Rane, Govilkar - 2019 - Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Abstractive Text Summarization-Annotated

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Abstractive

Text Summarization
Neha Rane, Sharvari Govilkar

Abstract: With the rapid growth of cyberspace and the appearance Text summarization can be defined as a mechanism which
of knowledge exploration era, good text summarization method is generates representations of primitive document which
vital to reduce the large data. Text summarization is the includes concise and important sentences plucked out from
mechanism of extracting the important information which gives one document or several documents. An approach to
us an overall abstract or summary of the entire document and also
automated text summarization consists of:
reduces the size of the document. It is open problem in Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and a difficult work for humans to A. Eliminating repetition of words or phrases
understand and generate an abstract manually while it have need The sentences in the document which reveal the
of a accurate analysis of the document. Text Summarization has look-alike content are said to be redundant and it can be
become an important and timely tool for assisting and interpreting
text information. It is generally distinguished into: Extractive and
deleted straightaway.
Abstractive. The first method directly chooses and outputs the B. Recognition of significant sentences
relevant sentences in the original document; on the other hand, Summarizing shorter text representations would only
the latter rewrites the original document into summary using NLP require the inclusion of the original sentence from the
techniques. From these two methods, abstractive text source document.
summarization is laborious task to realize as it needs correct C. Production of understandable summaries
understanding and sentence amalgamation. This paper gives a The selected sentence should be ordered and grouped in
brief survey of the distinct attempts undertaken in the field of such a way as to maintain consistency and readability.
abstractive summarization. It collectively summarizes the
D. Metrics to evaluate these summaries
numerous technologies, difficulties and problem of abstractive
The quality of the summary is judged by humans, but it
needs to unanimous across for all methodology and
Keywords: Abstractive summary, Deep learning, Structure based hence a technique for measuring the summaries is a
approach, Semantic based approach, Text Summarization, desirable feature.
Several methodologies such as statistics and semantics have
I. INTRODUCTION emerged to solve this problem. The approach for text
summarization is generally categorized as Extractive and
There is no denying the fact that data on the internet is Abstractive.
flourishing in an alarmingly speed. Currently, public avail the In Extractive summarization methods, summaries are
internet to search the data using Google, Yahoo, Bing etc generated by repeating few sentence of the original document
which are Information Retrieval (IR) engine. Information by priority ranking based on linguistic and statistical features
conciseness or outline of the fetched result is eventually a and later on incorporate the above mentioned parts or
necessity for the users. In the present time of information sentences together. The aim is to choose relevant sentences to
pile, Text Summarization has transformed into a necessity to a certain extent from the source document and to keep the
promptly apprehend the large amount of the information. The generated summary free from redundant data. Earlier text
motivation behind the automatic text summarization is summarization methodologies did not consider the
compressing a document into a shorter version and yet redundancy, but recent studies in this field explain it in their
preserving most of the important contents (if not all). unique manner. The crucial belief of this approach depends
A summary helps the user with the overview of the whole upon a review of man-made summaries, and identifies
document. For humans, reading the whole document and features likely to be in naturally achieved summary.
writing a summary is a very time consuming process despite Numerical methods or equations are devised to gain and
of a straightforward process. Therefore, the need for an select sentences from the source document which correlate
automated summary generation is becoming more and more with human created summaries. Recognizing the sentences to
obvious to realize the familiar concept of document. be extracted is an important task in extractive methods.
Essential sections of document (phrases, sentences,
paragraphs) are considered significant. These significant
phrases or sentence from different documents may be mixed
and re-arranged using identical methods which right about
reduce repetition of sentences. At the end, policies are
enforced to generate summary. Some of the methodologies to
Revised Manuscript Received on September 15, 2019 realize extractive summaries are Classical method (High
Neha Rane, Research Scholar, Department of Computer Engineering, frequency word, cue word), Term frequency-Inverse
Pillai College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, Panvel - 410207, document frequency (TF-IDF), Cluster based methods
(similarity measures), Graph theoretic, and Rhetorical
Dr. Sharvari Govilkar, Associate Professor, Department of Computer
Engineering, Pillai College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, Panvel - structure theory.
410207, India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 & Sciences Publication
Recent Trends in Deep Learning based Abstractive Text Summarization

A large number of works has already been accomplished on

extractive approaches as it is easy to specify rules to rank
significant part from the whole document instead of
understanding the document and generating new summaries.
Due to the intricacy of NLP, abstractive summarization is a
very difficult task. But it produces summaries with immense
quality (such as accurate, comprehensible and informative).
This paper discusses the recent research activities in the field
of abstractive summarization. It gives outline of distinct
available techniques and specifies the challenges in the area
of abstractive summarization.


