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Ty veka te Kent) Ror enae a ie Me oN te Lindsoy Clandfield Pee ken er OSCE ee ese) Piece Tice coaoat Neva a Color Martina Pavligkové ond James Thomas Unit 1 Lenguoge Toxts ‘Communicative kills Port 1 Grommot Reoding Spocking 5B page 8 Asia verbs Hcy sty male nfl | Supporting opinions Pronunciation or Speoking | we? Enphasing | \ | Port 2 Voesbulory Tsering Speaking SB oye 8 Prec aetves Genealogy Qoesins abou amis Gronmar | Review I present tenses 5 Part 3 Gromer Reoding Spesking SB poge 10 Review 2: four forms What aon pic a? | lowell ht ends well ocebulary ond Wiig Uisening Wine are you opamise ston? | What are you optimistic bout? 7 Part 4 Vocsbulary Reading Speaking ‘58 poge 12 ‘The si“ nny se ae gin ewe | Nour personal goals Etand your vesbulory Metaphors nes | Gromer Fete continvoos and faze perfect Function globally | Generalsing wc making exceptions SB pogo M4 Making generations _| 1 Globe English | Languagesalve and dei $8 page 15 Discussing nino guages | Ageing an sgssing 7 a Waiting report SB poge 16 Paragraph: top sentences and sopporting senences Sty skill sploring your dcdonary SB poge 17 Sigel aso Sa Workbook Threntive nd printable grammar, ably King al prnancinion pracoe ‘Bara reading and weiting practice Addo downs istcning nd video material Teocke74 Resource. | Communication activity worksheet to pinta pwns review materi tre and video with Dise vorlaheet Go ‘lve — Festool her | Ask aaentsto do sme internet research onthe ity where they ive or her pital iy ad to make a reseatch shor presentation about how thee city mikes the el alive wel ak sudents lok forthe World Heakh Ongntaton wehste and in ounformation abou ther Aisess that ae being erate. | Alive & Well Part 1 FEF lead-in ‘Seto the cas, ake a seres of photos ofthe cy where you “2 he students ive. Make these into a alidashow rat you Gan show te students. Ask hem to stn pars. Show the ‘otos ley, ving stents 0 say What hay ke about “ham at his pont they sou eoognise the mage When “ey/vedscussed al cf re. stow them again. This timo ‘utents shoul tak tus taking about tho photos as fie arte wore a vitor to te ty forthe fst me and they ‘ware ging thera tour ‘An atorratve to tis would be doing the same, ut wt tm ios of diferent pars ofthe cty (wich youcan make wtha ‘srarm or phon Speaking (SB page 6) 1 Books closed, Dictate the two quotes othe salen sak them to think fora moment whieh one they agree more with and why. They should chink of reasons why sy oice te wick one tin he otek 2 In pairs, students say which statement they agree with ‘more and why. Feed back, Reading (SB page 6) sb dist pron sat pple sritng about howe the city they ive in makes them feel alive 1 101-148 Check thar students ae familiar withthe ‘word clecie. Tell Unem to read the text throngh once uickly and decide which cls go with which texts. 2 Suet > Anna © Sandhya Language note Many fhe ts Gob, expec he ray, re ‘Seo raat in aso format. You ca iy ead othe tow wath tants ed tthe rat ne oly whe ‘Rint ea tte ne soon te fore nx ‘so ges youths option of mag he ecg int a steing ‘yu man oy lay the ado win Boks closed slow ‘Hideto een 98 2 Now ask students to read the text agnn and find the words thae refer to the different pects ofthe +1 Anna: rusting onto buses, Boarcing street cars Sanchya: cars are beeping lousy; poopie on bikes are ringing ther bels; buses Stuart vaneport hub 2 ama: Sanchya: cars are beeping loudly; poopie on bikes are ringing ther balls; mavkat radere ae... procaiming this loudly, and musi is blaring out of windows, Sart = Ana People leave tel houses for work, husting orto uses, boarding street cars, evading the foi as we retura home Snchys: people on bikes; market traders Cvererowded sto0ts wil force you tobe in close touch with other bois and you wl atways fd something to talk about t that stranger near you. ‘Stuart: We Syneysidor ae drawn to the harbour the ‘ve adhesive that nds two mion ines together 4 Ara: cool wet fog on a summer morning: evading the fog ast snatones at any bare ski; Th fog dos seppear..by late morning whan the skyscrapers fr sparking agains he sun again: fingering ts way ready to wraparound us again Ssanchya:~ Stuart the ever ingering sumer heat ‘5 An: skyscrapers: Golden Gate Brie; Alcatraz Sarah ‘Stuart: the crevices and craps ofits harbour its vatorside park, renovated wharves, beach bars ard cif walks: the majestic opera hous; the tops of he skyscrapers 3 Ask students whether they think the writers find the things mentioned in exercise 2 positive or negative. This tase is open to some interpretation, soe prepared to accept eiferent opinions if tedents can defend them. 4 Aske students to go through the questions Tell them to refer hack ro the tex first. they have dictionaries, ask ‘hem to check their answers after they have finished. T quickly 4 atease 2 bit 5 aah 3 lous '5 ok students he fist question in open clas. Can they think of city hat they have fallen in love with? Ifchey cant, tell them to imagine acty they would lke to visit ‘nd to tell a partner why. ‘Student’ own anaes ‘ave & Wet Alive & Well Grammar (SB page 6) 1 Sta by aking students to tll you what he airy verbs ae in English, Exphn tha they can find examples of ech of hem in hee lic he Gumples fom the grammar bo, then ak stent to complete he rls Fst rule: have Sevond ue be Thiele: do 2 Askestadents to ead ehrough al the questions once. What do they ll have in common? (They ae all missing the auilary verb.) Sradents por the auxiliary buck nto each question where it belongs. 1 Do yeu live inthe capital of your county? 