Naruto 525 R

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The Kages Revived

Naruto, Ch.525
Review by Alterno
Scanlation by Mangastream


Well as we expected we are getting to know more about the new faces and we are even getting to see
new shinobi, like the second Mizukage. Gaara's sand was capable of detecting 2nd Tsuchikage, act that
was praised by the 2nd Tsuchikage himself. This chapter bring a lot of new stuff to think about, but
more than anything is good transition chapter, as it introduces new faces and widen the spectrum of
what we can expect from the rest of the Edo Tensei involved in this conflict, but also opens the
possibility of seeing even more Edo Tensei summons; For example we never expected to see the rest of
the seven swordsmen ninjas, neither we were expecting to see the 2nd Mizukage.

This could open the range to a lot of new possibilities, not only about the abilities of these characters,
but also about the who and what we could see in these fights.

The alliance actually had several victories, but most of these are small victories as these fights are not
really over, in all ongoing conflicts there's at least 1 or 2 of Kabuto's summons that are still capable of

This war is not just about hack and slash, is also a fight of intellect and I wonder which team will be
the one to win the first battle, Kabuto's and his egomaniac mind or the alliance with Shikaku,
Shikmaru and Kakashi's minds; We still need to see what Madara is doing, how he is handling the
situation, if he have something in mind, besides keeping Kabuto in check.

The Kages (the current ones), are actually doing what they are expected to do when the war is going
on, they are pretty much waiting for special situations, just like the one that actually showed up,
Muu, the 2nd Tsuchikage.

By the way, Do you guys like the movies that starts with the final scene and then starts and move
progressively to that scene?, One of my teachers asked that to my group by the beginning of the class
and then he just said: Ok then... Homework
Muu, The 2nd Tsuchikage
Last week we got to know the name and identity of the mummy like shinobi, Muu of Iwakure, the 2 nd

However what we didn't know, is that he had an special ability that only the 3rd Tsuchikage possess
and this is the ability to use Jinton 塵遁 (Dust-Element/Particle Style). We also got the information
that this element is actually the result of the combination of three elements, earth, wind and fire. So
now we know that there only have existed two shinobi with this ability, the 2nd and 3rd Tsuchikage.

However is also interesting to know that Muu was also capable of hiding completely his presence, to
the point that even the best sensors couldn't detect, this talk greatly about Muu's ability and the same
time speaks highly of Gaara's control and use of his sand.

The Black Zetsu

The black Zetsu is becoming more and more interesting, from the first we saw him in the manga, we
knew about Zetsu's different personalities, the black was a bit more serious than than the white
Zetsu.. The way both speak and the way their text are written in the original manga shows that
there's a difference in their personalities.

While we are 100% sure that white Zetsu proceeds from the 1st Hokage's cell, we are not really sure
from where the black side proceeds, some of us believe that he can actually proceed from Uchiha
Madara's cells.

Right know Zetsu's target seems to be the Damyio (feudal lords), which are the maximum political
power of the nations that host shinobi nations.

There are few ideas that come to my mind, but I’ll formulate them as questions at the end of this
review and at the forum.
Shikaku's mind
Shikaku is without any doubt the smarter shinobi of the manga, the only man who can actually beat
Shikamaru at shogi. However for first time we are watching two genius colliding, the first one is
Shikaku who has a plan and Kabuto who is actually smart, we still don't know how smart, but both at
the moment are just coordinating their armies.

The man is actually determined to go into the battlefield with his teammates, this could be a great
thing to see this team in a full fledged war, considered how well chouza fought against Pain and how
fast he was able to shield his son with his own body, it just raised the expectations for this team.

...The Edo Tensei Army

The Attack of the Clones and the Edo Tensei, is the title for this part of the review. However the name
was so long that I decided to used the (…), as part of the title. Is interesting the huge number of Zetsu,
I can't really imagine how hard and fast the Kishimoto and his team work drawing all these Zetsus,
but is actually an amazing job.

However this time I would like to focus more on the Edo Tensei army, it seems that we might have the
chance to see even more characters than the one we expected, the thing here is some us might have
underestimated the power of these Edo Tensei characters and we might get to see some really great
moves from characters like Dan and the rest of the Edo Tensei, although it seems obvious that the
characters that we really want to see fighting at this moment are: The Seven Mist's Swordsmen, The
Kages and the former Jinchuuriki and Nagato!, maybe not exactly in that order for everyone but I
hope I nailed one or two of these characters.
Is really interesting that Ao was capable of sensing Nine tail's chakras in two of the Edo Tensei bodies,
this mean that we might have a chance to see what were capable the Jinchuurikis and their jutsus,
using at least the same type of chakra that they had when they were alive.

Ginkaku and Kinkaku, they seem to hold a secret of Kumogakure; Hod did kumo get access to the
Kyuubi's chakra?, did they actually tried to do something with Naruto or maybe Kushina?, why The
Raikage decided to go to the battleground after knowing that these 2 were also being controlled by
Kabuto and....
Kages Revived
… Former Kages were revived by Kabuto, which in my opinion is amazing, not only because it shows
that Kabuto indeed have researched and worked a lot to gain access to samples of their DNA, but also
because he indeed have summoned only powerful shinobi so far, that's why I can't wait to see Dan
and Hyūga Hizashi, and maybe a bit more from Asuma as well.

However a great thing that came from the summoning of these Edo Tensei, is the confirmation of the
2nd Hokage being capable of using the jutsu that he created, because the previous chapter were a bit
ambiguous about whether or not he just designed the concept or that in fact that he was capable of
summoning dead shinobis.

It was also really funny to see that the 2nd Mizukage and 2nd Tsuchikage killed each other, which
makes me wonder about how strong the 2nd Mizukage could be or about any special techniques that
he could have to deal with Jinton, in other words, is not like it was said that only the Oonoki could
deal with Muu.

This was a transition chapter, it sets up for “I hope” great developments. While I think that keeping
the fight short is a great way to deal with so many characters, I think the author should be careful
about when or when not to keep these fight that short, for example a fight between Kage should last
at least 6 to 8 chapters and I hope we get to see that, or some spectacular development that could
make up for fight that lasts 3 or 4 chapters.
1. What is Zetsu After? A) Kidnap the feudal lords B) Kill the feudal lords C) Invite them to join
Tobi. D) Other, share your thoughts
2. What do you think about Ginkaku and Kinkaku?
3. Do you think that we'll get to see more Kages, maybe others 1st Kages?
4. What are you expecting Dan to be good at: Ninjutsu, Taejutsu, Genjutsu or are you expecting
him to have a Kekkai Genkai.?

God bless, thank you for reading the review and have a nice day.

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