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The 2015 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON-2015)

Markers of Altered Cardiovascular Autonomic

Function in Overweight Children

Patjanaporn Chalacheva, Ph.D. Michael C.K. Khoo, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA

Abstract-Autonomic dysfunction is known to be associated In this study, we investigated how MetS and OSAS
with sleep apnea and insulin resistance. With the growing affected autonomic function in overweight-to-obese children.
prevalence of obesity, the common factor among subjects with We focused on two components of autonomic cardiovascular
sleep apnea and insulin resistance, we sought to determine how control: the regulation of heart rate and the control of
autonomic cardiovascular function is affected by the independent peripheral vascular resistance. Through computational
and combined effects of sleep apnea and insulin resistance at the modeling, we sought to determine whether MetS and OSAS
early stage of these syndromes. In this study, we investigated the would have more adverse effect on the autonomic function or
autonomic function of overweight-to-obese children with either that the combination of both syndromes would have stronger
sleep apnea or insulin resistance or both during supine and
negative effect on autonomic function.
standing postures. Using computational models of heart rate and
peripheral vascular resistance variability, we found that children
with sleep apnea, regardless of the presence of insulin resistance, II. METHODS
had higher peripheral vascular baroreflex gain. Furthermore,
children with insulin resistance, regardless of the presence of A. Protocols and Data Processing
sleep apnea, had decreased heart rate baroreflex gain from Data analyzed in this paper were obtained from 26 male
supine to standing, which was opposite to those without insulin and 8 female overweight-to-obese pediatric subjects (mean ±
resistance. In conclusion, we were able to detect altered
SE: age = l3.0 ± 0.4 years and BMI = 33.l ± 1.2 kg/m2) who
autonomic function by sleep apnea and insulin resistance using
underwent autonomic function tests, metabolic tests and sleep
markers derived from our computational models that based only
on non-invasive measurements. studies (standard polysomnography). The autonomic function
tests involved having the subject lying in supine position for 10
Keywords-Autonomic dysfunction, insulin resistance, sleep minutes then actively standing up for another 10 minutes.
apnea, minimal model During each posture, non-invasive measurements of respiratory
airflow, ECG, continuous blood pressure and peripheral arterial
tonometer (PAT) were recording. The metabolic tests involved
collection of morning fasting blood samples, followed by a
Global prevalence of obesity has rapidly increased, frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test.
becoming one of the most serious public health challenges.
Obesity is associated with increased risks of several adverse Recordings from the autonomic function tests were
health outcomes such as sleep-related breathing disorder, Type processed as follows: 1) breath-to-breath tidal volume (Vt) was
2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and even premature calculated by integrating airflow and extracting the peak
death [1]. Impairment in autonomic function has been reported volume from each breath; 2) beat-to-beat R-R intervals (RRI)
to be associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were extracted from the ECG; 3) beat-to-beat systolic blood
(OSAS), the most common form of sleep-related breathing pressure (SBP) was extracted from the peak of each blood
disorder, and cardiovascular diseases [2]. At the same time, pressure pulse waveform; 5) beat-to-beat beat-averaged blood
OSAS has been found to also be associated with insulin pressure (MAP) was the average blood pressure within one
resistance, one of the features of metabolic syndrome (MetS), cardiac cycle; and 5) beat-to-beat PAT amplitude (PATamp)
which predisposes to type 2 diabetes [3]. Because the was extracted from PAT pulse waveform. The breath-to-breath
underlying interaction among the three disorders (autonomic and beat-to-beat data were interpolated in order to obtain
function impairment, MetS and OSAS) is still not clearly continuous signals. These interpolated signals were then down-
understood, it would be beneficial to investigate the effects of sampled to 2 Hz and subjected to linear trend removal before
MetS and OSAS on autonomic function at the developmental being used for further analyses. Homeostatic model assessment
stage of these syndromes, such as in children, to delineate other (HOMA) index, one of the metabolic function indices obtained
factors that may arise as a result of complications from other in this study, was chosen to represent the subject's metabolic
diseases. function. It reflects the degrees of insulin resistance and beta
cell function [4]. Obstructive apnea hypopnea index (OAHI),
This work was supported in part by U.S. National Institute of Healtb
grants HL090451 and EB001978.

