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2, APRIL 2020

Characterizing the Propagation of Situational

Information in Social Media During
COVID-19 Epidemic: A Case Study
on Weibo
Lifang Li, Qingpeng Zhang , Member, IEEE, Xiao Wang, Member, IEEE, Jun Zhang , Senior Member, IEEE,
Tao Wang, Tian-Lu Gao, Wei Duan, Kelvin Kam-fai Tsoi, and Fei-Yue Wang , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— During the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease platforms to acquire needed information and exchange
(COVID-19), people use social media to acquire and exchange their opinions [2], [3]. There are many different types of
various types of information at a historic and unprecedented information on social media platforms, and the situational
scale. Only the situational information are valuable for the
public and authorities to response to the epidemic. Therefore, information, the information that helps the concerned
it is important to identify such situational information and to authorities or individuals to understand the situation during
understand how it is being propagated on social media, so that emergencies (including the actionable information such as
appropriate information publishing strategies can be informed help seeking, the number of affected people) [4], is useful
for the COVID-19 epidemic. This article sought to fill this for the public and authorities to guide their responses [5],
gap by harnessing Weibo data and natural language processing
techniques to classify the COVID-19-related information into [6]. Identifying these types of information and predicting its
seven types of situational information. We found specific features propagation scale would benefit the concerned authorities to
in predicting the reposted amount of each type of information. sense the mood of the public, the information gaps between
The results provide data-driven insights into the information need the authority and the public, and the information need of
and public attention. the public. It would then help the authorities come up with
Index Terms— COVID-19, crisis information sharing, infec- proper emergency response strategies [6].
tious disease, information propagation, social media, social net- The existing studies have not yet agreed on the definition
work analysis. of situational information. Some categorized help seeking
I. I NTRODUCTION and donations as situational information but neglecting other
types of situational information such as criticism from the

B URST out in Wuhan, China, the ongoing outbreak of

coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused regional
and global public health crisis [1]. During a crisis like the
public, which reveals the concerns of the public, and emotional
support, which reveals the empathy of others to the victims
[7]. However, it is necessary to identify situational information
COVID-19 epidemic, the public tends to social media in a comprehensive manner. For example, identifying critism-
Manuscript received February 19, 2020; revised March 2, 2020 and March 4, related information can help the authorities learn the main
2020; accepted March 5, 2020. Date of publication March 20, 2020; date of concerns of the public and come up with proper responses.
current version April 3, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Identifying emotional support information could help the
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 71672163, Grant
71972164, Grant 61702519, and Grant 71701206, in part by the Health and authorities learn the social support patterns of social media
Medical Research Fund (HMRF) under Grant 16171991, in part by the Central users and take better advantage of such voluntary resources.
University Project in China under Grant C2191110, and in part by the National Moreover, it is critical to identify the key features that
Social Science Major Special Foundation of China under Grant 17VZL017.
(Corresponding author: Qingpeng Zhang.) can predict the propagation scale of situational information
Lifang Li is with the School of Public Administration, South China Univer- to ensure that the authorities can publish different types of
sity of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China (e-mail: situational information based on the needs of the public. Fill-
Qingpeng Zhang is with the School of Data Science, City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: ing such information need is critical during sudden epidemics
Xiao Wang and Fei-Yue Wang are with the Institute of Automation, Chinese such as COVID-19.
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China (e-mail:; To fill these research gaps, we used COVID-19-related
Jun Zhang and Tian-Lu Gao are with the School of Electrical discussions on Sina Weibo, the major microblogging site
and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China (e-mail: in China (the Chinese equivalent of Twitter) to answer the; following research questions:
Tao Wang and Wei Duan are with the College of Systems Engineering,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China (e-mail: RQ1. How to identify and categorize the situational infor-; mation in social media?
Kelvin Kam-fai Tsoi is with the JC School of Public Health and Pri- RQ2. What is the various predictability of features
mary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: of the propagation scale of different types of situational
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSS.2020.2980007 information?

