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1. Th e consi dera ti on in vol ved in the se lectio n of th e

Spee d con tro l rang e Envi ronme ntal
1 1 1 type o f el ectric drive fo r a p articul ar app lica ti on Starting torque All of the above. All of the above.
and i ts n ature con ditio ns
dep end s o n

2 . Whi ch of the fol low ing i s p referred fo r a utomatic Squ irrel ca ge in du cti on Ward L eon ard Ward Le ona rd control led dc
2 1 1 Synchronous motors Any of the above.
dri ves ? motor co ntroll ed dc motors motors

Wa rd Leo nard
3. Whi ch typ e of d rive ca n be use d fo r h oistin g
3 1 1 AC slip ring motor co ntroll ed DC sh unt DC compound motor Any of the above. Any of the above.
machi nery

Wa rd Leo nard DC d iffe rentia lly

4 1 1 4. The motor normally used for crane travel is AC slip ring motor co ntroll ed DC sh unt Synchronous motor AC slip ring motor
motor compo und mo to r.

5. A wou nd rotor in ductio n motor is pre fe rred ove r

5 1 1 sq uirre l cage i ndu ction mo to r w hen the ma jor high starting torque low starting current spee d control o ver all of the above. all of the above.
li mited ran ge
consi dera ti on in volve d is

6. Wh en smoo th a nd p recise sp eed co ntrol ove r a squi rrel cag e ind uction wou nd rotor in ductio n
6 1 1 synchronous motor dc motor. dc motor.
w ide rang e is desi red, th e motor pre fe rred is motor motor

7. Whe n qui ck sp ee d reversa l is a consi dera ti on, squi rrel cag e ind uction wou nd rotor in ductio n
7 1 1 th e motor preferre d is synchronous motor motor motor dc motor. dc motor.

8 1 1 8. Sta to r vo ltage control for spe ed con tro l of fan and pump drives drive of a crane running it as generator constant load drive. fan and pump drives
ind uctio n motors is suitab le for

9 1 1 9. Th e sele cti on o f con tro l gea r for a pa rti cula r duty starting torque li mitation s o n starting all of the above. all of the above.
app lica ti on is ba sed o n th e consi dera ti on o f curre nt

1 0. As co mpare d to sq uirre l cage i nd uction mo to r, a

10 1 1 wo und ro to r i ndu ction mo to r i s p referred w hen the high starting torque low windage losses slow speed operation all of the above. high starting torque
maj or con side ration i s

10 kW
1 1. A synch rono us motor is foun d to b e more
11 1 1 econ omica l whe n th e loa d is ab ove 1 Kw 20 kW 100kW. 100kW.

12 1 1 12. Th e ad vantag e of a synchro nou s mo to r i n high power factor better efficiency lower cost all of the above high power factor
a ddi ti on to its constan t spe ed is

1 3. In motor circu it sta ti c freq uen cy ch ang ers are p owe r fa cto r
13 1 1 improved cooling reversal of direction speed regulation. speed regulation.
u sed for impro vemen t

Wa rd Leo nard
14. In case of tra veli ng cran es, th e motor preferre d
14 1 1 AC slip ring motor co ntroll ed DC sh unt Synchronous motor Single phase motor. AC slip ring motor
for bo om hoi st is motor

15 1 1 15. Th e chara cte ristics of drive for. crane h oistin g smooth movement precise control fast speed control all of the above. all of the above.
a nd lo weri ng is

16 1 2 16. The capacity of a crane is expressed in terms of Span Type of drive Tonnes Any of the above. Tonnes

17 1 2 17. The traveling speed of cranes varies from 1 to 2.5 m/s 5 to 15 m/s 20 to 22.5 m/s 25 to 40 m/s. 1 to 2.5 m/s

18 1 2 18. In overhead traveling cranes con ti nuo us duty motors sl ow spe ed mo to rs a re sh ort time ra ted motors none of the above. sho rt time rated mo to rs a rc
a re used p referre d a rc p referred preferre d

19 1 2 19. 15 minute rated motors are suitable for light duty cranes medium duty cranes heavy duty cranes all of the above. light duty cranes

20 1 2 20. Light duty cranes are generally used in automobile workshops pumping stations power houses All of the above. All of the above.

He avy eng ine erin g

21 1 2 21. Heavy duty cranes are used in worksh ops Steel plants Ore handling plants All of the above. All of the above.

22. 1/2 hour rated motors are used for light duty cranes medium duty cranes heavy duty cranes none of the above. medium duty cranes

22 1 2

23 . Which of the fol low ing d rive can be use d fo r D C motors with Ward AC sli p-rin g motors with Pole ch ang ing sq ui rre l Any of the above. Any of the above.
de rri cks a nd w inch es ? Le ona rd con tro l varia ble re sistance cag e motors
23 1 2

24. Th e nu mber of sets u sed in p ole chan gin g typ e 2 3 4 6 3

squ irrel ca ge moto rs for de rricks and w inch es, i s
24 1 2

2 5. A po le cha ng ing type sq uirre l cage mo to r u sed lifting hoisting lowering landing the load. lifting
in d erricks ha s fo ur, e igh t an d tw en ty four po les. In
25 1 2 thi s the me diu m spee d is used for

2 6. A po le cha ng ing type sq uirre l cage mo to r u sed lifting hoisting lowering landing the load. landing the load.
in d erricks ha s fo ur, e igh t an d tw en ty four po les. In
26 1 2 th is th e low est sp eed i s u sed for

27. For handing fragile articles in a crane low speed is preferred med ium spe ed is high speed is preferred. Any of the above. low speed is preferred
p referre d
27 1 2

28. Th e rang e of horse p owe r o f el ectric motor 1 to 10 HP 15 to 25 HP 50 to 100 HP 100 to 500 HP 100 to 500 HP
drive s for rol lin g mill s i s o f the o rder of
28 1 2

29. Motors preferred for rolling mill drive is dc motors ac sli p ring motors with any of the above none of the above. any of the above
spee d control
29 1 2

3 0. The to rs, be cause of the ir inh eren t dc motors slip ring induction motors sq uirre l cage i ndu cti on single phase motors. dc motors
chara cte ristics, a re be st sui te d fo r the ro lli ng mil ls mo to rs
30 1 2

3 31. In case of kiln drives starting to rq ue i s a lmost sta rti ng torqu e and startin g torqu e is more any of the above. startin g to rque i s mo re th an
zero run nin g to rqu e are tha n dou ble o f the d oub le of the run nin g to rque .
31 1 n earl y e qua l run nin g torqu e.

3 32. Motor preferred for kiln drives is usually slip ring induction motor th ree ph ase shu nt ca scade co ntroll ed ac any of the above. any of the above.
wo und commutator motor
32 1 motor

3 33. Belt conveyors offer zero starting torque low starting torque medium starting torque high starting torque. high starting torque.