978-1-4673-9158-0/15/$31.00 ©20 15 IEEE

the number of apneas or hypopneas per hour of sleep [5], was conductance, y is M ATamp, x is t1MAP and u is t1Vt; thus hx
used to quantify the degrees of severity of the subject's represents BPC and hu represents RPC. Tx and Tu represents the
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). latency of each mechanism. M represents the memory of the
system - the time it takes a response to a brief and abrupt input
To investigate the effect of MetS and OSAS on autonomic to die out. Lastly, [; represents the extraneous influence in the
function due to orthostatic stress, the subjects were classified
output that cannot be explained by the model.
into 4 groups by their HOMA index and OAHl (Fig. 1):
1) Controls (HOMA index :s 2 and OAHI :s 2.5),
2) MetS (HOMA index> 2 and OAHl :s 2.5), C. Nonlinear Minimal Models
3) OSAS (HOMA index:S 2 and OAHI > 2.5), To explore the nonlinearity in the mechanisms that govern
4) MetS + OSAS (HOMA index> 2 and OAHI > 2.5). heart rate and periIJheral vascular conductance variability, we
also employed a 2nd-order nonlinear Volterra model to include
the quadratic nonlinear component of each mechanism as well
as the interaction effect between the two inputs on the output.
The nonlinear model can be represented mathematically as
y(t} = Lhx(i}x(t-i-Tx } + Lhu(i}u(t-i-T.)
i=O i=O
+ LLhxx(i,j}x(t-i-TJx(t-i-TJ
i=O j=O

i=O j=O
+ LLhxu(i,j}x(t-i-TJu(t-i-T,J
i=O j=O

+ 8(t}.
hxx and huu represent the 2nd-order effect of input on the output
while hxu represents the interaction effect between the inputs
and the output. For example, for the model of heart rate
Figure 1. Scatter plot oflog(OAHI) and HOMA index, showing how subjects variability, hxx; represents the 2nd-order effect of blood pressure
were classified into 4 groups. on heart rate and hxu represents the interaction between SBP
and Vt on RRI.
B. Linear Minimal Models
In this paper, we employed two minimal models: 1) model D. Model Estimation and Optimization
of heart rate variability and 2) model of peripheral vascular The linear kernels (impulse responses in case of the linear
conductance variability. The model of heart rate variability models) and the nonlinear kernels are estimated using basis
consists of two main functional mechanisms: the arterial function expansion technique as described in [6]. In brief, each
baroreflex control of heart rate (ABR), which relates changes kernel can be represented as a sum of weighted basis functions.
in t1SBP to changes in heart rate (t1RRI), and the respiratory- In this study, Meixner functions were chosen because of its
cardiac coupling (RCC), which relates changes in Vt (t1Vt) to exponential decaying characteristic, making it suitable for
t1RRI. The model of peripheral vascular conductance also representing physiological mechanisms which tend to die out
consists of two mechanisms. The first mechanism is the after certain time [7]. Then the weight of each basis function
baroreflex control of peripheral vascular conductance (BPC), was estimated using least-squares minimization. The main
which relates changes in MAP (t1MAP) to changes in PATamp advantage of this basis function expansion technique is that it
(t1PATamp) where PATamp is taken as a surrogate measure of greatly reduces the number of parameters needed to be
peripheral vascular conductance (the inverse of peripheral estimated as the number of basis functions required to represent
vascular resistance). Another mechanism is the respiratory- the dynamics of an impulse response is generally much smaller
peripheral vascular conductance coupling (RPC), which relates than the system memory (M).
t1Vt to t1PATamp. The linear model can be represented
mathematically as The least-squares minimization was repeated for different
combinations of model parameters: model order, order of
y(t} = Lhx(i}x(t-i-Tx }+ Lhu(i}u(t-i-T.)+8(t}. (1)
generalization and delays. The model order (number of basis
i=O i=O functions) was allowed to vary between 2-8 and the order of
generalization was allowed to vary between 2-8. The delay
hx and hu represent the impulse responses of the functional ranges for ABR, RCC, BPC and RPC were: 0-3, -3-0, 3-8 and
mechanisms that relate the output, y, to the input x and u, 0-3 seconds, respectively [8, 9]. For each combination, the
respectively. For the model of heart rate variability, y is t1RRI, minimum description length (MDL) was computed. MDL
x is t1SBP and u is t1Vt; thus hx represents ABR and hu gives a measure of a balance between goodness of fit and the
represents RCC. For the model of peripheral vascular
complexity of the model [10]. Thus, the parameter set that gave Figure 3 shows how LF gain of heart rate baroreflex
the lowest MDL was selected as the optimal model parameters. (denoted as HABR,LF) changed with orthostatic stress. Both
controls and OSAS subjects showed increased HABR,LF from
E. Feature Extraction and Statistical Tests supine to standing, reflected by the stand/supine ratio being> 1
Compact descriptors were derived from the estimated linear (> 0 for the log transformed values). However, subjects with
and nonlinear kernels. To do this, we applied fast Fourier higher HOMA index showed the opposite response. Their
transform on the estimated kernels. Therefore, for the linear HABR,LF became smaller in standing compared to supine,
models, the impulse responses were essentially transformed resulting in the stand/supine ratio being < 1 « 0 for log
into transfer functions. Then the low-frequency (LF) and high- transformed values). Two-way ANOVA showed that subjects
frequency (HF) gains were calculated by averaging the with higher HOMA index (MetS and MetS + OSAS groups)
magnitude of the transfer function within the frequency range. had marginally statistically significantly higher reactivity in
The LF and HF ranges were 0.04-0.15 Hz and 0.15-0.4 Hz, arterial baroreflex (p = 0.05). This suggests that insulin
respectively. The gain of each mechanism was taken as the resistance, indicated by higher HOMA index, reduces
indices reflecting sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation orthostatic reactivity of the heart rate baroreflex.
during supine and standing. The ratio of the gain during supine
and standing (standing/supine) was taken as the measure of
reactivity - how one's autonomic nervous system reacts to
postural change.
Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed
to test for the autonomic function and reactivity. The two
factors were HOMA index (HOMA index :'S 2 vs. HOMA
index > 2) and OARI (OAHI :'S 2.5 vs. OARI > 2.5).
Interaction was also included in the ANOVA model.
Significant level for statistical test was set to 0.05. Log
transformation was applied to the variable being tested to
satisfy the assumption of normality in ANOVA.