2 Have you over been to aig iy ina forwign country? 2. Are more people moving tothe cts in your county ‘now? Wry? 4 Did your parents ive in the county or nthe ty when ‘they ware young? How was itiferent? ‘5 How many diferent places have you lived in? 6 Wher did you live when you were a chile? Does your farm si vo there now? 3 Students now choose thrce of the questions and ask and answer with a partner, Language note ‘sitar est are ouce of corenan mistakes in Engle, ‘ver or igh owliarers who aoa ty KD (rarmarrde ls rake the orale aro we ‘Soecking Aconmon sip ist ave ot he usin, sroecly in qunstona, sin exroba2. However a el {he espec! of ranma shoud be ested ae eviews can ols usd to el revi tho tons, © Grammar focus Refer students tothe language summary on auxiliaries on page 134 ‘You can use exereses | and ? on page 135 for: 4) extra practice now by homework ‘review a comple of lessons from now ‘The answers are on page 142 ofthe Teacher’ Book: ‘ive 8 Wet Pronunciation and Speaking (SB page 7) You ould do the fr part ths secon with Books lows and students foemed onthe Band 1 © 104 Ack sadents wo close books Play she recording forth to Fisten wo the sentence apd ask them to write it dove, What do they novice about tht makes it differen rom the nus they have just sen? Point out the Language note, if they haven’ formulated the exception tothe rule already 2 Students read the Gist paragraph ofthe text again to find an example of the auxiliary do used for emphasis ‘The fog does dlsanpear 3. Do the fist one as an example withthe students ‘Write che exchange on the board and read both parts 2s dialogue. Then do the same with a student. Ak students to open their books and do the others, ESEE7 Pronunciation extra ‘ak stunts to chooks one of thase exchanges an rapt i ‘vera times asa cilogue, or example ‘A You're not steing B: Lam listening (6 eames, tang forward) ‘A You'e not stenhyg. Bs Lam stening. (si slghty angrily tapping hands down ‘on the table) ete ‘Stucants can vary he nation and use ctferent bay language, ut ty mutt hop eying the same pinase, ‘The resi olen gute funny, wih students almost creating ‘an maginary axgument using only hose phrases. 4 Tall the students to read the sentences out loud both ways: once with the contraction and once with the unconeracted ansilary to add emphasis. Drill his, [Nee students workin pairs ‘They choose ane of the sentences and read it outloud, expanding che swxiliary and trying to continue speaking on the topic for another smimute. The other partner can help, by asking questions ‘or prompting. Do an example first yourself so that sudents ge the idea. '5 Students continue with other sentences from. the activi: Alive & Well bulary (SB page 8) Benen do the uctviyindvidualy Chck bck Bers on del pronation ofthe sdjossven 6a 7h ei ao 2 vite diferent students to read each ofthe sentences loud. Ask Hib serene sound Bertr? Eo ‘ck sudents why they think this is See i they am Sermulate a rule with this kindof adjective Language note “Thee ar sometimes refered as predicate cietves, “rearing ey felon hs noun 2 co rot combo noun ‘the majnty of acecves do aed etbutve’adecte). “3 Ackstudents to think of family member (if they have one the Lead-in shove they should chocse ane of them), They should think of as many adjectives as they can to Scribe this person in English and include at east one of. ‘he acjecives From exercise 1. Ss pairs, stcents deseribe thei fimily member to he other. Listening (SB page 8) This cure aboot the racic of geesogy and Ieeping Solin ale 1 Dine den the dlhon aed tw deme Zhowegeneagy nthe texton page 6 they gre ah Gloss cinnare Sesto Do they Le sysoe eh reac aly ae Background note eesarching fmt histor has become wey og utes, ‘pmsl ance the eral fhe none mn Noth Serica mary poopie keto race ther ag back ether caus [anten! song afin o where hay sy th fay ‘comes tm 2 Hs Fsphin har students now will hear a ak shout how to get started in genealogy Play the recording. Seadents answer the fst question. 1 itis easy to lose sight ofthe past as we live and work further aay from our tamil. 2 researching family history S105 art ona: these days wove very bey ves, ard the rsh te beso up wth tha presant fs 2a tose ight ofthe pact ‘Wie tend ove and work tthe away fm ou famies, and ‘heeeore become dscornected fom where we've come OM | ‘2rd who wo are rst fo. Buta Senco of ho wo ae our ‘ots very portato ue ‘Resaerchng your ami’ history i thers a goat way to decor your oats are kop that formation avs. 3 © 186 Pairwork Students now think of two ways they could tart reserehing ther family history and rice ‘hese down, Feedback in open class. Then ply the next, pure of the alk and see if her ways were mentioned. Sim Part two: ty sound obvious, but the best pace t tart ‘your reaoarh wth mambers of your own fami, particulary ‘ler relates, whe can tl you about rares, dates and places relating to people you may naver nave ret Sore of {he stones they el though canbe a bit pa, so don't push ‘thom tee hard but hey give you eneugh formation to get you stared nthe archives ‘Arater pace ook on ha items. Mor are more ‘counties re puting intormation anne anc lowing poole ‘the eppertnity to search fn Brit andthe United Stats, {or example, Snow possible 6 find cea nermaton ‘cut ths an doa om the past 200 years. here ae ‘eo records of marriages and eres rite too now, that ‘90 beck more then 100 years. This formation sald a har ‘aloral archive sie. but perhaps even mor interestingly is ‘ew possible ton recor of people who arived nese Counties by boat nthe 10" ae 20" centri. 