Text summarization is a sentence minimization concept but
without loss of meaning from document. Because the
summary is short and to the point, it becomes more and more
important to not lose the documents original meaning. A
document can consist of several small or sub-documents. The
content described in each document emphasizes different
aspects, although these documents are surrounded by same
subject. The process of summarization identifies words and
phrases from a document. When this group has only one
document, then it is termed as single-document
summarization; or else it is termed as multi-document
summarization. Single document summarization method
produces summary out of one document. A single document
can consist of several sub-documents with several
paragraphs. The content expressed in these documents
Fig. 1 Various Abstractive Summarization Approaches emphasizes the various concepts that are relevant to identical
Abstractive summarization method extracts phrases and subject. In general, single document consist of various lateral
lexical chains from the documents by using language information which are relevant with the topic of the
understanding tools to generate a summary. Abstractive document. Regarding logical structure, a unique set of
Summarization involves process such as derivation of document can also be treated as a group of subjects. Some
essential features, recognizing the pertinent information, and paragraphs include similar sentences, and each semantic
clarifying and compressing information. Abstractive sentence is also a local subject in itself. This section explains
summarization is complicated as it cannot be some single document abstractive text summarization
mathematically or logically devised. The quality of methods.
summaries generated by abstractive summarization Le and Le [1] proposed an abstractive text summarization
techniques rely on the profound linguistic expertise. These method with syntactic constraints, word graph, and discourse
techniques are basically divided in two groups. rules. Once the keyword is captured by discourse rules and
A. Structured based approaches syntactic constraints, they are used for generating sentences.
It encodes crucial data from the document based on its With the help of word graph, generated sentences are
logical compositions such as scripts, and templates. The combined. These graphs are used to represent relation among
template, for example, is a predefined structure with space. the word and to combine more sentences into one. The
This space is filled with fragments which are obtained with method of creating phrases from the essential part of
clue or any keywords from the document. document is divided into two phase where the first phase is
B. Semantic based approaches about examining the initial part of a sentence and second
Here, Natural Language Generation (NLG) system takes phase is about examining the end of a sentence. Sentence
input the semantic or linguistic depiction of sentences. The combination is achieved by considering and following
aim of this approach is to identify the noun phrases and several syntactical and linguistic options.
verb phrases to deal with linguistic data. The outputted Generating abstract templates or frameworks by using fusion
sentences are connected with its idea, aspect and relations based technique was proposed [2]. Templates are created
of a domain-particular ontology. The crucial part in a based on the noun phrases as well as POS tagging (Parts of
document (sentences, paragraphs) is chosen by Speech) and hyponyms. Once the framework is ready, they
ontology-based annotations and clustering methods. This combine it by deriving root verbs from the sentences. Final
acquired data is used to convert the part of document into Summary is generated by these word graph and the templates
semantic representation. created.

Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
3109 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019

Table 1: Literature Survey

Single (SD) /
Year Approaches Language Dataset used Method of Evaluation Multi-Document
Manual Evaluation based on
1 2005 Tree Based [13] English DUC 2002 MD
Tree-Based Compression Semi-manual based on Human
2 2008 English Opiniosis SD
[3] feedback and Compression Rate

3 2010 Graph Based [4] English Opiniosis ROUGE-1, 2, & SU4 SD

Based on pyramid score, linguistic

Information Item based
4 2011 English - quality as well as overall MD
responsiveness score
Graduate student
5 2012 Rich Semantic Graph [8] English Compression rate SD
Syntactical and Discourse Veitnamese
6 2013 Veitnamese ROUGE-1 & 2 SD
Rules [1] Newspapers

7 2014 Template Based [2] English AMI Corpus ROUGE-1, 2, & SU4 SD

Template Based and
8 2014 English (Amazon.com & Human Based Evaluation MD
Discourse Structure [15]

9 2015 AMR Graph [5] English AMR Bank ROUGE-1 SD

Deep Learning using DUC 2003 & 2004,

10 2015 English ROUGE-1, 2, & L SD
Attention Model English Gigaword
Concept Fusion and
11 2016 English - - SD
Generalization [7]

