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Syllabus for English Literature

Session 2019-20

Class: VIII
Books: English Book One for class IX (STB)

1. The syllabus provides month wise break up of chapters which is planned according to
available working days in each month. The given break up should be strictly followed to
complete the syllabus on time.
2. Syllabus should not be given to students in the beginning of teaching period. Rather, it
should be sent only before the revision week.
3. It should be ensured that all lessons are dynamic. If the lessons are monotonous or sound
bored, this will result into lack of enthusiasm in students which makes teachers’ job tedious
and achievement of set objectives becomes more difficult.
4. While planning lessons for the contents, ICT should be integrated at least once a month.
5. Teaching resources should be added in the lesson plans and used as frequently as
6. Collaborative learning techniques must be used and mentioned in the lesson plan.
7. Project based learning should be planned and done in the class only and should not be
given as homework. Also, projects must not be planned during revision week or
8. Presentations should be planned after completion of every chapter to develop confidence
and presentation skills in students.
9. One week is reserved for Revision. All syllabus contents which are included in monthly test
or term exam should be revised in the class and written evaluation should be done in the
exercise books.
10. Modern Techniques of Evaluation should be used in everyday class, monthly tests and
examination. Rote learning based questions are strictly prohibited.
11. Descriptive Questions must be based on higher level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
12. Other Activities include map, web diagrams, timeline, flow charts, illustrations, one
word answers, filling in the blanks and true/false statements.

First Bimonthly Test

Month: July Working Days: 23 Units: 14
Chapter 1: Topic: The last sermon of our Holy Prophet Allocated units: 07
Textual Study 1
Comprehension & Composition 2
Study of Structure 1
Non- textual Exercise 2
Chapter 2: Topic: Shah Abdul Latif Allocated units: 07
Textual study 2
Comprehension 3
Composition 1
Project work 1

Month: August Working Days: 19 Units: 12

Chapter 2:Topic: The Neem Tree (Poem) Allocated units: 04
Chapter 4: Topic: Moen-jo-Daro Allocated units: 06
Textual Study 2
Comprehension & Composition 2
Study of Structure 1
Non- textual Exercise 1
Oral Presentation: Books are always better than the movies 1

Mid Term Exam

Month: September Working Days: 12 Units: 07
Research & write a report on Moen-jo-Daro 2
Topic: Chapter 6: Helen Keller Allocated unit: 05
Textual study 2
Comprehension 2
Project work 1
Month: October Working Days: 22 Units: 14
Topic: Chapter 7: Helen Keller (cont) Allocated unit: 06
Composition 3
Study of Structure 3
Topic: Chapter 8: The Daffodils (poem) Allocated unit: 05
Recoup 2
Month: November Working Days: 2 Unit: 1
Oral Presentation: Celebrities are not role models 1

Second Bimonthly Tests

Month: November Working Days: 4 Units: 3
Topic: Chapter 9: Allama Iqbal Allocated unit: 03
Textual Study 3
Month: December Working Days: 15 Units: 09
Topic: Chapter 10: Allama Iqbal (cont.) Allocated unit: 05
Comprehension & Composition 2
Study of structure 2
Non-Textual Exercise 1
Topic: Chapter 11: The role of women in the Pakistan Allocated units: 4
Textual Study 2
Comprehension 1
Study of structure 1

Month: January Working Days: 23 Units: 14

Topic: Chapter 9: Children (Poem) Allocated Units: 06
Activity: Collect some facts about Women rights and discuss 1
Recoup 1
Project work 1
Activity collect some facts about a women rights and discuss 1

Final Term Exam

Month: February Working Days: 12 Units: 07
Topic: Chapter 11: Quaid -e- Azam & his vision for Pakistan Allocated Units: 04
Textual study 2
Comprehension & Composition 1
Study of structure 1
Topic: Chapter 12: Rain in summer Allocated Units: 06
Textual Study 2
Comprehension 2
Figure of speech (Anaphora Annexure 1) 1
Paraphrasing 1
Month: March Working Days: 19 Units: 12
Topic: Chapter13: Health is wealth Allocated Units: 09
Textual study 2
Composition 3
Study of structure 2
Non-Textual Exercise 2
Project 1
Role play 2
Month: April Working Days: 3 Units: 2
Recoup 2
Annexure 1
Class: VIII
Subject: English Literature
Alliteration is the repetition of the beginning sounds of neighboring words. Examples are:
 She sells seashells.
 Walter wondered where Winnie was.
 Blue baby bonnets
 Nick needed new notebooks.
 Fred fried frogs.

Anaphora is a technique where several phrases (or verses in a poem) begin with the same word or
words. Examples are:
 I came, I saw, I conquered - Julius Caesar
 Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! - King John II, William Shakespeare
 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of
foolishness - A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
 With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right - Abraham Lincoln
 We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end... we shall never surrender - Winston

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