4 Aslestudents to read the sentences fom the recording. Can they remember what the words in bold refer to? Play the recording again for them to check. 1 oder rlaves 2 Bran and the United States {Britain and the Urites States | ‘Ave & Wet Alive & Well Grammar (SB page 9) 1 You could do hese fst two exercises with books lon, Wie the sentences on the board and ask ieent Stadenes to come up unferlne dhe ain verb na “Shrenc and ny what tense ts and how tis formed [has ro, ave el present vot sr puting present conus Ive. works: present simple 2 Asestudents to march the uses othe differen sample Sentences. If they ae doing this with books closed, they Should write down the sentences and write the uses down ts you dictate them, 11 These days we ive vary busy ves. | 2 rest ns groan around the wor 3 He works on his family teo website twice a week: 4 Countries ae puting infomation online '5. More than 24 milo people have used websites to | _ search ne fai istry. Language note “Tis sectinravos the eer trees, tug ie ‘rpotant raha a hee te rss canbe ue ‘rs tinea thon roe eA roo canbe sed {Crs tne on andthe pat wel reas smo {ho roan continous canbe ved orf the past 8 ‘rine er oar ‘Troe aa wes of eae be cover stern. “Ts msvn fcves on owt rere poser ena Trraybe worm pot ott side a the oe {havea arta ho rset ina er arrow see {tine ese conus ints way th ners In recon pact and rene el set rat Su ‘3. Seudents match the time expressions to the tenses that ‘commonly use them, Check answers, then ask students £0 frente thre sentences about thei funy, using a different time expression in each one. You could do this as an ‘example yourself [7 pase prec 2 pret corti | pecntsimele 4 Ackestudents to read the text frst Ask Ibori be bor of hs text from? Where dee belive nv? They Should do this before they do the gup-ill exercise, Then, ask them to complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs 1 ae 7 has 7 | [bm tera 3 have boon 9 tastcying ‘he 10 ores San ‘oes | 6 ave ved | © Grammar focus Refer students to the language summary on present tenses cn page 134 ‘You can use exercises 3 and 4on page 135 for: 2) extra practice now 1) homework 9 review a couple of lessons from now. “The answers are on page 142 of the Teacher’ Book Speaking (SB page 9) 1 ak sudent to reat through che questions Tell them they are al questions about fal. Ak dem to choose {hur quexiams that hey would be comforabl answering {and Ge thy ean all about for some time preferably) They mack these wth an X ‘2. When they are ready, pur students in pairs. They Show each other the questions they would like wo answer. “They then take turns asking and answering the questions, Circulate snd monitor, “This exercise allows students to personalise the material, ‘be doesnot force them to answer questions they might not feel comfortable answering. In Gaba, whenever there isa topic that could be potently sensitive (the topic ‘of family can be sensitive) and cher ia personalisation txercse, students are often given the choice of what kind ‘of questions they would like to answer. Asa way of adapting the exerese, you cam also ask students to write their own questions on the topic and then exchange these with a partner. FEES] Homework extra ‘As students odo ab of research on one ofthe folowing {ples my famiy olga, an intresting farty anecdote, an tam at's bean ur fay fer generations. They come the next ase end share what he found n small 7ouR. -| Alive & Well Part 3 lead-in ‘You could star this lesson using some eal Take a glass nd nafs e wth wat Bring to clase and put ton he ‘able so everyone ca se. Ask peope to desrbe the glass rd is conten. They wal pcbably say things se es a ass. ‘contains wator Ask th students ot you the giass ll orhal-empty.Expain that heir answer wil tl you ‘what nd of parson they ae, an optimist or pessimist fran ‘tar anqusges ao us the metaphor othe hale leas of water so ey wl probly eat on Speaking (SB page 10) Write on he oar A el bar nd el Ak rents whe hn tea el en in sale of lay by Wil Stalspar burt isabo wed ea sping ck Seems open ei boas rsd ee In pars, students discus the questions. Feed back. Reading (SB page 10) These ate ceo shor tet fom rel people saying why ‘hey are optimistic or pessimisie about the are. 1 This jigsaw reading, so students work in pars. (One stent reads che tes on page 10 and the other student reads the text on page 128. Give them time to read and then ask them to close their books. They retell what they read to their parmer and say whether they share this optimist, 2 Askstudents to decide which dea both answers have [They meron technology a reason for eplirism fey the ier, ma, ‘Thay tak about now things ae changing The tak about how people canbe brought losor wore Background note “These ots fo the reagan itring ae acted or ‘sin the Edge Foundstonoescing ese tat ‘what hoy wore optmisi abot According ote abt he Eoge Foundation ars 10 promota gs) ino and cscussion ‘limetosal onlowophica, ee na Haray see, 9 ‘res 0 work for De nell an sock achiever of ‘Sie The sey wae cared 2007. with ne company. Listening (SB page 10) 1 1.07-1.11 Ask students to read the instructions and the table in exerise I Explain that they are now ging to hear more peopl answering the same question. Ply the recoding snes end ler redent complete the sible ‘Speaker Tz ‘sounds quta pessimistic 's optimistic about ther personal fre is optimistic about a global save 34/8) Sian Speaker "mops about rowing oer: Progress in metcine anc changes in esta mean tat you retraint years ean now De the est yars of our es. |e 65 a yaar and snc "etre