33 1

3 34. In case belt conveyors squi rrel cag e motors sin gle p hase i ndu cti on dc shu nt mo to rs a re ind uctio n motors with sq ui rre l cag e motors with
w ith dire ct-o n-l ine motors are u sed use d star-d elta starters are d irect-on -lin e starters are
34 1 starters are u sed used . u sed

3 3 5. Whi ch of the fol low ing mo to r i s p referre d fo r w oun d rotor ind uction squi rrel cag e ind uction dc shunt motor dc series motor squirrel cage induction motor
blo wers ? mo to r motor
35 1

3 36. Centrifugal pumps are usually driven by dc shunt motors dc series motors sq uirre l cage i ndu cti on any of the above. squirrel cage induction motors
mo to rs
36 1

3 37. In ca se of ce ntrifug al pu mps th e sta rti ng torq ue double the running torque sli ghtly more th an same as running torque less than running torque. less than running torque.
is g ene rall y ru nni ng torqu e
37 1

3 38. In a centrifug al pu mp if the l iqu id to be p umpe d half same double four times. double
ha s d en sity twi ce th at o f wa te r, the n th e horse
38 1 po wer req uire d (as compa red to th at whi le pu mpin g
wa te r) w ill b e

3 39 . Woun d rotor an d squi rrel-ca ge motors wi th h igh machine tools presses and punches elevators all of the above. presses and punches
sli p whi ch deve lop ma ximu m torq ue at sta nd still
39 1 a re used for

3 4 0. Belted sl ip rin g ind uction motor is almo st centrifugal blowers jaw crushers water pumps screw pumps jaw crushers
in varia bly use d fo r
40 1

3 41 . In jaw cru shers, a motor ha s to often start low load medium load normal load heavy load. heavy load.
aga inst
41 1

3 42. Motor used for elevators is generally synchronous motor induction motor capa citor start si ngl e any of the above. induction motor
pha se motor
42 1

3 43. In synthetic fibre mills motor with con sta nt sp eed s a re hig h sta rti ng torq ue are varia ble sp eed a re l ow starting torq ue are constant speeds are preferred
prefe rre d p referre d p re ferred pre fe rred.
43 1

3 4 4. Whi ch of the fol low ing mo to r i s p referre d fo r series motor reluctance motor shunt motor synchronous motor. reluctance motor
syn thetic fibre mi lls ?
44 1

3 45. Reluctance motor is a sel f-startin g typ e l ow torqu e vari abl e variable torque motor low n oise , sl ow spe ed self-startin g typ e
synch rono us motors spe ed motor motor. synch ro no us motors
45 1

4 46. A reluctance motor is compact has high cost requires starting gear is pro vide d with sli p is compact
ring s.
46 1

4 47. Power factor in case of reluctance motor is nearly unity always leading 0.8 0.3 to 0.4. 0.3 to 0.4.

47 1

4 48. The efficiency of reluctance motor is around 95% 90% 75 to 85% 60 to 75%. 60 to 75%.

48 1

4 49. A reluctance motor on over-load runs as synchronous motor induction motor either of the two. Any of the above. induction motor

49 1

4 50 . The si ze of a e xcavator is u su al ly expre ssed in cubic meters travel in meters angle of swing crowd' motion cubic meters
te rms o f
50 1

4 5 1. Ward -Leo nard co ntroll ed d c d rives are light duty excavators medium duty excavators heavy duty excavators all of the above. heavy duty excavators
g en eral ly used for
51 1

4 5 2. In ca se of co ntactors, the c ontacts are ge nera lly copper silver cadmium copper any of the above. any of the above.
ma de o f
52 1

4 5 3. Whi ch ele ctro mag net is preferre d fo r n oise less DC operated AC operated Any of the above. all of the above DC operated
o pera ti on ?
53 1

4 54. Fo r h igh freq uen cy chop pers the de vice tha t is Thyristor TRIAC Transistor GTO. Transistor
p referred i s
54 1

4 55 . The n umbe r o f op eratio ns pe r h our in ca se of 100 600 900 1200 1200

cl ass IV con ta cto r w ill b e arou nd
55 1

4 5 6. In ca se of co ntactors, the duty in wh ich the Standard duty Intermittent duty Temporary duty Un-interrupted duty. Intermittent duty
main co ntacts remai n close d fo r a p erio d be arin g a
56 1 d efini ti on rel ation to the n o-lo ad pe riod s, is kn own

4 57 . In case of con ta cto rs the ra ti o of the in servi ce duty load factor class of contact none of the above. load factor
pe riod to the e ntire pe riod , exp ressed a s a
57 1 perce ntag e is know n as

4 58. A cl ass I con tactor shou ld be me chan ica lly 0.05 million times 0.25 million times 1.2 million times 5.0 million times. 0.25 million times
so und to wi th sta nd
58 1

4 59. Heat control switches find applications on thre e pha se ind uction single phase motors transformers cooling ranges cooling ranges
59 1

4 60. A saturable core reactor is basically a variable resistor step down transformer thermal relay variable impedance. variable impedance.

60 1

5 61. A saturable core reactor can be used ste p less ac vol ta ge pl ugg ing o f i ndu cti on o verlo ad p ro tection o f all of the above. step less ac voltage variation
varia ti on motor tra nsformers
61 1

5 62. In case of saturab le core re actors, th e pow er 1 to 5 5 to 10 5 to 100 100 to 1000. 5 to 100
ga in vari es fro m
62 1

5 63. A ma gne ti c a mpli fi er can b e used for the co ntrol current voltage speed all of the above. current
63 1

5 64. An electric drive consists of motor, tra nsmittin g motor and load motor, control motor, su ppl y system motor, tran smitti ng sh aft an d
shaft a nd co ntrol eq uip ment and l oad and l oad . con tro l equ ipme nt
64 1 eq uip ment

5 65. In ca se of co ntactors, th e contact cha tter may excessive jogging broken pole shader poo r co ntact i n th e any of the above. any of the above.
be d ue to con trol pi ck-up circu it
65 1

5 66. In a co ntactor ove rhea ti ng of conta cts may Excess contact pressure High inductive loads C opp er oxid e on Ca rrying loa d Excess contact pressure
resu lt from an y o f the fol low ing e xcept: co ntacts con ti nuo usly for a lon g
66 1 ti me.

5 67. In case of contactors, th e mag net may beco me d irt o r ru st on ma gn et low voltage broken pole shader any of the above. any of the above.
n oisy du e to fa ces
67 1

5 68. The failure of a thermal relay may occur due to motor an d rela y i n rela y p revi ousl y mechanical binding any of the above. any of the above.
differen t amb ien t dama ged b y sh ort
68 1 temp erature s circu it

5 69. Premature blowing of a fuse may occur due to h eatin g at fe rrule corrosi on or oxi datio n of weak contact pressure any of the above. heating at ferrule contacts
con ta cts fe rrule s
69 1

5 70. Accordi ng to Indi an Ele ctri city ru les, extra hig h 440 V 650 V 33 kV 110kV. 33 kV
vo ltage i mpli es volta ge exce edi ng
70 1

5 71 . In case of lo w and me diu m vo ltage ci rcuits, the 1% 5% 12.50% 20%. 5%

p ermissi ble vo ltag e varia ti on is
71 1

5 72 . Which o f the fol low ing si te w ill b e preferre d fo r wet mashy ground clayey soil lo am mixed w ith small damp and wet sand pit wet mashy ground
ea rth ing ? qua ntitie s o f san d
72 1

5 7 3. R esistivi ty of earth in crease s sh arp ly if the 70% 50% 40% 20% 20%
moi stu re fa lls be low
73 1

5 7 4. Wh ich of th e fo llo win g is lea st p referred for earth mixe d with sal t dry earth ma rshy grou nd clayey soil dry earth
ea rth ing ? and c harco al co ntain in g brin e waste
74 1

5 75. Earth electrodes can be in the form of rods and pipes strips plates any of the above. any of the above.

75 1

6 76. Wh ich of th e foll owi ng is no t use a s e arth water pipes gas pipes structural steel members all of the above. all of the above.
con ti nu ity co ndu cto r ?
76 1

6 77. The diameter of a 50 SWG wire is closer to 0.0253 mm 0.05 mm 0.1 mm 0.5 mm. 0.0253 mm

77 1

6 7 8. N on-me ta lli c co nd uits fo r w irin g are ge nera lly Rubber Cork Wood PVC. PVC.
ma de o f
78 1

6 79. PVC conduits can be buried on Lime Plaster Concrete any of the above. any of the above.

79 1

6 80. PVC conduits can be joined by solvent cement Welding Threading any of the above. any of the above.