12 2016 Semantic Graph [20] English - F-score MD

English Gigawords
13 2016 Convolutional + RNN [10] English ROUGE-1, 2, & L SD
and DUC 2004

Tree Based, Predicate DUC 2004 & 2007, Based on both Human Evaluation
14 2017 English MD
Argument Structure TAC 2011 as well as ROUGE Metrics

Graph Based and Integer ROUGE-2, L, & SU4 and Human

15 2017 English DUC 2004 & 2005 MD
Linear Programming Evaluation
Semantic Analysis and
16 2017 English DUC 2002 F-1 Score and ROUGE-1 SD
Discourse [9]

17 2017 PAS [21] English DUC 2002 Pyramid Score MD

18 2017 Graph based [22] English DUC 2004 ROUGE-2 and SU4 MD

ROUGE-1, 2, Average of all

19 2018 Rule Based [6] English DUC 2002 SD
Precision, Recall & F-Score
20 2018 Semantic Graph [18] English DUC 2002 ROUGE-1, 2 and Pyramid Scores MD
News bits from CNN
21 2018 Deep Learning [12] English ROUGE-N SD
and DailyMail

Relevance Sensitive Debatepedia, DUC MD

22 2018 English ROUGE-1, 2, & L
Attention Model [23] 2005, 2006 & 2007 Query-Specific
Diversity Driven Attention MD Query
23 2018 English Debatepedia ROUGE-1, 2, & L
Model [24] Specific

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3, September 2019

Dependency tree is the utmost preferred template or relevant concepts. Finally, SimpleNLG are applied to create
architecture used for representing the data (in this case, its the summaries.
text) in a hierarchical format. Yousfi-Monod and Prince [3] Chopra et al., [10] introduced a method by conditioning of
refined a methodology named as CoLIN. It depends on recurrent neural network (RNN) that summarizes the content
dependency tree pruning and linearization whilst preserving of source document. The objective is achieved by using a
the semantic clue, knowledge content, linguistic precision, convolution attention-based encoder-decoder model which
and rationality in the summary. In their work, they achieved makes sure that input words at each phase of the generation is
the semantic evaluation of the document and fixated on scrutinized by decoder itself.
probing of semantics. Li et al., [11] adopted the sequence-to-sequence
Ganesan [4] proposed a framework which is graph-based, encoder-decoder model to create abstractive summaries.
termed as Opinosis that generates short abstractive They treated the latent semantic analysis, generative latent
summaries from superfluous opinions out of documents. The variables and the discriminative deterministic states of the
generated summaries are fluent, balanced and descriptive to text to enhance the nature of summaries. Recurrent
conclude about the whole document. This approach uses generative decoder was utilized to render the source code as
shallow NLP instead of domain knowledge. The hidden layer and again to previous words to reproduce the
opiniosis-graph eliminates repetition and assists to come summary.
upon new phrases by recognizing the lingual relations among Song et al., [12] proposes an ATS framework (ATSDL)
them. based on LSTM-CNN capable of constructing revised
Liu [5] presents a different framework that uses tree statements by analyzing smaller section than the whole
structures for the Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR). sentences or semantic sentences. Unlike current abstraction
Here, the text from the source was mapped to an AMR based methods, this framework comprises of 2 phases. The
graphs, further these graphs are constructed to a summary first phase chooses phrases from source documents and the
graph which in return generates the text from it. second phase generates text summaries using deep learning.
Bhoib, A., & Balabantaray[6] proposed a hybrid approach
was presented. This approach generates summary by III. MULTI-DOCUMENT SUMMARIZATION
clustering the sentences using sentence level relationships
(SLA) among sentences along with Markov clustering Multi-document summarization is the technique of managing