fvelearned how to sallane spend mucn omy tine futon the wate: An through voluntary werk wth young (fences, ve met poopie whe | would never have meth my ‘2, people wha nave given me a totaly new perepectve ‘nif. m certain gor to wake te mest ofthis ne Speaker? rat amt optimistic abou? Wel give you an honest answo Fight now, the ery thing atm Gots about is ‘hat things wi got beter for fong because they certariy tant get any wore. a at ost my jos anc wth esate ct the economy, te going abe fou fo tnd anew one nthe oar ture rm gang To aj nerve tomerrew, but I doubt that gt eo. Speakers aot bog wagon, ttre une can pubkeh what he or eno think ane share mt a ormunty eases, without ting or sacra wel, lus ming: blowing, eal cecracy action. Im intrested the way blogs craps polial deckions- and has ret ust ‘whl tineng, ts happening aac try balieve tet ‘be days when blogs wil termine alectons are ust aound ‘Speaker 4 Em, wal, 'm optimise about clmta change. It 00m that ‘every doy we read dre precictors about the unsteppatle advance of gobal warning, but a he eae te commparios {and governments ar staring to fast heavy in green {cinlogy Attudes ae changing fast 0m conient that ‘wo gong fa ese agra ura iter having sai tht, Tus: ams tnt nav satus cout thst his il em my atime, The days of urimited renewable ener or exanpe, sve ight yeers ay Speaker I montmiste about my caver ve ust been promoted and ‘ny new ob starts net month 'm ging tobe working a Seren branch of he company 301" moving Peuse aswell Ia coupe of moos. ma bit appretntive abo starting again new pce, bum poste til borat my crear ve Wt =| Alive & Well 2. After checking back answers, ask students ro try and ‘complete the second exercise from memory. Play the teconding a second time for them to check their answers. If aeudens stil find ie hard, pay the recording a third time, pausing between each speaker. [7 Feretiediastyear) | 2 F (Hels sure they can't get worse) aT | 4. F (Ghehas srious doubts it wi happenin her time) | 5. F (He is moving to diferent branch of the same ‘company ‘3 In pairs. Snudents decide whether they are optimistic about any ofthe things the speakers mentioned. TEES [istening extra Cyaan neon e Bur. At nea rte Opts ana ar ee ns Psst Tl uct you wat em crags tne roe down te mide ote, h ieee ings rot and pemsmatc at he back To Seaero tonto on thers ay mat plaza bose on tha soy Tosa now optic peas thy ae aot in eee ye alo, on yea, cal Ot sry tose place races here. Ak eset te tym Enon, wy they we sandra siacetan port Fonat he procecee wth folowing wo, FU YUE er tenerting eal eves the enicerent te erat arene’ ire your country | Grammar (SB page 11) 1 Students read rhe examples from the listening, Tell thet these ae different ways of expressing the forure in English. ‘Seadents complete the rules of ase withthe tenses. rt ule: present Semple ‘Second rls: present continuous ‘Third ul: be going to Fourth rule wit itn de: wil and be gong to; be going fo Point out that these are not the only ways of expressing the fture, Other forms are covered inthe Grammar focas section on page 14. ‘ive 8 Wet Language note ratio not to nave a ue tage nthe snes ht Fe no web infection oltre. stead re ae many ‘Steer ways ct expresang future ive. The resin he ten ang column sve eo ginea guceling, bt Bee can ‘toe ovrtap. cr eared, we con ea present ononue tak abun argent “Tw onie of form fen dopend on how cern he Troster wants to sound. Thermos common et ued wil. Nea sha set presented ore Sal sed tobe ach “sae waar ety ccc wh and we, However cere tar forma and wis much mee revert, hich 6 ‘ey Rent expt eat ih er 2 Individually, students complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs. More than one answer may be possible. The most likely answers fllow. []yeule going to do; wate going io increase; that do | 2 We're leaving: the train get nthe plane departs; We're not going to make t 8 wil break down; wel get | 4 tm going to gabe there {3 Now ask stadents to read through the dialogues again. What are che people talking about in each ome? Ask them ta decide if the speaker is optimistic or pessimistic. [7 a business problem: optiriste 2 aon rey pc 3 sion ett pee gaits EEET Mixed ability tans can concrete ak o- © Grammar focus eer ues dhe langage sary faa fs omyaee 34 Yor cana exercises 5 and on page 135 for: 2) exraprcice now 3) homework 0) seven sep of ons from no “The answers are on page 142 ofthe Teacher's Book: | Alive & Well Vocabulary and Writing (SB page 11) 1 You could do thissetion a8 loed books activi: Ask studems to make a table with wo columns in teir sxcchoks, They abel one column son an the other susan inthe dant etre. Dictate the sentences ‘s00n; ust around the corner stant futur: ight years away 2 Continue with the other sentences, Suxlens then open cheir books ta check ‘soon: any day new, Inthe near future, belore long stant futur: in my Mei ong way of just wish thinking 3 Tell students they are now going to write a short paragraph to answer the question What are you ‘optimistic about” Tell them to read the different aress and to choose one. 4 Students now write «paragcaph explaining why they sre optimistic about this topie. Tell them they can write anything they want, bur they must ry and finish using one ofthe phrases from exercise 1. This va waiting for fuency exercise, so they shoulda’ spend too long slanning what to write. EEE" Mixed ability Forweskasters, orf wo feo ot ‘tara apalng or org tbot sarang ica geed ‘ge tum angel ts For ero & tl sade to ‘ante smear epone wei bone main dolor kre ving, Yo cou ek ber fo ot at "daily adhe wrk