80 1

6 81 . The ma ximum ho rse pow er up to wh ich 44 0 V 200 HP 50 HP 20 HP 10 HP. 200 HP

e le ctric moto rs a re used , is
81 1

6 82 . The ea rthin g ele ctro de sho uld b e situa te d at a 1.5 m 3.5 m 25 m 100 m. 1.5 m
p lace a t l east .......... meters a way from th e bui ldi ng
82 1 wh ose in sta lla ti on system is be ing e arthed

6 83 . Which o f the fol low ing mi xtu re is preferre d fo r bone meal mixture coal salt mixture saw dust sand mixture lime-stand mixture. coal salt mixture
fil lin g arou nd the e arth ele ctro de effective
83 1 ea rth ing ?

6 8 4. Insi de the ea rth or pit, the e arthin g ele ctrode vertical Horizontal inclined at 450 incl ine d at a ny ang le vertical
shou ld be p lace d other tha n 450 .
84 1

6 85. 'Danger 440 V' plates are danger notices caution notices advisory notices informal notices. caution notices

85 1

6 8 6. The mi nimu m cl eara nce o f an y o verhe ad li ne 20 m 10 m 6m 4 m. 6m

from the gro und sh ou ld be
86 1

6 87. Earthing of electric appliances is done for the safety of h uman to redu ce lin e vol ta ge for prote cti on of ele ctri c for all of the above. for all of the above.
li fe fluctua ti on e qui pmen t
87 1

6 88. Earthing is used as the return conductor for telephone lines telegraph lines traction work all of the above all of the above

88 1

6 89. The resistance of earth wire should be infinite High Reasonable very low. very low.

89 1

6 90. The earth's potential is taken as infinite supply voltage 1 volt zero. zero.

90 1

7 91. The earth wire should not be thinner than a 20 SWG wire 16 SWG wire 10 SWG wire 8 SWG wire. 8 SWG wire.

91 1

7 9 2. In a utomob ile s the so und i s p rod uced b y h orn Magnetostriction vibrating diaphragm moving coil oscillating coil. vibrating diaphragm
du e to
92 1

7 93. The current drawn by a 6 V horn is roughly 0.1 A 1A 2:00 AM 20 A. 20 A.

93 1

7 94. The hours are rated for continuous operation intermittent operation both (A) and (B) above none of the above. intermittent operation

94 1

7 95. Continuous operation of automobile horn will hel p in cha rgin g the improve mileage da mage th e ope rating change the tone. damage the operating coil
ba ttery coi l
95 1

7 96. In a constant power type load torq ue is pro po rti ona l to torqu e is pro portio nal to torqu e is in versel y torqu e is ind ep end ent to rque i s i nverse ly
spee d squ are of spe ed pro portio na l to sp eed of sp eed . prop ortion al to spee d
96 1

7 97. According to fan laws V1 / V2 = (d1 / d2 ) V1 / V2 = (d1 / d2 )2 V1 / V2 = (d1 / d2)3 V1 / V2 = (d 1 / d 2)3 V1 / V2 = (d 1 / d 2)3 (RPM1 /
(RPM1 / RPM2) (R PM1 / R PM2) (RP M1 / RPM2 ) (RPM1 / RPM2) RPM2)
97 1

7 9 8. Acco rdin g to fa n law s w hen P is the po we r d i s P 1 / P2 = (d 1 / d2 )2 P 1 / P2 = (d1 / d2)3 P 1 / P2 = (d1 / d 2)4 P 1 / P2 = (d 1 / d2 )5 P 1 / P2 = (d1 / d2)5 (N 1 / N
th e dia meter. N i s th e rpm and D i s the d ensi ty, (N 1 / N 2)3 (D1 / D 2 ) (N1 / N 2)2(D 1 / D 2) (N1 / N 2 )3(D1 / D 2) (N 1 / N 2)3 (D1 / D 2 ) 2)3(D 1 / D 2)
98 1 th en

7 9 9. Wh ich of th e fo llo win g pai r i s u sed for frequ ency Sq uirre l cage ind uction Wou nd rotor in ductio n Woun d rotor ind uction Any of the above Squi rrel cag e in ductio n motor
con verters ? motor and syn chron ous mo to r a nd synch rono us motor and squi rrel cag e a nd syn chron ous motor
99 1 mo to r motor ind uctio n motor

7 1 00. Belted w ou nd rotor in ductio n motors are machine tools gyratory crushers belt conveyor water pumps. gyratory crushers
pre fe rred for
100 1

7 101. The cooling time constant is usually e qu al to th e hea ti ng more tha n hea ti ng time none of these. more tha n he ating time
time con sta nt co nstant co nstan t
101 1

7 102 . A motor of l ess than ful l loa d pow er rating can continuous duty short time duty intermittent periodic duty none of these. short time duty
be use d if th e loa d is
102 1

7 103. Pole changing method of speed control is used in slip ring induction motor dc shunt motor dc series motor squ irrel ca ge in ductio n squirrel cage induction motor.
103 1

7 104. To save the energy during braking dynamic braking is used plugging is used reg ene rative bra king i s mech an ical b rakin g is regenerative braking is used
use d used .
104 1

7 1 05. To g et spee d hig her than th e base sp eed o f a rmature resi sta nce fi eld re sistan ce control armature voltag e none of these. field resistance control is used
the dc shun t motor control i s u sed is use d con tro l is used
105 1

8 106. Rotor resistance speed control is used in squ irrel ca ge in ductio n synchronous motor slip ring induction motor dc shunt motor. slip ring induction motor
mo to r
106 1

8 107. Effect of friction torque is more pronounced w hen th e drive i s wh en the dri ve is bei ng whe n th e drive i s b ein g wh en the d rive at hal f of when the drive is being started
run nin g on ful l spee d sta rte d sto ppe d its no rma l spe ed.
107 1

8 108 . The e qui lib rium spe ed of a motor lo ad system wh en motor torqu e whe n motor to rque i s w hen mo to r torq ue is none of the these. wh en moto r torq ue eq ual s
is ob ta ine d e qua ls th e loa d to rque le ss tha n the lo ad mo re th an the lo ad th e lo ad torqu e
108 1 torq ue torqu e

8 109. Most commonly used ac motor is Synchronous motor Slip ring induction motor Squi rrel cag e in ductio n a c co mmutator Squirrel cage induction motor
motor ind uction mo to r.
109 1

8 11 0. Th e motor common ly used i n comp uters and dc shunt motor Induction motor Stepper motor Synchronous motor. Induction motor
dig ital systems is
110 1

8 11 1. Overa ll efficie ncy of stea m loco motive system 5 to 10% 25 to 30% 55 to 60% 75 to 80%. 5 to 10%
is clo se to
111 1

8 11 2. In a stea m l ocomo ti ve ele ctri c p owe r i s battery system diesel engine generator overhead wire small turbo generator. small turbo generator.
provi de d th roug h
112 1

8 113. Maximum horse power of steam locomotive is 100 500 1500 2500 1500

113 1

8 114. The pressure of steam in a locomotive is 10-15 kg/cm2 20 - 30 kg/cm2 40 - 50 kg/cm2 80 - 90 kg/cm2. 10-15 kg/cm2

114 1

8 115. The efficiency of diesel locomotives is nearly 20 - 25 percent 35 - 40 percent 50 - 55 percent 70 - 75 percent. 20 - 25 percent

115 1

8 116 . The a dvan ta ge of el ectric tra cti on ove r o th er no pollution problems faster acceleration better braking action all of the above. all of the above.
metho ds is
116 1

8 117. Suburban railways use 1500 V DC 440 V three phase AC 660 V three phase AC 3.3 kV three phase AC. 1500 V DC

117 1

8 118. Long distance railways use 200 V DC 25 kV Single phase AC 25 kV Two phase AC 25 kV Three phase AC. 25 kV Single phase AC