© IEEE 2020. This article is free to access and download, along with rights for full text and data mining, re-use and analysis

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Social media platforms are widely used by people to share

information in different situations [8]–[12]. During a crisis,
rich situational information is generated by social media
users [4], [7], [13].
However, different researchers categorized situational infor-
mation into different types [7]. For example, Rudra et al. [7] Fig. 1. Types of COVID-19-related information on Sina Weibo.
defined situational information as those notifications of the
casualties or injured/stranded people or helping relief opera- to learn what kinds of help are available [15]. Emotional
tions and categorized sympathizing with the victims, prais- support information shows positive effect on the victims to
ing or criticizing the relief operation, postanalysis of the recover from the emotional harm as a result of the epidemic,
reasons the crisis happens, and donation-related informa- and sharing this type of information helps others obtain the
tion into nonsituational information. While in the study by collective support and feel the empathy [4]. Help-seeking-
Vieweg (2012) [14], the nonsituational information defined related posts spread information about immediate help or aid
by Rudra et al. [7] was categorized into situational infor- during the epidemic, and sharing this type of information helps
mation. Specifically, she categorized situational information authorities and individuals obtain the help or aid [17]. In addi-
into social environment information, built environment infor- tion, doubt casting and criticizing information often discusses
mation, and physical environment information. The social sociopolitical causes and implications of and responsibility
environment information contains advice, caution, evacuation, for crisis, and sharing such information helps others vault
fatality, injury, medical attention, people missing, and offering the validity of information or enhance their understanding
help. Built environment information contains damages caused of the epidemic [16], [23]. Counter-rumor information also
by the crisis and the status of infrastructures. Physical envi- helps the public learn the truth and lessen the confusion
ronment information includes environmental impact, general caused by rumors [4]. Given that sharing these seven types
area information (status of the hazard), and general hazard of information benefits the efficiency of disaster/crisis relief
information (e.g., weather report) [14]. processes, we categorized them into situational information.
Moreover, Imran et al. [15] further categorized the situa-
tional information into seven types such as caution and advice,
casualties and damage, donations of money, goods, or services,
people missing, found, or seen, and information source based
on Vieweg’s work. Mukkamala and Beck [4] categorized 10 Several features were applied to predict the propagation
types of situational information including initial information scale of social media content in crisis including the content
about the disaster, situation updates, criticism about insuf- features and user features. Content features mainly contain the
ficient attention, moral support, preparations, criticism and following: whether URL/Hashtag is contained, the publishing
control rumors, help request, offering help, self-organizing timing of the content, and the content’s length have been
support, and active volunteerism. recognized to positively affect the reposted amount of social
According to Vieweg [14], situational information is the media content [18]–[20]. Moreover, the content type may also
posts which provide “tactical, actionable information that can significantly affect the reposted amount of information for
aid people in making decisions, advise others on how to obtain that previous study found that users show distinct informa-
specific information from various sources, or offer immediate tion needs and interactions when sharing different types of
post-impact help to those affected by the mass emergency.” information [21]. Besides, emotions of the content also affect
Sharing such information helps the concerned authorities and the information propagation scale of information [20]. For
individuals understand the crisis and guide their behaviors [7]. example, Berger and Milkman [19] characterized the effects
Based on this definition, this study categorized seven types of emotionality, positivity, awe, anger, anxiety, and sadness
of COVID-19-related information as situational information: words in the content on the virality of social media content.
1) caution and advice; 2) notifications and measures been From the perspective of social media users, whether users
taken; 3) donations of money, goods, or services; 4) emotional have a higher number of followers or followees (proxies of
support; 5) help seeking; 6) doubt casting and criticizing; and the social capital) and whether they are verified users or not
7) counter-rumor. Fig. 1 presents the content types. also positively affect the propagation scale of the post in social
Specifically, caution and advice information notifies the media [26], [27]. Another user-related feature is users’ loca-
public to help them protect themselves from the harm of tion, and if users are from the developed cities, they are more
the virus. Notifications (situation updates or casualties and likely to attract more social capital which will enlarge their
damages) of COVID-19 tell the public about the details of influence upon others [28]. In addition, in the case of disasters,
the epidemic, and sharing this type of information helps people are more likely to share the posts from users who are
them learn the situation and helps others ease the anxiety of eyewitnesses of the event and located near the event [29].
insufficient information [13], [15]. Donation (offering help) Besides, affiliations and perceptions of people could also affect
information helps the public especially those who need help users’ information sharing behavior [22]–[25]. As suggested

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Fig. 2. Number of COVID-19-related posts each day.

by Li et al. [20], the affiliation, which indicates the close and

friendly relationship of individuals with others, might posi-
tively be related to what people share with larger audiences.
The perception of users (see, hear, and feel) also affects users’
information sharing behavior [25].