th pare obo ese tao Tar ty fi tok pragph er hen Shed keg Part 4 FEES lead-in For this lexson. you cous start by chosing a typical nas ‘er deca thats common bu proverable where you teach, 9 he commen cold ofl. you teach ln tropical county could be an ness such a typhoid eve We the name of ‘hein onthe doar anc ak tudor tall you ways you {can avo catching Vocabulary (SB page 12) 1 Ask students to read the headline. Tel them there is one keyword that makes this a ‘news stary: What word “The answer i pravertabla, The fact that millions of peonle ‘are dying fom diseases is rot good news. Aut the ides ‘hat these deeaees could be provantd is what makes the headline even mere ening 2 This exerese focuses on common collocaions with adjecives ending in-alle. Students do this individual: Encourage them w use dictionary ta help. Go through the answers, eliciting examples ofeach to check meaning (ga.aitatie present is one which you know the recipient wil ike). ‘changeable weather cold and wet at one moment and then sunny and hat the next cinkable weer: water you can drink an curable oisase: a disease that has no cure an irtlerabie station: a stuation you cannot tolerate anymore reliable wfness a wines you can rly onto remember ‘and tee something they saw accurately renewable energy: energy that can be renewed respectable organisation: an organisation you can respect, that has @ good reputation «suitable eresent: a present you krow the ecpient wit tke FEET Extra activity (reais idee ie faint peel retry es ore es ee ima ocacternaear ee oa wo & vl eee | Alive & Well Reading (SB page 12) ‘This isan informative ext abour diseases around the ‘world and steps being taken to eliminate them 1 Ask students o skim read the headings and answer the questions. Tes best ro give them tight time limit for this {eg | minote), Ifyou think the fist question might be a ‘it difficult, write che following options on the board and tell students to decide which ome hes ft (answer by: a a bradbure bem encyelpaci arte dan opinion ice i a nespaper Askifstadents know anything about the diseases ‘mentioned in the text. Pur any word, phrases that come ‘upon the board a chis point 2. Now ask studemts to read the text at a more leisurely pace. They check to see ifany of the things they ‘mentioned in exercise I come up in the text, and answer the questions. Don't answer any queries about unknown words at cis point, 8 thats the purpose of exercise 3 (understanding ‘words in context). + polo guinea worm dewase 2 guinea worm cisease 5 palo: measles | 3. measies 6 guinea worm disease | 23 Ask students o find the words inthe text chat fit the definitions. [7 intectious contaminated 2 eradeate 5 rocowr 3. vacci 6 mabutttion Mixed ability Fer wear tderia wath state wor on 2 fice olpasurandgelc hon A end xe SScvealar ane orange studrs op rd chock Sones loge 4 Inppirs, students read the sentences and circle the ‘word they agree with mos. They then read their senrence to their partner and give reasons for their choice. Open this up toa clase discussion by eliciting diferent answers and reasons from studen's. ‘ve & Wi Extend your vocabulary (SB page 12) Do this a closed hooks activity. Read the sentences out oud and ask students what chey have in common. Read them a second time, asking students to write them down. White on the board: Dewling it ins i ike lil igheing a wor. Ask students they have any similar expressions or metaphors in ther language. How are these translated imo English? Do students think ths isa useful way of talking about illness? Language note any oth Extend your vocabury boxes in Gaba oper ied focus on te ara of metaphor. The Maeilan EnglehDictonary explain metaghor as type of comparison hen youae« werd metaprorcaly, you ae using & ‘eanng that has developed fom the eral mesring aro has {ome ofthe same features. Athouoh peopl tik of 38 bong aypical fete of poo ar act ft =n {amar wor an pases have metaphorical meanings ‘Taso boxes ae tered o sens students tothe various ‘metaphor! mening in Engi, Grammar (5B page 13) 11 Ask students to read the information box about Vision 2020, Ask them o tell what the projet aims to do, [Now draw their attention ro the two sample sentences in the grammar box and answer the questions. 7 From now on health workers will be targeting 2 Hopes ae high thatthe diseases wil have Ssappecred 2 Sradents complete he rules of form in che grammar box. | Fe ominous ll rBe ce ng Future pee il have «verb +e EEEST Alternative procedure your tet ey warn win tan apg thn dow en oes boot clown! wir {Reser ntcoste Pu an pari arate tr tneber ard ek ste came up ane comet Suge thn copy te tae doa nt nolo ‘3. Now ask students to read the Vision 2029 box gain and look a the goals. Ask them to write chese out in fall sentences | Alive & Well By 2020 they wil have prevented the projected doubling of avoidable indness, have aiinated the main causes of avoidable bindness. etween 2010 and 2020 they wit be integrating an eye-care system nto ever national health syste, be increasing awareness ofthe probe, be securing the etources te increase prevention at Language note Te itn pretend ten Be fos ering send comets bean ie ‘he les presser ccompme by hare oe otis 08200 by toro The ime ctr aed Me roams) ed ten to erdmecaoomahng at alban prose tre reine an ‘Te ae conta canbe wed sortie aoen {estos sou fe he and em soi moe pl = ‘in ain tr De eo, net © Grammar focus Refer students wo the language summary on furare continuous and future perfect on page 134 Yi can use exercises 7 and 8 on page 135 fr: 2) extra practice now 1) homework «) rexiew