118 1

8 11 9. The ra ng e of h orsep owe r for di esel 100 to 500 500 to 1000 1500 to 2500 4000 to 5500. 1500 to 2500
loco motives is
119 1

8 120. Steam Engine provided on steam locomotives is Sing le a cti ng dou ble acting dou ble acting n on - si ngl e actin g non d oub le actin g no n -
con den sin g typ e cond en sing type co nde nsi ng type co nde nsin g typ e. con den sing type
120 1

9 12 1. A sub marin e wh ile mo ving u nde r w ater, i s diesel engines steam turbine gas turbine batteries. batteries.
pro vide d drivi ng p owe r thro ugh
121 1

9 12 2. Overl oad ca pa city o f di esel e ngi nes is u sual ly 1% 10% 25% 50% 10%
restricted to
122 1

9 12 3. Wh ich lo comotive h as th e hig he st op eratio nal Diesel Electric Steam All h ave sa me Electric
avai lab ili ty a vail abi lity.
123 1

9 124. Which motor is used in tramways AC sin gle p ha se AC three phase motor DC series motor DC shunt motor. DC series motor
capa citor sta rt motor
124 1

9 12 5. A dri ve suitab le for mine s w here expl osive g as Diesel engine Steam engine Battery locomotive Any of the above. Battery locomotive
e xist, is
125 1

9 transistor thermistor sensor transducer transducer

126 1 126. A sensing device is also called

9 synchronous motor squi rrel cag e ind uction wou nd rotor in ductio n dc motor. dc motor.
motor motor
127 1 1 27. Wh en qu ick spe ed reve rsal is a con side ration ,
th e motor preferre d is

9 128 . In motor circui t static frequ ency cha nge rs a re p owe r fa cto r improved cooling reversal of direction speed regulation. speed regulation.
u sed for impro vemen t
128 1

9 1 29 . Ward-L eon ard con tro lle d dc dri ves are light duty excavators me diu m d uty heavy duty excavators all of the above. heavy duty excavators
g en eral ly used for exca vators
129 1

9 130. The hours are rated for continuous operation intermittent operation both (A) and (B) above none of the above. intermittent operation

130 1

13 1. Su m o f al l to rque s acting o n a bod y i s ze ro,

131 1 thi s co ndi ti on re prese nts e qui lib rium's first condition second condition third condition fourth condition second condition

1 32. If 2n d cond ition o f e qui lib rium is satisfie d, b ody
132 1 translational equilibrium rotational equilibrium static equilibrium dynamic equilibrium rotational equilibrium
wi ll be i n

1 33. If fi rst con ditio n of equ ili briu m i s sa ti sfi ed, th en
133 1 translational equilibrium rotational equilibrium static equilibrium dynamic equilibrium translational equilibrium
b od y w ill b e in

134 1 13 4. Two force s w hich ma ke up N ewton 's th ird la w act on same objects act on different objects not act at same time not act oppositely act on different objects

whe n motor to rque i s w hen mo to r torq ue is
135 1 135 .The e qu ilib rium sp eed o f a motor lo ad system wh en motor torqu e le ss tha n the lo ad mo re th an the lo ad none of the these. wh en moto r torq ue eq ual s
is ob ta ine d e qua ls th e loa d to rque th e lo ad torqu e
torq ue torqu e

136 . The mag nitu de of ele ctro magn etic or Te  ∝ (sta to r fie ld Te  ∝ (rotor fi eld Te  ∝(stator fi eld Te   ∝(sta to r fie ld stren gth)
136 1 intera ction torq ue, in al l rotating ma chi nes, is give n stre ngth)si nδ stren gth)sin δ streng th )(rotor fi eld Te  ∝ sin δ (rotor fiel d streng th )sinδ
b y  streng th )sinδ

10 maximum zero or no to rque i s minimum none of the mentioned zero or no torque is developed
13 7. In a rotatin g el ectrical ma chin e with 2 po les o n deve lo ped
137 1 th e sta to r a nd 4 po le s o n th e rotor, sp aced equ all y,
the n et e lectroma gne ti c torq ue d evel ope d is 

10 g reater than th e sta to r l ess th an the stator equal to the stator poles eithe r grea te r o r l esser equal to the stator poles
138 . For th e de velo pmen t of ele ctro magn etic po les p ol es th an the stator po les
138 1 torq ue i n a rotating e lectrica l machi ne , the nu mber
o f rotor po les must be

10 139 . Which o f the fol low ing l oad n ormal ly nee ds blowers conveyors Air compressors centrifugal pumps conveyors
starting torq ue more th an the rated torq ue ?
139 1

10 1 40 .Whi ch ele ctro magn et i s p referred fo r n oise less DC operated AC operated Any of the above. none of the above DC operated
o pera ti on ?
140 1

10 141. In a constant power type load torq ue is pro po rti ona l to torqu e is pro portio nal to torqu e is in versel y torqu e is ind ep end ent to rque i s i nverse ly
spee d squ are of spe ed pro portio na l to sp eed of sp eed . prop ortion al to spee d
141 1

10 142. In fan type load torq ue is pro po rti ona l to torqu e is pro portio nal to torqu e is in versel y torqu e is ind ep end ent torq ue is pro portio nal to
spee d squ are of spe ed pro portio na l to sp eed of sp eed . sq uare o f spe ed
142 1

10 143. In generator type load torq ue is pro po rti ona l to torqu e is pro portio nal to torqu e is in versel y torqu e is ind ep end ent torque is proportional to speed
spee d squ are of spe ed pro portio na l to sp eed of sp eed .
143 1

10 14 4. The co ncep t o f V/f con tro l of i nverte rs d rivin g co nstant to rque  spe ed reve rsal  red uce d magn etic loss  h ormon ic eli mina ti on constant torque operation
i ndu cti on motors resu ls in o pe ra tion
144 1

10 145. According to fan laws  V1  / V2 = (d1  / d2) V1  / V2 = (d1  / V1 / V2  = (d 1 / V1 / V2 = (d 1 / V1 / V2 = (d 1 / d2 )3 (RPM1 /
(RPM1 / RPM2) d2)2  (R PM1 / RPM2 ) d 2)3 (RPM1  / RPM2) d2 )3 (RPM1 / R PM2) RPM2)
145 1

10 1 46. Th e sele ction o f an e lectric motor for an y Electrical characteristics Me cha nica l cost all of the above all of the above
ap pli cation d epe nd s o n whi ch of the fo llo win g ch ara cte ristics
146 1 fa cto rs?

10 14 7. Wh ich spe ed con tro l metho d preferre d fo r Field control.   Arma tu re vol ta ge  Me cha nica l loa din g  N one of a bove .   Armature vo ltage co ntrol .
constan t torqu e drive ? con tro l. system.
147 1

10 148 . En ergy savi ngs po te ntial o f va riab le torqu e higher lower equal none of the above higher
a ppl icatio ns compa red to con sta nt torq ue
148 1 a ppl icatio n is:

10 149 .El ectron ic varia ble freq uen cy d rive (VFD) provi de vari abl e spee d i ndu ces edd y-curren t in is not suitab le for doe s n ot p rovid e p rovid e varia ble sp ee d with
co nne cte d to mo tors: with hi gh e ffici ency the seco nda ry me mber vari abl e to rque l oad vari abl e spee d and has hig h efficie ncy
149 1 o f the cl utch l ow-e ffici ency
me chan ism

10 150. In a paper mill where constant speed is required synch rono us motors A.C . motors are i nd ivid ual d rive is group drive is preferred individual drive is preferred
are pre fe rred p referre d p re ferred
150 1

11 15 1. In ca se of trave lin g cran es, the mo to r AC slip ring motor Wa rd Leo nard Synchronous motor Single phase motor. AC slip ring motor
p referred for bo om ho ist i s co ntroll ed DC sh unt
151 1 motor

11 152. A four quadrant operation requires tw o fu ll con verters in  two ful l conve rte rs  two fu ll con verter  two se mi conve rte rs  two ful l conve rte r co nne cted
se ri es. co nne cte d in pa rall el. conn ected i n back to co nne cted in b ack to in b ack to b ack.
152 1 b ack. ba ck.