principle. Later on ranking of the sentences is done in each a huge extent of knowledge in multiple source documents
which are related to each other in terms of subject or topic,
and every cluster. Then highest ranked sentences from each
including only the essential or main ideas in a document in
cluster are shortened and combined using classification
less space. Extraction technique based multi-document
algorithm to produce the abstractive summary.
summarization is identical to single-document
Belkebir et al., [7] uses the technique of concepts fusion and
generalization. Concept fusion means when one concept summarization, with a difference that it is necessary to
which encompasses the whole meaning of the document is acknowledge few features as point of repetition, temporal
dimension, compression ratio and co-reference problem in
used instead of different concepts involved in a sentence.
single document summarization. It can be considered as a
Here, they have used a novel approach that allows the usage
broadening of concept of single document summarization,
of any one sentence instead of many sentences using its
where a group of documents comprising the identical subject,
semantic resources. This work by itself may not generate an
excellent summary because the identification of the prevalent or data acquired from different documents are input.
factor is an immense requirement; therefore, adopting the Managing these concepts or factors from single document to
multi-document is the ultimate objective for researchers.
fusion network to form the well-formed sentence is a
Multi-document summarization is an automated process to
complicated issue.
extract the data or knowledge from more than one document
Moawad, I. F., & Aref, M [8] presented an approach which
uses reduction technique on Rich Semantic Graph (RSG) to having similar topics included. The summary eventually
create an abstractive summary of a document. The approach generated let individual users to easily become familiar with
the knowledge contained in a more than one documents. In
maps the whole document into a Rich Semantic Graph. Once
this manner, multi-document summarization systems are
the mapping is done, then some heuristic rules are applied on
addressing the issue of overburden of knowledge or data. An
these graphs which reduce this graph by merging or deleting
optimal approach for multi-document summarization is to
some nodes by analyzing. After the reduction phase, a
summary is generated out of the reduced graph using Natural presents knowledge acquired from the key aspects apart from
Language Generation (NLG) system. shortening the source texts to illustrate broad area of opinion
related to the subject. This section explains some multiple
Vilca et al., [9] proposes an analysis of abstractive
document abstractive text summarization methods.
summarization technique by integrating semantic analysis
Barzilay [13] adopted text-to-text generation method to
and discourse information. By using lexical resources and
generate the informational summaries. They defined phrases
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) they designed a
conceptual graph. Later they tested PageRank algorithm to with dependency trees and were able to find most relevant
obtain the most relevant concepts. PageRank works by data amid phrases by refining the trees. Fusion lattice was
calculated by discovering the relation among sub-trees and
counting the words in a sentence to determine a rough
by applying tree traversals to construct the final sentence.
estimate of how important the sentence is. The underlying
This method fails to seize the relation among the sentences by
assumption is that more important words are likely to be used
not searching the intersected phrase in it.
in other sentence in the document. Also, it incorporated
discursive information of Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST)
into the PageRank to improve the identification of the