a couple of lessons from now: “The answers are on page 142 ofthe Teacher’ Book Speaking (SB page 13) 1 Adkwedenyr ye eid shcinereninn tierce tad kink about how they cold complet the wentene=t. ‘While they are doing thi, complete a sentence or two penlhce Bp the ec ofthe yar Tape no ve vse my fly the north ofthe county 2. Tellstents you are going to read out one oF to of your sentences, Encourage them to ask questions, an {give answers. Smadents then work in pairs and do the Same. Feedback in open clas. EEEE3 Homework extra aks omer st Reem re ao Sane thom thet Dect When Oe tee Function globally: generalising and making exceptions ‘These lessons in Glib are designed to provide students with immediately useful functional language. They all follow a similar format Warm up (SB page 14) [Ales ttre the pic vi «gue pein kor ee Tips: + Do not over-correct here, especially in speaking + Eneourage students wo use what language they ean at this stage. Listening (SB page 14) Ai to present the funetional language in context vi a wersation of series of conversations Tips: + Play the recording al he way throug (chere are always twa task) ‘+ For multiple conversations pause the recording after feachone. 1 Students own answers. a Speaker 1 uses a mobile phone at work: DS has to do many things mere quick: T has more ime to think: F Speaker 2's parents ed through a war T went to viet family Amica and Asia: F are sil ave today: DS Spesker 3 smokers: DS thinks fod is heatice:T | thinks peopl aro ning onger:T | Sues Speaker 1 In gaara tink meer te a mor teas tan the past. Moaie pronss, or example, free uso ve at 2 fester pace, We constantly anamring the phone ocean text messages ad you nave to make tart Gecslons a the tie. There's just no time for inking ans, you Krom, reo en wal you wart to say and wat you thnk about Something, Especial at work. Ana at home. household =| Alive & Well _anglances and gadgets. ae geting more ant mere ‘Completed al tho te —1 td jst workout Howto uso {hone maty sess So asa ruled easier to ve ‘rtout too much technology at ome ~ spat ran cortin Desi thes tke my TV and waghng machine wfc | oud cowthodt, Speaker 2 "es eay modern ites much batt than was nthe past ‘Wot, wnat mean i, he qualty of We is much better now than'in the past My pant ved hough the war, ey were rhunafer and pope de younger Everybody had less money Sd. noror He Ard typical took longer to eto plaes, try parents never even dreamed of wating 10 ws fay heer or Asta. Son mary ways tink tugs are much beter pow. An exception tots ete aut oF the products {ou buy In my parons Une products were mostly better {ual mace tots. Sho, Cote. things for the heme. low thing ust dort as you have to teow them aay and boy new ones ut by and lage, things have ist core aot (eer aed bet, That's what tink anyway ‘Speaker 3 Modem He's, genera, neater than inthe past. mean, "Naow tht threo ila lo of poksen and so on, but (Saget nna esr coo Yu Sah Int atten pute pcs re ut had reesei pa hn an an vata oe caveat Stan nar Om Str ‘mca pny, etter sro resents Stemi onary ena | Srcoreenteeaxmameane Language focus: making generalisations (SB page 14) Aen w draw stdens aention othe tems of Fantom! lng. Tip: «Seca should be bl to pronounce these phrases inlaid hem. 1 a ] 1 typicaly 2 mostly | 3 goneraly 4 onary tn goer, ace Mes ore srs han it wasn thepast fut a8 ant wus say ho stress caused sa more | overwhelming factor Butby and age, things have ust become aot asker | and better 4 Food is aaa better, more varid, fresher and, in mest cast, heather. Personaly: Espocialy —_| ‘Ave & Wat Speaking (SB page 14) [Aims to allow students an opportunity ows this language ina meaningful real-world context Tips: + Give students ime to prepare his atv, and circulate and monitor carefully. + Correct sensitively, paying attention wo the target language especially. +f ime allows, ask stents to repeat the tsk bt with anew partner | | Alive & Well Global English ‘These lssons in Glo have two main goal. The frst ‘st wiv you and your stadents interesting information shout English and language in general. The second goal ‘to provide sadent with practice in diferent kinds of reading comprehension tasks that ube are likey 10 eneounter in farure study (for example, exams) Warm up (SB page 15) ‘Aims to engage dens with the tpi and highlight porenialy falc wcalary in th Tip + Be generosin ping tens herewith any koa words inthe dt + Akstudents to rate this tsk, wherever pone, 0 similar evens o tens thir wn ves ‘Students’ awn anewars Reading (SB page 15) Ai i rid a i ig dhooe Hag and std eae poco Ti + There are two tasks. The frst Focuses on the gist of the passage The second isa more dificue tak, similar ro reading exam questions, + Ifhere isa third question the purpose isto mise students" awareness about language feature; do no expect them to produce it immediately + This language isnot tested or reviewed in furore unite, which means you have more fexiilicy with this material as to when and where you use it 1 Comet on: 4,68 2 1 nen poople speak it aly. 2 When the socan-ast person to speak ties (because no one to tak). 3. Because of glballsation 4 ts not inevitable. Many have developed a healthy binguiem. 