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4 – 44.

Application of Overhead

a. Purchased direct materials and indirect materials with the following summary of receiving

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

Persediaan Bahan Baku $31,000
Kas $31,000
(mencatat pembelian bahan

b. Issued direct materials and indirect materials with this summary of requisitions.

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

BOP Sesungguhnya $39,000
BDP-Job X $11,000
BDP-Job Y $24,000
Persediaan bahan baku $74,000

(mencatat pemakaian bahan

baku sesuai masing – masing

c. Factory labor incurred is summarized by these time tickets:

Job X $22,000, Job Y $15,000, indirect labor $28,000

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

Biaya gaji dan upah $65,000
Utang gaji dan upah $65,000

(mencatat gaji dan upah yg

masih harus dibayar, sesuai
time tickets)

BDP-Job X $22,000
BDP-Job Y $15,000
BOP Sesungguhnya $28,000
Biaya Gaji dan Upah $65,000

(mencatat distribusi gaji dan

d. Factory utilities $3,000 , fatory depreciation $18,000 , insurance $2,500

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

BOP Sesungguhnya $23,500
Biaya Utilitas $3,000
Biaya Depresiasi $18,000
Biaya ansuransi $2,500

e. Factory overhead costs were applied to jobs at the predetermined rate of $46 per
machine hour. Job X incurred 1,100 machine hours. Job Y used 800 machine hours.

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

BDP – Job X $50,600
BDP – Job Y $36,800
BOP – dibebankan $87,400
(mencatat pembebanan BOP
ke masing – masing job)

*job X = $46x1,100 = $50,600

*Job Y = $46x800 = $36,800

BOP Sesungguhnya $63,900

Selisih BOP $63,900
(mencatat selisih laba BOP
sesungguhnya dan BOP

f. Job X was completed, job Y still in process at the end of March.

Nama Akun Debit Kredit

Persediaan barang jadi $83,600
BDP – BBB $11,000
BDP – BTK $22,000
BDP – BOP $50,600
(mencatat persediaan barang
jadi )

Persediaan BPD $75,800

BDP – BBB $24,000
BDP – BTK $15,000
BDP – BOP $36,800
(mencatat persediaan barang
dalam proses akhir periode)
Nilai BOP underapplied/overapplied
= BOP sesungguhnya – BOP dibebankan
= (39000+28000+3000+18000+2500) – (50600+36800)

Underapplied BOP adalah $3,100

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