A. Data Collection
This article collected Weibo posts using the keywords “New
coronavirus ( )” and “unknown pneumonia
( )” using the Weibo API after the start of the
COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan. According to a report of
the authorities on February 17, 2020, this virus has taken
1772 persons’ lives and with more than 70 000 people infected.
We collected the following attributes of the Weibo data from
December 30, 2019, to February 01, 2020: 1) the total number
of posts is 36 746; 2) posts’ attributes including the creating Fig. 3. Confusion matrixes of different classifiers.
time of the post, the distinct ID of the post, text content,
and the length of the post, reposted/comments/likes, and the First, we randomly sampled 3000 COVID-19-related posts
amount of the post; and 3) user attributes such as user id, from the collected data sets.
tagged location, verified, follower counts, and followee counts. Second, three graduate students manually labeled the type
In addition, we plotted the number of COVID-19-related of information of the 3000 sampled data.
posts within the time span by date to reveal the evolution trend Third, we calculated the Cohen’s Kappa value of the three
of the public opinion as shown in Fig. 2. The results show coders and the value was 0.81 Cohen’s Kappa value, which is
that public opinion began to spread with increasing speed on larger than 0.8 and indicates the convincible of labeling results.
January 19, peaked on January 25, and started declining since Table I presents the labeling results and the definitions of each
February 1. This suggests that the authorities need to pay more type of information.
attention to the content types in early stage of the epidemic to Fourth, the SVM, NB, and RF classifiers were trained using
understand the needs of the public and adjust their information randomly sampled 85% (2550) data, and using the rest of the
publishing strategies properly. 450 to test the accuracy of each classifier, the average accuracy
of these classifiers was 0.54, 0.45, and 0.65 respectively. Since
we have eight types, we further plotted the confusion matrixes
B. Situational Information Classification of each classifier as shown in Fig. 3. The results indicate that
Various natural language processing methods were used to RF classifier performs the best.
classify social media content into several types [30], [31]. Fifth, we choose the RF classifier to automatically label the
Specifically, we use supervised learning methods such as sup- rest of the data using all the 3000-labeled data as training set.
port vector machines (SVM), naive Bayes (NB), and random Sixth, we summarized the five attributes as shown in Table II
forest (RF) to learn the types of unlabeled data based on to reveal the information needs of the public in general.
labeled data [21], [30], [31]. The classification process is as The attributes including the total (average) number of posts,
follows. the verified users’ amount (the proportion of the verified

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users), the total (average) number of followers and followees 1) Emotional factors: affect, negative emotion (negemo),
of the users, and the total (average) reposted amount of the positive emotions (posemo), anxiety (anx), anger, and
posts in each type of information. sadness words (sad) in the posts.
Table II shows that during the COVID-19 epidemic, there 2) Perception-related factors: percept, see, hear, and feel.
are more verified users involved in the spreading process of 3) Affiliation-related factors: affiliation, achieve, power,
Type 2 information (notifications and measures been taken). reward, and risk.
The verified users dominated the propagation of Type 3 4) User-related features: followers’ amount (Followers
information (donations of money, goods, and services). Type (log)), followees’ amount (Followees (log)), near the
5 information (help seeking) attracted the largest amount event or not (NearCity), live in developed city or not
of average attitudes. Type 6 information (doubt casting and (BigCity), and verified users or not.
criticizing) have the second largest amount in our data set and 5) Content-related factors: whether hashtag/URL contained
a larger proportion of users involved in the propagation of (URL, Hash), the length of the post (length), and the
this type of information. Such findings reveal the necessity to publishing timing of the post (hours).
identify further information release strategies to this type of
information as suggested by Atlani-duault et al. [31]. Specifically, the emotional factors, perception factors, and
In addition, the Type 8 information (nonsituational) in our affiliation factors are extracted using Linguistic Inquiry and
data set has the largest total amount of reposted amount. Word Count (LIWC), a commonly used tool to extract the
By tracing back to the data set, we found that the dominating linguistic information from content [32], [33]. Because the
post was posted by “CCTV News,” which published this infor- words and linguistic patterns people use in their text could
mation on January 24, 2020 (Chinese New Year’s Eve) to send reveal their emotions, perceptions, and their needs for affilia-
greetings to all the users which attracted 2 774 936 reposted tion, power, achievement, and so on [32].
amounts (94.5% of all the reposted amount). After deleting The number of followers/followees was log-transformed and
this outlier, 1 62 497 total reposted amount and 56.9 average 1 was to avoid zeros. The verified status of users was directly
reposted amount are left. Then this nonsituational information obtained from the data sets. Users’ locations are obtained by
becomes the least popular information compared with the the following definitions: 1) whether users are located near
situational information. It indicates that in this crisis, users are the crisis is defined as that if users are located in Hubei
more likely to repost the situational information rather than the province, assign 1 to the variable; otherwise, assign 0 and
nonsituational information. 2) whether users are located in the developed area, assign 1,
that is, if users are located in “Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen,
and Guangzhou”; otherwise, assign 0.
C. Situational Information Propagation Scale For the content-related factors URL/Hashtag, if it contained
Prediction at least one URL or Hashtag, assign 1 to it; otherwise, assign
To find the key features that can accurately predict the 0. The length of the post is the total word counts of posts.
propagation scale (reposted amount) of each type of situational The post timing of the post is defined as the number of hours
information, we extracted five groups of features as summa- between the post time and December 30, 2019. Table III
rized in the literature [33], [32]. The extracted features (with summarizes the mean value of all the features for all types
the name in italic format) are as follows. of situational information.