5 Latnis a dead language because psople dont speak iris ave because people read ana wete {English won't survive f the culture and community who speak it isappear;it wil probably survive because language can new be stored slecronical 3 encesval 4 erteion slighty misleading 2 songsice Speaking (SB page 15) [Ales for sates to eae the mst ia he reso to sialon aed inher pa Tip: ‘This isa short speaking activity and ean be done in ‘shoe clase mode arin small groups AAsyou yo through these Gaba! English ls the book, don't be afraid to ak student’ opinions and reactions ta the information in she text. Which do chey find interesting? Do they know of similar experiences oF facts in their own language or other languages? Some of your learners might be in your class because they are wery interested in language, and these texts provide a great ‘opportunity for you to capitalise on that motivation, “| Alive & Well Fe ee iting: Writing skills: paragraphs (SB page 16) Wri ng: a report a) ‘Aim: to give students a chance to develop their writing These lesons in Gla are designed to provide uxdenss 1M 19 Bie stacentes toes ts with extended writing practice. They al follow a similar Fema ie , a hy ei i asp pe Reading (SB page 16) tithe guenions swith eset before ong ‘rm w provide sample tet forstadenstoanase. them contac on the om. Tips: A + Many ofthese texts deliberately contain errors which | a changing cultural attses the students will be asked to focus on and correc later | mariage customs inthe lewon. € tudes to divorce «+ Atthis stage ofthe lesson merely ask them to read the | angoing changes tn fay fe textand extrac the information, 3 «+ Taadear does micaqpesion besten cor infirm, |" prac them former and expan at dy wl Taming ian iont Topi sontnct: — —— a. As arent ol ballon thre has been ange 1 amount of cultural exchange between differset | sranat mariage: pean dace: ua rods come, weeding cumtorns |b One of the most noticeable changes has been In our 2 engecusme L “in the Nowadays, & Divorce is viewed very differently nowadays. | Tint past_——_ Rowe ‘msnga Marans woe” "Lovemimragss | |g Toconcan famly Mew cong eave n Serer lereedoys — (newbeoomerarh || |” saumkeree roratranésMocanen sluice {lirst meeting often E feokpce ont | Sentence 2 | __ ead amy _| |s Prey etwcoran ir Ro PH tr peng = i rays than ove whe ene (nad enough money. | ‘Atitude t@ The womanwas _|Nolooger ‘ivorce usualy biamed, even |considered taboo by “The logical order: 6, be. | ther own parents. |ost people it it SS a Preparing to write (SB page 17) remerrace |Pieacng, more |i to give students ime to brainstorm ideas forthe Jandmore people | writing tsk ‘serial pg a | «alto stents to brainstorm ideas in pis or 3 stents on answers sat + Ask students to mae notes here, bat not begin swing. @ moar -| Alive & Well Writing (SB page 17) ‘Aim: to give students practice in more extended writing asks, Tips + This section can be done as homework + Remind sndents ro refer back tothe model txt, but to he careful ofthe typical errors. + Ask student o cheek their work carefilly before they hand sein, Study skills Exploring your dictionary (SB page 17) 1 Aarau ci decks they his Gc eleconie icsonaries) and put them onthe table El any diference between then aed whet dhe students think of thm, og Do they find them elf? Do they we them aloe To mace sae have to diionaris wth them, go trough the it and wk indents otal yo which ones they have / we lt pombe advantages or dsadvanages of different Kinds of Sicionary. 1 bt they pel of iron xpi here sing dictions 2 Askeseudents to read the two dictionary entries and. answer the questions in pairs, Feed back. students have dictionaries with them, tell them to check the same wor in thei own dictionaries and compare the amount of information there Import ono folowing about hae catego | \When tees mere han ane meaning, he most requ | meaning tes st Franc i shown wi asters ho mor astrsks tha ae he moe acon th ters) Prvuncaton une the imatons Pronunciion ohadet ‘Grareratal tomato flows perancaton nth coienans ‘3. Por this lst activity, you will need a learner dictionary: you havea clase set of dictionaries this would be a good time wo ler students look at them. If not, go over the ‘sggesions inthe box ‘Other sections in a learner dictionary can inchude writing ‘ips, ypical errors essays about aspects of language, metaphor and lists of different ways of saying the same thing (hese areal, incidentally, features tha appear in ‘the Macmillan English Dictionary for Advance Learners Av this level, we believe that students should he using a ‘monolingual learner’ dietonary to resolve any doubts bout language Bilingual dictionaries are sil helpful, bat do not often have enough xr information thats wsefil for language learners. Unit 2 ‘anguoge Texts ‘Communicative skills Port 1 Vecabvary ord Speaking | Reoding Specking $8 ge 18 Cerna andr Byers mee! hang your mind! speaking ane Port? Vosabulry ecding ond Liering T $8 page 20 he The Right cer Que Grammar | a Senne —__| a Port 3 Voeabuary nd Speaking | Unoring | Vecblry ord Speaking SB page 22 The pref mi The wrong wont “The prefix Esend your vocabulary Gremmar “The hii are Fronnciation Diferee way sy he | Pon 4 Grammer | Reading Speaking =< Witng SB page 24 ert ta Nola ar on Amor lemma Exend your vocobulory Metaphors honesty ad denen | | Fonction globally | Corrsting and restating SB page 26 Conversations about indertandings Correcng | Global voices ‘Errors and mistakes in language learning. SB poge 27 “Typ even _| caring avis show speaking Engh ory Weitng An exay 5B poge 28 Presenting an anuments strstring an ey inrecingrpis Seng - Siody skile | Moving bund he psu SB p90 27 ‘Workbook Taveraetive and printable grammar, vocabulary tening and prosunchtion practice sir reading a writing practice Aionl downloadable listening nd video wera Teachers Resource | Communication activity worksheets to print and photocopy: review mar est and eo with De sworsheet Go