11 1 53 . In 4 qua dran t o pera ti on of a hoi st 3rd q ua dran t reverse motoring.   reverse braki ng.   fo rw ard b rakin g.   forw ard motori ng. reverse motoring.
re prese nts
153 1

11 154 . In 4 qu adra nt o pera ti on o f a ho ist 1 st reverse motoring.   reverse braki ng.   fo rw ard b rakin g.   forw ard motori ng.   forw ard motori ng.
q ua dran t rep resen ts
154 1

11 155 . In 4 qu adra nt o pera ti on o f a ho ist 2 n d reverse motoring.   reverse braki ng.   fo rw ard b rakin g.   forw ard motori ng.   forwa rd braki ng.
q ua dran t rep resen ts
155 1

11 156 . In 4 qua dran t o pera ti on of a hoi st 4 th reverse motoring.   reverse braki ng.   fo rw ard b rakin g.   forw ard motori ng.   reve rse braki ng.
q ua dran t rep resen ts
156 1

11 15 7. Whi ch of th e fo llo win g motors is preferre d fo r single phase motor synchronous motor AC slip ring motor ward l eo nard co ntroll ed AC slip ring motor
boo m h oist of a trvel lin g cran e? dc sh unt motor
157 1

11 1 58 . For whi ch of the fol low ing a pp lica ti ons motor oil expeller floor mill lifts and hoists centrifugal pumps lifts and hoists
ha s to start with hi gh acce lera ti on?
158 1

11 159. Cranes are used for lifting and lowering vertical transportation both ‘a’ and ‘b’ none of the above both ‘a’ and ‘b’

159 1

11 160 . Bu ses, trai ns,cars,hoi st, crane s requ irin g hig h DC series motor DC shunt motors induction motors all of the above DC series motor
starting to rque a nd there fo re make u se of
160 1

11 1 61. By keep ing mo ment of i ne rtia of a b ody   Rema ins con sta nt     Beco mes hal f   Do ubl es Quadruples     Beco mes hal f
con sta nt, i f we d oub le the time pe rio d, the n ang ula r
161 1 momen tu m of b ody 

11 16 2.Differe nt p arts o f a lo ad ma y b e coup led gear V belt crank soft all of the above all of the above
thro ugh ---
162 1

11 163. The drive parameters are used to find e qui vale nt mo ment of equ ival ent to rque all of the above none of the above all of the above
ine rtia co mpon ents
163 1

11 16 4. Fo r i ncrea sing the a ngu lar ve loci ty of a obj ect  40 %      20 %     10%       21 %       21 %
by 10 %, the ki netic en erg y h as to b e incre ase d by
164 1

11 16 5. Two b odi es ha ve th eir mome nts o f in ertia I  1:2      2:1          
a nd 2 I resp ectivel y a bou t thei r a xis of rotation . If
165 1 th eir kin etic ene rgie s o f ro ta ti on are e qua l, th eir
ang ula r mo menta wi ll be i n th e ratio o f

12 166 . A mass is revol ving i n a circle w hich i s in the  Up ward to the ra diu s Towards the radius Tangential   At rig ht a ngl e to Tangential
pla ne o f the pa per. Th e di re ction o f an gul ar a ngu lar vel ocity
166 1 a ccele ration i s

12 167.Angular momentum is  A scala r A polar vector   A scal ar as wel l as   An axi al vector   An axi al vector
ve cto r
167 1

12 168 . Which i s th e wron g rela ti on from th e  τ = I α    F = ma     L = I ω    I = τ α    I = τ α

fol low ing ? 
168 1

12 1 69 . Two circu lar di scs A an d B h ave e qua l masses  I1 > I2    I1 >> I2 I1  < I2    I1 = I2 I1 < I2
and u nifo rm thi ckness bu t ha ve den sitie s ρ 1 and
169 1 ρ2  such that ρ1>ρ2. their moment of inertia is

12 170 .Wh en a torqu e acting u po n a syste m i s ze ro

then the q ua ntity w hich re main s co nstant is 
170 1 Force                              Lin ear mome ntum      Linear impulse    An gul ar momen tu m Force                        

12 171 .Th e to ta l ene rgy of ro lli ng rin g of mass ‘m’ an d  3/2 mv2                          mv2                             1/2 mv2 5/2 mv2    mv2                             
rad ius ‘R ’
171 1

12 represents Ro ta ti on al kin etic     Po te ntia l ene rgy of a     Torqu e on a pa rticle   Po wer Ro ta ti ona l kin etic ene rgy of a
ene rgy of a p article   pa rti cle                       p article  
172 1

12 1 73. If a bo dy is rotating a bo ut a n axis, passi ng   Ra diu s                          C ircumfere nce           Tangent Axis of rotation Axis of rotation
thro ugh i ts cen tre of ma ss the n its a ngu la r
173 1 mome ntum is dire cte d alo ng i ts 

12 174. Dimensions of angular momentum is [M1L -2T-2]                      [M1 L2T-2]                   [M-1L-2T-1] [M1L0T-1]    [M1 L2T-2]                  

174 1

12 17 5. A co nstant to rque o f 3 1.4 N-m is app lie d to a  1 .5 kg m2                      3.5 kg m2                  2.5 kg m2 4.5 kg m2 2.5 kg m2
p ivoted w hee l. If the ang ula r a ccele ration o f the
175 1 w hee l is 4prad /s 2, then th e momen t o f i nerti a of the
whe el is

12 1 76.The mo ment of i nertia o f a co ppe r d isc, ro ta ti ng  Incre ases f i ts   Cha nge s i f its axis of    In crease s i f its   Bo th (a) and (b ) a re   Bo th (a ) a nd (b) are correct
a bou t an a xis pa ssi ng thro ugh i ts cen tre a nd te mpe ra ture is ro ta ti on is cha nge d a ng ula r ve loci ty is corre ct
176 1 pe rpen dicu lar to its p lan e  inc re ase d                   i ncrea sed

12 1 77. Fo r incre asin g th e ang ula r ve lo city o f an o bje ct  40 %                           1 0%                   20%           2 1%           2 1%
by 10%, the ki neti c en ergy h as to b e incre ase d by
177 1

12 178. The term moment of momentum is called Momentum Torque Force Angular momentum Angular momentum

178 1

12 179 . When a ma ss i s ro ta ting i n a pla ne ab ou t a Th e radi us               The tan gen t to orb it   The l ine a t an a ngl e of    The axi s o f rotatio n    Th e axi s o f rotatio n
fixe d po int its a ngu lar mome ntum is dire cted al ong . 45 ° to the p lan e of
179 1 ro ta ti on

12 1 80. Wh en a stea dy to rque i s a cti ng o n a bod y, the  Con ti nue s i n its state of     Ge ts li nea r    Ge ts an gul ar   R otates at a co nstan t   Ro ta te s a t a co nstant spee d
bo dy rest o r u nifo rm mo ti on a ccele ratio n accel eratio n                spe ed
180 1 a lon g a straig ht
lin e               

13 181. If a body doesn't rotates then its motion is Vibratory rotatory both A and B Translational Translational

181 1

13 18 2.  Spi nni ng o f bo dy abo ut i ts a xis is rotatory circular translational none of above rotatory

182 1

13 183. Motion of riders in Ferris wheel is rotatory translational non relative none of above translational