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TABLE IV was the authorities’ responsibility to publish it. If the

RMSE OF N EGATIVE B INOMIAL AND L INEAR authorities want it to be reposted in larger amount, using
hashtags would be a good choice.
2) Unverified users’ COVID-19-related posts have a larger
reposted amount of nearly all types of disaster-related
information. Thus, the authorities need to pay more
attention to the credibility of the unverified users for
TABLE V their great influence. In neglecting the credibility of their
F EATURES AND C OEFFICIENTS FOR THE B EST R EGRESSION posts, it will do harm to the authorities.
M ODEL OF THE S ITUATIONAL I NFORMATION 3) Type 6 information (doubt casting and criticizing) will
have a larger reposted amount if users have a larger num-
ber of followers, come from developed cities, or use less
negative words. Moreover, compared with other types
of situational information, the doubt casting information
becomes popular in the later periods of the crisis. For
the authorities, it is better to pay more attention to those
rational criticizers who have higher number of followers
(they might be the opinion leaders) and verify whether
their views are valuable or not. If so, take their advices
to improve the existing crisis response strategies.
4) For all types of situational information (except for
Type 7, counter-rumor), the more the words contained
in the content, the larger its reposted amount. For all
types of situational information except counter-rumor,
increasing the length can enlarge their propagation scale;
otherwise, use the opposite strategies. As for the counter-
rumor, we need to enlarge the sample data to verify
whether it is better to use fewer words to enlarge its
propagation scale.
Using the above-defined features for each type of situational 5) For Type 7 information (counter-rumor), if it comes
information, we first selected the features using linear regres- from users who have a higher number of followers
sion, RF, and stepwise methods. By comparing the perfor- and comes from developed cities, it will enlarge its
mance of the selected features for each type of information, reposted amount. If the authorities want to enlarge
we finally choose the stepwise methods for Type 1–Type 6 the propagation scale of counter-rumor, it is better to
information but use the RF feature selection results for Type 7 target the high follower number users by mentioning or
information (counter-rumor) for its high goodness of fit (R2 ). replying them.
In addition, we carried out multiple linear regression and In summary, the authorities could apply the results of this
negative binomial regression to predict the log-transformed article to understand the public such as their attitudes toward
reposted amount of each type of information using the selected the current epidemic response strategies of the authorities,
features using 85% of the randomly sampled data as training to identify and amplify the help seeking, donations, and notifi-
data. Table IV shows the root mean square error (RMSE) of cations’ information that may be needed for the public, and to
each prediction model. identify and counter attempts to blames or rumors, to improve
Because the linear regression models have lower RMSE, crisis information publishing strategies of the authorities in the
we finally choose linear regression to predict the reposted future.
amount of the COVID-19-related posts. Moreover, Table V
shows the effect of the selected features for all the seven V. C ONCLUSION
types of situational information. Specifically, the first column The findings of this article indicate the necessity of using
shows the potential features, and the left columns show the different information publishing strategies for different types
selected features and their effects for each type of situational of situational information. The selected features for different
information. For example, for Type 1 information (caution and types of situational information could also help the authorities
advice), mainly six features are selected, namely, see, achieve, learn how to organize their COVID-19-related posts to enlarge
verified, followers (log), BigCity, and hours. or decrease the reposted amount of their posts. In addition,
Table V shows the following. the definitions of the situational information will be useful
1) For Type 2 (notifications and measures that have been for researchers or practitioners who aim to build effective
taken), Type 3 (donations of money, goods, or services), social-media-based emergence response programs and crisis
and Type 5 (help seeking) information, the use of hash- information systems.
tags will enlarge the reposted amount of their reposted This article has limitations. First, we only obtained a subset
amount. For these types of information, normally it of social media data for the constrains of Sina API. In future,

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[16] B. Takahashi, E. C. Tandoc, and C. Carmichael, “Communicating Research Center, China, Guangzhou, and one of
on Twitter during a disaster: An analysis of tweets during Typhoon the Assistant Researchers with the School of Public
Haiyan in the Philippines,” Comput. Hum. Behav., vol. 50, pp. 392–398, Administration, South China University of Technol-
Sep. 2015. ogy, Guangzhou. Her research interests include crisis
[17] B. Suh, L. Hong, P. Pirolli, and E. H. Chi, “Want to be retweeted? management and social computing.
Large scale analytics on factors impacting retweet in Twitter network,”
in Proc. IEEE 2nd Int. Conf. Social Comput., Aug. 2010, pp. 177–184.