global Right Tectortunher | Askstudens wo search forthe best online since eaibic they can Gnd in English and prepares shore research report about what they have learnt, | Wrong Aak stent ind more examples of spacneisns an malapropisms on the internet and to ring these todas © ome swore © Right & Wrong Reading (SB page 18) Bis ext bout Galo famous il for ern and Btethr or not he uscd phree that became famous in ie hisory of since 1 Books closed, Write the names ofthe theories on the soar, eave gaps for different lerters, ge ‘To make it more challenging leave out more letters. Playa game of Hangman in which the students have 10 cs the missing leteers and what all four words have Solent then open ther books and do exercise te 2a a4 4b 2 -Tall sondonts tht he reve they ate going to read is shout one ofthe theories from exercise 1, Ask them &o skim very quickly and tll you which one. Then they put ‘he paragraphs in order. ‘The cowast de reading down 6 2,1, 33 ‘questions. When they finish, ask students to check th snswers in pairs. Feed buck, 2. The Earths the contre ofthe universe anc other objects move around it 3. Ard yet it rmewest 4 Many historans bole now that he id not say it '5 Even though someone ina public postion denies someting it does net mean ts nt tue FEEER Mixed ability bares aaa dpe ee ‘ecco onan, han Seana They su over page 18 aa ee et on Thy ten wrote auson fore aero fous ghana Tis lst mm clr tak tly fri sone tear ice aries ‘emma Wer ey hve shed par usa atone et, wiser who he exerci th nal ay oa they Sek ar anor 4 Diaw student’ attention to the firs highlighted word infomonTll them to read through the definitions and choose the eorret one. Students then do this for the other ‘words. Emphasise that if they don't know the word they should try and guess from contest. This ia very useful Skil for dealing with longer texts and reang for fluency fr i the face of 2 muttered 8 heresy 5 Infamous 5 Draw students’ attention ro the words they have just stodied in exercise 4, Students take i in turns each to retell parof the story of Galileo trial. They need to Incorporate te words from exercise 4 I'yo have time, askeone pair to retell the whole story t the ass with Coursebools closed, Vocabulary and Speaking (SB page 18) 1 Write on the board Certain and Unertain, Say in a very firm voice Pn curvinced. Ask students if omcinced shold gain the Certain or Unceretn column, Ask stadents to ‘continue with the other words inthe exercise. Go over the answers together and drill he pronunciation ofthe words. Certain: convinced; defintely; doubtless; postive; sure; vthout question Uncertain: doubts to have reservation; unre convinces sae nenain’ @ 2 Right & Wrong 2 Tell seudens to read dhe sentences through once «quickly. They then read them again, and complete the second sentence sit means the same, Go through the ‘example if you think the class has not understood. Check Sorin ——4 2. etntaly 23 was convinced 4 have eservatons 3-H UIsNow tell students they are gong to earn phrases tae ca be used more in spoken English to talk bout things you are eerain ae true. René through the first few examples and then ask students to do the others. “Then play the recording for them to check and dill the pronunciation. + fact | 2 actual 3 doubt 4 ways promise ‘Ae studnts to workin pars acd each complete the flowing tertance a citeret way” are oftheir ciy isthe besten the word fo ver. Students create a short slogue based on thoirsentence to sch omar using flere expressions fom ‘bells ex: ‘St: Landen the best ty n the wort to ein ‘82: n actual fect, Borin she best yin the werkt en 10h no. Theres no doubt abou it Landon ha best hy ‘nthe wore to we i Speaking (SB page 19) 1 Purstudentsinwo groups of four 1st people Ask each troup o nominate a speaker Go over the rls wih she Soar to make sre they understand, The best wa 10 do this wdo an example yourself with another tudent taling ot bong or mind? afer 30 seconds Sradents now do the aetvity in groups. Circulate and moni. 2. Snucents continue, Make sure that each person inthe soup gets a chance to speak. ight & Wrong SESS lead-in iste te fotowing onthe boar: You prebaby the Youprobably don” tk. You're rom. Youve... Last right you probaby “ol stdnts they have to ea ou sontences using these “Sutures, the sentences mest be tings hey ques about ‘Jou tho teacher Ha student makes a corec gus then say You're right ty make an inorect ues, sty Soy, youre ‘wrong and gv ham the coret information, ‘Students then his pars. asa folow-up. Vocabulary ($8 page 20) 11 Books closed, Do this activity as 2 dictation. Explain that you wil ell out sentences. Each sentence contains the word right. The students listen and write down the sentence, I the students think that right means occeet then they tase their hands Call ou the sentences one by fone. Do not correcta this point. Then ask students to ‘open their books and check their dictations. Go over the sentences asking which ones mean ‘correct’ 7,8, Sand al have the meaning of ‘comect 2 Ask students to go through the remaining sentences and ty to figure out the meaning of right in them. a? b 410 © 2.5.9 9 116147 Tell the students they are now going %0 Ihear two teachers talking to thei lasses. The teachers tse the word righ, Tell the stems to lsten and decide ‘wha che meaning of right is here. Trea [2 ns Seu se ystiats cho tere kia pe. ooes | Styne ive ay rere quesore? Pig Lt tate a ok tne poo fve boot you wo ain bout he yom 2. gh! Stop taking nan stn Goo 008 POW Suara ie homeo tomorow'® Gass

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