183 1

13 18 4.  If li ne of motio n is curved the n bod y e xhi bit linear motion rotatory motion translational motion vibratory motion translational motion

184 1

13 185 . The motio n of pla nets in the sol ar syste m i s a n Mass Linear momentum Angular momentum Energy Mass
e xampl e of th e conse rvation o f
185 1

13 1 86 . Ce ntre of ma ss o f two bo dy system divi des the Inve rse of sq ua re of the    Inverse o f mass   Th e ratio o f the squ are    The ra ti o of ma ss    Inve rse of ma ss
distan ce be tw een two b odi es, is prop ortion al to mass                     of ma ss                  
186 1

13 187 . Mome nt o f in ertia d epe nds up on the   Mass of the b ody        Distrib ution o f mass     Posi tion o f axi s o f    All of th ese    All of th ese
of the bod y rotation               
187 1

13 1 88. Tw o disc wi th sa me mass but differe nt ra dii   Rol lin g disc ha s   Sl idi ng d isc has    Both h ave same   Th e di sc w ith grea te r   Sl idi ng di sc h as grea ter
are movi ng wi th sa me K.E. on e of the m ro lls an d grea te r ve loci ty g reater vel ocity vel ocity                  rad iu s w ill ha ve gre ater vel ocity
188 1 o th er slid es with out fri cti on. Th en ve loci ty.

13 189. Velocity is the Distan ce covere d per d ispl aceme nt co vered time take n pe r u nit time take n per un it d ispl aceme nt co vered per
uni t time pe r u ni t time d istance d ispl aceme nt uni t time
189 1

13 1 90. Th e act, pro cess or state of the ch ang e in rest stationary motion none of the above motion
pla ce or posi ti on of a bo dy with resp ect to time a nd
190 1 rel ative to th e obse rver is said to b e

13 1 91. Refere nce to ab ility of an ob ject to re tu rn to its Stability Equilibrium Centre of gravity Turning effect Stability
orig ina l po sition a fter it has be en til te d slig htly is
191 1 termed a s

13 192 . There a re th ree ki nds of equ ili briu m, wh ich of Stable equilibrium Metastable equilibrium Unstable equilibrium Neutral equilibrium Metastable equilibrium
fol low ing i s o dd on e ou t?
192 1

13 193 .Whe n an ob je ct is tilted sl igh tl y a nd it to pp les Unstable equilibrium Stable equilibrium Neutral equilibrium Stability Unstable equilibrium
ove r, state is termed
193 1

13 19 4.Which a mong the se is rela te d to th e critical Transient stability limit  Stead y state stab ility  Fre qu ency li mit  All o f these Transient stability limit
cl eari ng time of a fa ult in a p owe r system?   l imit
194 1

13 19 5.Wh ich amo ng the se cann ot b e dete rmi ne d Critical clearing angle  C ritical cl ea ri ng time Transient stability limit  Both (a) an d (b)  Critica l clea ring time
from eq ual a rea criteri on?  
195 1

14 1 96 .Wha t are the co mmon assu mptio ns made for Th e tra nsmissi on li ne Ro to r sp eed o f the  Mecha nica l inp ut All of these All of these
the eq ual a rea crite ri on ?  and ma chi ne mach ine i s co nstan t remai ns constan t.
196 1 resistan ces are
ne gle cted.

14 197 .The stab ili ty o f the po wer system is not  Gen erator rea cta nce Line reactance Excitatio n of the Line losses Line losses
affected by: g en erator
197 1

14 198.What is transient stability limit? The ma ximum flo w of  The maximu m p owe r  Th e maximu m flo w of All of these  The ma ximum flow o f po wer
p owe r thro ugh a flow p ossib le throu gh a pow er th roug h a thro ugh a particu lar po int in
198 1 pa rti cula r p oin t i n th e particu lar comp one nt p articul ar po int in the the po wer system witho ut
po wer system with out conn ected in the p ow er p owe r sy ste m w ithou t loss of stabi lity whe n larg e
l oss of sta bili ty w hen system. loss of stabi lity whe n a nd sud den d isturba nce s
smal l disturb an ces la rge an d sud den occur
14 1 99 .Whi ch amon g th e fo llo win g metho ds is used for In creasi ng the
occu r. system  Red ucin g the transfer U sing
di stuhrba
ig hnces
d circui
r t  All o f these  All o f these
i mprovi ng the system stabi lity? vo ltage reactan ce  b reake r
199 1

14 20 0. Wh at i s the va lue o f tran sien t stabi lity limi t? Hig her than ste ady Low er th an stea dy sta te  De pen din g up on the  All o f these Lo wer than stea dy sta te
state stab ili ty li mit sta bil ity l imit. seve rity o f l oad stabi lity limi t.
200 1

14 201.Equal area criteria gives the information regarding Stability region Absolute Stability Relative Stability Swing Curves Absolute Stability

201 1

14 202.Which one of the following is true Stea dy State Sta bil ity Stead y State Stab ility Ste ady State Sta bi lity None of the above Stea dy Sta te Stab ili ty li mit i s
limi t is gre ater th an limi t is eq ua l to l imit is lee th an g reater than Tran sien t
202 1 Transi ent Sta bil ity l imit Tra nsie nt Stab ili ty li mit Tran sien t Stabi lity limi t Stab ili ty li mit

14 20 3.Und er wha t co ndi ti on is the system sta ble The a rea u nde r the The are a un der the Th e area und er th e None of these The are a un der the curve
u nde r e qu al are a criterio n?  curve Pa  – δ cu rve curve Pa – δ curve cu rve Pa – δ curve Pa  – δ cu rve must re duce to
203 1 must incre ase to ∞. mu st b ecome e qua l to 1 must redu ce to ze ro. ze ro.

14 20 4.Wh y a re th e serie s ca pa citors used ?   Impro ve th e vol ta ge  Red uce the faul t le vel  C ompe nsate for lin e  Impro ves the po wer  Comp en sate fo r l ine
ind uctive rea cta nce an d fa cto r in ductive re actan ce and
204 1 i mprove th e sta bil ity o f imp rove the stabi lity of th e
the po wer system. pow er syste m.

14 205 .Whi ch amon g th e foll owi ng metho ds are use d Re du cing the re actance  By usi ng b und led  By incre asi ng the  All o f these  All o f these
to i mprove ste ady state sta bil ity?  betwe en the con du cto rs. excitatio n of g ene rator
205 1 tran smissio n and or motor o r b oth.
re ceivi ng po ints.

14 206.What is the range of ‘δ’ for stable operation? 0° < δ < 45°  45 ° < δ < 90 °  0 ° < δ < 90 °  0 ° < δ < 12 0°  0° < δ < 90°

206 1

14 207 .Wha t is po wer an gle equ ation o f synch ron ous An equ ation betwe en  An e qua ti on be tw ee n  An eq uatio n betwe en  An equ ation b etwe en An equ ation b etwe en
mach ine s?  el ectrical p ow er me chan ica l pow er e le ctri cal po wer mecha ni cal po wer e lectrica l pow er gen erated to
207 1 ge nera te d to th e gen erate d to the g ene rated to the ge nera ted to th e the an gul ar disp lace men t of
an gul ar disp la cemen t of ang ula r d isp lace ment of a ngu lar d ispl aceme nt o f an gu lar di spla cemen t of th e rotor
th e rotor the rotor stator wi ndi ngs stator win din gs
14 20 8.Wh ich po int on the g raph re prese nts th e Point A  Poi nt B  Po int C  Poi nt D Point A
ste ady state stabi lity limi t of th e syste m?
208 1