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Qingpeng Zhang (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. Tian-Lu Gao received the master’s degree from the
degree in automation from the Huazhong University School of Electrical and Computer, University of
of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2009, Denver, Denver, CO, USA.
and the Ph.D. degree in systems and industrial engi- He is currently a Project Engineer with the School
neering from The University of Arizona, Tucson, of Electrical and Automation, Wuhan University,
AZ, USA, in 2012. Wuhan, China. His main research interest is the
He was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with application of AI, NLP, and Blockchain in power
The Tetherless World Constellation, Department of system operation and control.
Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY, USA. He is currently an Assistant Profes-
sor with the School of Data Science, City University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. His research interests include social computing,
complex networks, data mining, and semantic web.
Dr. Zhang is an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
I NTELLIGENT T RANSPORTATION S YSTEMS , the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON Wei Duan received the Ph.D. degree in control sci-
C OMPUTATIONAL S OCIAL S CIENCE, and PLOS One. ence and engineering from the National University
of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2014.
Xiao Wang (Member, IEEE) received the bache- His research interests include complex networks,
lor’s degree in network engineering from the Dalian epidemic modeling, information diffusion, agent-
University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China, based simulation, and social computing.
in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in social computing
from the University of Chinese Academy of Sci-
ences, Beijing, China, in 2016.
She is currently an Associate Professor with The
State Key Laboratory for Management and Control
of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chi-
nese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests
include social transportation, cyber movement orga-
nizations, artificial intelligence, and social network analysis. She has authored Kelvin Kam-fai Tsoi received the bachelor’s degree
or coauthored more than a dozen of SCI/EI articles and translated three from the Department of Statistics Chinese Univer-
technical books (English to Chinese). sity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, the D.Phils. from
Dr. Wang served the IEEE T RANSACTIONS OF I NTELLIGENT T RANS - the School of Public Health Chinese University of
PORTATION S YSTEMS , IEEE/CAA J OURNAL OF AUTOMATION S INICA , and Hong Kong, and the Ph.D. training with the Division
ACM Transactions of Intelligent Systems and Technology as peer reviewers of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of
with a good reputation. Medicine and Therapeutics, Chinese University of
Hong Kong.
He was also appointed as the Director of the JC
Bowel Cancer Education Centre, Chinese University
Jun Zhang (Senior Member, IEEE) received the of Hong Kong, to promote colorectal cancer screen-
B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from ing. He is currently an Associate Professor with the JC School of Public
the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Health and Primary Care, SH big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre,
Wuhan, China, in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and and JC Institute of Ageing, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Ari-
zona State University, Phoenix, AZ, USA, in 2008.
He is currently an Associate Professor of elec-
trical and computer engineering with the Uni-
versity of Denver, Denver, CO, USA. He has Fei-Yue Wang (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D.
authored/coauthored more than 80 peer-reviewed degree in computer and systems engineering from
publications. His research expertise is in the areas Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA,
of complex systems, artificial intelligence, knowledge automation, and their in 1990.
applications in intelligent power and energy systems. He joined the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,
Dr. Zhang is an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C OM - USA, in 1990, and became a Professor and the
PUTATIONAL S OCIAL S YSTEMS and Acta Automatica Sinica and Co-Chair
Director of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory
of the IoT Technical Committee of IEEE Council of RFID. and the Program in Advanced Research for Com-
plex Systems. In 1999, he founded the Intelligent
Control and Systems Engineering Center, Institute of
Tao Wang is currently an Assistant Professor with Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
the College of Systems Engineering, National Uni- Beijing, China, under the support of the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Talents
versity of Defense Technology, Changsha, China. Program from the State Planning Council and 100 Talent Program from
His major interests include social computing and CAS. In 2002, he joined the Lab of Complex Systems and Intelligence
human resource analytics. Science, CAS, as the Director, where he was the Vice President for Research,
Education, and Academic Exchanges with the Institute of Automation from
2006 to 2010. In 2011, he was named as the State Specially Appointed Expert
and Director of the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of
Complex Systems, Beijing. His current research interests include methods
and applications for parallel systems, social computing, parallel intelligence,
and knowledge automation.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on April 05,2020 at 08:41:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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