goal in order to score a point! While you don’t have to follow this
rule—your team could just kick the ball to one another for 90 minutes—you’ll have
a much better chance of winning if you do.
The principles of design are a lot like the rules of a sport. That’s because the
principles of design are the rules and principles that artists and designers
use to create visual compositions. Artists use these principles to make sure
whatever they’re making accurately and effectively delivers their intended message
to their audience.

2 Key Concepts: Visual Language and Design

In order to understand the principles of design, you first have to have a handle on
two key concepts: visual language and design in general.

Visual language is the idea that we communicate through visual symbols. For

example, take a look at the clothes you’re wearing. Do they have a logo on them,
like the Nike “swoosh” or the Ralph Lauren “polo pony”? If they do, you’re
participating in visual language!

Visual language is the way that designers and artists communicate messages and
meaning through their work. They can use things like colors, lines, and shapes
to make you feel or think a certain way. And since this is the ultimate goal of
design, it’s important to understand how visual language works!

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