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 3111 & Sciences Publication
Recent Trends in Deep Learning based Abstractive Text Summarization

Kurisinkel et al., [14] proposed a novel method for generating Extending the work of [20], Alshaina et al., [21] developed an
abstractive multi-document summarization. They utilized approach which uses the semantic relationship among the
partial dependency tree extraction, recombination and then input documents. The approach works to generate
linearization to create rational structures which are relevant multi-document summaries which comprise of following
with the topic of document for effective reception of data. phases; firstly, to represent text semantically, predicate
Gerani et al., [15] propose a novel abstractive summarization argument structure of the sentences is extracted. Next,
method which assists for generating reviews of product using semantically similar predicate argument structure are
their discourse structure. Firstly, Discourse tree clustered together by hybrid approach of K-mean and
representation for every review is obtained by applying a agglomerative hierarchical clustering. K-mean is selected
discourse parser to each review, and then updates the due to its run time efficiency and agglomerative hierarchical
discourse trees with aspect words from sentences as leaf clustering is selected due to its quality. Selection and
node. Secondly, combine the aspect discourse trees and Extraction of features from the predicate argument is
create a graph which in return represents the crucial aspects achieved arbitrarily in the optimization stage. Later, natural
and the rhetorical relations among them by PageRank language generation (NLG) system is inputted a highest
algorithm. And then transform the selected sub-graph into an ranked predicate argument structure which is outputted from
aspect tree. Subsequently, it generates a summary by a the optimization phase to generate a summary.
template-based NLG framework. Chen [22] recommended a methodology for multi-document
Banerjee et al., [16] develop an abstractive summarizer using abstractive summarization which depends on chunk-graph
ILP (integer linear programming) based multi-sentence (CG) and recurrent neural network language model
compression. This approach first recognizes the crucial (RNNLM). In this approach, A Chunk-Graph which is
document from the set of multi-document. The sentences in basically a word-graph is designed to integrate all
the identified document are aligned in the same way with the information in a sentence cluster. On the other hand,
sentences in other documents to generate group of similar Chunk-Graph can reduce the graph size and assign more
sentences. Later with the help of word-graph structure, it semantic information than word-graph. They uses beam
generates K-shortest paths from the sentences of each group. search and character-level RNNLM to generate readable and
Here, Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is used to select information-oriented summaries from the Chunk-Graph for
sentences from the set of shortest paths generated from all the each sentence cluster, RNNLM is comparatively a better
clusters for increasing content of information and model to evaluate sentence linguistic quality than the existing
understandability of the final summary. n-gram language model.
A new, ambitious framework for abstractive summarization Baumel et al., [23] devised a method which generates
was proposed in [17]. This method generates summary from abstractive summaries from the multi-document which are
an abstract representation of the original document and not by query specific by using Relevance Sensitive Attention-based
the actual sentences. This abstract representation is obtained model.
by defining the smallest element of coherent information in a Nema et al., [24] introduced a framework for the query-based
text or a sentence. They have incorporated the Information summarization task by using encode-attention-decode
Items (INIT) algorithm. Basically INIT based methods technique. This paradigm has two critical enhancement of a
consist of four factor i.e. information items retrieval, query based attention model apart from the document based
language generator, sentence selector which selects the best attention model that adapts itself to spot a chunk of the query
rated sentences assuming the parameters such as document at distinct timing rather than using a static model for the
frequency [18]. query and a revised assorted attention model which eliminate
Khan et al., [19] introduced a semantic graph approach the issue of redundant parts or section in the summary.
clubbed with an efficient sentence ranking algorithm for
abstractive summarization of multi-documents. The semantic IV. INFLUENCE OF DEEP LEARNING IN
graph is built from the source documents. Each node of the ABSTRACTIVE TEXT SUMMARIZATION
graph denotes the predicate argument structures (PASs) and
Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned
Edges of the graph represent similarity weight. Here, PASs is
with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the
the semantic structure of sentence, which is automatically
brain called artificial neural networks. It has many levels of
identified by semantic role labeling. The similarity weight is
non-linear methods to obtain text functionality. Basically,
calculated from PASs semantic similarity. The edge of
semantic graph is further augmented with PAS-to-document learning is categorized into two types namely supervised or
and PAS-to-document set relationships to represent the unsupervised, which has been effectively applied to different
NLP activities.
influence of both document and its set on PASs. They
Abstractive summarization system, produce more
suggested the way to decrease the redundant PASs by
meaningful summaries which are well-formed, accurate and
adopting maximal marginal relevance for re-ranking the
logical. The advent of deep neural networks has driven the
PASs. Thereafter, summaries are generated from the highest
ranked PASs using natural language generation (NLG) success of useful abstractive summarizer systems. Recently,
system. quite an effort has been made for modeling the abstractive
summarization task using deep neural network architectures.
Bartakke et. al [20] developed an approach to create
The neural abstractive summarization system uses
multi-document abstractive summary by using a RSG (Rich
encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder captures the
Semantic Graph) reduction method. The approach takes the
thought of the source sequence (text) into a continuous vector
document and summarizes it by building an RSG. This
generated graph is later on reduced with the reduction and from which the decoder generates the target summary. Rush
optimization techniques, which in turn the abstractive et al. [25] proposed a Neural
Network Language Model
summary from the reduced graph.

Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
3112 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3, September 2019