14 20 9. Wha t is stead y sta te stab ili ty li mit?  The ma ximum flo w of  The maximu m p owe r  Th e maximu m flo w of  All o f these The ma ximum flow o f po wer
p owe r thro ugh a flow p ossib le throu gh a pow er th roug h a thro ugh a particu lar po int in
209 1 pa rti cula r p oin t i n th e particu lar comp one nt p articul ar po int in the the po wer system witho ut
po wer system with out conn ected in the p ow er p owe r sy ste m w ithou t l oss of sta bil ity w hen sma ll
l oss of sta bili ty w hen system. loss of stabi lity whe n distu rb an ces occur.
smal l disturb an ces sudd en di stu rban ces
14 210 .The stea dy state sta bil ity o f the po we r system Usin g machi
occunesr. o f hi gh C onn ecting Cooccu
nne cti
r ng Red ucin g th e excitatio n Con nectin g tra nsmissi on in
ca n be imp roved b y: i mped ance transmi ssion lin e in tra nsmissi on i n para lle l of th e machi nes p aral lel
210 1 serie s

15 211 . If the torq ue an gle o f the a lterna to r i ncrea ses Stea dy state sta bil ity Tra nsie nt s ta te stab ili ty Instability None of the above Instability
in defin itel y the system wi ll sho w: limi t l imit
211 1

15  2 12.For whi ch one o f the fol low ing type s o f mo to rs, three p ha se  Th ree ph ase i ndu cti on  DC serie s mo tor  DC sh unt motor three p ha se synchro nou s
i s the e qua l are a criterio n fo r stab ili ty ap pli cabl e? syn chron ou s mo to r motor mo to r
212 1

15 21 3.The dri ve is said to be in eq uil ibri um if the equal to the load torque less than load torque greater than load torque all of the above equal to the load torque
torq ue d evel ope d by th e motor is exa ctl y 
213 1

15 2 14.The eq uil ib ri um po int is sta ble , the foll owi ng loa d to rque i s g reater loa d to rqu e is less than lo ad torqu e is eq ual none of the above loa d to rqu e is grea te r tha n
cond itio ns are satisfie d tha n motor to rque motor to rque to motor torqu e motor torqu e
214 1

15 215.Which system is stable system of drive? a,b,c d,e,f g none of the above a,b,c

215 1

15 216.Which system is unstable system of drive? a,b,c d,e,f g none of the above d,e,f

216 1

15 217.Which system is intermittent condition of drive? a,b,c d,e,f g none of the above g

217 1

15 21 8.For whi ch amon g th e fo llo win g case s i s the One ma chin e and  No l oad o n bu s b ar  Ma ny machi nes an d  All o f these One mach ine a nd in fi nite b us
e qua l area cri terio n of stab ili ty use d? i nfini te b us ba r infin ite bu s b ar bar
218 1

15 2 19. Th e stead y-sta te stab ili ty li mit o f a An in crea se in its     An in crease i n th e   A d ecrea se in the An in crease i n th e   A de crea se in the mome nt
synchro no us gen erator can b e in crease d by reactan ce excitatio n of the momen t of in ertia of th e mo ment of ine rti a of the of i nertia of the ma chin e
219 1 ma chin e mach ine machi ne

15 22 0.Ste ady-sta te stab ili ty of pow er syste m i s the Main ta in vol ta ge a t the  Main ta in freq uen cy a t    Mai ntain a sp inn ing     Mai ntain    Main ta in a spi nni ng re serve
abi lity of the p owe r syste m to rated vol ta ge le vel exactly 50 H z rese rve marg in at all synch roni sm b etwee n ma rgin at a ll times
220 1 time s machi nes a nd extern al
tie li nes

15 221.Servo action is to the amp lifica ti on of incre ase force o f friction transfe r o f we igh t All of the above the a mp lifica tion o f bra king
bra king fo rces be tw een sh oe a nd d urin g stop fo rces
221 1 wh eel

15 22 2.Th e metho d can bri ng the lo como ti ve to d ead  Plu gg ing  Dyn amic b ra kin g  Reg ene rative bra king none of the above  Plu ggi ng
sto p
222 1

15 223 .Energ y co nsump ti ons in p rop ell ing the trai n is Work ag ain st the wo rk a ga inst gravi ty acceleration All of the above All of the above
req uire d fo r w hich o f the fol low ing ? resi sta nce to motio n wh ile mo ving u p the
223 1 grad ie nt

15 2 24.spe cific ene rgy con sumptio ns are affected b y Retard ation a nd gradient distance between stops All of the above All of the above
the w hich o f the foll owi ng factors? a ccele ration va lue s
224 1

15 225.The braking retardation is usually in the range of 0.15 to 0.30 km phps 0.30 to 0.6 km phps 0.6 to 2.4 km phps 3 to 5 km phps 3 to 5 km phps

225 1

16 22 6.Th e rate of accel eratio n on sub urba n servi ce is 0.2 to 0.5 km phps 1.6 to 4 km phps 5 to 10 km phps 15 to 25 km phps 1.6 to 4 km phps
i n the ran ge
226 1

16 227.Decleration can be obtained wh en motor torqu e whe n motor to rque wh en mo to r torq ue le ss none of the above wh en motor torqu e less tha n
e qua ls th e loa d to rque g rea te r tha n loa d to rqu e th an lo ad torqu e loa d torqu e
227 1

16 228.acceleration can be obtained wh en motor torqu e whe n motor to rque wh en mo to r torq ue le ss none of the above w hen mo tor to rque g reater
e qua ls th e loa d to rque g rea te r tha n loa d to rqu e th an lo ad torqu e than loa d to rque
228 1

16 229.Elecric drive operates in acceleration mode whe neve r i ncrea se in w hen ever de crease i n both ‘a’ and ‘b’ none of the above whe neve r i ncrea se in its
its spee d req uire d its sp ee d requ ired spe ed req uire d
229 1

16 230.Elecric drive operates in decleration mode whe neve r i ncrea se in w hen ever de crease i n both ‘a’ and ‘b’ none of the above whe neve r d ecrea se in i ts
its spee d req uire d its sp ee d requ ired spe ed req uire d
230 1

16 231.What is the formulas for acceleration? Mass x velocity  C han ge in ve loci ty /  Mass x a ccele ration  Force x di spla cemen t  Ch ang e in vel ocity / time
231 1

16 2 32.Wha t are the co nstituen ts i n spee d ti me curve Coasting.   Ini ti al a cc ele ration .   Co nstan t spe ed.   All o f these .   All o f these .
o f trai n?
232 1

16 233 .Wh en bra kes are ap pli ed o n a movin g vehi cle; Mechanical energy Heat energy Electrical energy Potential energy Heat energy
the ki netic e nerg y i s co nverted to
233 1

16 234.The mechanical brakes are operated by means of levers bell cranks cams all of the above all of the above

234 1

16 23 5.Fo r re gen erative b rakin g, th e motor whi ch is  DC shu nt motor DC compound motor  D C deri es motor  AC shu nt mo to r  DC d erie s mo to r
no t sui ta ble i s
235 1

16 23 6.In ca se of d c se rie s mo to r, the torqu e can b e Onl y ma gne ti zation  Onl y d emag ne ti zation  Both (a ) a nd (b) None of these Only magnetization curve
foun d fro m curve cu rve
236 1

16 237.Which among the following is mechanical braking? Pneumatic braking  Plug gi ng  Dyn amic bra king  R ege nera ti ve braki ng Pneumatic braking

237 1

16 238 .Thre e pha se in ductio n motor is not suitab le for Low starting torque High starting current  Co nstan t spe ed  All o f these  All o f these
tra cti on pu rpose b eca use op eratio n
238 1

16 239 . AC seri es motors are most suita ble for Urban services  Sub-u rban se rvices  Ma in li ne servi ces  All o f these  Mai n lin e service s

239 1

16 2 40.The moto r wh ich i s mo st sui ta ble for the DC series motor  D C shun t mo to r  Sin gle p hase a c se rie s Thre e pha se ind uctio n DC series motor
tra cti on wo rk i s / are motor mo to r
240 1

17 241 .D urin g plu ggi ng, the spe ed of th e motor Motor wil l contin ue to Mo to r w ill co ntin ue to Motor will come to rest None of these Motor will come to rest
grad ual ly decre ases. If the sup ply to th e motor is rotate in the sa me rotate in the re verse
241 1 not cut - o ff th en the  dire cti on d irectio n

17 242 .Whi ch of th e fo llo win g are el ectrical b rakin g plugging  d ynami c  re ge nera ti ve  a ll of the ab ove  a ll of th e abo ve
me th ods ?
242 1

17 24 3.Pola rity o f sup ply vol ta ge i s re versed i n whi ch Regenerative braking.   Dyn amic b ra kin g.   Pl ug gin g.   No ne o f these .   Plu ggi ng.
type of braki ng?
243 1

17 244.In industries which electrical braking is preferred? Regenerative braking.   Plug gi ng.   Dyn amic bra king .   N one o f the ab ove . Regenerative braking.