During supine, the LF gain of the BPC mechanism

(denoted as HBPC,LF), reflecting the sensitivity of the baroreflex
control of peripheral conductance, was similar between
Figure 3. Log transfonned of the ratio of the low-frequency gain of heart rate
controls and MetS subjects while the other two groups had baroreflex (HABR,LF) between standing and supine in 4 groups. The ratio reflects
higher HBPC,LF (Fig. 2). Two-way ANOVA confirmed that the the reactivity in heart rate baroreflex to postural change. Subjects with higher
high OARI groups (OSAS and MetS + OSAS) had statistically insulin resistance (higher HOMA index) had decreased HABR.LF gain from
significantly higher HBPC,LF (P = 0.017), suggesting higher supine to standing (P = 0.050), Error bars show mean ± SE.
sensitivity in the baroreflex control of peripheral vascular
conductance in subjects with higher degrees of OS AS severity. IV. DISCUSSION

In this study, we investigated the early stage of MetS and

OSAS and their independent or combined effects on autonomic
function in overweight-to-obese pediatric subjects. We found
that subjects with higher degrees of OSAS severity, regardless
of their insulin resistance level, had higher sensitivity in
baroreflex control of peripheral vascular conductance during
supine. The higher peripheral vascular baroreflex gain that we
found in subjects with OSAS, regardless of metabolic function,
is consistent with previous studies that demonstrated higher
blood pressure variability in patients with sleep-disordered
breathing [11], which has been thought to reflect sympathetic
Additionally, we found that subjects with insulin resistance,
regardless of their degrees of OSAS severity, had decreased
baroreflex sensitivity as they changed their posture from supine
to standing while the control and OSAS subjects without
insulin resistance tended to have increased heart rate baroreflex
Figure 2. Log transfonned of the low-frequency gain of barore flex control of
sensitivity as they stood up. This is consistent with a previous
peripheral vascular conductance (HBPC.LF) during supine in 4 groups. Subjects
with higher degrees of OSAS severity (higher OAHI) had higher HBPc.LF (P = study that subjects with impaired glucose metabolism,
0.017). Error bars show mean ± SE. regardless of the presence of OSAS, had suppressed heart rate
baroreflex [12]. This suggests that insulin resistance has
stronger negative impact on the cardiac autonomic function [12] W. Wang, S. Redline, and M. C. Khoo, "Autonomic markers of
thanOSAS. impaired glucose metabolism: effects of sleep-disordered breathing," J
Diabetes Sci Technol, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1159-71, Sep, 2012.
Lastly, we demonstrated that by means of computational
modeling, we were able to extract compact descriptors of
autonomic cardiovascular control. These compact descriptors
can be employed as the markers of altered autonomic function
in different diseases/disorders. Furthermore, this method only
requires non-invasive measurements and simple intervention
such as orthostatic stress, making it readily feasible to be
applied in disease screening and detection process.

We thank W.H. Tran, F.M. Oliveira R. Bhatia and S.L
Davidson Ward for providing the experimental data used in
this paper.

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