(NNLM) called ABS (Attention Based Summarization) for clarify the issue of above mentioned redundancy. They
generating English abstractive summaries from longer adopted convolutional gated units with the encoder-decoder
sentences. Chopra et al. [10] extended this work by using a model to generate the abstractive summaries of a document
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the decoder in place of where encoder is global encoding and decoder is
feed forward neural network. Unlike these existing works our unidirectional LSTM.
neural network methods extracts semantic and compositional Below in Table 1, we have enlisted the ROUGE Scores
features for abstractive summarization. obtained by abstractive summarization methods. These
Rush et al. [25] proposed a neural network based model with scores are based on the DUC 2001 dataset.
local attention modeling which uses a large training corpus. Table 1: Evaluation Metrics on DUC Datasets
They linked a neural language model with a contextual input Methodologies ROUGE Score
encoder. The encoder uses a latent soft alignment over the
input text to create the summary. Basically, the encoder and Tree-based 0.3 – 0.4
the summary generation model are trained together. In case Template Based [2] 0.21-0.35
of decoder, it incorporates a beam-search decoder as well as
additional features to model extractive elements. Lead and Body Phrase [12] 0.2-0.3
Gu et al., [26] integrated a copying mechanism into a seq2seq Graph Based 0.31
framework to improve the quality of the generated
summaries. Semantic Graph Based [19] 0.3-0.4
Chen et al., [27] proposed a new attention mechanism. In this
Predicate-Argument Based 0.3-0.4
mechanism, it generates the summary from the inputted
document which encompasses the overall meaning of the Discourse-Based 0.2-0.35
source by considering the most relevant source segments and
also distracts them in the decoding step. A new framework Deep Learning [29] 0.28-0.47
for abstractive text summarization was proposed in [11]
based on a sequence-to-sequence oriented encoder-decoder V. CONCLUSION & FUTURE SCOPE
model equipped with a deep re-current generative decoder
(DRGD). Abstractive summaries are generated based on both Summarization is not yet an advanced area, therefore
the latent variables and the deterministic states. automatically generated summaries would result in illogical
Though deep learning approaches are been explored recently, meaning even though they belong to the sentence.
it has got its own pros and cons related to abstractive text Considering extractive summarization methods, border of
summarization. any sentences may suffer from the problem of incoherency
Pros: whereas abstractive summarization techniques are strenuous,
1. Role of each word and its semantic as well as syntactic as they profoundly depend on the compliance of systems to
structure is well captured by Deep learning networks. process information extraction and language generation. De
2. Both the intrinsic and high level representations of data facto, extractive approaches are more appealing when
are efficiently extracted by Deep learning networks. sophisticated NLP tools are not available as they are easy to
3. Grammatical errors are taken care of. realize from scratch.
On the other hand, abstraction summarization approaches are
Cons: challenging and difficult to implement as it depend upon
1. Differences among the original data and training data semantic insight of text. There is no de facto framework for
cause the alignment problem which makes abstractive summarization, hence parsing and alignment of these parse
summarization difficult. trees is a challenging task at hand. Generating a good and
2. It relies on number of occurrence of words together efficient summary is a world-wide problem which needs
that might lead to grammatical and semantic structure selecting the important sentences and then ordering it so it
problems. should be in the proper order as in the original source
3. Large datasets required for training to capture better document. Summarization involving substitutions of lexical
representation of words in sentences. terms, paraphrase and reformulation is arduous with
4. According to [12], summaries generated by deep abstractive summarization. The potential of the system is
learning networks possess repetition problems and if restricted by the representation abundance and their approach
document for which the summary is to be generated is towards creating structure is the biggest task for abstractive
long enough, it suffers from gradual encoding. summary. Still abstractive text summarization does not
completely take care of information diffusion.
Our literature review clearly states that various deep learning Automatic text summarization is an age-old issue though the
methods are already used for the single-document research outlook is gradually turning from extractive
non-specific summarization systems. summarization to abstractive summarization one. Because of
Nema et al., 2018 in their paper [24] used the attention model the complexity of natural language processing, abstractive
which is diversity-driven for solving the same old problem. text summarization is a demanded area. This paper put forth a
They have tried to resolve the replicated sentence generation survey that embodied different approaches of abstractive
problem by sequence-to-sequence model along with an summarization. Abstractive summarization approaches
attention model, which assisted them to bring about an generates highly cohesive, coherent, less redundant summary
improvement of 28% with ROUGE-L Score. which are also abundant with information or knowledge.
Lin et al., 2018 in their paper [11] benefitted from the
sequence to sequence based model called as Seq2Seq which
is sequence to sequence along with the attention model to

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 3113 & Sciences Publication
Recent Trends in Deep Learning based Abstractive Text Summarization

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Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
3114 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-3, September 2019

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Neha Rane is working as an Assistant Professor in

Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology
affiliated to University of Mumbai. She is Research
Scholar in Pillai College of Engineering affiliated to
University of Mumbai. She has 8 years of Teaching
Experience. Her area of research includes: Machine
Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language

Sharvari Govilkar has received her Master’s in

Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai
and Ph.D. in Technology from University of Mumbai.
She is Professor in Computer Engineering Department, at
Pillai College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, University
of Mumbai, India. She is a PhD supervisor in Computer
Engineering and Information Technology department at
the University of Mumbai. She is having twenty two
years of experience in teaching. She has publications in various national and
international journals & conferences. Her research interests are Text
analytics, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, domain
specific ontology construction. She is a life member of professional societies
such as CSI, ISTE INDIA.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: C4996098319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C4996.098319 3115 & Sciences Publication

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