244 1

17 245.High braking torque produced in plugging.   dyna mic braki ng.   rege ne rative bra king .   non e of abo ve. plugging.

245 1

17 24 6.In whi ch braki ng ba ck e mf e xceed s su ppl y Regenerative.  Dyn amic.  Plug gin g.  N one o f these . Regenerative.
vol ta ge?
246 1

17 247.The slip of an induction motor during DC rheostatic braking is2 - s. 1 - s. 2 + s.  s.  s.

247 1

17 24 8.Dire cti on o f rotatio n of d c mo to r is chan ged b y Intercha ng ing su ppl y Intercha ngi ng fiel d Either A or B. None. Interchanging field terminals.
whi ch of the fo llo win g method s? termin als. te rmina ls.
248 1

17 249.Linear induction motor is used in which purpose? Traction. Magnetic attraction. Mechanical workshop. Textile mills. Traction.

249 1

17 250.The power brake may be exerted by electrical energy engine vacuum air pressure all of the above electrical energy

250 1

17 2 51.It is ad vised n ot to ru n dc serie s mo to r w ith no Beca use zero torq ue at Beca use zero torq ue a s Becau se infin ite to rqu e None of the mentioned Becau se zero torqu e at no
l oad . Why? no l oad w ill ma ke spee d no lo ad w ill n ot l et wil l be pro duce d l oad w ill ma ke spe ed in fi nite
251 1 i nfini te machi ne start

17 252 . Iden ti fy the sp eed torq ue cha racteristics o f a (a)

dc seri es motor.
252 1

17 25 3.Th e spee d to rqu e of the d iffe rentia l compo un d This is an u nstabl e The re is rege nera ti ve This is imp ractical to All of the mentioned All of the mentioned
d c mo to r i s sh own b elo w. Wh at co nclu sion s ca n be machi ne i ncreme nt i n th e spee d be use d
253 1 ma de?

17 254 . The torq ue cha racteristic is be st d escrib ed for

a dc seri es motor with re spect to a rmature curre nt
254 1 is none of the above

17 2 55.The torq ue vs armature cu rrent of a differen ti al

comp oun d motor in the stron g fi eld i s
255 1 none of the above

18 25 6.An ind uction mo tor whe n loa ded from no loa d Bo th a re dire ctl y Both are in versel y Di rectly prop ortio nal to In dep end ent of slip , Dire ctl y p ropo rti ona l to the
to fu ll lo ad, its sl ip al so varie s from s=1 to s=0. p ropo rti ona l to th e slip pro portio na l to the sl ip the sl ip, inve rsely p ropo rti on al to th e slip slip , in versel y p rop ortion al to
256 1 Then the torq ues in th e low sl ip reg ion a nd in hig h prop ortion al to the sli p the sl ip
slip re gio n is

18 2 57.If a n ind uction mo to r i s o pera ti ng a t a po int in Stable Unstable Eithe r stab le or None of these Unstable
th e hi gh sli p regi on, th en the mo to r w ill b e un sta ble d epe ndi ng o n
257 1 th e torqu e

18 25 8.Th e valu e of sl ip for motori ng, gen eratin g an d S > 1, 0 = s = 1, s < 0 S < 0, 0 = s = 1, s > 1 0 = s = 1, s > 1, s < 1 0 = s = 1, s < 0, s > 1 0 = s = 1, s < 0, s > 1
b rakin g reg ion re spective ly are
258 1

18 259 .Whe n th e slip of a n ind uction ma chin e is Motor Generator Synchronous machine None of these Generator
n ega ti ve, it i s ru nni ng as a
259 1

18 26 0.Cho ose the be st o ption w hich i den ti fi es ab out (1 )serie s mo to r (2 ) (1)Cu mula tive (1)Cu mula ti ve (1 )Shun t motor (2) (1 )serie s mo to r (2 )
th e bel ow cha racteristi cs . Cu mula ti ve comp oun d compo und mo to r (2 ) co mpou nd motor (2) seri es motor (3) C umul ative co mpou nd motor
260 1 motor (3) Shun t motor seri es motor (3) Shun t Shun t motor (3) seri es Cu mula ti ve comp oun d (3) Shu nt mo to r
motor motor mo to r

18 261 .Wh ich of th e sta nda rds are a ppl icab le for  In dia n sta nda rds British standards Interna ti ona l ele ctro  All o f these  All o f these
de sign ing i ndu cti on mo to rs? tech nica l commissi ons
261 1 stan dard s

18 26 2. Whi ch amon g th ese i s n ot a type o f sin gl e  Spl it p hase Synchronous motor  Cap acitor start  Ca paci to r ru n Synchronous motor
ph ase AC motor?
262 1

18 26 3.What is / are the cri te ria use d for choo sing The bearing type  Th e form o f stator  The po sitio n of sh aft  All o f the se   All o f these  
di ffere nt typ es of frame for rotary el ectrical
263 1 mach ine s?

18 264.Which motor is preferred for cement industry? Squirrel cage motor  Syn chron ou s mo to r  Un ive rsal motor DC series motor  Synchro nou s mo to r

264 1

18 265 . Which a mong th e fo llo win g fa cto rs a ffect th e R eli abi lity  a nd Instal latio n & Running cost, KVAr all of the above all of the above
co st of motor? Avai lab ility Commi ssion ing ch arge s
265 1

18 26 6.On wha t factors is th e rated vo ltage se lected Motor rating Starting current  Faul t le vel s o f sup ply  All o f these  All o f these
fo r a n ind uction mo tor?
266 1

18 2 67.What is th e maximu m p ermissi ble vo ltag e drop 1 5 – 20 % o f the rated 20 – 2 5 % of th e rated  5 – 1 0 % of the ra te d 0 – 5 % of th e rated 15 – 20 % of the rated voltage
tha t ca n be sustai ned w hil e starting a n ele ctri cal vo ltage vol ta ge   volta ge  vo ltag e 
267 1 ro ta ting ma chin e?

18 26 8.Wh at d esig natio n is use d fo r n on spa rking typ e Ex(d)  Ex(p )  Ex(N) Ex(e)  Ex(N)
of mo to r?
268 1

18 269 .Si ngl e pha se motors are co mmercia lly 1H.P. 2 H.P. 5 H.P. 10 H.P. 2 H.P.
ma nufa ctu red up to
269 1

18 270.A universal motor operates on constan t spe ed a nd constan t lo ad a nd a ppro ximatel y co nstant synchro no us spee d app roxi ma tely con sta nt
varyin g loa d varyi ng spe ed spee d an d loa d with va ryi ng l oad . sp eed a nd lo ad
270 1

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